Remembering the Gustloff, 80 Years Later, by Daniel Moscardi

Jan 15th 2025 12:20am EST

During a recent field trip around Italy with a group of college students from both the US and Europe, I nonchalantly tossed this question: what in their opinion – without searching on their i-phones – was the worst disaster at sea in terms of lives lost from the sinking of a single ship? Hint: despite…

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Remembering the Gustloff, 80 Years Later, by Daniel Moscardi From The Unz Review During a recent field trip around Italy with a group of college students from both the US and Europe, I nonchalantly tossed this question: what in their opinion – without searching on their i-phones – was the worst disaster at sea in terms of lives lost from the sinking of a single ship? Hint: despite… Jan 15th 2025 12:20am EST Source Link: Share, promote & comment with Nostr:
Jan 16, 2025, 02:54 AM


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