• Episode 687 – America Had a Birthday in 1776, Not 1619

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 27th 2021 6:11pm EST

    ‘They’re Coming For You’ War Room shows you what it really looks like inside the Green Zone around Capitol Hill. Peter Navarro gets suspended from Twitter in a preemptive strike on free speech.  “We are the opposition,” says Jack Posobiec. And we need to find other problems to get information out. “It ain’t gonna beTwitter […]

  • Episode 686 – The Great Short of Game Stop

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 27th 2021 12:14pm EST

    It Came From Wuhan Bill Gertz was right, the Washington Post was wrong. The Washington Times reporter and columnist explains how the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for the Wuhan coronavirus.  “It’s clear this virus came most likely from the lab,” Gertz said. Gertz cites three sources of evidence to back up his claim. […]

  • Episode 685 – The Stepford President

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 27th 2021 11:24am EST

    Border Agents Revolt Against Biden Regime Combat journalist Michael Yon reports live from the border on the building revolt among Border Patrol agents who do not want to go along with the lawless open borders policies of the Biden regime. The illegitimate regime’s moves to stop border wall construction and end the remain in Mexico […]

  • Episode 684 – How to Take Down the CCP

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 26th 2021 6:30pm EST

    Breaking: Judge Halts Biden Regime’s Illegal Deportation Freeze Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joins War Room following his victory in securing a temporary restraining order against the Biden regime’s illegal freeze on deportations. Texas now has 12 days to prepare their case to defend America’s borders. Paxton previewed more legal challenges to come, including against […]

  • Episode 683 – What it Takes to Win

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 26th 2021 12:20pm EST

    The Puppet Strings of Joe Biden  Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick returns to back up his claim that Joe Biden has lost 50 percent of his cognitive abilities.  After working for Biden for six years, McCormick says the tell is the time of Biden’s speeches. Rather than going off the cuff for 45 minutes, […]

  • Episode 682 – Victory Begets Victory

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 26th 2021 11:34am EST

    Go Local Phill Kline, director of The Amistad Project, explains the danger of H.R. 1: it’s the Democrats’ plan to institutionalize the fraud they used to steal the election. The so-called “For the People Act” is for the corrupt politicians, would legalize ballot harvesting, ban voter I.D. and give Democrats full control over ballots to […]

  • Episode 681 – Boomers Ruined Everything

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 25th 2021 6:03pm EST

    Here We Are Again Peter Navarro and Jack Posobiec assess the pandemic and impeachment, exactly like War Room did a year ago. Navarro talks the illegitimate third Obama-Biden term and CCP Dictator Xi’s victory lap at Davos. “Davos was not a good day for America and it never is, unless President Trump is there pushing […]

  • Episode 680 – Struggle Session

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 25th 2021 12:26pm EST

    ‘I Do Not See How She Has Any Political Future in Wyoming’  Wyoming state Rep. Ocean Andrew joins War Room to explain next steps in holding Liz Cheney accountable for her betrayal of her voters by joining the Democrats in their disgraceful impeachment. Follow Ocean Andrew. Join anti-Cheney rally with Matt Gaetz Thursday in Cheyenne […]

  • Episode 679 – The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 25th 2021 11:16am EST

    On the one year anniversary of the first show War Room Pandemic and what are we talking about? Impeachment and pandemic. Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam react to hamster wheel the ruling class has America on, and why the Party of Davos’s alliance with Chairman Xi means a massive Chamberlain moment for Joe Biden. FLASHBACK […]

  • Episode 678 – The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 23rd 2021 11:54am EST

    ‘This Is About Action’ Raheem Kassam explains how the National Guard fiasco is part of the archetypal color revolution playbook that the neoconservative establishment has deployed all around the world. “Now they’ve brought that same playbook here to the United States,” Kassam said. Follow @Raheem Kassam explains how the doers like Scott Presler and Terry […]

  • Episode 677 – ‘This Will Not Go Away’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 23rd 2021 11:00am EST

    Patriots Rally in Florida Against Cancel Culture Truthbomber Karyn Turk joins the show live from the rally to support My Pillow in Boca Raton, Florida where patriots are standing up against Big Tech oligarchs and the left who are trying to cancel Americans. Turk reveals the power of the War Room audience, and says the […]

  • Episode 676 – War Room, the Force Multiplier

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 22nd 2021 6:27pm EST

    This Audience is a Force Multiplier Steve Cortes joins War Room as co-host and reminisces about his former employer fake news CNN, which today War Room dwarfs in audience size. Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam gives an update on the open borders policies of the Biden regime. Cortes has the receipts on the strong […]

  • Episode 675 – Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 22nd 2021 1:33pm EST

    ‘This Is Going to Blow Up in Their Face’ Mike Lindell says we’re not going to take the left’s cancel culture. “This is the time we have to fight, there is no tomorrow.” War Room reports on how the National Guard psyop is “going to blow up” in Nancy Pelosi and the establishment’s face, as […]

  • Episode 674 – Another Part of the Psyops Scam

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 22nd 2021 1:16pm EST

    ‘People Are Tired of the Propaganda’ War Room reacts to the disgusting treatment of the National Guard stationed in DC. After using them for photo ops, troops were “thrown away like trash,” and sent to sleep in parking garages in freezing weather with one outdoor toilet.  Stephen K. Bannon explains how this is another part […]

  • Episode 673 – Shields Up

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 21st 2021 6:02pm EST

    ‘The Problem is the Receipts’ War Room discusses Big Media’s approval reaching at an all-time low, and how best to approach the upcoming senate impeachment trial. If the damning evidence of voter fraud is presented, it will be Republican establishment senators who are on trial. Boris Epshteyn reacts to the no-show Biden regime’s fake inauguration: […]

  • Episode 672 – ‘Courage is Contagious’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 21st 2021 1:16pm EST

    Mike Lindell’s Road to Damascus An American original Mike Lindell gives his powerful testimony on how he went from crack addict to CEO, and to use his platform as CEO of My Pillow to help countless others with recovery. Lindell also reveals his first meeting with President Trump and shares how his personal relationship with […]

  • Episode 671 – ‘Winston Churchill, Here We Go’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 21st 2021 12:34pm EST

    ‘This is a Grind’ War Room regroups after witnessing a faux inauguration for the uniparty, and tells the Deplorables to buck up and get to work.  Bush tells Clyburn he saved the uniparty Law professor: Election fraud evidence significant ‘Winston Churchill, Here We Go’ Rogan O’Handley, aka DC Draino, has a plan for how we […]

  • Episode 670 – A Government Without Voters

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 20th 2021 6:00pm EST

    ‘A Government Without Voters’ War Room reacts to the pathetic faux inauguration of Joe Biden with Peter Navarro, who is currently stuck inside the Green Zone. The event was as sparsely attended as a division III high school football game, with the highlight being Biden calling for unity, and moments later smearing half the country […]

  • Episode 669 – This is What Democracy Looks Like?

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 20th 2021 11:13am EST

    ‘This is a Complete and Total Farce’  An empty national mall and more troops than people is the big reveal: Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes. “This is a scam that has been run on the American people,” says Stephen K. Bannon. “The American people are going to see through this.” Plus, Boris […]

  • Episode 668 – The Mask is Off

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 19th 2021 9:29pm EST

    The Mask Is Off The uniparty has revealed itself, as Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer give identical speeches on the senate floor. Boris Epshteyn joins War Room to explain the establishment’s goal to eradicate President Trump. ‘This is Not a Peaceful Transition of Power’ Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam explain the politicization of the military […]

  • Episode 667 – ‘The Fraud Has Been Calculated Down to the vote’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 19th 2021 1:38pm EST

    Giuliani: Bill Barr Interview Was ‘Treacherous’ Rudy Giuliani slammed Bill Barr saying “it was treacherous” for Barr to blame President Trump for the Capitol Hill riot, while leaving out the damning evidence that antifa organized the attack and infiltrated the protests. “[Antifa] deliberately planned it irrespective of anything,” Giuliani said. “And secondly, the claims of […]

  • Episode 666 – ‘The New Stasi Is Being Formed’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 19th 2021 1:32pm EST

    The New Stasi Is Being Formed A chilling new video reveals exactly what leftists want: a new Stasi. Half of Americans are “domestic terrorists,” according to the video released by author Don Winslow calling for a citizen police force to report on conservatives. If you support the most popular Republican president in modern history, you […]

  • Episode 665 – ‘It’s Impossible to Shut Down the War Room’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 6:03pm EST

    The MAGA Movement is Only Growing Trump 2020 advisor Boris Epshteyn reveals what happens when you stab your constituents in the back: unanimous censure for Liz Cheney in Wyoming. Epshyten predicts Cheney will not be representing Wyoming Republicans in Congress by 2022. Boris Epshteyn Says America Today Feels Like His Childhood in Soviet Union Banning […]

  • Episode 664 – ‘We’re in the Green Zone’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 1:42pm EST

    Liz Cheney ‘Violated Trust of Her Voters’ Carbon County Wyoming unanimously voted in favor of censuring Liz Cheney for betraying her voters when she joined the Democrats’ baseless and fraudulent impeachment of President Trump.  READ: Carbon County censure resolution against Liz Cheney. Three-Quarters of GOP, Half the Country Believe Biden is Illegitimate  Richard Baris of […]

  • Episode 663 – ‘This is the Rally Point’

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 18th 2021 1:28pm EST

    He Won: President Trump Gained 60 Points in Most Hispanic County in Nation Trump 2020 senior advisor Steve Cortes presents the strategy for how to protect the America First movement from an impending “carpet bomb” from the illegitimate Biden administration. Cortes shares more evidence on how President Trump brought working class Hispanic voters into the […]