• Episode 739 – The Golden EIB Mic Goes Silent

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 18th 2021 12:12pm EST

    The Golden EIB Microphone Goes Silent The War Room is live on Day 42 of the occupation and the first full day of the Golden EIB microphone going silent. Stephen K. Bannon and guest co-host Eric Greitens say the mission for the troops in DC is psychological warfare, and say the best way to honor […]

  • Episode 738 – Talent Returned to God

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 17th 2021 5:58pm EST

    The Link Between Reagan and Trump War Room dedicates the entire hour to the irreplaceable Rush Limbaugh, who passed away after a battle with lung cancer at the age of 70. Stephen K. Bannon reflects on the all-time great and says Limbaugh was “the link between Reagan and Trump.” “Broken heart, that’s the first thing […]

  • Episode 735 – Rolling Blackouts

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 6:30pm EST

    Rolling Greenouts Daniel Turner, founder executive director Power the Future, explains what’s going on with the rolling blackouts in Texas: when the weather’s bad green energy doesn’t work. “The sun doesn’t always shine the wind doesn’t always blow, or in the case if Texas you get freezing rain and it stops the wind turbines from […]

  • Episode 734 – Non-Curation Curation

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 12:12pm EST

    Crisis at the Border Chris Chmielenski, deputy director of Numbers USA, explains how the Biden regime has undone the Trump administration’s tough border policies and just how bad the amnesty proposal is. Stephen K. Bannon rips Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the Chamber of Commerce donor class who blocked President Trump’s America First border security […]

  • Episode 733 – Better Get a Food Taster

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 16th 2021 11:35am EST

    Better Get a Food Taster War Room explains how the MAGA movement can take over the GOP, and wonders who is actually president, anyway? “The vice president of the United States is actually making direct phone calls with heads of states,” said Stephen K. Bannon. “This is actually breathtaking.”  “I think the reason is [Biden’s] just […]

  • Episode 732 – The Not-So Great Reset

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 6:12pm EST

    Boris Epshteyn reacts to the Bannon plan to take back the House and gives his legal opinion of Andrew Cuomo’s first comments since aides exposed his cover up of nursing home deaths: Cuomo’s lying. Follow @BorisEP Matt Gaetz Goes After McConnell for Speech Condemning Trump Cuomo blames ‘politics,’ fails to address nursing home cover-up admission […]

  • Episode 731 – The Art of the Precinct

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 12:09pm EST

    A Nationwide Sweep  “California is in play,” says Stephen K. Bannon. “I never thought I’d say those words.” Tom Del Beccaro updates the show on the recall Gavin Newsom. Rescue California has already gathered the necessary 1.495 million signatures, but is gathering 2 million to thwart any funny business in the deep blue state. “This is […]

  • Episode 730 – No Group Hug

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 15th 2021 12:09pm EST

    No Group Hug War Room reacts to the uniparty’s unison anti-Trump message, and Stephen K. Bannon lays out his plan for the America First movement. “Mitch McConnell has got to go,” Bannon said. “He’s a poison.” Boston Herald: Bannon’s strategy is for Trump to run for Congress in 2022 and impeach Biden,: Trump will ‘lead […]

  • Episode 729 – Seed the Steal

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 12:17pm EST

    Show Trial Witnesses War Room dissects the breaking news VP Mike Pence’s staff leaked to CNN, and break down the implications for a Show Trial with witnesses. Stephen K. Bannon explains how “it all ties back to the CCP.” Everybody Knew Frank Gaffney joins War Room for the full hour, and starts off with his […]

  • Episode 728 – Groundhog Year

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 13th 2021 12:03pm EST

    2020 Redux War Room explains why it’s Groundhog Year: impeachment, pandemic, BLM riots last night in New York City, it all feels like 2020. “One year and we’re back to the beginning,” said Raheem Kassam. The difference, Peter Navarro notes, is at least we had a great economy under President Trump in February 2020. The […]

  • Episode 727 – 7.5 out of 7.5

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 6:01pm EST

    7.5 out of 7.5 War Room explains why the Trump legal defense team didn’t go for 10, but still put a “total nail in the coffin of the cynical sham of an impeachment,” says Boris Epshteyn. Follow @BorisEP Democrats love inciting violence  Watch: Trump defense team destroys the Charlottesville fine people The real timeline of […]

  • Episode 726 – Activate Your Inner Honey Badger

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 12:20pm EST

    Idea Pathogens Dr. Gad Saad returns to give the signal of the Gina Carano firing, explain how idea pathogens have spread from the campus to every aspect of society, and how to activate your inner honey badger. Get the book The Parasitic Mind. Neocon Trotskyites  Darren Beattie reacts to Nikki Haley’s “break” with Donald Trump, […]

  • Episode 725 – The Second Front

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 12th 2021 12:08pm EST

    The Tell War Room reacts to Ted Lieu’s Donald J. Trump struggle session, and Nikki Haley’s attempt to  roll into 2024. “She’s like the [John] Milton character in Paradise Lost,” said Stephen K. Bannon. “Ambitious as Lucifer.” Peggy Noonan clutches her pearls Not Wasting Your Time Bannon called the shot in October 2018 on the […]

  • Episode 724 – The Glove Doesn’t Fit

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 6:10pm EST

    The Glove Doesn’t Fit Editor-in-chief of Just the News John Solomon catches Eric Swalwell in a major blunder: he doesn’t know the difference between “cavalry” and “cavalry.”  The CCP-compromised Democrat impeachment manager falsely accused two women of wanting to send in the military of when they really were setting up a prayer meeting.  “This is […]

  • Episode 723 – Lunar New Year

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 1:53pm EST

    Allergic to Transparency Brian Kennedy, president of the American Strategy Group, assesses Mike Lindell’s documentary, and says it shows absolute proof that professional journalists abdicated their duty and there “should have been a much more thorough investigation.” “Why is everyone so allergic to counting the ballots in any place where there is a controversy?” Kennedy […]

  • Episode 722 – Action, Action, Action

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 11th 2021 12:06pm EST

    We Won War Room breaks down impeachment day two and explains why the best days of MAGA are still ahead of it. “We won on Nov. 3, they stole it,” Stephen K. Banon says. Boris Epshteyn explains why appeasement isn’t going to work with the Democrats and Bannon previews his special with Mike Lindell on […]

  • Episode 721 – Get in the DeLorean

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 6:22pm EST

    The Theft of the Century Dr. Peter Navarro explains why CCP-compromised  Eric Swalwell is the “king of the STD” — the spy transmitted disease, and says it would only take an hour to lay out the damning proof the election was stolen from Donald J. Trump. Remember: SHARE the War Room podcast. “Don’t hog being […]

  • Episode 720 – Governed by Inferiors

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 12:31pm EST

    What Are They So Afraid Of? Stephen K. Bannon and Mike Lindell are teaming up to walk through the entirety of Absolute Proof and will explain every detail, Thursday night at 8.pm. on One America News Network. “We’re going to break it apart, ask the toughest questions,” Bannon said. “No one is here to tell […]

  • Episode 719 – The Rabbit Hole Goes Deeper

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 10th 2021 12:09pm EST

    ‘He’s a Fighter, Where’s the Fight?’ War Room reacts to the lackluster defense of President Trump at his second show trial, with no rebuttals to the open lies by the Democrats, and no mention of the “F” word: fraud. “He’s a fighter, where’s the fight?” said Stephen K. Bannon. Visit: ThanksTrump.org The Most Important Story […]

  • Episode 718 – Pathos, Ethos, Logos

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 6:01pm EST

    Full Pathos War Room explains why you should care about the impeachment show trial: it’s not about going after President Trump, it’s about going after you. Day one of the sham impeachment is in the books, including the 12-minute doctored video that kicked off the Democrats’ case. “They said they have new evidence, they tampered […]

  • Episode 717 – Pure Gaslighting

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 12:09pm EST

    Pure Gaslighting While Stephen K. Bannon is on assignment, Raheem Kassam, Jack Posobiec, and Terry Schilling discuss Tony Fauci’s latest gaslight and why the World Health Organization is covering for the Chinese Communist Party. WHO’s Kidding Who?  WHO whitewash: Investigators BACK Beijing’s claim Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab and call for ‘no […]

  • Episode 716 – 75 Million Plus, Plus, Plus

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 9th 2021 12:05pm EST

    Blindsided by Boyer With Stephen K. Bannon is on assignment, Raheem Kassam takes the reins and explains why the running dogs for the corporate elite at Axios think impeachment is the fifth most important story of the day.  Arizona state senator Sonny Borelli joins the show and reveals what happened with the Republican resolution to […]

  • Episode 715 – A Serious Joke

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 6:16pm EST

    A Serious Joke Boris Epshteyn previews the impeachment show trial that begins Tuesday, and the Democrats’ completely manufactured case. “It’s a joke but it has to be taken seriously,” he said. Follow @BorisEP The Elsewhere Smear Machine Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam fact check Jake Tapper, who was caught lying to cover up AOC’s lies […]

  • Episode 714 – Big Tech Identity Theft

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 12:51pm EST

    ‘It’s Very Orchestrated’ He’s sold 54 million pillows but you couldn’t find him on Google? Mike Lindell exposes the orchestrated censorship campaign against his documentary on election fraud Absolute Proof. Big Tech and Big Media use information warfare together to malign anyone with opposing views, and then to suppress those opposing views. WATCH: Absolute Proof. […]

  • Episode 713 – Even Rubes Vote

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Feb 8th 2021 12:35pm EST

    Biden Ballot Dump Gateway pundit founder Jim Hoft dropped a bombshell video of over 50 boxes of ballots being delivered in the middle of the night in Wayne County Michigan, and was promptly banned on Twitter.  WATCH: Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night The Left Declares […]