S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 700 | GOP Cucks on Juneteenth
Jared Howe - Jun 18th 2021 7:11am EDTCongress just passed a bill establishing “Juneteenth Independence Day” as a Federal holiday with near-unanimous support. Only 14 Republicans opposed the bill and most of their objections were based on the name of the bill or the cost. One Republican objected to the idea of Critical Race Theory being the basis of America’s “prevailing ideology”, […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 699 | Cyber Ninjas Come for AZ Voting Data
Jared Howe - Jun 17th 2021 7:08am EDTThe electoral recount in Maricopa County is pretty much at its conclusion. All of sudden, election interference is again a big concern of the left. After learning that “copies” of “election machine data” were taken to Montana for “forensic analysis”, leftists immediately leaped to the conclusion that ballots were taken out of Arizona. They allege […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 698 | Engineering a Fake Insurrection
Jared Howe - Jun 16th 2021 7:08am EDTMotive would typically be taken into consideration with any other criminal investigation, but not when it comes to the so-called insurrection on January 6th. Why not? Because the only people who benefited from the alleged government overthrow attempt were the shitlibs who could use the “attack” as a pretense to shut down voter fraud challenges […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 697 | Defending Whites with Extra Steps
Jared Howe - Jun 15th 2021 7:10am EDTThe country is so saturated with leftist ideology that most people can’t even make an attempt to refute or oppose it without invoking and horizontally enforcing it. For example, no one will just come out and say that it’s okay to defend white people on the basis of race given that they are targeted for […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 696 | Me or Your Lying Eyes
Jared Howe - Jun 14th 2021 7:07am EDTThe slow demographic genocide of white people is obvious to everyone who notices the implications of mass migration, radical feminism, on-demand abortions, affirmative action, stagnating birth rates, and the open dehumanization of white people. The media literally never misses an opportunity to celebrate and brag about the social and demographic decline of white people, most […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 695 | Dems Declaring War on White People
Jared Howe - Jun 11th 2021 7:04am EDTThe left’s War on Whites has been intensifying for years, but the mask-off moments are now more common than not. For example, a shitlib psychoanalyst named Donald Moss just published an article in a peer-reviewed journal which defines “whiteness” as an incurable mental illness. If whiteness is an incurable mental illness, does that mean people […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 694 | To Elect the Unlikeable
Jared Howe - Jun 10th 2021 7:09am EDTWhat would it take to elect the most unlikeable Democrat since Hillary Clinton? The answer is obviously election fraud. Even Guatemala knows that Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election, as Kamala recently discovered during a trip to Central America. And speaking of election fraud, there are ongoing efforts in a plurality of […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 693 | Your Peaceful Protests Are Riots
Jared Howe - Jun 9th 2021 7:05am EDTIf the government was interested in a meaningful investigation into the events of January 6th, they would start by releasing surveillance footage of the so-called “insurrection” and information about the murder of Ashli Babbit. Since that’s not happening, you can bet your bottom dollar that any such investigation will be yet another political witch hunt. […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 692 | Where This Goes
Jared Howe - Jun 8th 2021 7:14am EDTTucker Carlson wants to know where our society will go if the left is allowed to continue dehumanizing whites. You almost have to think that the question is rhetorical, but I’ll answer it anyway. This is EPISODE 692 of So to Speak w/ Jared Howe! The post S o T o S p e a […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 691 | Manufacturing a Pandemic
Jared Howe - Jun 4th 2021 7:05am EDTPeople are starting to ask questions about the motives for manufacturing and intentionally releasing the Wu Flu, but they’re not yet looking deep enough for the answers. The Permanent Washington Establishment would be happy to let you believe this all begins and ends with Fauci, Bill Gates, and China. In reality, they’re only the tip […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 690 | Fall Guy Fauci Goes Under the Bus
Jared Howe - Jun 3rd 2021 7:05am EDTIf you had suspected that Anthony Fauci, the Patron Saint of Wuhan, is as corrupt as he is inept, give yourself a gold star. It turns out the “conspiracy theorists” were right: leaked emails show that Fauci knowingly funded GoF research in Wuhan and then lied about it while working hand in glove with the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 689 | The Communist War on Families and Children
Jared Howe - Jun 2nd 2021 7:07am EDTDestroying families through the sexualization of children is a core objective of the communist left because broken children grow up to be broken adults who embrace broken systems and ideologies. That’s why UNICEF says it is a “human right” for children to access incest porn on the internet. That’s why schools are teaching kids as […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 688 | The Permanent War on Exclusion
Jared Howe - Jun 1st 2021 7:09am EDTI hope you “enjoyed your three day weekend.” In a race to demonstrate how dispensable our veterans are, Kamala Harris portrayed Memorial Day as being about “enjoying a three day weekend” while Joe Biden portrayed the history of American military conflict as being a war against “exclusion” — despite the fact that exclusion of the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 687 | Fanning the Balls of Zionists
Jared Howe - May 31st 2021 7:35am EDTFor those on the right, taking a side in the so-called Israeli-Arab conflict is a huge tactical mistake. If you side with the Palestinians, you horizontally enforce anti-colonial narratives based in Critical Race Theory that undermine the rightful claims whites have to western countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. You will […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 686 | Dehumanizing White People
Jared Howe - May 28th 2021 7:02am EDTYou’ll have to forgive me if some of the people in the thumbnail for this episode are tactically white rather than actually white. Most of the search results for pictures of “white people” are pictures of black people, for some reason. As a result, my options were somewhat limited. But the displacement of whites in […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 685 | Opposition to CRT Goes Mainstream
Jared Howe - May 27th 2021 7:23am EDTFive years ago, no one in the media or the government was offering any meaningful pushback to the anti-white communist agenda of the intersectional left. Almost 100% of this pushback has come from the grassroots. That’s starting to change now but there is still a long way to go. Political prisoner and canary-in-the-coalmine Christopher Cantwell […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 684 | Tucker Red Pills Primetime Audience on Science Pussies
Jared Howe - May 26th 2021 7:07am EDTAs hard as it is to believe, 60 Minutes recently ran an episode about “detransitioning” from being “trans” to one’s original biological sex. Tucker Carlson seized on the opportunity and signal boosted the content while also correctly pointing out that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. The left’s reaction was to label all of this […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 683 | The Inflation House of Cards
Jared Howe - May 25th 2021 7:12am EDTThe dollar’s status as world reserve currency isn’t long for this world due to inflation, which is itself a function of global markets being saturated with newly printed money. This might explain why COVID, a man made crisis given to us by the primary and secondary beneficiaries of dollar printers going brrrrr, is now being […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 682 | The Pentagon Has a Digital Army
Jared Howe - May 24th 2021 6:59am EDTAccording to a recent Newsweek exclusive, the Pentagon has tens of thousands of people operating fake accounts online. Newsweek’s concern was that these people are “interfering with the affairs of the Middle East and Africa” (even though Newsweek helped lie us into Middle Eastern wars.) However, given what we know about the military’s adoption of […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 681 | From September 11th to January 6th
Jared Howe - May 21st 2021 7:10am EDTIt only took 20 short years for the machinations of the “War on Terror” to be turned against the very people who were gaslit into supporting it. The House of Representin’ passed a bill that, if ratified by the Senate, will create a 9/11 style commission to investigate white, rural Republicans for the events of […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 680 | Defining Equity
Jared Howe - May 20th 2021 7:16am EDTTurns out that “equity” really just means discriminating against white people, not that we didn’t already know that. Lori Lightfoot made it explicitly clear though, golem that she is. COVID is likewise a vehicle for the communist, anti-white agenda of critical race theorists. Dr. Fauci has made that extremely clear, as have researchers from MIT […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 679 | FBI Asks Public to Profile Family Members
Jared Howe - May 19th 2021 7:05am EDTThe official narrative of January 6th is collapsing. Despite having used cell phone data and security footage to identify and arrest 300 participants in the protest at the Capitol Building, the FBI is completely stumped on the identity of the person who allegedly left a 1″ x 8″ pipe and a kitchen timer on a […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 678 | The Permanent Revolt Against White People
Jared Howe - May 18th 2021 7:05am EDTIn case it wasn’t already obvious to you, the racialized form of Marxism known as Critical Theory is a war against white people intended to dehumanize and displace the ethnic majorities in white, western countries. The only logical end to the left’s perpetual war on whiteness is the mass genocide of the people through which […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 677 | The Anarcho-Tyranny of Political Lawfare
Jared Howe - May 17th 2021 6:58am EDTOne can’t help but experience a sense of déjà vu when tuning into coverage of the January 6th protest at the Capitol Building. The distortion of facts and lawfare that has occurred in the fallout of the protest are reminiscent of how United the Right in Charlottesville was covered nearly four years ago. The participants […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 676 | The War on Epistemology
Jared Howe - May 14th 2021 7:09am EDTHistory is racist, America is racist, the concept of race is racist (except when you’re blaming white people for things they didn’t do), our government is racist, police are racist, literature is racist, and now math is racist. Everything is racist. It’s almost as though Critical Theory is a war on epistemology itself. Because after […]