• Jeremy Clarkson: We’re In The Midst of a Coup

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 23rd 2023 2:16pm EST

    Prince Charles Coronation is set to be themed around celebrating what is best about ‘modern Britain’. The major focus will be on refugees, the NHS and LGBTQ+ groups. Will you be joining in the ‘celebrations’? pic.twitter.com/4dnow1QqXq — UNN (@UnityNewsNet) January 22, 2023 H/T Rod Dreher There is a certain type of older American conservative who […]

  • Douglas Murray: Right and Wrong on Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 23rd 2023 10:35am EST

    Douglas Murray is wondering in National Review why his camp is losing the foreign policy debate on Ukraine on the Right. National Review: “Why has the debate on the Ukraine–Russia war become so fetid, especially on the political right? Why are members of Congress from the Republican Party the ones most outspoken against support for […]

  • Jeff Zients To Replace Ron Klain As White House Chief of Staff

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 22nd 2023 5:34pm EST

    It is a slow news day. Politico: “President Joe Biden is expected to tap Jeff Zients as his next chief of staff, three people familiar with the decision confirmed Sunday. A former Obama administration official and close Biden confidant, Zients ran the White House’s Covid response, winning internal praise for his cross-government management skills and […]

  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Defends The Get Whitey Act of 2023

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 21st 2023 9:59am EST

    Don’t you love the Voting Rights Act? It is the reason why people like Sheila Jackson Lee and Jim Clyburn are in Congress. Is also one of the top reasons why I am opposed to White Unionism. In an independent South, there never would have been a vote on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 […]

  • The Immigration Act of 1965

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 19th 2023 6:43pm EST

    eah writes: “LOL What the hell do you think is going to happen when malevolent racial demagogues like her and Cori Bush are leaders in a nation where ‘people of color’ are the majority, and nearly all of the adults among them have heard their entire lives about how ‘racist’ and ‘privileged’ Whites are, and […]

  • Mark Dice: Brian Stelter Is Back!

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 18th 2023 10:42am EST

  • Brion McClanahan: Is the Weaponization of Government a Partisan Political Issue?

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 18th 2023 10:22am EST

    Absolutely. This is where we are at now. 100% of Democrats voted against oversight of the FBI and DOJ. 100% of Democrats have voted for the $100 billion to fund the war in Ukraine. 100% of Democrats voted to codify gay and interracial marriage into federal law. Democrats support the vast private-public censorship apparatus and […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Sheila Jackson Lee’s War On White People

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 17th 2023 8:54pm EST

    Fuck sheila jackson lee pic.twitter.com/bpnJ2a88Cw — W (@W08098264) January 18, 2023 .@TuckerCarlson: “During a visit to NASA, Sheila Jackson Lee demanded to see the flag that astronauts had planted on Mars.” pic.twitter.com/trwdZIfRms — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 18, 2023 Tucker is starting tonight with a racist, misogynist attack on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. He says […]

  • The Tipping Point: Sheila Jackson Lee and Antiwhiteism

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 17th 2023 5:07pm EST

    Who wants polling data on MLK from Southerners in 1996 from @ReligionData? Everyone. 46% said they admired MLK Jr. “a great deal.” Only trailing Billy Graham at 54%. Mohammad Ali was 25%. Behind Robert E. Lee at 28%. Least admired? @newtgingrich at 9%! #MLKDay2023 pic.twitter.com/cZOZ1Qzxf1 — Ryan Burge ? (@ryanburge) January 16, 2023 Why we […]

  • Donald Trump Attacks “Disloyal” Evangelical Leaders

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 17th 2023 1:58pm EST

    President @realDonaldTrump calls out the “disloyalty” of evangelical leaders that haven’t yet given their support for his 2024 presidential campaign. Watch LIVE? https://t.co/tfCJIexq6t Watch @DBrodyReports’ full interview with President Trump here: https://t.co/7z1h6U53D0 pic.twitter.com/asZQgl7QLH — Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) January 16, 2023 As a “fascist,” I couldn’t stand Dump’s cult of personality when he was […]

  • Joe Biden Celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 16th 2023 5:21pm EST

    This is a time for choosing. Will we choose democracy over autocracy?Community over chaos?Love over hate? These are questions of our time that I ran for president to help answer. And of which Dr. King’s life and legacy will guide us forward. — President Biden (@POTUS) January 16, 2023 Biden: “There is no social redeeming […]

  • Poll Watch: Majority of Republican Voters OPPOSE MLK Day

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 16th 2023 4:44pm EST

    As I have been trying to explain for two years now, we have gone mainstream. We’ve moved out of the vanguard stage.

  • San Francisco Proposes Paying $5 Million In Reparations To Each Longtime Black Resident

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 16th 2023 3:36pm EST

    Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is also pushing for this in Congress. FOX News: “San Francisco’s reparations committee has proposed paying each Black longtime resident $5 million and granting total debt forgiveness due to the decades of “systematic repression” faced by the local Black community. … “While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution […]

  • Hideous New MLK Monument Unveiled In Boston

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 16th 2023 1:31pm EST

    I have been crying for several minutes at the new MLK statue in Boston pic.twitter.com/tx1tJeP3X1 — Lee (Discreetly) (@shortmagenfield) January 14, 2023 Gonna mute this thread now but for the people who misinterpreted my tweet, please understand that I fully support repealing the civil rights act of 1964 and I do not support democracy — […]

  • The Get Whitey Act of 2023

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 16th 2023 10:24am EST

    Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee just introduced a bill that would make it a federal crime for White people, and White people only, to criticize mass immigration or to say anything that she claims would vilify “a non-White person or group.” pic.twitter.com/WihNgX2ylL — National Conservative (@NatCon2022) January 14, 2023 Under this bill. If I tweeted “Sheila […]

  • Poll Watch: The GOP Is The Party of Non-College Educated Whites

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 13th 2023 10:42am EST

    Why should we focus on White libtards? NBC Narratives: 12% of Republican voters are non-Whites. 31% of Democratic voters are non-Whites. 39% of Joe Biden voters were non-White in 2020. The American electorate is still overwhelmingly White. The two parties are still majority White and BIPOCs range from 30% to 40% of Democratic voters. This […]

  • Poll Watch: Mitch McConnell Is The Most Unpopular Senator In The United States

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 12th 2023 3:00pm EST

    The most powerful Republican in Washington is the most hated U.S. senator in the country and is deeply unpopular in his own state. The Hill: “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is the least popular senator in the U.S., according to new polling, as the Kentucky Republican has faced backlash from both the right and the left […]

  • Poll Watch: Democrats Identification As Liberal At New High

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 12th 2023 9:19am EST

    This isn’t surprising. Among Democrats, White libtards have more extreme views than non-Whites who are the more moderate voters in the party these days. The “progressive” wing of the party are White college educated urbanite atheists. The most extreme Democrats are the whitest faction in the party. The Hill: “The poll released Thursday showed 54 […]

  • House Republicans Approves New Select Committee On “Weaponization” of Government Agencies

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 11th 2023 10:40am EST

    This is a major improvement over the 1/6 Committee. If Congress is going to investigate something, it ought to investigate how little nests and networks of progressive activists embedded deep in the federal bureaucracy, the FBI, DOJ, DHS and the “intelligence community” have gotten away with everything from censoring the internet to spying on Trump’s […]

  • House Republicans Vote To Defund IRS

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 11th 2023 9:42am EST

    House Republicans have passed their first messaging bill. Politico: “The House voted 221-210 to claw back more than $70 billion — or nearly 90 percent — of new funding for the IRS, underscoring Republicans’ opposition to the agency expansion and a desire to keep tax enforcement issues in the public eye. The legislation will certainly die in […]

  • Secular Talk: Man Opens Heroin, Meth & Crack Store

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2023 4:34pm EST

    Checking in on the “Populist Left” …

  • Chuck Schumer: Democrats Won’t Let Republicans Defund The FBI

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 10th 2023 12:02pm EST

    As I was just saying, if you are the type of person who is deeply invested in the status quo and defending institutions like the FBI and supporting the crusades of the American Empire, you are probably a Democrat.

  • MSNBC: How the Populist Left Has Become Vulnerable To the Populist Right

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 9th 2023 11:58am EST

    .@TuckerCarlson suggested forming a new “Church Committee.” @GOPLeader is making this happen in the House rules package. I’ll serve on it, and we will go wherever the evidence leads us. pic.twitter.com/86gGvlGD5V — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) January 7, 2023 Finally sworn into Congress. pic.twitter.com/qIrKFd9Tqb — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 7, 2023 There is no such thing […]

  • Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Congress In Brazil

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 8th 2023 3:21pm EST

    BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters have stormed the National Congress in Brazil. There are reports that protesters have also broken into the Presidential residence, Planalto Palace, and the Supreme Federal Court. pic.twitter.com/5t1XYFdzot — ALX ?? (@alx) January 8, 2023 WATCH: The moment barricades were breached at the National Congress in Brazil. pic.twitter.com/6Cv0ZgpdLM — ALX ?? (@alx) January […]

  • Jimmy Dore: Breaking Points Hosts Caught Lying To Protect The Squad

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 7th 2023 3:59pm EST

    I don’t watch them anymore.