• Extremism Is Inevitable

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 30th 2020 9:48pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. I will flesh this argument out after supper. We shouldn’t be concerned about the rise in “extremism” because radicalization is inevitable and a historically necessary development after a period of degeneration. It is a natural process that dissolves a dying social order. The growth of “extremism” is […]

  • Historical Cycles

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 30th 2020 1:22pm EDT

    I’m continuing to have some fun play around with the idea of broad historical cycles each of which have their Zeitgeist and terminate in a Crisis. Reformation Cycle – 1517 to 1648 – Thirty Years War (Wars of Religion Crisis) Enlightenment Cycle – 1648 to 1815 – French Revolution (Wars of Revolution Crisis) Romantic Cycle […]

  • Reactive Nomads

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 30th 2020 4:36am EDT

    I’m continuing to enjoy reading The Fourth Turning. According to the theory, each generation has an archetype. Nomad generations are born during Awakening periods of religious and cultural upheaval and are neglected as children. They are cynical, independent minded hell raisers who are used to going it alone, wild youth who age into hard nosed […]

  • Gray Champions

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 28th 2020 4:45pm EDT

    Here is an interesting take on the otherwise dull 2020 election. It comes from The Fourth Turning and describes the very climax of Boomer ascendance in America when the country is plunged into a fiery ordeal on the scale of the Civil War or World War II. “At each of these great gates of history, […]

  • Generations

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 27th 2020 2:45pm EDT

    I started reading The Fourth Turning last night after I discovered that there was a copy of the book online a few days ago: “In fact, at the core of modern history lies this remarkable pattern: Over the past five centuries, Anglo-American society has entered a new era—a new turning —every two decades or so. At […]

  • Turning Points

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 26th 2020 2:29pm EDT

    The Zeitgeist of the post-World War II era is clear. It has been a mood of “antiracism” or self hatred that has haunted us ever since 1945. Western civilization has been in a funk ever since World War II. This idea has dominated the last 80 years of history. This lack of self confidence in […]

  • An Intellectual History of “Woke” Left Modernism

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 22nd 2020 1:14am EDT

    Left Modernism is ubiquitous. It is synonymous with American mainstream culture which is a composite mix of liberalism, modernism and cosmopolitanism. It is essentially what we are against. Modernism rejects authority and tradition in favor of self-interest, self-expression, self-achievement, self-realization, self-fulfillment and self-advancement. It rejects the past in favor of the future. It is always […]

  • The Spanish Flu & How The World Recovered

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 21st 2020 9:57pm EDT

    History Time has a new documentary on the Spanish Flu.

  • American History Series: Cosmopolitanism and the Postwar Consensus

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 20th 2020 5:26pm EDT

    Conservatives must take a stand on Demographics @NickJFuentes pic.twitter.com/FMisovfV0q— Zoomer Patriot (@PatriotZoomer) July 20, 2020 I see that Nick Fuentes is banging his fists against the postwar consensus. Have you ever wondered why American conservatives are unable to defend themselves from the -isms and -phobias which are critiques and therapies which grew out of the […]

  • The Needless War

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 19th 2020 1:02pm EDT

    As I read Peter Turchin’s book Ages of Discord and follow current events, it couldn’t be more clear to me that Avery Craven and James G. Randall were correct in their interpretation of the War Between the States. More recently, David Goldfield has resurrected the Blundering Generation thesis. Slavery was not the cause of the […]

  • American History Series: Critique of Colin Woodard’s Union

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 16th 2020 1:16pm EDT

    Enjoyed speaking with ?@keratx?’s. ?@kerathink? about the struggle to forge a story that could hold the young United States together. https://t.co/xON19aQDwj— Colin Woodard (@WoodardColin) July 15, 2020 LISTEN HERE. I’ve already reviewed Colin Woodard’s new book Union. As I have listened to his radio interviews though, I have thought more about what was wrong with […]

  • Southern History Series: George Fitzhugh on The Sickness of Free Society

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 15th 2020 11:14am EDT

    After the events of the last month and a half, I am continuing to reread George Fitzhugh whose critique of liberalism and free-market capitalism have shaped my views toward our current social order. We’re moving on now to his second book, Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters. “My chief aim has been to shew, that […]

  • American History Series: Review: Sociology for the South, or, The Failure of Free Society

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 13th 2020 6:51pm EDT

    George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South, or, The Failure of Free Society The 1840s and 1850s were a time much like our own. In the wake of the Second Great Awakening, an endless tidal wave of moral condemnation of the South poured forth from the Eastern press and Eastern politicians. Inspired by George Bancroft’s vision […]

  • John Locke and The American Founding

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 11th 2020 4:52pm EDT

    Jonah Goldberg makes an important point. The Dispatch: “Embedded deep in this idea is a recognition that talking about freedom is a winning issue with Americans because Americans actually value freedom a great deal. This goes to the heart of one of my main disagreements with Deneen and Hazony, who seem convinced that John Locke […]

  • Response to Thomas Main 3

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 9th 2020 10:48pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: I’m running this in its entirety. I am pretty sure that I have copied and pasted the whole thing this time. My response is below. Dear Mr. Wallace: For a second time you have not honored my stipulation that the material I sent you “be run in its entirety and without edits.” In […]

  • Dennis Prager – America Is Not A Racist Nation: How To Discredit The Systemic Racism Narrative

    London Real - Jul 6th 2020 8:44am EDT

    The post <span class=”episode-title”>Dennis Prager</span> <span class=”title-dash”>-</span> America Is Not A Racist Nation: How To Discredit The Systemic Racism Narrative appeared first on London Real.

  • The 1607 Project

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 4th 2020 2:49pm EDT

    How should we view the Revolution of 1776? George Fitzhugh once confronted the same problem of how to make sense of the American Revolution and came up with an excellent answer which is still relevant in our own times: “The Revolution of 1776 was, when subjected to the searching analysis of learned and comprehensive philosophy, […]

  • Southern History Series: George Fitzhugh on The Morals of Free Society

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2020 1:43pm EDT

    I’m continuing to read and reflect on George Fitzhugh’s Sociology for the South, Or, The Failure of Free Society this afternoon. “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity,” is the motto and watchword of Frenchmen when they turn out to murder each other wholesale. They are an epigramatic people, and have a happy way of condensing into a […]

  • Southern History Series: George Fitzhugh on The Declaration of Independence and Virginia Bill of Rights

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 29th 2020 9:52am EDT

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. It is another Monday morning. In light of events of the past month, I have my cup of coffee in hand and I am rereading George Fitzhugh’s book Sociology for the South, or, The Failure of Free Society who, shall we say, “predicted this.” “An essay on […]

  • Beyond The Abyss

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 28th 2020 11:27am EDT

    From an OD reader: “Hello, long time reader.I recognize there is little to feel happy about what’s going on. That said, could you try to write about some way out of this, some possible silver lining? Some hope for the future? Or are we just totally, unequivocally, screwed, and your telling it like it is?  […]

  • Southern History Series: George Fitzhugh on Atheism and Mob Violence

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2020 9:45am EDT

    While nothing can properly mirror the joy of Pride celebrations in our towns and cities, #GlobalPride is a unique opportunity for people to connect with one another, in unity, across all nations. I send my best wishes to all in the LGBT community celebrating today.— Boris Johnson #StayAlert (@BorisJohnson) June 27, 2020 We are flying […]

  • Spanish Flu: The First Wave

    Occidental Dissent - May 22nd 2020 1:50am EDT

    These aren’t normal times. I know lot of readers miss my history articles. I’m focused squarely on the present at the moment because we are witnessing a historic event playing out. Gregory Cochran: “I’ve noticed that people’s sense of time, including my own, is all messed up.A comparison: in the US, the number of Cov-19 […]

  • The Common Cold: A History

    Occidental Dissent - May 18th 2020 2:47am EDT

    Interesting theory. New Scientist: “IN 1889, a disease outbreak in central Asia went global, igniting a pandemic that burned into the following year. It caused fever and fatigue, and killed an estimated 1 million people. The disease is generally blamed on influenza, and was dubbed “Russian flu“. But with no tissue samples to check for […]

  • Plague in the Ancient and Medieval World

    Occidental Dissent - May 17th 2020 7:46pm EDT

    I shouldn’t respond to crackpots. Dr. Mountain Dew has convinced himself that everyone who doesn’t buy into his conspiracy theory about the coronavirus hoax must be part of the conspiracy themselves. Here is my theory. There have been eight major pandemics since 1700. Of those, seven had a larger second wave and peak approximately six […]

  • Coronavirus Constancy, Scrubbing History & Babbling Biden With Hard Bastard – FF Ep76

    Red Ice TV - May 16th 2020 3:27am EDT

    Henrik is joined by Hard Bastard to cover some of the recent news. Increasing amounts of people are feed up with the Coronavirus lockdown and want to get back to work. Trump talks about deploying military to administer the Covid-19 vaccine, that is being fast tracked now. History is being scrubbed. White history that is. […]