• Normal Times

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 7th 2023 1:30pm EDT

    We don’t live in normal times anymore. The world that I grew up in during the 1980s and 1990s has vanished. The world of the 2000s in which I formed my radical political views also now feels like a distant memory. Sure, there was Waco and Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing, the impeachment of […]

  • The Case for Donald Trump In 2024

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 6th 2023 10:17pm EDT

    I’ve been watching public affairs on a macro level for decades. I’ve come to this conclusion in mid-2023. We in the US have two realistic options: 1) a national divorce; or 2) a civil war between nationalists and communists. If there’s a viable third option, please tell me. — J. M. Hill (@JMH12061951) August 6, […]

  • Trump Arrested In DC

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 4th 2023 9:43am EDT

    Not AI. This is a real photo of Donald Trump today taken by the New York Times. The Man vs. The Storm ?? Epic ?? pic.twitter.com/q0FlWynNCo — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 4, 2023 CNN’s @jaketapper: “A sad day, really, even if one supports the arrest and arraignment of the former president” pic.twitter.com/CASw67A70d — Tom Elliott […]

  • Harry Enten: The Chance of Trump Winning In 2024 Is Very Well

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 3rd 2023 10:21am EDT

    Trump is currently polling better than ever against Joe Biden in the general election and he only lost by a few thousand votes in the swing states which he should have lost decisively. CNN: Donald Trump is facing two indictments, with the potential for more. Political wisdom may have once suggested the former president’s bid for a […]

  • Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasnt Me. It Was You

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 3rd 2023 9:32am EDT

    Donald Trump has an editorial in Newsweek. Newsweek: The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other. Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the […]

  • The Fourth Turning: Oppenheimer or Barbie?

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 2nd 2023 12:11pm EDT

    “The esoteric watcher will notice that in Ken’s Kendom, both the Barbies and the Kens achieved eudaimonia. But in Barbie’s Barbie Land, the Barbies achieved happiness — not true eudaimonia — precisely because the Kens were reduced to a slave class. They were denied their thumos:… pic.twitter.com/QPLNt1K4bm — ?????? ????? ? (@EdmundSmirk) July 28, 2023 […]

  • David Frum: The First Great Crisis of a Trump Second Term

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 1st 2023 11:16am EDT

    Even if “Our Democracy” chooses to reelect Donald Trump as president in 2024 (a very real possibility in light of the RCP average), David Frum believes it “would settle nothing.” Democrats intend to move forward with taking out a sitting president through the legal process. The Atlantic: Both his supporters and and his opponents assume […]

  • Chuck Todd: Prepare To See Trump on Trial During 2024 Primaries

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 31st 2023 12:50pm EDT

    In case anyone was wondering, here’s the latest calendar for Trump’s upcoming trials paralleled with Republican primaries. pic.twitter.com/NdSyuAUxiK — Ratched RN?? (@theratchedrn) July 25, 2023 As I said last night on the phone with a friend, three things appear guaranteed to happen in 2024: 1. Trump will be the Republican nominee. Biden will be the […]

  • Whatifalthist: Why America Will Have Its French Revolution

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 31st 2023 11:07am EDT

    Fair warning. I don’t agree with Whatifalthist on everything. I do agree with him though on some big picture things like historical cycles, cultural demography and where current trends are headed. Note: I have covered a lot of the same ground for over a decade here.

  • VDARE: Invictus Arrested For Tiki Torch Parade

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 28th 2023 11:10am EDT

    i’m not a journalist, but THIS is breaking news. peter cytanovic, pictured below, is being held as a political prisoner for his peaceful involvement in the charlottesville unite the right rally 6 YEARS AGO. an inside source received news of his wrongful arrest this morning: pic.twitter.com/wI1UK4UhIQ — mary morgan (@maryarchived) July 27, 2023 except peter […]

  • Justice Department Piles More Charges On Donald Trump

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 28th 2023 10:45am EDT

    This is interesting. I’m starting to get out of my writing slump. While Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 and 2020, we have never had a presidential election where the leading opposition candidate is facing spending the rest of his life in prison. This has also never happened before in a political atmosphere as […]

  • Justice Department Drops Campaign Finance Charge Against Democratic Donor Sam Bankman-Fried

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 27th 2023 11:17am EDT

    ??Huge money-in-politics news. The Southern District of New York is dropping its federal prosecution of Sam Bankman-Fried on campaign-finance charges, per new letter from prosecutors. “The Government does not intend to proceed to trial on the campaign contributions count.”… pic.twitter.com/lnJ25NcB6M — Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) July 27, 2023 In an all too convenient turn of events?? […]

  • Poll Watch: Most Americans Favor Restrictions on False Information

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 25th 2023 11:45am EDT

    In related news, Democrats now believe that it is up to the government to determine what is true and false and to censor “misinformation” on the internet. Pew Research Center: 65% of Americans support tech companies moderating false information online and 55% support the U.S. government taking these steps. These shares have increased since 2018. […]

  • The Political Cesspool: The Coming Crisis

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 23rd 2023 11:25am EDT

    LISTEN HERE I enjoyed being on The Political Cesspool last night. We covered all the reasons why I think we are drifting toward a waterfall moment and why it is happening now and not in the recent past.

  • Michael Anton: The Pessimistic Case for the Future

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 22nd 2023 12:16pm EDT

    This is a very good summary of our present moment from Michael Anton. I’m sure pretty much everyone here would cosign it. This has been the radical view for at least twenty years. Compact: “Recently, I was asked to make the “pessimistic case for the future.” I present instead more of a “pessimistic take on […]

  • Axios: Donald Trump Is a Target In 1/6 Probe, Expects To Be Arrested Again

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 18th 2023 10:37am EDT

    2023 has simultaneously been the most boring year and the most exciting year for me since I started this website. The former president and the leading candidate for the Republican nomination is about to be indicted and arrested by his rival for the third time in less than six months. And yet, I am so […]

  • Supreme Court Rules Businesses Can Refuse Service To LGBTQ Customers

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2023 12:40pm EDT

    Is this the best Pride Month ever? Axios:

  • Supreme Court Kills Student Loan Debt Relief

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2023 10:52am EDT

    BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court overturns student loan debt relief plan in 6-3 ruling — BNO News (@BNONews) June 30, 2023 I’ve always written this stunt off as political theater for chumps. The Democrats didn’t even try to push it through the House.

  • Supreme Court Kills Affirmative Action

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2023 10:05am EDT

    Affirmative action is officially dead. New York Times: “The current Supreme Court has been out of step with public opinion in some of its highest-profile rulings, including on abortion and environmental protection. Yesterday’s ruling restricting race-based affirmative action at colleges and universities was different. In a 6-3 decision, the court’s six conservative justices declared that colleges’ use […]

  • Proud Boys Fight Rose City Nationalists At Portland Pride

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 25th 2023 11:24am EDT

    Well would ya look at that! #ProudBoys are STILL the ONLY organized group to actually stand against and remove fascists! Rose City Nationalists (Inbred Nazis) decided to come and try to stand with the Proud Boys counter protesting #OregonCityPride. Watch What Happens!Video… pic.twitter.com/3dJtDD9p54 — Robert R. Zerfing – The Common Sense Conservative (@RobertRZerfing) June 25, […]

  • Happy Juneteenth!

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 20th 2023 10:22am EDT

    Juneteenth as a federal holiday is meant to breathe new life into the essence of America — to ensure everyone feels the power of the progress we can make. It marks the long, hard night of slavery – but the promise of that brighter morning to come. Happy Juneteenth, America. pic.twitter.com/9a2QgZgHem — President Biden (@POTUS) […]

  • Russell Moore: Don’t Pretend the Uganda Homosexuality Law Is Christian

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 1st 2023 4:39pm EDT

    Fascinating. pic.twitter.com/ucCcnD35Tj — C.Jay Engel (@contramordor) May 31, 2023 This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.#LGBTQ https://t.co/tTIMR8VtqW — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 29, 2023 Jenna, not […]

  • Ron DeSantis Announces Presidential Campaign

    Occidental Dissent - May 24th 2023 11:36am EDT

    America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time. pic.twitter.com/lWNQ3DIXgp — Casey DeSantis (@CaseyDeSantis) May 23, 2023 Key differences between DeSantis and Trump: DeSantis is much more naturally synergistic with the Republican foreign policy “establishment,” and much more capable of using state power to quash political speech he doesn’t like — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 24, […]

  • We Are All Daniel Penny

    Occidental Dissent - May 13th 2023 10:14pm EDT

    There is a conspicuous indignity to the idea that dead black men whose lives amounted to nothing more than a series of felonies are paraded in front of us as though they were beloved members of the community, whose deaths we are legitimately mourning. It’s so fucking fake. — Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) May 7, 2023 […]

  • CNN: Donald Trump Presidential Town Hall

    Occidental Dissent - May 11th 2023 7:42am EDT

    It starts around 7:00. Note: I’m catching up. I missed it last night.