• Kevin McCarthy Elected Speaker of the House

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 7th 2023 10:41am EST

    My first prediction for 2023 has come true. After a bit of drama, Kevin McCarthy was finally elected Speaker of the House last night. Axios: “House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy clinched the speakership shortly after midnight on Saturday, resolving a historic stalemate that embarrassed and frustrated the GOP this week. Why it matters: The California […]

  • Jimmy Dore Takes #ForceTheVote Victory Lap

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 6th 2023 9:58am EST

    No $15 minimum wage. No Medicare for All. No student loan debt relief. Joe Biden and the Squad delivered over $100 billion dollars for the war in Ukraine though along with record inflation and codifying gay and interracial marriage into federal law.

  • John Bolton Is Running For President

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 6th 2023 9:26am EST

    According to Mitch McConnell, Ukraine is the top priority of Republican voters. If that is true, maybe John Bolton has a chance in 2024. Daily Mail: “Donald Trump‘s ex-national security adviser John Bolton has revealed he will stand against his former boss in the 2024 election. The veteran foreign policy hawk, who was branded Mr […]

  • Matt Taibbi: “Every Conceivable Wing” of Federal Law Enforcement Sent Censorship Requests

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 5th 2023 10:01am EST

    You’re a conspiracy theorist! Note: Conspiracy theorists have been totally vindicated about the Deep State.

  • Glenn Greenwald & Jimmy Dore Talk McCarthy Speakership & #ForceTheVote

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 5th 2023 9:28am EST

    Jimmy Dore was right. The funniest part of this episode has been watching the Left boast about how smart they were to cave to Nancy Pelosi and get nothing in return in exchange for voting for her as Speaker of the House. Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy is caving and giving his critics everything they want. Powered […]

  • Judge Slashes Damages Owed In Unite The Right Trial

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 5th 2023 8:19am EST

    I always enjoy sharing good news. In 2023, we can finally put the ordeal that was Charlottesville behind us and move forward. Washington Post: “A federal judge has cut by millions of dollars the damages that some of the nation’s most prominent white supremacists and hate groups owe for their role in 2017’s deadly Unite […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Kevin McCarthy Needs To Give Concessions

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 4th 2023 8:40am EST

    I have the same take on this as Tucker Carlson: 1. It is surprising and encouraging that House Republicans simply didn’t roll over and meekly fall in line behind Kevin McCarthy. That’s what The Squad did with #ForceTheVote. We saw how that worked out for progressives. We should get something in return in exchange for […]

  • Kevin McCarthy Fails To Become House Speaker on First Ballot

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 3rd 2023 3:04pm EST

    When I was at the Amren conference, I was struck by how much Steve King hates Kevin McCarthy and sees him as a Swamp creature. I don’t really have a position on this, but I am impressed that House Republicans aren’t going to roll over for Kevin McCarthy like Democrats with Nancy Pelosi. New York […]

  • Breitbart: Rep. Barry Moore: FBI, DOJ Think They Know Better Than The Voters

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 3rd 2023 10:11am EST

    My top three priorities in voting for a Republican Congress were 1.) defunding the war in Ukraine, 2.) addressing the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ and 3.) the border which has spiraled out of control under Joe Biden. These concerns are all broadly shared in the Republican base. Breitbart: “Moore stated, “When is it […]

  • Mark Dice: The War On White People

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 2nd 2023 10:43am EST

    More of this please! As I explained on White Rabbit Radio, the immediate goal should be to mainstream White Advocacy to a mass conservative-populist audience that is ready to hear an explicitly pro-White message for the first time in our lives. We need to make White Advocacy palatable and shareable. We also need to take […]

  • Breitbart: California’s Crazy New Year

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 1st 2023 12:13pm EST

    Culture is king. It explains why Texas is not California. It also explains why there are two Californias. The lunatics in the coastal strip lord it over the rest of the state and drag down the entire country through their delegation in Congress. Breitbart: “Here are the five most radical new laws — plus one […]

  • 10 Blackest Cities In The United States

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 30th 2022 8:36pm EST

    The Gump is #6. Thugham is #4. BTW, if I sound like I am hard on White libtards who live outside of the South, it is because those of us who live in this area, which was ground zero of the Civil Rights Movement, are surrounded by all sorts of monuments that constantly remind us […]

  • Politico: The Looming GOP Crisis Over Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 30th 2022 10:58am EST

    This is more or less what I said here the other day. The GOP is divided by age and old people whose early lives were defined by the Cold War are dramatically overrepresented in the Senate which has long been a gerontocracy. The fact that elderly people have controlled the White House and Congress for […]

  • CNN Features Tradwives Who Reject Modern Feminism

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 28th 2022 9:38am EST

    I’m more of a cultural nationalist. As I have aged, I have come to realize that race is nothing but raw biological material. You can be born White and that is a plus. It is really up to you though what you choose to do with that. Do you value your racial identity? Do you […]

  • Admiral Rachel Levine Calls For Censorship of Health “Misinformation”

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2022 5:43pm EST

    Rachel Levine calls for big tech to censor “health misinformation” impacting “gender affirming care.” Says “gender affirming care” has a positive value for youth. pic.twitter.com/XdfyZknbuZ — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 26, 2022 My politics are essentially a desire to separate from the sort of people who approve of this freak.

  • Poll Watch: Backlash Politics Sunk The GOP With Independent Voters

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 27th 2022 10:52am EST

    There are several key reasons why Republicans underperformed and won a pyrrhic victory in the House in the midterms: ABORTION SPENDING Election season in states like Pennsylvania Anti-Trump suburban Republicans split their tickets all over the country which explains the uneven result with candidates like Brian Kemp winning and Herschel Walker losing in Georgia Trump […]

  • Poll Watch: Republican Voters Believe White People and Christians Face Discrimination

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 25th 2022 3:53pm EST

    Continuing our support for Ukraine is morally right, but it is not only that. It is also a direct investment in cold, hard, American interests. pic.twitter.com/zlWoAVz3Kk — Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) December 24, 2022 Merry Christmas! I have a new poll to share with you which more or less sums up my current take on American […]

  • 2023 Predictions

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 24th 2022 12:00pm EST

    I don’t really know what to expect in 2023. 2022 was a lot easier to predict and several stunning developments happened that still threw me for a loop: Russia actually invaded Ukraine, the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and Elon Musk bought Twitter. Joe Biden and the Democrats also got lucky in the […]

  • House Approves $1.7 Trillion Porkulus Spending Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 24th 2022 9:21am EST

    In spite of this enormous setback, I am not blackpilled on reengaging in mainstream politics, which I continue to believe is the best path forward. Axios: “The House passed the nearly $1.7 trillion long-term, government funding bill 225-201 on Friday ahead of a looming deadline. One member voted “present.” Why it matters: The legislation will fund the government […]

  • Mitch McConnell Vows To Push “Quality Candidates” In 2024

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 23rd 2022 11:31am EST

    I can’t wait to see Mitch McConnell post-Porkulus approval rating in his own party. McConnell endorsement is going to be a kiss of death to any Senate candidate after this.

  • Senate Passes Porkulus Spending Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 22nd 2022 4:08pm EST

    In retrospect, Mitch McConnell was being honest when he refused to commit to any positive agenda in the midterms. This vote confirms that the GOP stands for nothing except Ukraine and the military-industrial complex.

  • Joe Biden Meets With Zelensky In DC

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 21st 2022 3:44pm EST

    BIDEN TO ZELENSKYY: “We have a famous thing that occurs once a year, we pick the ‘Man of the Year’ in ‘TIME’ magazine. You are the man of the year in the United States of America.” pic.twitter.com/Wo1LGsyvXE — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 21, 2022 Zelensky has reportedly told Joe Biden that even this isn’t good enough. […]

  • The Federalist: GOP Can’t Be Successful Until McConnell Is Gone

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 21st 2022 3:19pm EST

    I co-sign every word of this article. This is why I was so eager to get people like J.D. Vance and Blake Masters elected to the Senate. Voting for Democrats isn’t an option given their 100% support for funding an endless war in Ukraine. Whining also accomplishes nothing and helps McConnell maintain his grip on […]

  • National Review: Republicans Failed to Secure Red Wave in 2022 Midterms for Four Key Reasons

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 21st 2022 10:42am EST

    This was interesting. The truth about the midterms came out at National Review of all places. National Review: “The party in power should should feel the consequences in a significant manner,” he said. “They did not.” A majority of respondents trusted Republicans over Democrats to handle three key issues: the economy, immigration, and crime. A […]

  • Senate Republicans Poised To Pass $1.7 Trillion Porkulus Spending Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 21st 2022 8:27am EST

    It is the end of the year. Most Americans are wrapped up and distracted by Christmas. As we have seen so many times in the past, the lame duck session of Congress is the season when the Senate, especially defeated or retiring Republican senators, loves to gather to screw over American families when they think […]