• Navarro predicts more than one million illegal border crossings in 2021

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 20th 2021 1:25pm EST

    Elections have consequences, and illegal elections have even greater consequences, says Dr. Peter K. Navarro. One of those consequences? The Biden regime’s open-borders amnesty bill, which will incentivize a record number of illegal aliens to cross the United States southern border in 2021. “That’s a fact. That will happen,” Navarro told Stephen K. Bannon on […]

  • Where’s Kamala?

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 7:17pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon demands to know why emergence response coordinator Vice President Kamala Harris is spending a weekend on the beach as Texans freeze to death in their own homes. “My understanding is that Kamala Harris is in charge of the emergency response in Texas, yet she’s heading to Los Angeles and taking the weekend […]

  • BREAKING: Marc Short plotted to oust Donald Trump with Koch funding

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 7:02pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro breaks news that “incompetent” Marc Short, former chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, tried to wipe out President Donald J. Trump in 2016 with Koch funding. “Marc Short is a tool of the Koch Brothers — the biggest anti-MAGA movement in the entire Republican Party.” As Trump skyrocketed in the […]

  • Krikorian: The Left’s Animating Principle is Blanket Amnesty

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 3:18pm EST

    Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies explains the massive amnesty bill dropped by the Biden regime, noting that it exposes the radical agenda of an increasingly-emboldened Left aiming to eschew American national sovereignty.   “The approach that this bill represents is the idea that any immigrant, any foreigner anywhere in the […]

  • Dr. Carol Swain: The Left Sees Western Civilization as Dangerous

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 3:07pm EST

    Dr. Carol Swain, vice chairman of President Trump’s now-disbanded 1776 commission and former professor at Vanderbilt University, reacts to woke culture run amok in academia, which now has William Shakespeare in its gunsights. “The political Left believes that anything associated with Western civilization is dangerous,” Swain told Stephen K. Bannon. Swain traces the modern day […]

  • Bannon Lambasts GOP: No Border Wall, but Capitol Wall Remains

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 2:39pm EST

    On Day 43 of the occupation, Stephen K. Bannon lambasted the Republican Party for allowing the Biden Administration to plow ahead with its radical amnesty bill, exacerbating the crisis at the United States southern border as Americans continue to struggle through the Chinese Communist Party-exported pandemic. “There’s no wall at the border, but there is […]

  • Bannon: Breathtakingly Radical Amnesty Bill is About Breaking US Sovereignty

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 1:47pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon blasted the outrageous proposed amnesty bill out of the Biden Administration as the Left’s latest attempt to undermine American sovereignty and sell out our nation to globalism.   “There’s not going to be unity because of the radical nature of this Biden Administration.” Bannon noted that the bill goes even further than […]

  • Watch Rabbi Spero’s Eulogy for Rush Limbaugh, “Champion and Cheerleader” of America

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 1:29pm EST

    Rabbi Aryeh Spero delivers a powerful prayer for the nation and for the eternal soul of Rush Limbaugh.   “Father of Mercy, we come to you today with a heavy heart… We have lost a long-time friend, Rush Limbaugh, a man who believed in us as Americans; a champion and cheerleader of America and its […]

  • Dr. Shiva: ‘We Are Headed Toward Fascism’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 7:20pm EST

    Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai says the U.S. is headed towards fascism because of Big Tech. “We are in many ways headed toward fascism because the state and the government dictate to these private companies how to control communications,” Dr. Shiva said. Dr. Shiva explains how the founders envisioned the postal service as fundamental to securing the […]

  • ‘Pure MAGA’ Jane Timken Announces Run for Senate

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 6:48pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon said Jane Timken running for senate is “pure MAGA.” Timken, the former chair of the Ohio Republican Party, released a video announcing her run Thursday. She vowed to “fight for the Trump agenda.” Dr. Peter Navarro praised Timken as “one of the toughest people I know.” “That is as good as it’s […]


    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 6:01pm EST

    Efforts to cancel pillow purveyor Mike Lindell reach a fevered pitch, with CVS and Dollar General the latest retailers to jump on the “bash Lindell bandwagon.”  The MyPillow guy is harmless as long as he stays tucked in his pillowcase.  But once he starts speaking truths, the claws come out.  It’s apparent that the haters […]

  • Torba: Transhumanist Tech Tyrants ‘Want to Own Us Biologically’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 1:57pm EST

    Gab CEO Andrew Torba explains what transhumanism is, and why the nihilists in Big Tech are pursuing it. “These Silicon Valley elites, these oligarchs, this Party of Davos they believe that they are a superior race to the rest of us,” Torba said. “They unironically believe this.” “These people believe they are supreme to us plebes,” […]

  • Churchill College Bashes Churchill

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 1:49pm EST

    Raheem Kassam joins War Room from the desert of Arizona for an update after Churchill College held a seminar bashing its namesake. Kassam says today’s academics would have preferred for Winston Churchill to have failed in saving Western civilization. “This will always be a battle between people who yearn for freedom and people who year for […]

  • How to Honor Rush Limbaugh

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 1:11pm EST

    As the Golden EIB microphone goes silent, Stephen K. Bannon and Eric Greitens explain the best way to honor Rush Limbaugh: let your voice be heard.

  • Bannon Rebukes GOP on Occupied Zone: Do Something

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 1:09pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon said the only mission for the troops in the Capitol is psychological warfare, and blamed Republicans for not fighting what looks like the Berlin Wall in Washington, D.C. “My problem is why is Kevin McCarthy and why is Mitch McConnell, why are they not every day banging on here to see the […]

  • Krikorian: Amnesty Designed For Kamala Harris in 2024

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 1:01pm EST

    Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies explains what’s in the massive amnesty proposal dropped by the Biden regime today, and why it’s specifically designed to prop up Kamala Harris in 4 years. “It would give amnesty…to every illegal immigrant who’s been here since the first of they year,” he said. “It’s […]

  • Bannon Reflects on Passing of Rush Limbaugh, ‘The Link Between Reagan and Trump’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 8:19pm EST

    War Room dedicated the entire hour to the irreplaceable Rush Limbaugh, who passed away after a battle with lung cancer at the age of 70. Stephen K. Bannon said the all-time great was “the link between Reagan and Trump,” shaping conservatism through humor, his giant intellect, and relatablity. “He once again showed his toughness and […]

  • Navarro: Rush ‘Impossible to Replace’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 7:52pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro says Rush Limbaugh is impossible to replace “at a time when we need Rush Limbaugh more than ever.” “Whenever anybody subbed for Rush you kind of understood how great he was,” Navarro said, reflecting on the radio giant’s passing. “He just operated on a different plane. He had the voice, the mind […]

  • Giuliani Reflects on Passing of Rush Limbaugh

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 6:37pm EST

    Mayor Rudy Giuliani talks about his friendship with Rush, who he knew for over three decades, who shared a mentor with Rush in Roger Ailes. Giuliani says Rush was “a fabulous golf partner,” who he twice won the Els for Autism tournament with, and said the best part was exchanging cigars. “He was great, he […]

  • Expert Warns of Parallels in US to Paris Before 2015 Terror Attack

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 2:11pm EST

    Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigrant Studies, explains the threat of radical jihad on the border and why he sees parallels between the situation in Paris before the 2015 terrorist attacks to America today. Bensman said the countless jihadist attacks inside Europe over the past 5 years are the result […]

  • Activists Fight to Recall Ducey, Maricopa County Election Supervisors

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 1:42pm EST

    Shelby Busch, chairman of We the People Arizona Alliance, explains how people are taking back their agency in Arizona after the stolen election. “We’re tired of these tyrants getting away with it, we’re not going to stand back,” she told War Room, Wednesday. The group is organizing recalls of Governor Doug Ducey, Arizona Secretary of […]

  • Lindell Releases New Evidence: 60% Election Cyber Attacks Came from China

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 1:10pm EST

    Mike Lindell is revealing new evidence in a follow-up a 30-minute documentary to Absolute Proof that shows 60 percent of the election cyber attacks came from communist China. Lindell says it is is imperative to get rid of voting machines if we ever want to have honest elections again. “There would be no 2024 and […]

  • Joe Biden Gives the Chinese Communist Party ‘License for Mass Murder’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 1:06pm EST

    Raheem Kassam explains why Joe Biden talked to Xi Jinping for 2 hours: he was doing prep for the CNN town hall. Stephen K. Bannon described Biden’s performance as “scary gobbledygook” when he provided cover for the genocide of millions. On Tuesday evening Biden excused the CCP’s genocide of Uyghurs as a “cultural norm.” “He […]

  • Episode 737 – Switching Basements

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 12:15pm EST

    Unions First, Kids Last War Room reacts to the blistering takedown of the CDC by Ron DeSantis for trying to make it nearly impossible for kids to return to school. Alfredo Ortiz, president Job Creators Network, shares his group’s new billboards in Time Square demanding the Biden regime open schools, and explains why all Biden […]

  • Episode 736 – Nov. 3 is Not Over

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 12:00pm EST

    The Guy Who’s Not Moving On Mike Lindell reveals new evidence that he is releasing in a 30-minute follow up documentary to Absolute Proof, and explains why he hopes Dominion sues him. WATCH: LindellTV.com MichaelJLindell.com Scary Gobbledygook Raheem Kassam explains why Joe Biden talked to Xi for 2 hours: he was doing town hall prep. […]