• World Shocked By Bernie Sander Support of Pedophilia

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 7:34pm EST

    Alex Jones exposes NPR running cover for Bernie Sanders over his disgusting essay about women enjoying being victims of abuse and gang rape. “Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis ———— :web: http://infowars.com http://newswars.com http://europe.infowars.com http://prisonplanet.com http://infowarsstore.com

  • NYC Hotel Loans Defaulting At Alarming Rate As Room-Rates Plunge, Tourism Tumbles

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 7:15pm EST

    NYC Hotel Loans Defaulting At Alarming Rate As Room-Rates Plunge, Tourism Tumbles More and more New York City hotels are defaulting on their mortgages, signaling an alarming trend in the industry as “challenging market fundamentals” and new supply act as headwinds for the industry.  This has resulted in room rates declining and sites like Airbnb […]

  • Why Governments Hate Secession

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 6:55pm EST

    Why Governments Hate Secession Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, When the Soviet Union began its collapse in 1989, the world witnessed decentralization and secession on a scale not seen in Europe since the nineteenth century. Over the next several years, puppet regimes and states-in-name-only broke away from Soviet domination and formed sovereign […]

  • How Did Lyme Escape From Plum Island?

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 6:47pm EST

    Find out in this Infowars special report!

  • How Did Lyme Escape From Plum Island?

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 6:41pm EST

    Brian Wilson reveals how U.S. biological warfare programs led to the proliferation of disease carrying ticks, causing a health crisis of epic proportions. Much of the research presented in this investigative report can be found in Kris Newby’s acclaimed book: “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons.”

  • Unsold Class 8 Inventories Balloon To Second Highest In Industry History

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 6:35pm EST

    Unsold Class 8 Inventories Balloon To Second Highest In Industry History The Class 8 market, which experienced a slowdown for almost all of 2019, still looks to be in trouble.  The ratio of retail sales to inventories in January for the heavy duty trucks remains elevated at the second highest in industry history. This makes […]

  • Tune In: Infowars Coverage Of ‘Emergency Save First Amendment Summit’ In DC

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 6:33pm EST

    Join us in the fight for free speech Wednesday from 7-10 PM EST at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

  • Rickards: “1984” Has Come To China… USA Is Next

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 6:15pm EST

    Rickards: “1984” Has Come To China… USA Is Next Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning, You’re probably familiar with George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four; (it’s often published as 1984). It was written in 1948; the title comes from reversing the last two digits in 1948. The novel describes a world of three global […]

  • CDC Pandemic Warning: Prepare for School Closings and Public Event Cancellations

    TruNews - Feb 25th 2020 6:13pm EST

    CDC Pandemic Warning: Prepare for School Closings and Public Event Cancellations

  • Hypocrite: Anti-School Choice AOC Helped Goddaughter Get Into Charter School

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 5:59pm EST

    Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos slammed the Democrat congresswoman on Twitter.

  • The David Knight Show (25Feb20 Full Show)

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 5:38pm EST

    Topics by timecode: — :00:05:17 // Mardi Gras float shows Hillary strangling Epstein in prison jumper — 00:07:51 // Assange’s extradition will kill free press — where’s WaPo & NYT? And, what happened to Assange after the hearing yesterday is another example of the deliberate efforts to kill him — 00:22:29 // Will corona shutdown in China cause a global recession? Here’s […]

  • NYT: “The Coronavirus Is Not A Civilization-Ender But…”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 5:35pm EST

    NYT: “The Coronavirus Is Not A Civilization-Ender But…” Just because the New York Times Opinion Section is a perennial object of ridicule by both the right and the left doesn’t mean its writers don’t occasionally make a good point. And today, we’d like to draw our readers’ attention to a column published Tuesday by Ross […]

  • STRIKE & MIKE Episode 100: Kaplan America, C-ville Whore

    - Feb 25th 2020 5:19pm EST

    Welcome to Episode 100 of STRIKE and MIKE! Today Strike and Mike discuss the increasing consensus among elites that they need literally drone political dissidents, Sydney Gottlieb and the history of CIA mind control gay ops and more legal outrages from Norman Moon and Roberta Kaplan. General John Rutherford Allen: It’s time to fight a…

  • Illinois Has Its “Oh Sh*t” Moment And Realizes It Has No Money In Its Rainy Day Fund

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 5:15pm EST

    Illinois Has Its “Oh Sh*t” Moment And Realizes It Has No Money In Its Rainy Day Fund Illinois wants to play catch-up with its rainy day fund at what is likely the worst possible time. With 11 years of bull market behind us and a pandemic that is starting to make its way across the globe, […]

  • Assange: Tortured After Extradition Hearing

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 5:02pm EST

    What happened to Assange after the hearing yesterday was a deliberate efforts to kill him. Assange’s extradition will kill free press — where’s WaPo & NYT the “heroes” of Hollywood defending freedom of the press with “The Post”? Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • Critical-Thinking Has Never Been More Important “Because The Ruling Class Doesn’t Want You To”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 4:55pm EST

    Critical-Thinking Has Never Been More Important “Because The Ruling Class Doesn’t Want You To” Authored by Michael Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, There are several reasons I spend so much time discussing and analyzing the current state of affairs. The primary motivation, aside from a drive to share personal opinions and spread awareness, is to […]

  • Pentagon adopts ‘AI Ethical Principles’ for its killer robots

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:50pm EST

    Trusting a machine to scan aerial imagery in search of targets is a legal and ethical minefield

  • Stocks Plummet Over Coronavirus Fears

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:50pm EST

    DOW down 879 points as virus slows global economy

  • “Why Do We Not Entrap Young White Men In FBI Sting Operations?”

    Red Ice TV - Feb 25th 2020 4:46pm EST

    “That’s a good question!” says Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence. Watch the video on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access […]

  • Less than infinite: Space becoming an orbital landfill

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:44pm EST

    NASA estimates 500,000 human-made fragments, from the size of a speck of paint to a whole school bus, orbit Earth today

  • Shameless: Booty Uses Child to Sell LGBT Pedo-Agenda

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:43pm EST

    BootyGay’s use of a 9 yr old to sell his LGBT credentials is a disturbing example of child exploitation & the LGBT descent to pedophilia.  We’re not slouching to Gomorrah anymore, we’ve been there a long time Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • WTI Bounces Back Above $50 After Smaller Than Expected Crude Build

    ZeroHedge - Feb 25th 2020 4:43pm EST

    WTI Bounces Back Above $50 After Smaller Than Expected Crude Build Oil prices plunged today as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned Americans to brace for an outbreak at home. “This virus has had a violent effect across markets”, said David Tawil, president of Maglan Capital in New York. “There may be more […]

  • Idiocracy: CNN Thinks Germany & Italy Share Border

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:41pm EST

    CNN map shows Germany & Italy sharing border, Baltimore textbook shows Trump as a Nazi, Bernie sells Cuba & Venezuela as success stories.  How dumb are their followers? Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% off now! https://www.infowarsstore.com/dna-force-plus?ims=aeluo&utm_campaign=dnaforcebis&utm_source=textpromo&utm_medium=Text+Link&utm_content=dnaforcebis

  • How to Be Convicted of ‘Racism’ in South Africa

    American Renaissance - Feb 25th 2020 4:40pm EST

    Vicki Momberg is a white woman South African woman who was sentenced to three years in prison for using the word “kaffir,” the South African equivalent of the American “N-word.” Black thieves had just broken into her car — while she was in it — and she used the K-word repeatedly when she reported the […]

  • Economic Sickness: China Shutting Down Global Industries

    Infowars - Feb 25th 2020 4:40pm EST

    The spikes of coronavirus in Europe, Asia & the Middle East over the weekend caused a major shock to the stock market yesterday. What are the economic consequences of quarantine & shutdown in China? What industries are affected? What happens next? Infowars’ most powerful product is back in stock! Get DNA Force Plus up to 50% […]