• Organized Crime History, The Vatican & Post War Intelligence Networks – Daniel Estulin / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 19th 2023 9:16pm EDT

    Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix HERE I’ll be speaking at this online salon event on Tavistock and culture […]

  • Jason Bourne Films: What the Series is Really About – Jay & Jamie

    Jay Dyer - Apr 18th 2023 12:59pm EDT

    Another series requested for many years we are just now getting to is the Bourne franchise with Matt Dadbod…or Datt Mamon. Since we did his BAHSTAN BFF Ben Baffleck, we decided we would have to do Damon. I’m glad we didn’t do it previously because a lot of details in the Bourne plots would have […]

  • CIA Holy Wars with guest Jay Dyer – The Sunday Wire

    Jay Dyer - Apr 17th 2023 8:49pm EDT

    CIA Holy Wars with guest Jay Dyer – The Sunday Wire – Listen to the podcast here on Rokfin free. Follow Sunday Wire here. Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! Big Live Event in Nashville […]

  • Let Them Eat Bugs! Tucker Carlson Special with Jay Dyer & Eva Vlaardingerbroek

    Jay Dyer - Apr 16th 2023 7:31pm EDT

    This is the trailer for the recent Tucker Special featuring myself and Eva Vlaardingerbroek in a great expose. To watch the full Tucker Carlson Original “Let Them Eat Bugs” you sign up here for free 30 day free streaming trial using promo code: ORIGINALS Click Here Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles […]

  • An Eternal Cycle of an Essential Hierarchy

    Amerika.org - Apr 12th 2023 7:32am EDT

    Humans suffer from having big brains. In them, thoughts of the future or past are as vivid as what we are perceiving in front of us; we are therefore haunted by possibilities, both good and bad, and tend to take refuge in the tangible — especially socializing — instead of facing the ambiguity. Most people […]

  • He is Risen

    Amerika.org - Apr 9th 2023 10:25am EDT

    Let us break out the high colonic of raging realism here: Jesus was a prophet, a man most likely inspired by Plato in The Republic and Phaedo, who saw that the likelihood of divine underpinnings to the intricate order of nature as more likely than not. He was nailed to a cross, taken down perhaps […]

  • 2 New Live Jay Dyer Events – Tickets Here!

    Jay Dyer - Apr 4th 2023 5:27pm EDT

    Event 1: SUNDAY, APRIL 16 | 2PM-3PM PST Technocracy, Social Engineering & Toxic Culture Creation  For most, popular culture is an organic phenomenon that follows the creative genius of the artists that ebbs and flows with trends and fads. In reality, many these forces are ideologically driven by the powers that be, transcending the dialectic […]

  • How the Elite Control Structure Works: Tavistock & The Committee of 300

    Jay Dyer - Apr 2nd 2023 7:29pm EDT

    C0urtenay Turner joins me and Jamie to cover a classic from former British Intelligence operative Dr. John Coleman who wrote his prophetic text in the early 90s that warned of so much of what is happening today. This is the first half of the discussion while the second half is available for subscribers to my […]

  • The Vatican, Intelligence Agencies & Organized Crime: Gladi0 Text Analysis – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Mar 31st 2023 3:39pm EDT

    This evening we will cover the first half of the Paul Williams Gladi0 text, which is an info-packed mind-bender expose. I was left reeling after this text, and I am someone who reads and studies geopolitics and religion constantly. To see the level of corruption in the religious sphere of this magnitude boggles the mind […]

  • Project Blue Beam & Alien Deception – Jay Dyer on Maria Zeee

    Jay Dyer - Mar 28th 2023 2:15pm EDT

    Pentagon officials recently suggested in a draft paper that alien visitors to our solar system might be sending out smaller probes to Earth. Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ joins us to discuss Project Blue Beam, and preparing for the coming deception. Maria Zeee is here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using […]

  • Ben Affleck Movies: The Best & The Worst! Pearl Harbor, Argo & More – BAFFLECK – Jay & Jamie

    Jay Dyer - Mar 27th 2023 5:18pm EDT

    Jamie joins me to cover the best and worst of Ben Affleck, who has a curious history in Hollywood with his connections to intelligence. Affleck films span from great to horrible like few others: not many have cornered both markets of best and worst like BAFFLECK! Baffled about Affleck? Join us for BAFFLECK! Wed at […]

  • Pipe Meditations (March 26, 2023)

    Amerika.org - Mar 26th 2023 7:32am EDT

    Blend: Peterson – Peterson’s Perfect Plug Type: dark fired Kentucky Burley, Virginias Strength: medium to full power Plugs come to us from the distant ages of early tobacco blending. A steam press crushes a heap of leaves, usually sweetened with anisette and rose or geranium oil, into sheets that are cut into little blocks that […]

  • The UFO / Alien PsyOP and The Mainstream Media Push

    Jay Dyer - Mar 25th 2023 1:34pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the parallels of the offworld alien mythos and demonic presence around the globe. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and […]

  • Orthodox Geopolitical Struggles, The EP & The Place of Dogma in Praxis -Fr John Whiteford

    Jay Dyer - Mar 25th 2023 12:12am EDT

    Fr John Whiteford joins me to cover the waterfront on the recent geopolitical status of things in the Ukraine as well as the place of dogmatics in relation to praxis. Fr John Whiteford blog: http://fatherjohn.blogspot.com Father John Whiteford His Twitter: https://twitter.com/frjohnwhiteford Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo […]

  • Secrets of the Jonestown Cult: PsyOps & Intelligence Agencies – Jeremy Kuzmarov

    Jay Dyer - Mar 22nd 2023 7:42pm EDT

    Jeremy Kuzmarov of Covert Action Magazine joins me to discuss the Jonestown Cult and the element many are unaware of: Intelligence connections. Was Jonestown in some way part of a mind control experiment? Was it a front for other operations? Covert Action Magazine Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-zGV4r8Dtvj6hjr65SIDyg Covert Action Site is here: https://covertactionmagazine.com His Jonestown […]

  • Explaining the Present Conflict: The OCA, Roman Catholicism, Geopolitics & Liberalism – David Erhan

    Jay Dyer - Mar 22nd 2023 7:21pm EDT

    David joins me to give the background to the present situation which many do now know. I dont have my normal set up as Im on the road. Apologies Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the […]

  • The OCA Targets My Work: Fr David Galloway, Archbishop Benjamin & Bishop Alexander – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 17th 2023 9:37pm EDT

    This was originally going to be a talk on the Day Tapes but I received a response from Fr David Galloway as I was streaming. Fr Galloway has determined via a “survey” my work is bad and should be classed with Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue and The Wheel, because I “cause problems for priests.” […]

  • The Great Work: The Infamous Dr. Day Tapes (Half) – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 17th 2023 4:36pm EDT

    The Day Tapes are a forgotten piece of information that shows our future is planned. They were relayed to a Catholic Pro Life organization in the 1980s by a doctor who attended a Plannned Parrenthood meeting in the late 60s organized by the Rockefeller Foundation. The meeting included the most prominent doctors in the USA […]

  • Stone Choir: The Invention of Racism

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2023 9:25pm EST

    LISTEN HERE It has been an eventful few weeks. I found out that my wife is pregnant. I found out that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) is going woke. Corey Mahler and Woe are back with a great new episode of Stone Choir in which they explore the history of the term “racism” and when […]

  • Future Shock! Dead Internet Theory, CyberPolygon, ChatGPT PsyOp & The Matrix! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 5th 2023 6:08pm EST

    Today we will cover new theories compared to old plans in regard to what they may be planning for the destruction of the internet as it, with the emergence of a new net where everyone is locked down…online! Live at 730 PM CST Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com […]

  • A.I. / Chat GPT is ALIVE & Taking Over & I am GAE MARRYING IT!

    Jay Dyer - Mar 2nd 2023 8:36pm EST

    Today we chill and cover hot topics as well as hot topic. AI and the robot takeover and a host of weird news tales incoming: we focus on the Spike Jonze film Her from 2013 and how predictive it was, as well as recent claims AI is going to come alive and take over. Remember […]

  • Vindicated: How Operation Gladio Proves the Institutional Capture of the Vatican

    Jay Dyer - Mar 2nd 2023 3:14pm EST

    Paul Williams’ must read text is a must have for geopolitical enthusiasts to understand the depth and degree of corruption in the Vatican since the post-war period. The Cold War allowed western intelligence and their masters to fully purchase the Vatican and other books now fully vindicate the Wemhoff analysis! Correction: I misread page 13, […]

  • Tolkien & James Bond Books Censored, GLADIO Secrets & Clown World PsyOps – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 2nd 2023 2:52pm EST

    Today we cover amazing recent developments of the emerging dystopia: The censoring of books in real time, with Dahl and Fleming texts, as well as Tolkien, being banned, censored and passed off as the actual texts. This revisionism ties into the Day Tapes, which revealed in the 80s a plan from the late 60s to […]

  • Institutional Capture: How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted – Rachel Wilson

    Jay Dyer - Mar 2nd 2023 2:44pm EST

    Rachel, who has done a good bit of investigation into subversive foundations and funding sources joins me to complement the last live stream we did on church subversion and state / intelligence agencies. We will look at the agenda many of these “activists” use who are often overtly funded and aided by these foundations, think […]

  • Andrew Schulze, Concordia Publishing House and “White Supremacy” In LCMS

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2023 12:31pm EST

    Did you know LCMS Black Ministry was established more than 140 years ago? As Black History Month ends, take time to read the history of this ministry and the many ways the church serves among people of African American descent and other ethnic cultures: https://t.co/BdfabKc4Ck. — Concordia Seminary (@ConcordiaSem) February 28, 2023 This Black History […]