S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 726 | My Butt Has Been Wiped
Jared Howe - Jul 27th 2021 7:12am EDTJoe Biden’s cognitive decline is the perfect metaphor for the decline of America under the political influence of people like Joe Biden and his handlers. Some of those handlers are so close to Joe that they might even wipe his butt for him. Kind of scary, when you think about it. Like Joe’s own decline, the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 725 | Saying All That You Meme
Jared Howe - Jul 26th 2021 7:10am EDTJoe Biden wants you to know that he’s a standup guy. He memes what he says, and he says all that he memes. That’s why he keeps it real and gives shout outs to Q Anon. Actually, he does it to marginalize the victimization of children and those who have concerns with it. Child abuse […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 724 | Deprogrammed
Jared Howe - Jul 23rd 2021 7:10am EDTIt’s not enough for anti-white extremists to control the minds of members of the public for their developmental years while they’re attending public school. They must also reinforce and horizontally enforce their contrived anti-white ideology throughout adulthood, as well. Trump is in some ways a manifestation of the public’s distrust in the Anti-White Industrial Complex. […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 723 | Domestic Terror is an Inside Job
Jared Howe - Jul 22nd 2021 6:58am EDTThe FBI has foiled so many FBI terror plots at this point that it’s almost becoming a cliche or a meme. The Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot is one such example where FBI assets concocted the entire scheme from start to finish. It literally wouldn’t have happened if not for FBI involvement. For whatever reason, the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 722 | Scapegoating the Victim
Jared Howe - Jul 21st 2021 7:08am EDTNothing is ever Fauci’s fault. Just ask him. He’ll tell you. He’ll tell you that it’s not a lie to deny his funding of gain-of-function research because the people who work for him told him so. The onus for his statements is actually on them because he trusted them when they said adding a function […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 721 | Not On Your Side
Jared Howe - Jul 20th 2021 7:09am EDTThe demographics of this country are not on your side. So says Dick Durbin, who apparently has no qualms about saying the quiet part out loud. Demographics are changing because of new arrivals, and Dick Durban wants us to know that they don’t vote Republican. Shocking, right? Who would’ve thought? And yet despite Durbin’s confidence […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 720 | Let Them Die
Jared Howe - Jul 19th 2021 7:08am EDTOur education system is quickly becoming a flashpoint for America’s pushback against anti-white extremism. Parents around the country are taking control of their school boards and PTA’s to prohibit the dehumanization of whites. Biden’s own education secretary caved to public pressure following an announcement that the Department of Education would be issuing college grants for […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 719 | Election Fraud Confirmed
Jared Howe - Jul 16th 2021 7:09am EDTWhat follows is not merely cope posting, copium, or a conspiracy theory, as many would have you believe. It has been determined through forensic analysis that significant election fraud occurred in both Arizona and Georgia that may have impacted the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This comes as no surprise to those of us […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 717 | Floyd Mural Destroyed by Act of God
Jared Howe - Jul 14th 2021 7:07am EDTIn what can only be described as a miracle, the George Floyd mural in Toledo, Ohio was destroyed yesterday after it was struck by lightning, which reduced the brick wall on which it was painted to rubble. This is in stark contrast to the death of Floyd himself, who was struck down by himself after swallowing […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 716 | Staging an Insurrection
Jared Howe - Jul 13th 2021 7:11am EDTWhen investigating crimes, law enforcement typically looks for evidence of means, motive, and opportunity. However, this is not the case when it comes to the alleged iNsUrReCTiOn of January 6th. Why might that be? Simple answer: none of the people arrested on charges of disorderly conduct had the means, motive, or opportunity to “insurrect”, even […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 715 | The Way Life Should Be
Jared Howe - Jul 12th 2021 7:15am EDTIf you conduct a political campaign to dump helicopter cash on non-whites in the name of “equity”, no one bats an eye. If you defend white people against the left’s anti-white extremism, leftists lose their fucking minds. It’s not that the left isn’t attacking whites. After all, they’ll attack you simply for defending whites. It’s […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 714 | Marxists Bring Sodomy Into the Classroom
Jared Howe - Jul 9th 2021 7:08am EDTMarxists will tell you that the “sexual liberation” of sodomites is about freedom from “oppressive hierarchical structures”, but really it’s just an attack on white civilization and pair-bonded monogamy intended to give them sexual access to your children. I wish I were exaggerating. Case in point: “educators” around the nation openly brag about affirming the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 713 | Coming for Your Children
Jared Howe - Jul 8th 2021 7:07am EDTThe San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus has no qualms about saying the quiet part out loud. As they put it: they’re coming for (coming for, coming for) your children. On the one hand, it’s probably safe to say that this is a double entendre. On the other, it really is a literal threat. This threat […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 712 | Door to Door
Jared Howe - Jul 7th 2021 7:04am EDTWhen it comes to government, suggestions eventually become orders. If it’s voluntary today, it’ll be mandatory tomorrow. We saw this with the various guidelines implemented in response to COIVD, and we’ll see it too with “door to door” vaccination campaigns. For now, government-paid “AcTiViStS” may visit your home and try to persuade you to let […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 711 | The War on You
Jared Howe - Jul 6th 2021 7:10am EDTAshli Babbitt’s death and the media coverage thereof serves as a stark reminder that the left’s wars on Trump and police are really just proxy wars against rural, white America. When they say they want to defund police, they mean YOUR police. They mean municipal police throughout America. They DON’T mean Federal law enforcement. They’re […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 710 | The Child Fetish of the Marxist Pedo Left
Jared Howe - Jul 2nd 2021 7:07am EDTAccording to Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg, the only way to NOT bully children with body dysmorphia is to help them mutilate their genitals. You literally can’t make this shit up. One would think the anti-child agenda of the left would be obvious to every rational person on Earth, but the public has been conditioned […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 709 | The White Hating Pedo Left
Jared Howe - Jul 1st 2021 7:08am EDTThe left has gone fully mask off in both its hatred of white people and its desire to molest children, as evidenced by the ubiquity of phenomena like critical theory in its various forms and celebrations of “pride month”, which is thankfully now over. It might be the case though that they’ve gone too far […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 708 | The Jewish Roots of the LGBTQ Movement
Jared Howe - Jun 30th 2021 7:08am EDTThe Jewish Forward and the Times of Israel both recently published stories to make the point that Jews were at the forefront of LGBT history and that Hitler burned books by Jewish authors because they attempted to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism. The Forward even took the remarkable step of apologizing for not covering this book […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 707 | Tucker Targeted in Government War on Whites
Jared Howe - Jun 29th 2021 7:03am EDTTucker Carlson is reporting that FBI whistleblowers have come forward with evidence that the NSA is surveilling his private texts and emails in an attempt to illegally obtain information that would bring down his show. The most surprising thing about this is that there are whistleblowers in the FBI, and that they don’t agree with […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 706 | John McAfee Gets Suicided
Jared Howe - Jun 28th 2021 7:01am EDTJohn McAfee told us for years that he would never kill himself. He predicted that the government might kill him and frame it as a suicide, just like they did with Epstein. Last Wednesday, he was proven right. The last thing posted to his Instagram account before his death was a meme about Jeffrey Epstein […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 705 | Fighting Back Against the Anti-White Left
Jared Howe - Jun 25th 2021 7:12am EDTNo one bats an eye when the government passes laws and issues executive orders to prohibit discrimination against and dehumanization of Jews, but anti-white leftists lose their goddamn minds when whites are extended these same protections. No one recoils when criticism of Jews is labeled as “anti-Semitic” yet the entirety of the left is up […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 704 | Betting Big on Critical Race Theory
Jared Howe - Jun 24th 2021 7:08am EDTEstablishment Republicans can no longer deny the fact that there is a strong appetite among the Forgotten Men and Women of America for meaningful opposition to the anti-white conspiracy theory known as Critical Race Theory. Steve Bannon is calling it “the Tea Party to the tenth power.” The problem is that they won’t explicitly defend […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 703 | Wokesters Against Wokeness
Jared Howe - Jun 24th 2021 5:37am EDTAll of a sudden, wokesters are coming out of the woodwork to oppose Critical Race Theory. Not because it dehumanizes and marginalizes white people with genocidal language that defines “whiteness” as a “mental illness” that needs to be “ended”, but because it constitutes the bigotry of low expectations against non-whites, and because it interferes with […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 702 | Conspiring to Conspiracy Theorize
Jared Howe - Jun 22nd 2021 7:06am EDTRachel Maddow has a theory. If you’re part of the 75% of Republicans or 30% of Democrats who believe that cheating likely impacted the outcome of the 2020 election, you’re engaged in a conspiracy to push Q Anon conspiracy theories. And since conspiring to push conspiracy theories is the mainstream media’s job, she’s going to […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 701 | CRTR3 in the GOP
Jared Howe - Jun 21st 2021 7:09am EDTThe Neocon establishment within the Republican Party has finally realized that they can’t ignore the public’s appetite for something to be done about Critical Race Theory driving policy for every major power center in the country. Instead of addressing CRT on the basis that it’s anti-white, however, they object to it on the basis that […]