• Reconciliation Monument To Be Removed At Arlington National Cemetery

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2023 9:36pm EST

    I’m fine with this. I have always been against reconciliation. I think it is a good thing that Southern identity is being decoupled from the American Empire. I don’t want Southerners identifying with American patriotism or feeling invested in the U.S. military. It is better for the people who rule us to take the mask […]

  • Identidad versus Cultura

    Counter Currents - Aug 19th 2023 10:34am EDT

    José de Madrazo y Agudo, La muerte de Viriato, jefe de los lusitanos (1807) 2.209 palabras English original here En el estado de confusión actual, promovido por la tribu que domina los medios de comunicación, el pueblo ignora las diferencias de significado de estas dos palabras, y frecuentemente son empleadas como sinónimos, cuando en realidad […]

  • Brion McClanahan: Why Are Young Conservative Adopting Identity Politics?

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 17th 2023 8:27pm EDT

    Now watching.

  • How Social Media Manipulates Society — and You

    Counter Currents - Jul 18th 2023 8:34pm EDT

    Guido Taietti 1,197 words The following is an edited partial transcript of a speech that was given by the Italian intellectual and political activist Guido Taietti in May at the Spring Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. He is active in CasaPound Italia. The video of his speech is linked below. The process through which an individual […]

  • On White Normie “Brainwashing”: A Reply to Kevin MacDonald, Paul Craig Roberts, & Other Dissidents, Part 2

    Counter Currents - May 18th 2023 8:22am EDT

    words Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here) In all cases not involving a fully-fledged occupying army, as with Russia after its Civil War ended and with the United States currently, the hostile elites, be they native or alien, who wish to subjugate a population do so by achieving what I call the Stalin clap […]

  • Where Conservatives Get Race Wrong

    Amerika.org - Mar 20th 2023 7:32am EDT

    Conservatives keep making the same mistake they did after the French Revolution. Being pragmatic as well as realistic, they opt for keeping a voice in the political system even as it goes Left, but end up being forced to compromise positions that the next generation then mistakes for the goal. As is no longer taught […]

  • Southern History Series: Review: At the Edge of Empire

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 17th 2023 1:13pm EST

    Eric Hinderaker and Peter C. Mancall’s At the Edge of Empire: The Backcountry in British North America It is 2023. When I sat down to write my New Year’s Resolution in December, one of the things that I wanted to do most with this website was to return to my interest in Southern and American […]

  • Counter-Currents: White Nationalism vs. Racially Conscious Ethnonationalisms

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2023 10:44am EST

    Over at Counter-Currents, White Nationalists are arguing about whether there should be a single federal White empire that spans the globe or numerous independent racially conscious White ethnostates. Greg Johnson and the ethnonationalists are arguing against imperialism. Asier Abadroa and the unionists have been making the case against petty nationalism. Counter-Currents: “This is intended as […]

  • Queen of the World

    Counter Currents - Sep 14th 2022 11:50am EDT

    1,048 words When anyone on planet Earth spoke of “the Queen,” nobody ever asked, “Which Queen?” Everyone knew that “the Queen” meant Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. In that sense, she was the Queen of the world. In the global imagination, Elizabeth II stood for all the queens of the world, indeed all […]

  • White Too Long: White Supremacy, Christian Nationalism, and the Fragile Future of the American Experiment

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 11th 2022 11:10am EDT

    I have the opposite view. The fatal flaw in the American experiment wasn’t the White race, Anglo-Saxon culture, Christianity or republican institutions. The cancer was liberalism which has metastasized to the point where it has sickened and overwhelmed its host. Robert P. Jones:

  • Washington Post: The ‘American Dream’? ‘America First’ Eclipses It

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 11th 2022 10:33am EDT

    Well, this is better than the stupid “fascism” meme. Washington Post: “The simple truth is that there have always been as many resisting American unity as advocating for it, from the fights in the Constitutional Congress to the Civil War, from supporters of regional sectionalism instead of post-bellum reconciliation, to immigration restrictionists and racial segregationists. […]

  • John Avlon: “Christian Nationalism Is Not Christianity”

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 9th 2022 11:24am EDT

    Christianity is not liberal democracy. As for Christian nationalism, it was pioneered by Lutherans. The following excerpt comes from Eric W. Gritsch’s book A History of Lutheranism: “Lutheranism spread in the north and east of Germany; Catholicism remained entrenched in the south and west. “The Reformation,” as the age of sixteenth-century reform became known, ended […]

  • Bruce Gore: George Whitefield and the Beginning of the Great Awakening

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 8th 2022 10:06am EDT

    We’re getting closer to the American Revolution now. Puritans have settled New England. Quakers have settled in Pennsylvania. Anglicans have settled in the Southern lowlands. Scot Presbyterians and Scot-Irish Presbyterians have settled in Pennsylvania and have begun to fan out across the backcountry and settle North Carolina. As the American colonies have become more settled […]

  • Bruce Gore: Precursors to The Great Awakening

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 5th 2022 2:28pm EDT

    I’m watching a video every other day or so from this series which focuses on the early history of Anglo-Protestants and traces the historical arc from the origins of Calvinism during the Reformation to its spread through Britain and Ireland to the settlement of the American colonies and the English Civil War and ultimately through […]

  • Bruce Gore: Three Waves of Calvinists

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 4th 2022 10:05am EDT

    I’m continuing to slowly work my way through the series which starts in Calvin’s Geneva and builds up to the American Revolution. To recap: Episode 1: Bruce Gore starts the series by asking why the descendants of Puritan colonists in New England and Scots-Irish Presbyterians in the backcountry played such a starring role in the […]

  • Bruce Gore: The Killing Times and Scottish Migration

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 1st 2022 12:49pm EDT

    If you have Scottish ancestry like I do, you might want to watch this to learn more about why your ancestors ended up in the United States and the origins of your culture.

  • Bruce Gore: John Knox and the Scottish Reformation

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 29th 2022 10:28am EDT

    In the last lecture, Bruce Gore explored the seeds of American republicanism in John Calvin’s theology. Calvin himself didn’t have much to say about how the state should be organized though. This lecture explores how Calvinism was brought to Scotland and how John Knox built on Calvin’s legacy. I’m enjoying watching the series because I […]

  • Bruce Gore: Presbyterians and the American Revolution

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 27th 2022 1:04pm EDT

    1776 Will Commence Again! Bruce Gore is always a pleasure to listen to. I just discovered that he has done this whole new thought provoking series. I’m sharing it here because I am watching it and learning from it.

  • The Origins of White Nationalism

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 21st 2022 12:26pm EDT

    “To rectify the relation that exists between two men, is there no method, then, but that of ending it? The old relation has become unsuitable, obsolete, perhaps unjust; and the remedy is, abolish it; let there henceforth be no relation at all. From the ‘sacrament of marriage’ downwards, human beings used to be manifoldly related […]

  • “Anti-Semitism” Downunder: Left, Right . . . or Imaginary?

    Counter Currents - Jul 20th 2022 4:04pm EDT

    5,509 words On July 12, 2022, TV One News aired a feature on “the rise of online anti-Semitism.” It might be supposed the item was produced to accelerate the introduction of the “hate speech laws.” That this is the intention is indicated by the references to the “hate speech” laws and recommendations of the Royal […]

  • The Case for National Divorce: Gay Marriage and Interracial Marriage

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 19th 2022 8:52pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. In light of the fact that a majority of Trump voters now believe that they would be better off if their state left the Union, I thought it would be interesting to look at how the vote this afternoon on “marriage equality” would have played out in […]

  • Ruy Teixeira Defects To AEI Over Wokeism

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 15th 2022 11:12am EDT

    Wow. The guy who wrote The Emerging Democratic Majority, which seeded the whole corrupted idea that changing racial demographics would “inevitably” lead to a “permanent progressive majority,” is leaving the Center for American Progress to join the American Enterprise Institute. Politico: “Ruy Teixeira is one of Washington’s most prominent left-leaning think-tank scholars, a fixture at […]

  • The Scientific Basis of Genetic Identity Politics

    Counter Currents - Jul 11th 2022 9:29am EDT

    4,213 words Abstract Previously, I have established the importance of essences in defining an identity and also introduced genes as essentialist particles. The purpose of this article is to update our concepts of human variation by bringing it in line with modern science. This is an important task, as contemporary academia either hides this knowledge […]

  • What Is the Ideology of Sameness?

    Counter Currents - Jul 1st 2022 12:04pm EDT

    Absolute Equality, a mural in Galveston, Texas commemorating Juneteenth. 2,316 words Part 1 of 4 Translated by F. Roger Devlin In 1977 I published a thick book called Viewed from the Right which received the Grand Prix de l’Essai from the French Academy the following year and has since been reprinted a number of times. […]

  • Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 449 Greg Johnson &Gregory Hood on The Northman

    Counter Currents - May 31st 2022 8:26am EDT

    208 words / 1:12:42 Gregory Hood was Greg Johnson‘s guest on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they talked about the new movie The Northman plus YOUR QUESTIONS, and it is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include: 00:01:57 Overview of The Northman‘s themes 00:06:12 Destiny and fate vs. the modern […]