• Ritual Abuse & Criminal Organizations in Roman Catholicism

    Jay Dyer - Jun 29th 2021 5:35pm EDT

    Order signed copies of my books by clicking the bird! While it’s true that every church or religious organization can suffer from corruption and institutional degradation, the prevalence, prominence and astounding cases of abuse and molestation, including Satanic ritual abuse, in the Roman Catholic Church are unparalleled. The attempt to chalk it all up to […]

  • Hollywood, Geopolitics & Psychological Warfare – Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner

    Jay Dyer - Jun 28th 2021 4:36pm EDT

    “In this episode Jay shares a broad strokes overview of the current geopolitical milieu, explaining some of the historical context that lead us where we are today, and where we might be headed in the future. Courtenay and Jay discuss psyops, and the goals/ plans/ history of the elites. They discuss their use of Hollywood, […]

  • Top 5 Simple Arguments Against Papal Infallibility / Vatican I

    Jay Dyer - Jun 28th 2021 2:03pm EDT

     The easiest way to refute the system of Roman Catholicism is by comparing the claims of Vatican I with those of Vatican II and the living magisterial teachings of the post-vatican II papacy. Is the Church that called the Crusades the same Church that prays in mosques toward Mecca? Linked below are all the […]


    Jay Dyer - Jun 24th 2021 6:27pm EDT

     Popular YouTuber and IG fitness/lifestyle figure Jon Venus invited me on to discuss the basics of social engineering. You’ve probably seen him with Tristan in the past or in disputes with Vegan Gains, but regardless, this conversation was the bomb bigity! Big thanks to Jon Venus for having me on.  You can follow him […]

  • The Great Reset And Alien Disclosure Exposed – Jay Dyer on hAlex J0nes

    Jay Dyer - Jun 23rd 2021 8:35pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the demonic truth behind alien disclosure and The Great Reset. Get all 3 NEW products in the Mega Immune Support Pack at 40% off today! Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or […]

  • Prometheus & Alien Covenant: UFO Alien Symbolism – Jay & Tristan

    Jay Dyer - Jun 22nd 2021 3:17pm EDT

     Tristan joins me to cover the religious and Luciferian symbolism in the recent Alien installments: Prometheus & Alien Covenant. What is interesting about these films is the inclusion of the A.I. element and the biblical and religious “covenantal” notions. Live at 720 PM CST  Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the […]

  • Trinity Vs Tawhid: Jay Dyer Vs Sheikh Asrar Rashid Debate Review

    Jay Dyer - Jun 17th 2021 12:44pm EDT

     Fr Dcn Dr Ananias, Snek, and Qai join me to review the debate.  We will cover Qai’s issues first, the epistemology and problems in Aristotle’s empiricism, the pure act problem with contingency and perfection, the problems in occasionalism and causal chains, gnostic assumptions about creation being “impure,” and more. Live at 7PM CST  Subscribe […]

  • 1984 Predicted the Technocratic Takeover & Great Reset – Jay Dyer Hosts hAlex J0nes

    Jay Dyer - Jun 16th 2021 7:24pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the modern parallels of the modern Great Reset takeover to George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!    Bitcoin Donate […]

  • Trinity Vs Tawhid: Debating the Orthodox Christ & Islam: Sheikh Asrar Rashid / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 11th 2021 9:53pm EDT

     Sheikh Asrar Rashid joins me for a formal debate on the question of the Trinity Versus Tawhid and the Person of Christ.  Is the Islamic conception of God’s unity correct, where Christ is a prophet or is Jesus the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity?  The debate will be formal back […]

  • 2001, 2010, Mad Max, Metropolis & More! Dystopia Now – Jay Dyer & Jamie (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Jun 9th 2021 2:45pm EDT

     We begin our analysis of the chronological treatment of the classic dystopian films.  The timeframe of the storylines begins with Clockwork Orange in 1980, with 1984 being next, followed by the Mad Max installments, Escape from New York, Metropolis in 2000, and then Kubrick’s 2001 and the overlooked 2010, which deals with a profound […]

  • Epstein, Robert Maxwell, the KGB, and Yuri Bezmenov: Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 8th 2021 12:15pm EDT

     Jay and Shaun Attwood continue their conversation on organized crime, intelligence agencies and blackmail operations concerning Epstein, Maxwell and more! Donation links: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shaunattwood PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/SAttwood Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!    Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin […]

  • Resurrection & Transfiguration of the Cosmos: John 18-21 – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Jun 7th 2021 6:39pm EDT

     Today we will return to the Gospel of John following the High Priestly Prayer chapters and move to the trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection and meaning of St. John the Theologian’s Gospel.  We will also look at the anti-gnostic significance of the bodily resurrection, the transformation of the cosmos and the eschaton. This […]

  • The Demonic Possession of Judas & The Trinity: John 13-16 – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Jun 6th 2021 10:02pm EDT

     Continuing the lectures on the Gospel of John, we delve deeper into the Biblical texts that are crucial for the Trinity and the Inter-Trinitarian life of the Persons.  Orthodox theology alone has the correct conceptual tools and frameworks and metaphysical distinctions that explain how the Triad is coherent.  The chapters of John we will […]

  • Jimmy Savile, Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 4th 2021 7:05pm EDT

     Following up on last year’s popular interview with Shaun Atwood, Jay and Shaun do a deep dive in this sample video on the figure of Savile and his potential for being a hitman and/or intelligence asset.  Savile undoubtedly was used by power players for compromise and blackmail operations and perhaps even more, given his […]

  • UFO Alien PSYOP – Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained – Jay Dyer + Tristan

    Jay Dyer - May 31st 2021 4:53pm EDT

     Jay and Tristan will deconstruct Close Encounters and a recent film with a related theme starring Milla Jovovich, Fourth Kind, which has the theme of the demonic. Both films are unique in their own way for insights into the alien UFO deception and the relationship to the shadow gubmint and the manipulation of worldviews. […]

  • Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 1 – Debate Review & Reaction – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 30th 2021 3:13pm EDT

     The next most requested debate was the series of discussions between Dr Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, known as the Vancouver talks.  They will begin the discussion by the issue of grounding ethics and “common ground,” and whether we can do metaphysics.   The full debate is linked here. Live today at 330 PM […]

  • Bryan Callen & Sam Tripoli Debate C0nspiracies CLIP with Jay Dyer!

    Jay Dyer - May 26th 2021 9:26pm EDT

     Conspiracy Social Club gets hot and nasty with Bryan Callen and Sam Tripoli hashing out the issues concerning culture creation, feminism, the origins of mass media, the intelligence agencies and more! This is a small clip from a full episode you can find here.  My Rokfin channel can be found here.    Subscribe to […]

  • Trinity, Holy Spirit & Pentecost – John 13-17 (Half) – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 23rd 2021 4:07pm EDT

    This evening we will continue to work though the Gospel of John with more Trinitarian texts and analyses, with a focus on the Feast of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Personhood of the Spirit in contrast to the Arians and other heterodox as well as how Pentecost is […]

  • Orthodox vs. RC Papacy Debate Review | Erick Ybarra vs Fr. Ramsey on Matt Fradd’s Pints With Aquinas

    Jay Dyer - May 23rd 2021 2:29pm EDT

    In this video, we do a review of the debate Erick Ybarra had with Fr. Patrick Ramsey on @Pints With Aquinas concerning whether or not the Vatican I Papacy was present in the first millenium Church. Watch our full video on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ubipetrus The original debate can be found here at Matt Fradd’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qvZD… […]

  • Debate! Pagan vs. Orthodox: Logos, Language & Metaphysics – Jay Dyer Vs CB Robertson

    Jay Dyer - May 18th 2021 8:30pm EDT

     I spent 3 hours reworking the audio so pretend along with the vaporware its 1987 and you are listening to an old cassette tape – nothing I can do about it, wasn’t recorded by me. I am reposting it because it’s still a good debate, and so far one of the better debates we’ve […]

  • Debate Review & Reaction: Orthodox (Witcoff) VS. Gnostic (Leeds) – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 10th 2021 1:57pm EDT

     Michael Witcoff (Orthodox) squared off recently in a debate with gnostic Mart Leeds33 on his channel concerning the “gnostic” worldview and its interpretation of Scripture compared to the Orthodox view of God, Scripture and history. We will probably only cover the first half but this will be a fun one. And yes, we will […]

  • Body Snatcher Synthoid Mutation Invasion Alien Spore MOVIES! – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - May 7th 2021 7:41pm EDT

     Tonight we will cover Cell (2016), The Invasion with Nicole Kidman, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Village of the Damned, Invaders From Mars, Assimilate, The Faculty, Honeymoon, and Species!  We will cover the eerie parallels to modern scenarios, the original Cold War setting and much, much more, which meshes perfectly with my recent […]

  • Solari Report: Great Reset & The Philosophic Roots of Transhumanism: Catherine Austin Fitts / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 7th 2021 7:09pm EDT

    Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the […]

  • Icon & Incarnation: The Reality of Symbolism – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Apr 22nd 2021 8:55pm EDT

     Today we will do the icon stream on the philosophy and reality of symbols: type, prototype, archetype and the ultimate reference point for Orthodox philosophy.  The symbolic world of correspondences in our worldview is much more than mere analogy, similitude or metaphor: For us the symbolic is directly grounded in the logical (logoi), and […]

  • Seneca on Keeping Cool

    Counter Currents - Apr 22nd 2021 6:15am EDT

    1,495 words Seneca and James Romm, ed., trans.How to Keep Your Cool: An Ancient Guide to Anger ManagementPrinceton University Press, 2019 Long before self-help books, pop-psychology gurus, TED talks, non-fiction political punditry, and “anger-management” classes, the ancients dispensed wisdom on a variety of topics, personal and societal. Princeton University Press is in the process of […]