• Episode 778 – Gin-Soaked Raisins and Prayer … The Cure to America’s Crisis

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 5th 2021 6:16pm EST

    Cartels Running Border Like Springsteen Concert War Room begins the show live from Tijuana. Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza reveals the Mexican cartels are running the U.S. border like a Springsteen concert, passing out wristbands for which U.S. law they are breaking. “Human trafficking, sex trafficking…honestly Steve, I’m looking at this as a treasonous act […]

  • Episode 777 – Fake Intel … How the Left Attacks Political Opponents

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 5th 2021 12:56pm EST

    It’s a Regime Stephen K. Bannon discusses the “tragedy of biblical proportions” going on at the border, and wonders what Kamala Harris is up to by sitting in on every Biden regime meeting. “That is not the role of the vice president,” he said. Raheem Kassam notes Harris is “always lurking behind” Joe Biden.  “Like […]

  • Episode 775 – The Biggest Biden Rally Ever … Migrant Crisis Builds at the Border

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 4th 2021 6:09pm EST

    The Biggest Biden Rally You’ll Ever See War Room begins the show live from Tijuana, where a tent city of illegal immigrants is forming waiting for the Biden regime to let them in. “Not to make light of it, but this is the largest Biden rally I‘ve seen,” reports Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam. […]

  • Episode 774 – ‘China for a Year’ … How Liberals Fell in Love with the CCP Model

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 4th 2021 1:20pm EST

    A Time for Courage War Room explains how you can get engaged. “The only way we’re going to save this republic is through human agency,” says Stephen K. Bannon.  Raheem Kassam reports the memory hole is alive and well after Twitter posthumously stripped Andrew Breitbart of his blue check mark.  “Name me in human history […]

  • Episode 773 – Non Compos Mentis … Biden and His Regime Are Unfit for U.S.

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 4th 2021 12:20pm EST

    Day 56 Day 56 of the Capitol Hill occupation and Raheem Kassam reports live on the empty streets where there’s no domestic threat to be found. The House shut down for the day, despite showing no evidence of a threat. “This is an absolute travesty,” says Stephen K. Bannon. “156 years ago when Abraham Lincoln […]

  • Episode 772 – Where Georgia Goes… Election Integrity Battle Continues

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 3rd 2021 7:22pm EST

    A Warm Weepy Open Dr. Peter Navarro reacts to Andrew Cuomo’s pathetic news conference: “If you know that man you’re not buying that contrition.” “That was disgraceful,” Navarro said. “That’s the worst lying politician sack of you know what I’ve ever seen.” Stephen K. Bannon says all of this is a “pure deflection” from the […]

  • Episode 771 – From a Shmendrik to a Player

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 3rd 2021 12:16pm EST

    Anti-Semitism Stops Here Rabbi Ilan Feldman explains what’s behind the rise of anti-Semitism and gives his recommendations to fight it.  Proudly stand for moral principles, get involved in your community, and “don’t cower in the face of an onslaught against the notion of right and wrong.” Visit: Beth Jacob Atlanta Anti-Indoctrinate Phil Wong, president of […]

  • Episode 770 – State-Sponsored Doxxing

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 3rd 2021 12:16pm EST

    State-Sponsored Doxxing Day 55 of the D.C. occupation that even Eleanor Holmes Norton thinks looks like a third world country dictatorship trying to keep the people out. First up, War Room recaps its special on the Global Rise of Anti-Semitism. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R., Colo.) joins the show on the dangers of H.R. 1 and […]

  • Episode 769 – The Global Rise of Anti-Semitism

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Mar 2nd 2021 6:00pm EST

    It’s Our Country, We Have to Fight For It War Room hosts a special on the global rise of anti-Semitism. Rabbi Aryeh Spero begins with a prayer for the nation, and explains the new and more dangerous form of anti-Semitism coming from the left. Get the book: Push Back: Reclaiming the American Judeo-Christian Spirit What […]

  • Episode 755 – Inside the Tent Pissing In

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 24th 2021 6:04pm EST

    Kevin McCarthy Has Got to Go Day 48 of the occupation and the wall around D.C., and Ben Bergquam has a live report in El Paso where Biden and the Democrats want the wall to come down. Follow @BBergquam Dr. Peter Navarro eviscerates Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy — who is the real reason Cheney […]

  • Episode 754 – Open Borders, Closed Schools

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 24th 2021 12:23pm EST

    The Most Dangerous City in the World Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam joins the show live from Juarez to show just how easy it is to cross Joe Biden’s open border. Follow @BBergquam Open Borders, Closed Schools “He’s opening the borders but he ain’t opening the schools.” Stephen K. Bannon and Raheem Kassam explain […]

  • Episode 753 – Undoing the Fix

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 24th 2021 12:09pm EST

    Undoing the Fix  John Fredericks explains how the War Room audience is leading to the first step to fixing the fixed elections in Georgia, after the senate passed a bill requiring voter I.D. for mail-in ballots.   “If you can’t undo the fix, how are you going to do anything else?” notes Stephen K. Bannon, on […]

  • Ep. 752 – Fire Fauci — The Crisis Continues

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 24th 2021 8:07am EST

    This evening’s War Room: Pandemic took us from the U.S. southern border to Michigan. Real America’s Voice News correspondent Ben Bergquam joined Stephen K. Bannon with an update live from the border. The immigration crisis deteriorates after the Biden regime’s disastrous proposed open-borders bill last week. Lindell still waiting on Dominion filing MyPillow CEO Michael […]

  • Ep. 751 – When History Repeats Itself — The Roman Road

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 23rd 2021 3:53pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Raheem Kassam are joined by in-studio co-host Eric Greitens, former governor of Missouri and Real America’s Voice News host. Former CIA Intel Officer Sam Faddis gives an overview of his latest article and discusses the unfortunate situation on the ground in Pennsylvania, whose state legislature refuses to deal with pending issues […]

  • Episode 750 – Beyond Bathrooms and Into Schools — The Transgender Agenda

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 23rd 2021 3:43pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Raheem Kassam are joined by in-studio co-host Eric Greitens, former governor of Missouri and Real America’s Voice News host. It is Day 47 of the Occupation in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, the Joe Biden regime’s radical nominees are getting a fast pass in the U.S. Senate. The War Room hosts call on […]

  • Episode 749 – Every Town a Border Town

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 22nd 2021 8:04pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Raheem Kassam run down the future of the MAGA movement under President Donald J. Trump in light of the disastrous border bill. Joining them live from the U.S. southern border is Real America’s Voice News correspondent Ben Bergquam. Black Americans for a Better Future founder Raynard Jackson also calls in to […]

  • Episode 748 – Opus Populi

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 22nd 2021 3:48pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Raheem Kassam dug into the weeds on the latest efforts by the administrative state to thwart the America First agenda, and how Republicans around the country can continue the fight for the nation. Fauci ouchie Bannon reacted to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins’ exclusive interview last night on Axios on HBO, […]

  • Episode 747 – MyPillow Fight

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 22nd 2021 3:41pm EST

    MyPillow CEO Michael J. Lindell joined Stephen K. Bannon with his first exclusive reaction to Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.3 trillion defamation lawsuit against him. Lindell discussed the MSM and social media’s harassment campaign against him, challenging them to have him on to air the receipts and present his side of the story. He said he […]

  • Episode 746 – Christianity: The Secular Left’s Real Target

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 20th 2021 5:45pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon hosted an hourlong special with bestselling author Cheryl K. Chumley. Particularly after the events at the Capitol on January 6, the Left has had Christianity in its gunsights, attempting to smear “Christian nationalists” as the perpetrators of violence. War Room walked through the ways Democrats are trying to usurp God and upend […]

  • Episode 745 – Illegal Elections Have Consequences

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 20th 2021 3:46pm EST

    Dr. Peter K. Navarro joins Stephen K. Bannon to analyze the crisis at hand with the Biden regime’s radical open-borders amnesty bill. America-Last Poison The two delve into strategy for taking back the House in 2022 and preview President Donald J. Trump’s likely MAGA vetting process for candidate.  Navarro notes that DACA-loving RINO Sen. Lindsey […]

  • Episode 744 – Occupied till September

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 8:13pm EST

    Stephen K. Bannon and Boris Epshteyn called out CNN for continuing to blast Donald Trump one month after his first term as president ended. “They’re living in the past.” Give them MAGA Bannon and Epshteyn discussed the current GOP field and agreed that the future is MAGA. Marc Short, former chief of staff to Vice […]

  • Episode 743 – Heading towards Fascism

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 4:06pm EST

    Get on point Reacting to the continued occupation of Washington, DC, Bannon blasted GOP leadership for allowing the wall around the U.S. Capitol to remain, but not the wall at the U.S. Southern Border. “Our elected officials have got to get on the ramparts, end the feckless whining and wandering around.” Shakespeare cancelled Dr. Carol […]

  • Episode 742 – Amnesty for All

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 19th 2021 3:57pm EST

    Eulogizing the Great Rush Limbaugh, “Champion and Cheerleader” of America Rabbi Aryeh Spero joined Stephen K. Bannon with a prayer for our nation and for the eternal soul of radio icon and conservative trailblazer Rush Limbaugh. “Father of Mercy, we come to you today with a heavy heart… We have lost a long-time friend, Rush […]

  • Episode 741 – Less First World

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 6:48pm EST

    Less First World Dr. Peter Navarro explains the big picture of the Texas energy crisis: China keeps building coal plants while the Biden regime manages decline. “There’s a deeper problem here,” said Stephen K. Bannon. “The Chinese are laughing at us.” Navarro also reacts to “rock solid” Jane Timken, who is running for senate in […]

  • Episode 740 – Digital Serfdom

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 12:25pm EST

    A New Digital Ecosystem Gab CEO Andrew Torba explains Big Tech’s war on free speech in Australia, and how to build our own economy outside of a wicked culture. “If your church has gone woke, find another church,” he said. Stop buying from people who hate you, cut the cable cord, “including Fox and CNN,” […]