• Mother Abuses Her Boy Child With Transgenderism

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 24th 2019 4:09am EDT

    In Dallas, Texas, there has been a hard-fought public case highlighting the issues of child transitioning. A mother abuses her boy child with transgenderism. Sickening Child Abuse A father from Texas has been legally prevented from stopping his ex-wife transitioning his seven-year-old son James into Luna using hormone-blocking therapies and chemical castration. A jury has […]

  • #NotOkayToBeWhite – RACISM Against White People Is OK

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 23rd 2019 1:26pm EDT

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission has been criticised for surveying white students suffering racial harassment. #NotOkayToBeWhite – RACISM Against White People Is OK Everything And Everyone Is Racist We live in a time where left-wing activism has decided to segregate everyone into “groups”, whether they be lesbian, people of colour, disabled, gay, transgender, rich […]

  • Beastly Buck-Tooth ISIS Bride Betrayed Britain

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 23rd 2019 5:37am EDT

    Shamima Begum – the beastly buck-tooth ISIS bride betrayed Britain, now she uses every stratagem of lawfare to “come home”. Banished Begum At the age of fifteen Shamima Begum and two friends decided the UK was no longer their home and their loyalty belonged to the terrorists of Islamic State. When Shamima entered Syria, she […]

  • Proud Boys – Politically Persecuted And Politically Prosecuted

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 22nd 2019 3:05pm EDT

    Being an enemy of a political state comes at a cost, Tommy knows this better than most. Proud Boys – Politically Persecuted And Politically Prosecuted. Useful Idiots Of The Political Left Antifa are the useful violent radical left-wing militants of the Labour Party here in Britain. Antifa are the useful violent radical left-wing militants of […]

  • DANGER – Canada Re-Elects Racist Blackface Trudeau!

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 22nd 2019 5:10am EDT

    Canadians have decided to keep the Liberal Party in power in a narrow election win. DANGER – Canada Re-Elects Racist Blackface Trudeau! A Majority Of Mental Illness Although there has been a sharp decline in mental illness within the Canadian electorate, there were still just about enough mental cases who put a cross next to […]

  • Police arrest dozens of immigrants for violent crimes

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 21st 2019 11:12pm EDT

    Dozens of Melbourne’s most rampant and violent Sudanese immigrants have been arrested in a sweeping Police operation across the city. In total, Victoria Police arrested 57 people as part of the crackdown on what they are calling ‘youth offending’ across the state. The majority of those arrested are Sudanese immigrants or children of Sudanese immigrants […]

  • Bilyana Martinovski – Wanted to Help Gang Rape Victims: Targeted by Taxpayer Funded Far-Left Pressure Group & Harassed by Swedish Police – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 21st 2019 4:55pm EDT

    Former Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Bilyana Martinovski joins Henrik to talk about her work trying to help victims of gang rape in Sweden. She shares her story of how she became interested in helping expose the Swedish state and legal system who have turned their back on victims of gang rape, letting criminals off […]

  • Sex Attacks on UK Trains Double

    Infowars - Oct 21st 2019 3:17pm EDT

    Only small percentage of sex crimes prosecuted

  • Insidious Destructive Infantilism Of BAME Community

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 21st 2019 2:28pm EDT

    Labour Peer Baroness Doreen Lawrence disgusts and divides a nation with her insidious, destructive infantilism of BAME community. A Peers Perspective Back in 1993, most people old enough will remember the murder of a black teenager who’s name was Stephen Lawrence. Stephen was stabbed to death by a gang of white youths as he waited […]

  • PC Policing Pronouns In The UK

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 21st 2019 5:45am EDT

    PC used to refer to Police Constable for those serving in the Police Force; now it just means Politically Correct. PC Policing Pronouns In The UK. PC Priorities Police Clown Julie Cooke is the Deputy Chief Constable for Cheshire Police. Her constabulary covers an area with a population of approximately two million where violent crime […]

  • A Rapey And Dangerous Place For Females

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 17th 2019 8:15am EDT

    A 2008 survey concluded that 83 percent of Egyptian women and 98 percent of foreign women had been sexually harassed. That makes Egypt a rapey and dangerous place for females. Something In The Water? Egypt has a long and varied history for being a little bit on the rapey side, a little bit on the […]

  • Beating “Islamic Education” Into Children

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 9:55am EDT

    A Quran teacher is caught beating “Islamic Education” into children aged five to six years old in Morocco. Beating The Indoctrination A video got posted on Facebook in early August of this year which shows a Quran teacher (a Fqih) beating a student with a belt repeatedly during the lesson. The child tries to get […]

  • Hating Islamic Ideology Is A Criminal Offence

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 7:12am EDT

    Blasphemy laws are drawing closer and closer towards judicial legitimacy here in the UK. Hating Islamic ideology is a criminal offence. Statistical Subterfuge Statistical reports have come out that suggest Muslims are targeted in 47% of hate crimes in England and Wales. It’s a great talking point for the likes of TellMama and Hope Not […]

  • Shia Clerics Pimping Out Children For Sex

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 3:57am EDT

    Nikah mut’ ah literally means “pleasure marriage” which is practiced primarily in Twelver Shia Islam. But why are Shia clerics pimping out children for sex? Halal Prostitution The BBC recently produced a documentary about Shia Muslim clerics in Iraq pimping out young children for sex in an Islamically acceptable way. The broadcasting of this documentary […]

  • Muslim Hatred For Female Left-Wing Handshakes

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 15th 2019 8:21am EDT

    Ida Auken is an MP for the Social Liberal Party in Demark, and she has caused quite a stir by exposing Muslim hatred for female left-wing handshakes. Leftist And Islamic Cultural Enrichment Ida Auken is a former minister for the environment and a currently serving MP for the radical left Social Liberal Party in Denmark. […]

  • Donald Trump Holds A Rally In Minneapolis.

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 11th 2019 4:58am EDT

    Exposing the deep state and draining the political swamp in Washington was a campaign promise to Make America Great Again. Donald Trump holds a rally in Minneapolis. Hating America And Dumbing Down Terrorism Donald Trump took his political campaign to the state of Minnesota in the city of Minneapolis. Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar should be […]

  • Unhinged, Unemployed, Under-Performing And Under Fire!

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 1:04pm EDT

    John Sweeney had to leave the BBC because Tommy Robinson exposed him as a fraud. After seventeen years service, John has become unhinged, unemployed, under-performing and under-fire! Panodrama The End Was Nigh! Tommy Robinson and his team pulled off one of the major coups of the year which should have had him at the very […]

  • Swedish Libraries Hotbeds For Drug Dealing, Violence, Sexual Harassment

    Infowars - Sep 25th 2019 3:11pm EDT

    Half of librarians report drug dealing at libraries

  • Violent Crime Suspects in German ‘Gay District’ Over 70% Foreign

    Infowars - Sep 17th 2019 2:04pm EDT

    Crime spiking as migrants continue to pour into Germany

  • Swedish Police Sound Alarm as Civilians Get Caught in Violent Gang Conflicts

    Infowars - Sep 10th 2019 3:03pm EDT

    Innocent bystanders being killed, wounded in gang shootings

  • Grenade Incidents ‘Growing Explosively’ in Netherlands

    Infowars - Aug 28th 2019 11:45pm EDT

    More grenade crimes in 18 months than past 10 years