Nietzsche’s Insanity, Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism and Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2020 4:44pm EDT When did the Modern age begin? There is no real precise moment that separates the Romantic or Victorian age from the Modern age and it varies from country to country, but the moment that Friedrich Nietzsche went insane and became Dionysus isn’t far off. The 1890s were a cultural turning point in European history. The […]American Racial Decline and Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2020 12:10pm EDTI’m bumping up my response to ATBOTL from the comments who raises some good points: “American radical abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Charles Sumner were openly anti-white in the current sense long before modernists had any influence anywhere or even existed. Most significantly, they a huge following among average, non-elite middle class whites in […]
William James and Modernist Psychology
Occidental Dissent - Sep 7th 2020 1:27pm EDTThis is an excellent book. I can’t recommend it highly enough. As we have already seen, the first American Modernist was the artist James Abbott McNeil Whistler whose extraordinary and highly unusual life took him out of the antebellum United States to Russia and from there to France in the 1850s and 1860s where he […]
The Origins of the Modern Left
Occidental Dissent - Sep 6th 2020 2:24pm EDTWhat is the “mainstream”? Where did the modern Left come from? In The Birth of the Mainstream and The Death of the Victorian Mainstream, I began to pinpoint its emergence in the years around World War I. It was the moment in time when the Romantic or Victorian sensibility that dominated the 19th century – […]
The Death of the Victorian Mainstream
Occidental Dissent - Sep 3rd 2020 3:02pm EDTEditor’s Note: This is a work in progress. This is such an interesting book. I’m so glad that I bought it. Keep sending me money and I will continue to finding these gems. This is what it was like to be present at the end of the Romantic age in America and the passing away […]
James Abbott McNeill Whistler: The First American Modernist
Occidental Dissent - Sep 2nd 2020 11:04pm EDT Have you ever heard of James Abbott McNeill Whistler? Probably not. Whistler was the first American Modernist … the very first of a type which is familiar in our times. He had a very unusual life which took him from the antebellum United States to Russia and to Western Europe where he became a renowned […]The Birth of the Mainstream
Occidental Dissent - Sep 2nd 2020 5:15pm EDTI’m sure the recent articles about Modernism are confusing to a lot of our readers. I started by reaching back deep to Charles Baudelaire in the mid-19th century in France. I moved on and briefly looked at Nietzsche and D.H. Lawrence before describing Nietzsche, Darwin and Baudelaire as proto-Moderns who prepped the European intelligentsia for […]
Charles Baudelaire: Founding Father of Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Aug 29th 2020 2:14pm EDTIn the troubled life of the mid-19th century French poet Charles Baudelaire, we see the development of some of the key themes of Modernism: Being a social outcast, feeling like an “outsider” and being alienated from society Rejection of bourgeois norms Debauchery (Baudelaire was fascinated with evil and man’s descent into evil) Transgression against bourgeois […]
Charles Baudelaire: The Tortured Soul Who Inspired Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Aug 28th 2020 8:28pm EDTI’ve never been into the arts. I have always been far more interested in history. In the course of my research, I have become increasingly convinced that each age of history is dominated by its zeitgeist which is the creation of a small group of elites who dream a big idea. It can be artists, […]
The Moderns
Occidental Dissent - Aug 28th 2020 1:38pm EDTI’ve been a White Nationalist, a Southern Nationalist, Alt-Right. Above all else though, I have been on a journey to fully understand what has gone so terribly wrong with our world and what can be done to fix it. There are few people in our circles who have more exhaustively researched this subject. I’ve been […]
American History Series: Review: The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America
Occidental Dissent - Aug 27th 2020 4:08pm EDT Eric P. Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America Why did Anglo-Americans relinquish control of the United States to ethnic outsiders? In The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, Eric P. Kaufmann seeks to explain this curious global anomaly. Throughout the world, it is normal for dominant ethnic groups to assert their control over their respective […]Enemies of Enlightenment
Occidental Dissent - Aug 9th 2020 9:39am EDTI’m continuing to enjoy these lectures. In the last article, I speculated about how at the end of every great age of Western history two different types of radicals emerge. There are the status quo fanatics who combust the current social order by taking it to a ludicrous extreme and there are reactive creative deviants. […]
Occidental Dissent - Aug 8th 2020 6:31pm EDTI need to brush up on my Hegel. I’m beginning to develop a theory. Please entertain this idea for the sake of argument which I admit could be complete nonsense. I’m just being creative and having some fun. Joe Biden could be on “the right side of history.” Modernism could potentially last forever. It could […]
Modernism and Protestantism
Occidental Dissent - Aug 8th 2020 2:16pm EDTThe following excerpts come from Eric P. Kaufmann’s book The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America and illustrate the degree to which the rise of Modernism was transforming American Christianity in the first three decades of the 20th century. In the early 20th century, American Protestantism became obsessed with ecumenicism and cosmopolitanism and began to splinter. […]
Major Turnings
Occidental Dissent - Aug 6th 2020 12:32pm EDTIf we start taking culture seriously, we will notice these periodic breaks in history when the whole mood of our culture shifts into a new phase which lasts for over a century: Reformation – 1520s, 1530s, 1540s This is an easy one. It was an extremely fertile period in European history that set the tone […]
No-Go Zone: Beirut Blast Aftermath, Oprah & George Floyd
Red Ice TV - Aug 5th 2020 10:31pm EDTHenrik cover the aftermath of the blast in Beirut, Oprah is once again charging poor white people for White privilege. We also talk about the 12 year old girl that was shot in Sweden, Chicago-Area leaders call for abolishing history classes & someone decided to grow the mystery seeds that was sent from China, this […]
No-Go Zone: Beirut Blast Aftermath, Oprah & George Floyd
Red Ice TV - Aug 5th 2020 10:30pm EDTThis is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover the aftermath of the blast in Beirut, Oprah is once again charging poor white people for White privilege. We also talk about the 12 year old girl that was shot in Sweden, […]
The Death of Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Aug 5th 2020 5:03pm EDTHave you ever wondered where we are at in history? It is easier to think about the past and the people who lived through it. We think of previous generations as having lived through Antiquity or the Middle Ages or the Modern Era which we divide into Early Modern and Modern. We further divide the […]
Adolf Hitler and Modernism
Occidental Dissent - Aug 4th 2020 11:01am EDTEditor’s Note: This is a work in progress. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. At least that is how I am starting to think about modernism. We are now living in the degenerate Age of Modernism. It triumphed after World War II. The free love ideal that anyone should be able to have […]
The Modernist Age
Occidental Dissent - Aug 3rd 2020 11:00pm EDTIn recent weeks, we have been exploring the idea of historical cycles in which each age of Western history is dominated by its Zeitgeist which fundamentally reshapes our civilization as it works itself out over the course of about 80 to 150 years before collapsing in exhaustion in a crisis. It seems that each age […]
When Persia Ruled The World
Occidental Dissent - Aug 2nd 2020 8:38pm EDTIs progressive liberalism the summit of human history? I’m going to spend the rest of the evening watching the latest History Time documentary.
The Wrong Side of History
Occidental Dissent - Aug 2nd 2020 1:44pm EDT I woke up this morning with this idea. Progressives are on the “wrong side of history.” I can’t tell you how many times that I have been told this over the past two decades. I’m on the “wrong side of history.” It is the modern progressive form of the old Whig theory of history. The […]Undercurrents
Occidental Dissent - Aug 1st 2020 8:05pm EDTU.S. Marshals spoke with NBC about the antifa violence perpetrated against officers protecting federal property in Portland. Some have been badly injured by explosives, rocks, concrete & much more. Rioters are trying to break inside the courthouse & burn it down.— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 1, 2020 Left-wing protesters scream and shout at police […]
Occidental Dissent - Aug 1st 2020 1:41pm EDTWhy have our efforts come to naught? Why is the Black Lives Matter movement which burned the American flag and the Bible last night in Portland the most popular and celebrated social movement of our times? The answer is an elite consensus. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are officially backed and sponsored by established progressive […]
King George III and the American Revolution
Occidental Dissent - Jul 31st 2020 7:58pm EDTOh George … If only you could see us now … a few trivial taxes? That was tyranny?