• Catholic Church In Ireland Allows Muslim Prayers

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2023 9:26am EST

    The Catholic Church in Ireland has opened its doors for Muslim prayers and will even blast the azan on loudspeakers. You don’t even see this happening in churches in Muslim-majority countries. pic.twitter.com/y9zgc1tdAq — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 28, 2023 H/T Rod Dreher These people may present themselves as Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, […]

  • LCMS, Race and American History

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2023 1:20pm EST

    I’m already starting to make some progress on my research questions. The following excerpt comes from Kathryn Galchutt’s book The Career of Andrew Schulze: Lutherans and Race in the Civil Rights Era, 1924-1968 “In the early 1920s, while Schulze was still a seminary student and assistant at Holy Trinity in Springfield, John Behnken already made […]

  • Antifa Praise LCMS President Matthew Harrison For Bold Stance Against “Racism”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2023 9:31am EST

    Thank your for your courage!

  • Vladimir Putin Addresses Nation After a Year of War

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 26th 2023 2:59pm EST

    We are now entering Year Two of this.

  • LCMS Is Swirling Down The Woke Drain

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 25th 2023 11:49am EST

    If you think that **Matt Harrison** is a woke social justice warrior, you should maybe take a deep breath, quit sniffing glue, stop doing cocaine, etc. https://t.co/0pLdktWPp8 — Miles Smith IV (@IVMiles) February 24, 2023 It’s total idiocy. These loons are convinced that people like Harrison and myself are working with Antifa. It’s unhinged conspiracy […]

  • “Unchristian Teachings”: The History of “Alt-Right” Beliefs In Lutheranism

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2023 10:58am EST

    I realize this is a pointless exercise. Wokeism is a plague of our own times. It is a fad that is running its course. This is a contemporary leftwing social movement that has infected nearly every institution in our society due to the tireless crusading of progressive activists. The rot can be found in all […]

  • Woke LCMS President Works With Antifa To Dox and Excommunicate His Own Members For “Racism”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 23rd 2023 10:29am EST

    This is unbelievable. Does the average LCMS member know that their president is working with Antifa and “social justice” activists to dox and purge Lutheran congregations of members who are accused of “racism” and “white supremacy”? Religion News: “(RNS) — The president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has called for the excommunication of unrepentant white […]

  • Thomas Edsall: The Forces Tearing Us Apart Are Not What They Seem

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 22nd 2023 9:38am EST

    We have heard a lot about education polarization. Over the last decade, White working class voters have generally become more Republican while White college educated suburban voters have become more Democratic, which explains why Virginia and Colorado have become Blue States while Ohio and Iowa have become Red States. New York Times: “As recently as […]

  • Joe Biden Delivers Address On Ukraine War

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 21st 2023 1:37pm EST

    He can’t go fast enough. NBC News:

  • Morning Joe Calls On Red States To Secede

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 21st 2023 10:09am EST

    If the Union were dissolved, nearly every negative piece of federal legislation and Supreme Court precedent that has been imposed on us would unwind overnight.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For a National Divorce

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 21st 2023 10:03am EST

    We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are… https://t.co/Azn8YF1UUy — Marjorie Taylor Greene ?? (@mtgreenee) February […]

  • David French: America Can’t Go “Wobbly” On Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2023 12:52pm EST

    This is good news. By chiming in on the importance of Standing With Ukraine, David French will only ensure that support for it will continue to plummet on the Right simply by being associated with him. New York Times: “As we approach the first anniversary of Russia’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, two ominous […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden’s Equity Executive Order

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2023 12:31pm EST

    Before jetting off to Europe and ultimately to Kyiv (Keev) to Stand With Ukraine, Joe Biden signed a new executive order on “equity” which will direct the federal government to discriminate against White people in every government agency.

  • National Review: Reagan Republicans Take On Putin Republicans

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2023 12:11pm EST

    The standard bearer of Reagan Republicanism in 2024 is currently polling around 3 percent, 2/3rds of Republican voters are tired of Standing With Ukraine and over 1/2 of Republican voters say that Standing With Ukraine makes them less likely to support a Reaganite presidential candidate. We’re also around a year out from the Iowa Caucus […]

  • The Political Cesspool: The War In Ukraine and Trump 2024

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2023 9:47am EST

    LISTEN HERE I appeared on The Political Cesspool this weekend to discuss the very real possibility that the 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be a contest between Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Joe Biden and that Trump is the only candidate that could be running on getting out of Ukraine. Note: The rest […]

  • Mitch McConnell: Powerful Elites Determine Foreign Policy

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 18th 2023 10:56am EST

    NEW – McConnell: “Defeating the Russians in Ukraine is the single most important event going on in the world right now.”pic.twitter.com/H8RkVKAhno — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 16, 2023 Mitch McConnell on Fox News: “I’m gonna try to help explain to the American people that defeating the Russians in Ukraine is the single most important event going […]

  • Damon Linker: How To Be a Liberal Today

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 17th 2023 10:52am EST

    What is liberalism? Damon Linker: “I first remember “liberal” becoming an epithet back in 1988 when Republican presidential nominee George H. W. Bush mocked his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis for being a “card-carrying member of the ACLU.” Over the next few years, Republicans made a habit of treating “liberal” as an insult. But that’s nothing […]

  • Poll Watch: Republican Voters Are No Longer Standing With Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 15th 2023 9:55am EST

    79% of Democrats say lawmakers from their party mostly agree about the Democratic Party’s values; 58% of Republicans say the same about Republican lawmakers. https://t.co/ZKPRLJOtBW pic.twitter.com/8Hc6iGiPpE — AP-NORC Center (@APNORC) February 14, 2023 21% of Republican voters support sending government funds to Ukraine. 39% of Republican voters support sending weapons to Ukraine. 58% of Republican […]

  • Jimmy Dore: Ohio Train Derailment

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 14th 2023 4:14pm EST

    I don’t think the “alien invasion” is a distraction from this. Pretty much everyone I watch is talking about and covering the train derailment in Ohio. It is actually getting a lot of coverage.

  • Grooming Gangs: Britain’s Shame

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 14th 2023 12:55pm EST

    H/T Rod Dreher If you really want to get your blood boiling this morning, watch this. BTW, this story is just one example of why I hate White liberals. They are the ones who imported these people into Britain. They are the ones who created this problem and who turn a blind eye to it […]

  • Nikki Haley 2024 Launches

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 14th 2023 12:42pm EST

    For once, I agree. Nikki Haley should have ran for president in 2012. The Bulwark: “On paper, Nikki Haley should be a top-tier contender in the 2024 Republican primary. She’s a successful former governor from an important, early primary state. She has an impressive personal backstory, solid foreign policy chops, and great candidate skills, too. […]

  • The Big Sort: The Fastest Growing States In America

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 11th 2023 9:31am EST

    It is not your imagination. There has been a noticeable surge in people moving from Blue States to Red States. Alabama is now one of the fastest growing states in America. The Hill: “More people moved to Florida than any other state in the country in 2022, according to a new report from the National Association of […]

  • Breaking Points: Pulitzer Journo: U.S. Blew Up Nordstream Pipeline

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 10th 2023 9:49am EST

    This one was always a real mystery. Seymour Hersh: “The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The […]

  • National Review: FBI’s Slander of ‘Radical’ Traditionalist Catholics

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 10th 2023 8:48am EST

    It is worth recalling the Porkulus which Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell pushed through Congress in December. It was stuffed to the gills with pork for the “intelligence community” including a new headquarters for the FBI which will be twice the size of the Pentagon. National Review: “We are glad to hear that the […]

  • Rachel Maddow: Give War a Chance!

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 9th 2023 10:28am EST

    Donald Trump is no longer the president. As bad as Trump was on foreign policy though, I have been convinced by the Biden administration that these people are a lot worse.