• French Car Market Slammed 18%, Adding To Global Auto Industry Meltdown

    ZeroHedge - Feb 26th 2020 4:15am EST

    French Car Market Slammed 18%, Adding To Global Auto Industry Meltdown While China may have led the charge in dragging the global automotive industry deeper into recession than it already was pre-coronavirus, equally ugly numbers are starting to pop up in other parts of the world. For instance, the French car market has fallen a […]

  • EU Officials Refuse To Implement Border Controls To Stop Coronavirus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 26th 2020 3:30am EST

    EU Officials Refuse To Implement Border Controls To Stop Coronavirus Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Even as the coronavirus begins to spread around the continent, EU officials have steadfastly refuse to implement border controls, insisting that the sanctity of open borders is more important. The number of confirmed cases in Italy has […]

  • Paramount Halts ‘Mission: Impossible’ Filming In Venice Due To Virus Outbreak 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 26th 2020 2:45am EST

    Paramount Halts ‘Mission: Impossible’ Filming In Venice Due To Virus Outbreak  More than 100,000 Italians in 10 villages are on lockdown in northern Italy amid new concerns the Covid-19 outbreak has spread to Europe. This prompted Paramount Pictures to halt filming of Tom Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible 7” in Venice, Italy, for the next three weeks.  Paramount announced […]

  • U.K. Home Office Covers Up Huddersfield Child Rapists

    ZeroHedge - Feb 26th 2020 2:00am EST

    U.K. Home Office Covers Up Huddersfield Child Rapists Authored by Jon Hall via FMShooter.com, According to Sajid Javid’s Home Office, research and findings on the characteristics of grooming gangs across the United Kingdom is not in “public interest”. After it was found that nearly 19,000 suspected victims of child sex exploitation transpired in just one year, survivors blamed the government […]

  • Alex Jones’ Message To CPAC 2020

    Infowars - Feb 26th 2020 12:38am EST

    Alex Jones announces his trip to CPAC 2020 this week and explains why the power of Infowars must be present. Visit https://operationwin2020.com/ to sign our petition to send Trump a message. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter **Support your body by getting all the vitamins and minerals you need […]

  • The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Sick Joke

    ZeroHedge - Feb 26th 2020 12:05am EST

    The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Sick Joke Authored by Ben Barbour via Off-Guardian.org, The Nobel Peace Prize was founded in 1901 by Alfred Nobel, an arms manufacturer. His family factory first gained notoriety for producing weapons for the Crimean War of 1853-1856. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and various other powerful explosives. These explosives were […]

  • America’s Newest Most Powerful Submarine Has A Stealth Problem 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 11:45pm EST

    America’s Newest Most Powerful Submarine Has A Stealth Problem  The Navy’s newest fast-attack submarine was recently spotted with structural damage to its stealth coating after returning from its first deployment, which brings into question the manufacturing process of the shipbuilder, reported Forbes. The USS Colorado (SSN 788), a nuclear-powered US Navy Virginia-class attack submarine, was […]

  • Ant VS Grasshopper: Learn How To Survive

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 11:30pm EST

    Alex Jones tells the old parable of the ant and the grasshopper, and he reminds patriots to prepare for the future because the uncertainty for supplies tomorrow is growing day by day. Visit https://operationwin2020.com/ to sign our petition to send Trump a message. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter […]

  • Ron Paul Blasts Trump’s Betrayal Of Julian Assange

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 11:25pm EST

    Ron Paul Blasts Trump’s Betrayal Of Julian Assange Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, One thing we’ve learned from the Trump Presidency is that the “deep state” is not just some crazy conspiracy theory. For the past three years we’ve seen that deep state launch plot after plot […]

  • Secretive Cult Linked To Coronavirus Outbreak In South Korea Held Meetings In Wuhan

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 11:05pm EST

    Secretive Cult Linked To Coronavirus Outbreak In South Korea Held Meetings In Wuhan Following reports that a strange Christian cult might be behind the outbreak in Daegu that kickstarted South Korea’s COVID-19 crisis, readers around the world have been curious to learn more details about the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the small but surprisingly extensive […]

  • What Will Americans Do If The Democrats Steal It From Sanders Again?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 10:45pm EST

    What Will Americans Do If The Democrats Steal It From Sanders Again? Authored by John Eskow via Counterpunch.org,  “If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he’d have two.” –James Carville “Well, you know, James Carville is well-known for spouting off his mouth without always knowing what he’s talking about. And I intend to […]

  • EBOLA: Symptomless Carriers

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 10:33pm EST

    Visit https://operationwin2020.com/ to sign our petition to send Trump a message. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter **Support your body by getting all the vitamins and minerals you need with the Ultra 12 and Vitamin Mineral Fusion Combo now at 50% off!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/vitamin-boosting-combo

  • Hong Kong Embraces Helicopter Money – Govt Gives Every Adult Citizen HK$10,000

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 10:23pm EST

    Hong Kong Embraces Helicopter Money – Govt Gives Every Adult Citizen HK$10,000 Hong Kong just went full monetary-policy retard. In a desperate effort to “do something” about the economic collapse that the region is suffering… Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po is set to unveil a HK120 billion relief deal which includes ‘helicopter money’ […]

  • The Real Meaning Of Red Scare 3.0

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 10:05pm EST

    The Real Meaning Of Red Scare 3.0 Authored by Nicholas Klein via Counterpunch.org, The US corporate media, who had such a long run as relative monopolizers of truth, have been discrediting themselves in serial fashion since 9/11. Their lapdoggery to the Bush regime backfired on them during the WMD lie operation and the resulting war […]

  • Mapping Coronavirus In The Middle East: 9 Countries Hit As Alarm Raised Over Vulnerable Refugee Camps

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 9:45pm EST

    Mapping Coronavirus In The Middle East: 9 Countries Hit As Alarm Raised Over Vulnerable Refugee Camps Unprepared countries across the Middle East are scrambling to respond as they’ve begun recording more and more coronavirus cases. While official government figures across the region likely fall short of the true number — for example hard hit Iran may have already seen 50 deaths according […]

  • Judge In Roger Stone Case Proves She Is Corrupt

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 9:42pm EST

    Owen gets passionate about the Roger Stone case, as we see the corrupt and biased mishandling of the prosecution. Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • No Financing And No Demand: Chinese Refiners Run Into Trouble

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 9:25pm EST

    No Financing And No Demand: Chinese Refiners Run Into Trouble Authored by Irina Slav via OilPrice.com, International banks are suspending credit lines for some independent oil refiners worried about the growing risk of defaults across industries because of the coronavirus epidemic, Reuters reports, citing industry sources. According to the sources, at least three private refiners, or […]

  • President Trump Should Use Coronavirus To Prove Why We Need Strong Border Security

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 9:22pm EST

    Owen explains why president Trump has “dropped the ball” when it comes to his handling of the coronavirus in the United States. Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • US Plotted To Assassinate Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Attorney Tells London Court

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 9:05pm EST

    US Plotted To Assassinate Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Attorney Tells London Court On Monday Julian Assange’s defense team told a London court that the United States plotted to assassinate the WikiLeaks founder.  After describing US intelligence attempts to plant “intrusive and sophisticated” secret surveillance devices in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Assange had been living under asylum for […]

  • Watch Live: World Watches As Coronavirus Spreads And US Stocks Dip – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 8:55pm EST

    Coronavirus continues to spread worldwide as the global pandemic appears to be more serious as production lines and shipping even in the United States could be affected. As the stock market continues to slide President Trump misses the boat on using the outbreak to call for stricter border security. The Judge in the Roger Stone […]

  • After Breaking The Repo Market, JPMorgan Wants To Start Using The Fed’s Discount Window Again

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 8:45pm EST

    After Breaking The Repo Market, JPMorgan Wants To Start Using The Fed’s Discount Window Again Back in 2013, JPMorgan’s billionaire CEO reminded the general public why it hates bankers so much when in response to a simple question from bank analyst Mike Mayo, he answered “that’s why I’m richer than you.” Dimon’s arrange aside, nothing […]

  • Bryson Gray’s Success Exposes The Fraud Of Mainstream Entertainment

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 8:35pm EST

    Owen reads some news with and gives us a great example of the fraud of leftist propaganda: Bryson Gray’s success. Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • Highlights* – The Trump Administration Is Handling The Coronavirus All Wrong; Heres Why

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 8:32pm EST

    Short on time, but still want to stay informed? The War Room Highlights covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast! Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • Colin Flaherty and Willie Shields Podcast 2016 Archives

    Colin Flaherty - Feb 25th 2020 8:31pm EST

    Colin Flaherty author of (Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry) White Girl Bleed a Lot Podcast Aug 2016 commentary news – Willie Shields – Video evidence documented African american mob gang teen violence crime robbery sexual assault rape attack murder kidnap knockout game race riots community dysfunction terrorize neighborhoods destroy property ruin everything and the […]

  • Is Bernie Sanders Secretly A Violent Revolutionary?

    TTOR - Feb 25th 2020 8:30pm EST

    Apologist Justin Derby analyzes all the recent violence coming from socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ fan base as well as the plans of the violent revolutionaries who run Bernie’s 2020 campaign, and Justin dares to ask to what extent Bernie Sanders condones the rhetoric of the violent revolutionaries running his campaign. JOURNALISTS ATTACKED BY VIOLENT […]