• Top 15 Orthodox Books – Introduction to Orthodox Theology

    Jay Dyer - Dec 2nd 2022 12:03am EST

    Often requested, this topic is one of the number one issues people want to know about – what are the top 15 orthodox theological texts that I found the most helpful in regard to Triad, Christology, etc. Also included are a couple honorable mentions for Orthodox philosophy. Be sure to like and share and join […]

  • Aquinas, Aristotle & The Insights of Scholastic Philosophy – Tim Gordon with Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 29th 2022 7:24pm EST

    Aristo-Scholastic specialist Tim Gordon joins me to cover the five desiderata and how they solve some of the philosophical issues of their time. We will also comment on the value and high status Aristotle had for certain common saints between Orthodoxy and Rome, like St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus. We will also discuss […]

  • Transcendental Arguments, Paradigms & The Philosophy of Symbols – Jay & Posh Redneck

    Jay Dyer - Nov 29th 2022 1:02pm EST

    Long requested guest Posh Redneck joins me to cover his area of specialty – linguistics, and how the philosophy of language teaches us about paradigms. In fact, there is no better illustration of paradigms than language and the holistic context of meanings and referents. Posh will also delve into his deep take on various symbols […]

  • Occult Mind Wipe Movies! The Cell, Dollhouse, Paycheck & Maniac – Jay & Jamie Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 25th 2022 8:05pm EST

    Jamie joins me to cover the best mind wipe movies! These films and shows have a direct overlap with MK Ultra and the principle of brainwashing and handler manipulation. We have yet to cover these together on a livestream as we delve into archetypes, the unconscious, patterns and trauma, alters and revelation of the method. […]

  • Deep Secrets of the Vatican: Modern Papal Geopolitics Part 2 – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 22nd 2022 2:24pm EST

    We continue papacy week and the chat about the geopolitical entanglements of the Vatican into the 20th century as it relates to the papal world power into WW2. We note that the papacy support the League of Nations, as well as eventually aligning itself with the Atlanticist power bloc’s designs culminating in the Abrahamic Faith […]

  • The Geopolitics of the Papacy: From St. Peter to God Emperor – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 21st 2022 12:10pm EST

    Papacy week continues with a crucial, yet not as theologically focused analysis of the history of the papacy as an emerging world power. From humble begins, the See of Rome evolved from persecuted Church of Peter and Paul to a global world power with a debt-based global-finance entwined banking system with Prince-bishops and papal armies. […]

  • Papalism! Rome’s Innovations – An Introduction to Denny’s Historical & Patristic Analysis

    Jay Dyer - Nov 20th 2022 1:19pm EST

    Today papacy week kicks off on my channel as we introduce the classic work by Edward Denny, Papalism, which was a response to Leo XIII’s famous Encyclical Satis Cognitum. Like Vatican 1, SC argues the V1 mindset was always the view of the entire church, even in the earliest days. Denny begins with the New […]

  • Andrei Tarkovsky: Film as Icon – An Interview With Andrei Tarkovsky Jr

    Jay Dyer - Nov 19th 2022 3:34pm EST

    We are honored to present this amazing interview with Andrei Tarkovsky Jr concerning his film about his father, A Cinema Prayer. This kicks off our series analyzing all the Tarkovsky films! Artos Channel is here. Support Fr Vladimir on paypal here: [email protected] Documentary is here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products […]

  • FTX / SBF Crypto Scam Collapse is How the Entire US Economy is Run! -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 16th 2022 4:37pm EST

    Please share these videos to help grow the channel which gets little also promotion. Although many are shocked at the collapse of FTX into a slush fund money laundering scheme based on fiat scam coins, the reality is the fiat US dollar is the exact same model based on Keynesian / Fabian scam models. Chase […]

  • Great Reset, Russia, Ukraine & Western Geopolitical Strategies – Col Douglas MacGregor / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 15th 2022 5:44pm EST

    “Col. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. He was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1976 after 1 year at VMI and 4 years at West Point. In 2004, Macgregor retired with the rank of Colonel. In 2020, the President […]

  • Pewdiepie Wars, Massive Trolls & Wasted Life – Philosopher of Comedy BG Kumbi / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 14th 2022 3:05pm EST

    Philosopher of comedy BG Kumbi joins me for a coming out party! BG is infamous for his YouTube wars with Pewdiepie as well as infamous Fox News level trolling that propelled him to internet diva status like myself. BG is a comedy genius and I was lucky enough to score an interview concerning his greatest […]

  • Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism & Michael Lofton – Fr Mikhail / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 14th 2022 12:59pm EST

    Orthodox priest Fr Mikhail joins me to cover the history of Unionism and his experience before Orthodoxy as well as the rest of the response to Michael Lofton’s video critiquing me and my journey and argumentation. Support Fr Mikhail here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code […]

  • Elon Gives Me Twitter Identity! FTX Collapse, COP 27 & Stakeholder Capitalism – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 11th 2022 1:32pm EST

    Today we cover hot news and recent events as we prep for a hype show tonight! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the […]

  • Top 10 Celebrities Who Were Spies! And More! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 9th 2022 12:27pm EST

    Today we give some context to the fascinating history of a list celebrities – and lesser known celebs – who were forced or cajoled or enticed into espionage work. Some are confirmed (illuminate confirm?) while others are suspected to have been spies or peripheral assets. This helps us have context for the recent news about […]

  • Top 5 Reasons I’m Not a Muslim – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 8th 2022 1:16pm EST

    We covered top 10s about why I am not Protestant, RC or atheist and now it’s time to cover Islam. I list my central reasons for finding Islam contradictory and reference the longer video lectures that cover the specifics. Be sure to support my work and join my site below. OS on Trinity in Islam: […]

  • Pope Benedict XVI: New Letter on Vatican 2 & Lecture on Introduction to Christianity

    Jay Dyer - Nov 6th 2022 2:06pm EST

    Today we take a change of pace and cover what many have considered a classic introduction to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity: Cardinal Ratzinger’s well known Introduction to Christianity. Is this a traditional work? Does it contain modernism? How as Orthodox would we see this book and how useful are the admissions in Ratzinger’s […]

  • Kanye, Britney Spears & Aaron Carter – Wild Tweets & Celebrity Handlers?

    Jay Dyer - Nov 5th 2022 11:25pm EDT

    Kanye has really shaken things up lately with his lengthy interviews and tweets detailing intrigues and drama that we’ve never seen the likes of before in Hollywood / music industry circles. However, there are a lot of interesting questions about these recent actions. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com […]

  • Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Jonathan Pageau, Mohammad Hijab & Islam: Our Analysis

    Jay Dyer - Nov 3rd 2022 1:05am EDT

    #jordanpeterson #islam #orthodox David, Qai and others join me to analyze the recent popular discussion between Mohammad Hijab, Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Pageau on Christianity and Islam, as well as the notable conversion of Andrew Tate to Islam. We will discuss whether the reasoning in these videos was substantial or weak and for what reasons Tate […]

  • The Ultimate Argument Against Protestantism – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Nov 1st 2022 1:06pm EDT

    Not only is this one of the top reasons I left Protestantism back in 2003, it is also one of the staples for most people who leave, among other issues. If sola scriptura and sola fide fall, the whole of Protestantism fails, and this video deals with the central issue – whether the Bible alone […]

  • Poltergeist, The Ring, Don’t Worry Darling, Kill List & Dr Phibes – Jay & Jamie

    Jay Dyer - Oct 31st 2022 1:20pm EDT

    It’s the last night of spoooktober! Some call it HELLoween, in the tradition of 80s hair metal bands. Jamie and I will cover the latest batch of fully grown and ripe for harvest stink bombs and genuine thrillers for your candy obsessed nape’s consumption. This was all to be read in Cryptkeeper Voice. Remember to […]

  • The Absolute State of Catholicism & Protestantism: Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon & Jordan Cooper

    Jay Dyer - Oct 29th 2022 12:57am EDT

    Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. Today I decided it would good to open up the discussion forum from discord for opposition and Q n A […]

  • Greek Metaphysics, Problem of One & Many, Protestant Nestorianism & Uncreated Energies -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Oct 24th 2022 12:00pm EDT

    This evening we will have open forum Q n A for anyone who is interested via Twitter Spaces and Discord chat. Challenging arguments and objections are welcomed: Topics can include Trinity, Deity of Christ, biblical theology, Calvinism, philosophy, transcendental arguments, natural theology, Platonism, Pre-Sorcratics, epistemology, eschatology & preterism, etc. Remember to boost that T naturally […]

  • The Mafia, JFK & Espionage History Lecture – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Oct 23rd 2022 5:24pm EDT

    In this accessible talk I summarize my research into organized crime in the US, the associations with JFK and RFK and what was a likely scenario for what happened to the Kennedys. If you enjoy this, you can go deeper into the research at JaysAnalysis and become a member. Remember to boost that T naturally […]

  • Elite in Their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans!

    Jay Dyer - Oct 22nd 2022 1:08pm EDT

    The global elite have said some amazing things on their own that require a collection and commentary. This video contains some of the recent comments that are wowzers from the WEF and co. as well as a bizarre statement from Novocaine Euthyphro Ferrari about printing new humans (??). Remember to boost that T naturally with […]

  • Andrey Tarkovsky: A Cinema Prayer Introduction – Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Oct 21st 2022 2:32pm EDT

    Fr Vladimir joins me to analyze the documentary from Andrey Tarkovsky about his father, A Cinema Prayer. The documentary covers the life and philosophy of Russia’s most famous filmmaker and tonight’s interview is a preparation and promotion for the first interview we did with Andrey Jr. about his documentary. This is not the actual interview: […]