• Bannon Blasts Fake News CBS Producer for Spreading ‘Total Lie’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 6:25pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon responds to a fake news report from a CBS producer claiming Bannon brought up the 25th amendment at the White House: it’s total garbage. “It’s a total fantasy, totally incorrect, total lie,” Bannon said. “There is no one in this country that has supported President Trump better, tougher, longer than Stephen K. […]

  • Bannon Blasts ‘Globalist Elite’ McConnell and Ryan for Keeping Borders Open

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 1:37pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon rips Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Chamber of Commerce donor class who blocked President Trump’s America First border security agenda.   “They’ve already undone everything that Trump did in 4 years because Trump did it by executive order,” Bannon said. “Why was that? We controlled the House and the Senate. The reason […]

  • Biden Regime’s Amnesty Would End Deportations

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 1:30pm EST

    Chris Chmielenski, deputy director of NumbersUSA, explains how the Biden regime has undone the Trump administration’s tough border policies and just how bad the amnesty proposal is. Chmielenski reports the Biden regime wants amnesty for anyone who can claim they were in the country by Jan. 1, 2021, including anyone who was deported by the […]

  • Kane and ‘The Stack’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 1:19pm EST

    Kane, of Citizen Free Press, joins War Room and explains the “non-curation curation” of the stack. “I essentially sit here in the people’s republic of Bloomington, Indiana to fight socialism,” he said. Kane also shares what the biggest stories are right now, and says “people had a gas” with Bannon’s hint that President Trump could […]

  • Melissa Huray: The Real Mike Lindell

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 1:11pm EST

    Mike Lindell is a hot topic these days – stories of cancel culture, pillow fights and election fraud pepper the airwaves.  Although I’m aware of the news headlines, people’s opinions on these matters are irrelevant to what really drives the sometimes contentious man I’ve come to know. The truth is, God used Mike Lindell to […]

  • Ramaswamy: ‘Something’s Got to Give’ with Bureaucrats Taking Over Our Health

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 1:05pm EST

    Venture capitalist Dave Ramaswamy says “something’s got to give” between bureaucrats getting in the way of Americans’ lives and livelihoods. “The managerial industrial complex wants to resist people taking ownership and agency of their own health with their doctor,” he said. All of a sudden the “sacrosanct” doctor-patient relationship in the U.S. has given way […]

  • Kamala Harris Speaks with Foreign Leaders, Biden ‘Not Up to the Job’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 12:55pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon asked who is actually the commander-in-chief after Kamala Harris is leading phone calls with the heads of states in Canada and France. “The vice president of the United States is actually making direct phone calls with heads of states,” said Stephen K. Bannon. “This is actually breathtaking.”  “I think the reason is [Biden’s] […]

  • Navarro: Drop McConnell and McCarthy if GOP Takes Back House

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 8:28pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro says Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy don’t belong in Republican leadership. “Over the next year and a half as Trump leads the retaking of the House of Representatives and…the Republican majority in the senate, one of the things I want to be doing is working to get rid of Mitch McConnell and […]

  • Pelosi Plans 9/11-Style Commission for Jan. 6

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 7:15pm EST

    Raheem Kassam explains how Nancy Pelosi is planning a 9/11 commission for the events that took place on January 6th. The secularists in the establishment are launching a so-called “independent” commission investigate the security of the “temple of our democracy.” The biggest question to answer is who knew and why didn’t they do anything about […]

  • ‘CA is in Play’: Recall Gavin Newsom Effort Grows

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 1:23pm EST

    Tom Del Beccaro says California is on the cusp of recalling Gavin Newsom. “This is breathing life into those who want resistance to big government and those who want accountability,” Del Beccaro, the former chairman of the Republican Party in California told War Room on Monday. Del Beccaro’s group Rescue California has already gathered 1.6 […]

  • War Room Pays Tribute to Curtis Ellis

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 1:13pm EST

    John Fredericks and Stephen K. Bannon give a moving tribute to Curtis Ellis, one of the original pioneers of the America First movement, populism, and economic nationalism. Read Curtis Ellis’s closing argument on how to save America and the GOP The post War Room Pays Tribute to Curtis Ellis appeared first on War Room: Pandemic.

  • Cortes: Lara Trump Could Easily Be NC Senator, Over ‘Swamp Dinosaur’ Burr

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 1:11pm EST

    Steve Cortes said Lara Trump could easily become the next senator of North Carolina, after Richard Burr sided with Democrats and against President Trump in the impeachment sham. “I have no idea if she is going to run but I would be one of her most enthusiastic supporters,” Cortes said. Cortes explained Lara Trump has […]

  • Harvard is a ‘Nest of CCP Intel Assets’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 1:02pm EST

    Harvard’s Shorenstein Center has extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party, according to Natalie Winters latest report in the National Pulse. The Shorenstein Center, which is behind an effort trying to malign the work of whistleblower Dr. Yan Li-Meng, has itself published studies “entirely funded by the CCP.” “This is what happens when the CCP […]

  • Bannon: McConnell is a ‘Poison’ who Must Go

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 12:58pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon said the start to taking back the Republican Party is getting rid of Mitch McConnell. “Mitch McConnel has got to go,” he said. “He’s a poison.” Bannon laid out a political road map during a speech to Boston Republicans on Saturday. Bannon explains how Republicans can take back their party, back the […]

  • Electric Grid Attack Could Kill 90% of U.S. Population

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 2:00pm EST

    Frank Gaffney warns of the dangers of the Biden regime opening up America’s electric grid to China: 90% of the population would be wiped out in an EMP attack. The post Electric Grid Attack Could Kill 90% of U.S. Population appeared first on War Room: Pandemic.

  • The CCP Backed Antifa and BLM

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 1:36pm EST

    Frank Gaffney explains all the ways the Chinese Communist Party interfered in the 2020 election: the CCP virus, backing antifa and BLM, and using Marxist organizations like Seed the Vote. The post The CCP Backed Antifa and BLM appeared first on War Room: Pandemic.

  • Bannon on Impeachment Witnesses: ‘Game On’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 1:30pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon said if the establishment wants a dragged out impeachment fight with witnesses, then “game on.” “This is the establishement springing the trap on Donald J. Trump,” Bannon said. “This is the Republican establishment’s move to purge him from the American political process.” “So, hey, guess what? Game on,” he said. “Fine, you […]

  • Navarro: What Pence did ‘Will Go Down in History’ as one of ‘Greatest Betrayals Imaginable’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 12:45pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro said Mike Pence’s betrayal of President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest imaginable. “What Mike Pence did to Donald J. Trump I think will go down in history as one of the greatest betrayals imaginable,” Navarro said. “Clearly the Vice President Pence had a mission,” he said, […]

  • Epshteyn: President Trump Will be the 47th POTUS

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 7:14pm EST

    Boris Epshteyn says President Trump is undefeated against the Republican establishment and explains why he will believes Trump will return to be the 47th President of the United States. The post Epshteyn: President Trump Will be the 47th POTUS appeared first on War Room: Pandemic.

  • WaPo Uses CCP-Tied Dr. for Hit Piece Against Chinese Whistleblower

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 7:10pm EST

    War Room’s 2020 woman of the year Dr. Yan Li-Meng responds to today’s Washington Post hit piece, and points out a flaw in their sourcing: Robert Gallo has deep ties to the CCP. Dr. Yan continues to be lied about and smears by Chinese and American state-run media. She said the Washington Post turned to Gallo for a simple […]

  • Haley is ‘Creature of the Corrupt Political Class’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 2:06pm EST

    Revolver’s Darren Beattie reacts to Nikki Haley’s “break” with Donald Trump, as if she was ever with him in the first place. Beattie reminds listeners that this is the same woman who compared President Trump to a mass murderer. “This is completely fake, just like everyone else after Trump has worked out his usefulness to […]

  • Dr. Saad Explains How to Defeat ‘Idea Pathogens’ Infecting Common Sense

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 1:32pm EST

    Dr. Gad Saad returns to give the signal of the Gina Carano firing, and how “idea pathogens” have spread from the campus to every aspect of society. “What’s happening here is a manifestation of this endless orgiastic munchausen: I’m a victim therefore I am,” said Dr. Saad. Dr. Saad says it is “grotesque” that the […]

  • Bannon: Haley Will Never be the GOP Nominee

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 1:12pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon says Nikki Haley will never be the Republican nominee for president — or president, for that matter. “She is a complete front for the establishment,” Bannon said, noting the timing of Haley’s Politico profile comes on the same day as President Trump’s defense in the impeachment show trial. “They’re not subtle about […]

  • Joe Biden, Tear Down This Wall

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 1:04pm EST

    Now that Ted Lieu has exposed the purpose for the National Guard in Washington, D.C. is to police political speech, Biden’s Wall must be removed. “This is outrageous,” said Stephen K. Bannon. “This is communist-type, totalitarian dictatorship-type use of military force against a free citizenry.” Bannon said there must be a massive investigation into why […]

  • Cortes Rips Nikki Haley: ‘She is a Soulless Political Operative’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 12:59pm EST

    Steve Cortes blasted Nikki Haley, who is testing the waters (and coming up short with donors) for 2024. “She is a soulless political operative. she is the olitical version of a weather vance. whichever way she believes the poltiical wind is blowing for her and where she believes she can get a tailwind, that is […]