• Fact Check: AOC Wasn’t in Capitol on Jan. 6

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 8:01pm EST

    Jack Posobiec has a brutal fact check on AOC, who was actually across the street at the Cannon House office building and not in the Capitol during her so-called “near death” experience on Jan. 6. “We all had that one friend in high school where no matter what the story is, they have to make […]

  • Rudy Giuliani Responds to Lincoln Project: I Could Sue You

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 3:19pm EST

    Rudy Giuliani responds to the Lincoln Project: I could sue you. John Weaver’s anti-Trump group threatened to sue Giuliani for defamation in a letter Giuliani says defamed him “four or five times.” “Right now I’m spending time figuring out what I should sue you for and how much I can get,” Giuliani told War Room, […]

  • Bannon: Moving the Goalposts on Herd Immunity is to Push CCP Virus Vaccines for Kids

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 1:24pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon explains the buried lede about the medical establishment’s constant moving the goalposts for herd immunity: it’s about vaccinations for children.  “Big Pharma owns the Republican Party…and half the Democrat Party, too,” Bannon said. Days after the Biden regime released a report that calls for additional research on Wuhan virus vaccines for adolescents, […]

  • Chumley: Christians Need to Get Off the Sidelines

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 1:22pm EST

    Cheryl Chumley, of the Washington Times, is calling on Christians to get involved to save America from the socialists and the globalists The author of the book Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise of America Will Fail shares some tough love with Christians: “I know that the second part of that title is controversial, but […]

  • The Importance of Praying for America

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 1:22pm EST

    Cheryl Chumley of the Washington Times explains why she started the “8 o’clock club,” which organizes Americans to pray for their country every day at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.  “God doesn’t need social media to gather his remnant,” she said. Learn how to “battle socialism one prayer at a time” by joining the 8 […]

  • Gaetz: The Republican Conference is a ‘Joke’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 12:43pm EST

    Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted the Republican establishment in an interview with War Room, saying D.C. is “two parties, one scam.” “We cannot fight it on the home turf of the establishment inside the beltway,” Gaetz said. Fresh off his trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming trying to kick Liz Cheney out of leadership, Gaetz called the Republican […]

  • Matt Gaetz Volunteers to Give Up House Seat to Defend President Trump in Senate Trial

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 3rd 2021 10:56am EST

    Congressman Matt Gaetz said he would give up his seat in the House if asked to defend President Donald Trump in the upcoming impeachment trial. “The President so far has gotten a low-energy defense,” Gaetz said in an interview with War Room. Gaetz said it’s important to show how President Trump’s concerns about the presidential […]

  • Newsmax Host Melts Down When Mike Lindell Mentions Voter Fraud

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 7:56pm EST

    Newsmax host Bob Sellers tried to cancel an interview with Mike Lindell, who was on to discuss cancel culture. Lindell began explaining why the left is coming after his business My Pillow and his reputation: because he is not backing down from telling the truth about voter fraud in the presidential election. Lindell was permanently […]

  • Navarro: President Trump’s Legal Team ‘Is Not Serving Him Well’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 7:23pm EST

    Dr. Peter Navarro says President Trump’s legal defense team is “not serving him well.” Navarro, who has published three volumes explaining how the swing states were stolen from President Trump through ballot stuffing, and violations of the Constitution, says it’s imperative for the impeachment defense team to build the case around election fraud. “His team […]

  • Biden Regime Wants to Slip Amnesty Into Covid Relief

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 7:16pm EST

    Rosemary Jenks, president of NumbersUSA, warns War Room that Democrats are trying to slip amnesty for up to 7 million illegal aliens into the covid virus relief bill. The move to give “essential workers” amnesty would be double the size of the 1986 amnesty, through legislation that Congress is trying to pass via reconciliation and […]

  • More Biden Regime Ties to the CCP Revealed

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 1:38pm EST

    Natalie Winters joins War Room on her exclusive report that shows the extensive ties between top Biden regime officials and the Chinese Communist Party. Several officials, including Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan served at Harvard’s Belfer Center, which is aligned with the Chinese military and has a long history of touting the CCP’s party […]

  • Why the Lindsey Graham Impeachment Strategy Will Fail

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 1:34pm EST

    Matt Braynard explains why the Lindsey Graham strategy on impeachment is insufficient: it’s asymmetrical.  The Democrats are using their second sham impeachment as an opportunity to bring up “every imagined crime that president Trump ever committed.”  “They are using this as just a tool to promote their agenda,” Braynard said.  In that case, President Trump […]

  • Almost Half of Wyoming Counties Have Censured Liz Cheney

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 1:31pm EST

    Joey Correnti IV, chairman of the Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party, gives an update on the growing momentum to censure Liz Cheney for her impeachment vote. “Nearly half the counties in Wyoming have picked it up and ran with it,” Correnti said, most calling for her censure and removal from office by near unanimous votes. […]

  • Bannon: Fauci Plots to Use America’s Kids to Get Herd Immunity

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 1:24pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon calls out Tony Fauci for seeking to use America’s kids as a means to reach herd immunity. Fauci, who has admitted to lying about what herd immunity is in order to manipulate the American people, is changing the goal posts again. Fauci now says herd immunity must be reached by vaccinating kids, […]

  • Bannon Blasts Trump’s Impeachment Defense Lawyer: ‘You Gotta Bring the Heat’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 1:16pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon says President Trump’s lead impeachment lawyer is not going big enough, and must bring up election fraud. “That is what’s called missing the mark,” he said. “And here you have to hit the mark.” Yes the impeachment is unconstitutional and President Trump was afforded no due process, Bannon says, but that is […]

  • Fauci: Key to Herd Immunity is Vaccinating America’s Children

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 2nd 2021 12:35pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon reveals what’s coming: vaccines of your children to achieve herd immunity, courtesy of Tony Fauci. A trial balloon about vaccinating children was floated in the Associated Press on Monday evening, revealing the globalist establishment’s plans for this summer. “You’re going to have a digital passport first…it’s going to be Klaus Schwab until […]

  • EP 698- Pandemic: Useful Idiots of the Establishment (w/ Jack Posobiec, Dr. Peter Navarro, Boris Ephshteyn)

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 8:22pm EST

    War Room reacts to one year later Bill Maher covering the lab origins of the CCP virus. Our guests are: Peter Navarro responds to Charlie Gasperino, the go-to useful idiot for the hedge funds and the CCP trying to spin news in the marketplace. Stay ahead of the censors – Join us warroom.org/join Aired On: […]

  • Why This Sham Impeachment is More Important Than the First

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 7:40pm EST

    War Room explains why the second sham impeachment of Donald Trump for something he did not do is more important than the first. “This impeachment is actually more important than the first impeachment,” said Jack Posobiec. “The second impeachment is more important because this impeachment is actually a proxy war for the soul of the […]

  • Navarro: Charlie Gasperino is ‘Useful Idiot’ for Hedge Funds

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 6:55pm EST

    Peter Navarro responds to an attack from Charlie Gasperino, noting Gasperino is the go-to “useful idiot” for the hedge funds and the Chinese Communist Party. “Everyone knows on the street when they want to spin some news into the marketplace and try to fleece the retail investors and maybe even some of the institutional investors, […]

  • Establishment Fears President Trump Making His Case Before the Senate

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 1:42pm EST

    War Room calls the New York Times’ 10,000-word bluff: they’re not confident. If there was really nothing to the election fraud, the political establishment and the media would welcome the argument. But they won’t. The last thing they want is for President Trump to show all of the damning evidence in the well of the […]

  • Lincoln Project Co-Founder Victimized At Least 20 Young Men

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 1:31pm EST

    Never Trump Lincoln Project founder John Weaver victimized at least 20 young men, according to an expose the New York Times would only publish after the election. War Room demands to know “what did the media know and when did they know it?” about Weaver. The allegations were swirling as far back as 2004, and Raheem Kassam […]

  • Dan David: Congress Rigged Wall Street’s Rigged System

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 12:59pm EST

      Investor Dan David updates War Room on Wall Street’s immoral and illegal behavior tamping down on reddit investors. “How did all the other retail platforms do the exact same thing at the exact same time?” the founder of Wolfpack Research asked. “That sounds like collusion to me, and that I hear is illegal.” David […]

  • AG Ken Paxton Responds to NYT’s Fake News on Texas Lawsuit

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 1st 2021 12:56pm EST

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton responds to the fabrication in the New York Times that the Trump White House was involved in the Texas lawsuit, and explains why his state got involved to try to correct election fraud in other states. “All I asked is that the Constitution be followed,” Paxton said. “I know that’s […]

  • Chinese Military Working on Vaccine in Dec 2019, Virus Likely a Bioweapon

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 31st 2021 2:06pm EST

    The Chinese Communist Party was working on a vaccine in December 2019 for the coronavirus, according to Dr. Steven Quay. The first patients at the People’s Liberation Army Hospital in Wuhan not only had traces of SARS-CoV-2, but also of a Chinese-built adenovirus vaccine, indicating the virus was likely part of a CCP weapons program. […]

  • Glassner Explains How to Keep Populist Movements Alive

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 30th 2021 1:28pm EST

    Michael Glassner, COO of the Trump campaign, and Stephen K. Bannon explain how the roots of the reddit populist revolt on Wall Street go back to Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.  “People were fed up with institutions in America that was really the beginning of this movement,” Glassner said. “She lit the match. Trump […]