• Inside the Mind of David Lynch: Esoteric Symbolism in Wild at Heart & More

    Jay Dyer - Apr 20th 2021 2:32pm EDT

     The Decameron film festival hosted online this year invited me on to do a deep dive into Lynch, the symbolism, patterns and influences on his artwork, focusing on Wild at Heart.   Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in […]

  • James Delingpole Podcast – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 17th 2021 4:51pm EDT

     Philosopher, comedian, author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2, presenter of TV’s Hollywood Decoded talks to James about God, technocracy, Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope, movie subtexts and the future of the human race. Support James: https://www.subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpole   Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

  • Top 10 Arguments AGAINST The Trinity Refuted! – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 17th 2021 3:04pm EDT

     Today I am finally getting around to doing a stream I’ve intended to do for a long time: replying to the standard fare top 10 arguments you hear from atheists, Muslims, Arians, etc., on why the Triad isn’t true. Fundamental to this question will be the place of revelation in our theology, the harmonization […]

  • Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism – Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

    Jay Dyer - Apr 15th 2021 2:40pm EDT

     Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils.  Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons – are canon laws infallible? – addressing […]

  • EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

    Jay Dyer - Apr 12th 2021 12:40pm EDT

    600k views in 2 days!  This is a huge viral report! Jay Dyer joins hAlex J0nez to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm what 1nfowars has been reporting for over a year: the C0V1D-l9 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World 0rder. Subscribe to […]

  • The Dark Art Occult Psyop Of Serial Killers – Sam Tripoli / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 11th 2021 8:22pm EDT

     Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back the Occult Killa, Jay Dyer, to the show to discuss the insane connection between serial killers and the Military, the Elites and the Occult! As always Jay Dyer brings the heat and […]

  • New Discoveries ReveaIed in SPARS 2025-2028 Dep0pulation Document

    Jay Dyer - Apr 10th 2021 5:47pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the new discoveries in the SPARS 2025-2028 depopulation document. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!    Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin to this address Scan the […]

  • Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon Review: CIA & the Counter-Culture – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 7th 2021 9:58pm EDT

    Today I review Dave McGowan’s classic book again and do a boil down and review. I highlight Scorpions & the Cold War, Jim Morrison’s odd background, Frank Zappa & the Arsenal, the “27 club,” rituals, Dahlia event, Miles Copeland, Crowley and Dennis Hopper and much more! Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access […]

  • Heidegger’s History of Metaphysics, Part Six: G. W. Leibniz’s Will-to-Power

    Counter Currents - Apr 7th 2021 6:45am EDT

    G. W. Leibniz Memorial in Leipzig 7,565 words Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here 1. Introduction: Leibniz and the Completion of Metaphysics Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von Leibniz (1646–1716) is one of the most extraordinary figures in the history of ideas. A true polymath, he was not […]

  • Mihai Eminescu: Romania’s Morning Star

    Counter Currents - Apr 6th 2021 6:15am EDT

    4,994 words Of peasant ancestry on his father’s side and boasting aristocratic (boyar) maternal roots, the Romanian poet, prose writer, and editorialist Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889) had not put his modest inherited wealth to waste. Educated in the German language since childhood, Eminescu was culturally — if not always geopolitically — an enthusiastic Germanophile. As a […]

  • Lil Nas X – Satanic Shoes? Jay Dyer Reveals The Secrets Of The Light Bearer!

    Jay Dyer - Mar 29th 2021 11:06am EDT

     Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas invited me back to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering.  Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government.  From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, […]

  • He’s Back! Hitler does Friday the 13th

    Counter Currents - Mar 26th 2021 6:30am EDT

    2,272 words Nature is a temple, where the livingColumns sometimes breathe of confusing speech;Man walks within these groves of symbols, eachOf which regards him as a kindred thing. — Charles Baudelaire, “Correspondence” Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer. “If God did not exist, then it would be necessary to invent him” is, perhaps, one […]

  • An Introduction to Theosis – Gospel Simplicity / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 24th 2021 8:06pm EDT

    Gospel Simplicity: Hold up, did someone say we become GOD?? If you’re like me, the first time you heard this, you were a bit concerned. As an evangelical, the concept of theosis can seem more than a bit foreign. In this video with Orthodox apologist Jay Dyer, we talk about what theosis is (and isn’t) […]

  • Deity of Christ? Gospel of John Chpts. 9-11 – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Mar 22nd 2021 2:36pm EDT

     Today we continue the analysis of the Gospel of John from Chapter 10 and 11 where we have many deep, theological truths relating to the resurrection of the Body, the doctrine of perichoresis and the Trinity, the full Deity of Christ, the question of the visible, unitive structure of the Church as his sheepfold, […]

  • The Jay Dyer Show – Jason Bermas on Meta-Politics

    Jay Dyer - Mar 19th 2021 3:03pm EDT

     Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas joins me to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering.  Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government.  From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, Bermas […]

  • Jacob’s Ladder (1993): Robert Stark Talks to Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 18th 2021 6:35pm EDT

    Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to author and TV presenter Jay Dyer about the psychological horror film Jacob’s Ladder (1990). Jay Dyer is the author of Esoteric Hollywood:: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film and you can watch his show on YouTube. Also check out Robert’s interview with Jay on Stark Truth TV at […]

  • Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology! Eumaios, Evola, & Neville on Race

    Counter Currents - Mar 17th 2021 11:45am EDT

    Frederic Remington, The Bronco Buster, 1895. 6,316 words Gen. Turgidson: Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned? Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. “Is ‘Short Time Preference’ Really Such […]

  • Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology! Eumaios, Evola, & Neville on Race

    Counter Currents - Mar 17th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Frederic Remington, The Bronco Buster, 1895. 6,316 words Gen. Turgidson: Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned? Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. “Is ‘Short Time Preference’ Really Such […]

  • Christianity Compared: First Vs. Second Millennium – Jay Dyer / Snek

    Jay Dyer - Mar 16th 2021 6:01pm EDT

    Today Snek and I cover the development of Roman / latin theology in the second millennium of the West and how it compares to that of Byzantium and the east, as well as the First Millennium.  We will look at the papal evolution and revolution, the notion of the Church as juridical and mystical “bodies,” […]

  • Serial Killers, Hollywood, CIA & the Mafia – Meta-Politics with Richard Grove – GTW Podcast

    Jay Dyer - Mar 16th 2021 12:56am EDT

     Watch Grand Theft World Live with episode 019 – Jay Dyer joins Richard Grove to discuss all things meta-politics with topics as diverse as serial killers, mk ultra, organized crime and more! To watch the Grand Theft World live stream (somewhere other than youtube that also has a lively chat audience), create your FREE […]

  • Bahnsen Debate – REVIEW & REACTION! Bahnsen Vs. Tabash – Fr Dcn / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 12th 2021 3:18pm EST

     Fr Dcn Ananias joins me for another debate review and reaction.  Tonight we will cover a lesser known gem in the annals of debate, the Bahnsen – Tabash debate.  Many have heard the classic Bahnsen / Stein debate, but the Tabash debate is also a telling lesson in how to effectively debate.  We will […]

  • Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Interviews Jay Dyer – The Evolve Podcast

    Jay Dyer - Mar 11th 2021 7:28pm EST

    “Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and tv presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geo politics and culture. His graduate work focussed on psychological warfare and film. He is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 &2, and he is also the cocreator and cohost of the television show Hollywood decoded. He […]

  • The History of the Mafia Proves the New W0rld 0rder

    Jay Dyer - Mar 11th 2021 6:52pm EST

    Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, Jay Dyer hosts the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and links the structure of the mafia to the power elite/shadow government.  Learning one gives insight into the other – we cover wartime activities and profits, JFK, RFK and Momo, as well as the assassination. […]

  • Church, Papacy, Schism: The Bizarre Metaphysics of the Papacy – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 10th 2021 3:46pm EST

     Today we will look at a classic work that critiques the papacy from a different vantage point.  In an atmosphere of debate that is dominated by throwing outdated, debunked and forgery-based arguments back and forth: Dr. Sherrard’s book is an excellent philosophical critique of the papacy, or more properly philosophical theology.   Although we […]

  • Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate Review – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 10th 2021 3:46pm EST

     The next best debate to review we haven’t covered yet includes the infamous Richard Dawkins – who has been curiously overlooked in our series. Time to rectify that with this popular debate from a decade ago, which also includes cameos of other atheists and so called apologists in what looks like a UFC version […]