• Ted Lieu Admits Democrats Are Using the Military to Enforce Political Speech

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 7:13pm EST

    Ted Lieu accidentally revealed the truth during the impeachment trial Thursday: Democrats are using the military to enforce political speech. Washington, D.C. looks like East Germany because President Trump won’t submit and say the words “the election wasn’t stolen.” They are “using the power of the state to change what you think,” said Stephen K. […]

  • Bannon: ‘We Will Never Ever Ever Concede’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 7:06pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon blasted Ted Lieu after he said the quiet part out loud: the Democrats using the military to enforce political speech. Just admit the election wasn’t stolen and the troops can go home.using the military  “Sir, you are a liar,” Bannon said. “If that is the truth, then you have lied about why the […]

  • Chinese Whistleblower: ‘We All Know This was a Man-Made’ Bioweapon

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 1:54pm EST

    Chinese Whistleblower Dr. TCC says the World Health Organization’s declaration that the CCP virus did not come from the Wuhan lab is “insulting people’s intelligence.” “We all know this was a man-made laboratory engineered bioweapon,” she said.  The Financial Times, which Stephen K. Bannon calls the “propaganda arm of the Party of Davos,” dutifully relayed […]

  • Beattie: Who Was the Last Person to See Officer Sicknick Alive?

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 1:46pm EST

    Revolver’s Darren Beattie says his explosive story on Capitol Hill police officer Brian Sicknick, which the media has falsely used to blood libel 75 million Americans and characterize them as domestic terrorists, is picking up steam. Beattie asks the key questions: Why was he cremated? Why don’t they release the medical report? Why don’t we […]

  • Bannon and Lindell Team Up for Election Fraud Special on OAN

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 1:45pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Mike Lindell are teaming up for a special on election fraud, walking through every detail of Lindell’s explosive documentary Absolute Proof. The special will air on One America News Network Thursday at 8 p.m. “Lindell’s prepared to go and show you the receipts,” said Bannon. “All you have to do is […]

  • Lindell Warns Big Box Stores: You Never Get to Come Back

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 1:40pm EST

    Mike Lindell is putting the Big Box stores on notice: if they leave now they never get to come back. The contrived orchestrated attacks are hitting Lindell’s business, his recovery network, and his reputation, all because he is brave enough to speak out about the stolen election. “When you leave now, you never get to […]

  • ‘Give me an Hour’: Navarro says he can Prove Beyond Shadow of a Doubt the Election was Stolen

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 7:53pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro says he can definitely prove the “theft of the century”: that the election was stolen. “Give me one hour,” Navarro said. “Give me an hour at that senate trial instead of an hour of those hapless mediocre lawyers we have. Just give me an hour to present the Navarro report…and I will […]

  • WHO Researcher Worked at Wuhan Lab for 20 Years, Took CCP Cash

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 7:36pm EST

    Natalie Winters, of the National Pulse, exposes Tony Fauci’s best friend Peter Daszak for being on the take from the Chinese Communist Party. Despite working for nearly two decades with the CCP on gain of function virus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Daszak is now heading the World Health Organization’s investigation into the […]

  • Kassam: Dems’ Impeachment Case Requires Time Travel

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 7:19pm EST

    Raheem Kassam explains why the Democrats’ case requires time travel. “When you get underneath the pathos when you try to find the logos, the facts the evidence the truth it all falls apart,” he said. Democrats want you to believe President Trump “got in the Delorean” to radicalize people before he even finished his speech, […]

  • Former FBI Station Chief Arrested for Jan. 6 Conspiracy

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 1:31pm EST

    Eric Greitens breaks down the news about Thomas Caldwell, who was arrested for conspiracy on Jan. 6, and is also a former section chief for the FBI. The report in Just the News means President Trump couldn’t possibly have incited something planned months in advance, and something is missing from Big Media’s narrative. “This story […]

  • Darren Beattie Exposes MAGA Blood Libel

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 12:54pm EST

    Darren Beattie shares his explosive story on the details — and lack thereof — of the death of Capitol Hill police officer Brian Sicknick. His death was used to label over 75 million Americans domestic terrorists, but what really happened? First, the New York Times ran a total lie about Sicknick being “killed by a […]

  • Lindell and Bannon Team Up for OAN Special on Election Fraud

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 12:51pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Mike Lindell are teaming up to walk through the entirety of Absolute Proof and explaining every detail, Thursday night on One America News Network. “We’re going to break it apart, ask the toughest questions,” Bannon said. “No one is here to tell you what to think.” Bannon challenged Big Media and […]

  • Lindell: Google is ‘Not Letting Me Buy My Own Name’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 12:23pm EST

    Mike Lindell explains the all-out assault on his reputation, company, and recovery network, including Google not letting him buy his own name. Google buried MichaelJLindell.com after his documentary Absolute Proof was released, so Lindell fought back. “I bought my own name so everything would show up” on Google, Lindell said. “It started out like 5 […]

  • Dr. Yan: Mandarin-Speaking Bat Would Be More Believable Than the WHO

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 7:30pm EST

    War Room’s 2020 woman of the year Dr. Yan Li-Meng responds to the World Health Organization’s latest cover up for the CCP. After finally being allowed some access — a year late — within a matter of days the WHO concludes the Wuhan Institute of Virology has nothing to do with the CCP virus. “If […]

  • Bannon: Impeachment is Designed to Push a Domestic Terrorist Bill

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 7:23pm EST

    War Room explains why you should care about the impeachment Show Trial: it’s not about going after President Trump, it’s about going after you. “This is the predicate they’re going to use to start pushing a domestic terrorist bill,” said Stephen K. Bannon. Day one of the sham impeachment is in the books, including the […]

  • WHO Covers Up for the CCP

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 1:51pm EST

    Jack Posobiec explains how the World Health Organization is covering for the Chinese Communist Party. After one week visiting Wuhan a year too late, the World Health Organization has declared the CCP virus did not come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and it “does not need to be investigated further.” “If the WHO is […]

  • Drudge Lost 50% of Traffic Last Year

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 1:49pm EST

    Kane of Citizen Free Press explains why the Drudge Report’s falling traffic is even worse than it seems. “Drudge’s numbers in 2016 were about 1.4 billion page views in a month,” said Kane. “He’s lost 50 percent.” Kane said the Drudge’s reported 700 million views in January is actually misleading. “Here’s the dirty little secret […]

  • Kassam: Jen Psaki is a ‘Stone Cold Moron’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 1:43pm EST

    Raheem Kassam says what everyone is thinking: Jen Psaki is a “stone-cold moron.” “What the press secretary says from up on that podium is total and utter dross,” Kassam said. “It’s dross it’s empty, it’s foolish. She makes America look foolish by doing it.” Kassam was reacting to another Psaki fail from a simple question […]

  • Farnan: ‘There Was Not an Insurrection’ on Jan. 6

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 1:13pm EST

    Attorney Thomas Farnan explains how impeachment 2.0 is a “show trial,” lacking any evidence but designed purely to advance a political narrative.  “Most people understand there was not an insurrection,” Farnan said. “Overwhelming what was happening on Jan. 6 was Americans going to Washington, D.C. to petition the government for a redress of grievances,” he […]

  • Republican Blindsides Arizona Senate and Sides with Corrupt Maricopa Supervisors

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 1:08pm EST

    Arizona state senator Sonny Borelli reveals what happened with the Republican resolution to hold the election Board of Supervisors accountable for blocking evidence of election fraud: they were blindsided by their own member senator Paul Boyer. Borelli explains that all 16 Republicans, including Boyer, signed the resolution for contempt last week. The resolution would hold […]

  • Biden Regime’s ‘Asia Czar’ Has Ties to Hunter Biden’s Missing CCP Business Partner

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 7:57pm EST

    The Biden regime’s “Asia Czar” Kurt Campbell is compromised by the Chinese Communist Party. The National Pulse reports Campbell headlined an event with Hunter Biden’s missing business partner Dr. Patrick Ho, aka “the f**king spy chief of China.” Campbell gave a speech at the China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC)’s Sino-US Colloquium, in 2015 calling for […]

  • Richard Fernandez Explains Dangers of ‘Settled Science’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 7:50pm EST

    Richard Fernandez, of PJ Media, reveals the dangers of falling into “settled science,” like the once elite-approved practices of eugenics and Soviet farming. Fernandez compares troubling junk science of the past to today’s cult around global warming and the verboten subjects: was the election fair and if the Wuhan virus started in a lab. The […]

  • Jake Tapper Tries to Cover for AOC, Fails

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 7:43pm EST

    Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam fact check Jake Tapper, who was caught lying to cover up AOC’s lies about her “near death” experience across the street from Capitol Hill, when no one had breached the Capitol yet. “What he’s done here is he’s actually contorted the story and the timeline to fit with his version […]

  • Fauci Pushes Kid Vaccination With ‘Little to None’ Research

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 2:02pm EST

    Dr. Maria Ryan reports there has been “little to none” Wuhan virus vaccine research conducted on adolescents, with Moderna publicly admitting they cannot get parental consent for children 12 and under to enroll in their experimental trials. “We as an industry cannot just put out a vaccine without testing it,” Dr. Ryan said. “And we […]

  • Over 22 Million Have Watched Mike Lindell’s Election Fraud Documentary

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 1:43pm EST

    Mike Lindell says at least 22 million people have watched his election fraud documentary Absolute Proof in the United States alone. Lindell again challenged Dominion to join him on live television to go fact by fact on the election fraud, and has yet to get a response. “Come on down,” Lindell says, standing by the […]