• BREAKING: 15 Republicans Could Vote for Left-Wing ‘Equality’ Act

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 21st 2021 12:52pm EST

    Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project explains the danger of the Biden regime’s new executive order on gender, but why the so-called ‘Equality Act’ is even worse. Schilling says his sources confirm up to 15 Republicans are considering support for the ‘Equality’ Act, which would make radical left-wing gender identity politics the law of […]

  • DC Draino’s Plan for the Deplorables

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 21st 2021 12:34pm EST

    Rogan O’Handley, aka DC Draino, has a plan for how we can keep the MAGA movement growing, with bare-knuckle politics and…President Trump as Speaker of the House? “Ok, this is a crazy idea but hear me out…” War Room explains why this type of creative thinking is imperative to nationalize the midterm elections, because we […]

  • Giuliani: This is an Inauguration for the Establishment, ‘the People be Damned’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 20th 2021 12:27pm EST

    Rudy Giuliani says the nonexistent inauguration crowd for illegitimate Joe Biden is fitting, because it’s an inauguration for the establishment, and the establishment alone. “This is the inauguration for the ones who fixed this [election],” Giuliani said. “It has nothing to do with the people. The people be damned.” Giuliani says the illegitimacy of the […]

  • Bannon: President Trump is Going to Take Back the White House in 2024

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 20th 2021 12:25pm EST

    Amidst an empty national mall of a fake candidate with no supporters, Stephen K. Bannon declares that President Trump is going to take back the White House in 2024. Americans will not stand for a stolen election and will come back stronger than ever. “President trump is going to take the White House back in […]

  • Leftist Video Calls for Secret Police Against Conservatives

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 19th 2021 1:32pm EST

    A chilling new video reveals exactly what leftists want: a new Stasi. Half of Americans are “domestic terrorists,” according to the video released by author Don Winslow calling for a citizen police force to report on conservatives. If you support the most popular Republican president in modern history, you are equivalent to following Osama Bin […]

  • Biden’s New Immigration Policy: Amnesty Without Empty Promises of Border Security

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 19th 2021 1:29pm EST

    Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, foreshadows the new immigration policy of the illegitimate Biden administration: full amnesty without the empty promises of future border security. While Guatemala broke up the caravan approaching the United States, Krikorian warns the situation will get “much worse” with complete open borders policy. Illegal immigrants […]

  • BREAKING: China Sought to Influence 2020 Election

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 1:38pm EST

    Jack Posobiec joins War Room to break down the FBI’s “completely illegal, unconstitutional and un-American” digging into National Guard members’ political beliefs at the behest of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.  Plus: War Room reacts to the bombshell report from ODNI John Ratcliffe that reveals members of the intelligence community hid evidence of China’s election […]

  • EXCLUSIVE: Wyoming County GOP Votes to Censure Liz Cheney

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 11:28am EST

    Carbon County Wyoming unanimously voted in favor of censuring Liz Cheney for betraying her voters when she joined the Democrats’ baseless and fraudulent impeachment of President Trump.  Joey Correnti IV, chairman of the Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party, joins War Room exclusively to discuss the resolution, which states Cheney has “violated the trust of her […]

  • Rabbi Spero: Jan. 6 ‘Eerily Similar’ to Reichstag Fire

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 10:51am EST

    Rabbi Aryeh Spero joins War Room to explain how the events on Jan. 6 align with those in Germany in the 1930s: “it’s all happened before.” Just like the Reichstag fire the Capitol Hill riot is being used to “cancel, ostracize, and nullify” the left’s political opponents. Rabbi Spero also explains the real Big Lie […]

  • Wyoming GOP – Liz Cheney Couldn’t Get Elected Dogcatcher

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 17th 2021 10:07am EST

     Wyoming GOP Chairman Frank Eathorne joins War Room and reveals what the winning model is for Republicans: stand up for your supporters. Liz Cheney is so finished in Wyoming with GOP voters after she smeared all MAGA as a “mob” that she “couldn’t win a primary for dogcatcher.” Read Wyoming GOP’s scathing letter to […]

  • Episode 662 – ‘It All Goes Back to Wuhan’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 16th 2021 12:02pm EST

    Giuliani: This is Extortion Rather Than an Impeachment Rudy Giuliani makes the case to dismiss the sham impeachment, and reveals how the Capitol Hill riot was completely organized by left-wing outside forces. “In other words, it’s another Democrat frame up.” Up to 25,000 troops in DC   ‘It All Goes Back to Wuhan’ War Room […]

  • Episode 661 – ‘I’m Almost Getting Tired of Winning Here’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 16th 2021 11:34am EST

    Breaking: Another Antifa Arrest  Jack Posobiec has all the details of the arrest of Daniel Alan Baker, another antifa member plotting an attack on Trump supporters. Stephen K. Bannon calls out Big Media for hiding the breaking news: “You’re information warfare and we’re not going to tolerate it.” Antifa member plotting attack on inauguration day […]

  • Episode 660 – ‘They’re Trying to Shut Down the Great Awakening’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 15th 2021 6:12pm EST

    Shifting the Goalposts War Room talks about the prospects of a sham impeachment trial starting as early as next Friday, as the Big Media propaganda machine starts changing the narrative since it’s impossible to incite violence when you call for peace.  Mitch washes his hands   What Are They Hiding? The FBI’s advertised Friday “press […]

  • Episode 659 – Common Sense, Grit, Determination

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 15th 2021 12:22pm EST

    It Begins: First Primary Challenger Announces Against Pro-Impeachment RINO   Tom Norton, an America First veteran, tells War Room why he will primary Michigan Congressman Peter Meijer, who after 10 days on the job has already betrayed his constituents by voting for the sham impeachment. Visit: tom.gop   Plus: Declassification update Dem ‘star witness’ Fiona […]

  • Episode 658 – ‘Guess What? We’re Winning’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 15th 2021 11:03am EST

    Giuliani Reveals Evidence of Antifa Provocateurs at Capitol Hill Rudy Giuliani has uncovered evidence that at least 200 antifa members instigated violence on Jan. 6 to stage a riot to hurt President Trump. Plus: ‘DC is an armed camp…on the 6th they had a couple of bicycle racks.’ Up to 21,000 National Guard troops now […]

  • Episode 657 – ‘This is Just the Beginning’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 14th 2021 6:02pm EST

    Bannon: ‘The Trial of Donald Trump is the Answered Prayer’ War Room breaks down prospects of a motion to dismiss the sham impeachment in the Senate with Boris Ephysteyn. Flashback: Motion to dismiss included in previous rules Kerik: ‘John Sullivan wasn’t the only guy from BLM there’ Bernard Kerik breaks down how leftists planned for […]