S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 675 | Carefully Curating Your Perspective
Jared Howe - May 13th 2021 7:07am EDTThe secret to engineering docile compliance with the anti-white / globalist / Marxist agenda is to carefully cherry pick soundbites, images, and facts for public consumption. Everything from price inflation to Antifa to January 6th is presented so that it is viewed through the lens of “white man bad; communism good.” Your speech is violence; […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 674 | They Control the Media and Banks
Jared Howe - May 12th 2021 7:05am EDTIf you say that THEY control the media or the banks, Jews will automatically assume you’re talking about them. They will likewise assume that you’re being antisemitic if you criticize the COVID lockdowns. Guilty conscience, much? Probably not. Fear of getting caught is a much more powerful motivator than guilt, which is why THEY are […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 673 | Man Made Virus Funded by Fauci
Jared Howe - May 11th 2021 7:05am EDTIt turns out that COVID didn’t come from bat soup after all. Womp womp. The memes were pretty funny, though. As Tucker Carlson reports, the virus was man made and came from a lab in Wuhan that received direct funding from none other than Tony Fauci, who subsequently became one of the most powerful people […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 672 | Defending the Fed in the Name of Smashing Capitalism
Jared Howe - May 10th 2021 7:02am EDTOne of the most interesting paradoxes about anti-capitalist agitators is that they defend the institutions they pretend to oppose. They say they oppose Wall Street and the banking system in one moment but defend fiat money printing in the next. If you suggest that printing money from nothing steals the purchasing power of savers and […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 671 | Critical Theory is a Front For Legalizing Child Rape
Jared Howe - May 7th 2021 7:03am EDTA core objective of critical theory is the elimination of white people from countries where whites are the ethnic majority, but there is another core objective which is arguably more disgusting: The normalization and legalization of child rape. By and large, white countries are the only countries with meaningful laws against the sexualization of children, […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 670 | Trust the Science
Jared Howe - May 6th 2021 7:03am EDTIf you hadn’t already noticed, “trust the science” is code for “submit to authority.” We know this because every major power center in the country is telling us to do it, and because there’s nothing scientific about vaccinating people who have already been infected by and recovered from a virus. People only recover from viruses […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 669 | The Waning Influence of Neocons
Jared Howe - May 5th 2021 7:03am EDTNeocon subversives are getting blown the fuck out left and right. Approval ratings for Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are at an all time low, anti-Trump “Republicans” are losing special election run-offs in Texas to Trump loyalists, and establishment GOP cucks are running to CNN to signal boost the losing positions that are responsible for […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 668 | A Common Ancestry
Jared Howe - May 4th 2021 6:56am EDTAccording to American Founder John Jay in Federalist 2, there are six elements for BEING American: shared ancestry, shared language, shared religion, similar conceptions of government and law, a shared culture, and a shared historical experience. Propositions and values alone are not sufficient as the basis of a nation, and no nation can survive absent […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 667 | Enabling Mental Illness
Jared Howe - May 3rd 2021 7:02am EDTBruce Jenner’s candidacy for governor in California isn’t exactly ideal, but it does illustrate the degree to which the left exempts itself from its own proposed standards and false moral framework. Communist degenerates will encourage mentally ill people to mutilate and sterilize themselves so they can be used as tools in the Bolshevik political agenda. […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 666 | Examining the Protocols
Jared Howe - Apr 30th 2021 7:05am EDTEvery major power center in the country says the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been debunked on grounds that the document is solely intended to dehumanize and stoke ethnic hatred of the Jewish population. If dehumanization and the incitement of ethnic hatred automatically renders something false, why do all these same power […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 665 | Anarcho-Tyranny via Healthcare
Jared Howe - Apr 29th 2021 7:09am EDTThere’s a significant chance that a large plurality of deaths attributed to COVID were really just the result of medical malpractice. You’re not allowed to discuss this though because the captains of multiple billion dollar industries will work to silence you, as will the Federal government itself. Just ask Michelle Malkin or Erin Olzewski. Those […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 664 | Patriots are the REAL Terrorists
Jared Howe - Apr 28th 2021 6:38am EDTIt took less than 20 years. The government powers that Americans allowed to be created in the wake of 9/11 out of a sense of patriotic duty to protect the country are now being used against those same Americans BECAUSE of their sense of patriotic duty to protect the country. Raw Paw warned us about […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 663 | The Pedo Long March
Jared Howe - Apr 27th 2021 7:10am EDTMost decent people realize that communism isn’t a viable way to organize a society. What most decent people DON’T realize is that it’s not supposed to be. Communism is really just a secular means of enacting Noahide laws on a global scale so that a small group of cosmopolitans can rule over everyone and everything […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 662 | Red Terror Comes to America
Jared Howe - Apr 26th 2021 7:03am EDTNormie conservatives like to compare the modern left to the rise of Hitler in Germany after the fall of the Weimar Republic. However, there’s a more accurate historic parallel: the Bolshevik Revolution and the Red Terror. We are currently living through the end stages of a Bolshevik long march through American institutions which will almost […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 661 | Anti-White Groupthink
Jared Howe - Apr 23rd 2021 7:05am EDTIf the black community was as outraged by the criminal behavior of their own young people as they were about the interactions those young people have with police, they’d probably have less of both. You kind of have to admit at a certain point that you’re enabling and incentivizing violence by telling the people who […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 660 | The Mob Marches On
Jared Howe - Apr 22nd 2021 7:03am EDTTo absolutely no one’s surprise, the conviction of Derek Chauvin hasn’t moved us even one fraction of a percent closer to defusing the anger of the communist outrage mob. To the contrary, it has only positively reinforced their violent behavior by teaching them that they will be rewarded with its objective. And so of course […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 659 | Emboldening the Mob
Jared Howe - Apr 21st 2021 7:04am EDTThey got what they wanted. Derek Chauvin was convicted on all three charges against him yesterday following a year-long campaign of leftist violence and destruction. Perhaps the jurors thought that this would satiate the violent mobs that have been destroying the country but really they’ve just emboldened them. Why would rewarding black bloc rioters and […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 658 | We Mean Business
Jared Howe - Apr 20th 2021 6:57am EDTYou know that the left’s control of the two-tier lawfare system is nearly absolute when people like Maxine Waters can openly incite a riot with no consequences whatsoever. Trump says, “let’s march down to the Capitol building” with American flags and pocket constitutions and it’s LITCHERALLY an insurrection; Waters says, “we need to get confrontational […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 657 | Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
Jared Howe - Apr 19th 2021 7:17am EDTNo one ever accused Marianne Williamson of being smart. The former Democrat presidential candidate had a weird response to news that Marjorie Taylor Greene was launching an America First caucus on the platform of Anglo-Saxon values: “Russian Jew here. Don’t mess with me.” …why would defending Anglo-Saxon values be an affront to Russians or Jews? […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 656 | Faucian Bargain
Jared Howe - Apr 16th 2021 7:06am EDTMandatory vaccine passports for thee; illegals get movement and everything free. As the crisis at our southern border continues to intensify as a result of Democrats subsidizing the importation of uninvited latecomers, invaders, and human traffickers who rape the children they traffick, Democrats in Congress are pushing a radical agenda to impose domestic “vaccine” passports […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 655 | Anarcho-Tyranny is the New Normal
Jared Howe - Apr 15th 2021 7:05am EDTIf you’ve been paying attention these last few years, you may have noticed a stark contrast between the way in which Federal prosecutors treat Antifa / BLM rioters and terrorists, and the way in which they treat right-wing political commentators, protestors, and voters. If you’re on the right, you could be shot dead for the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 654 | Devaluing Votes and Dollars
Jared Howe - Apr 14th 2021 7:00am EDTThe cosmopolitan left is still BIG MAD that Tucker Carlson pointed out the duplicity of Israeli lobbying in the United States regarding the topic of mass immigration. On the one hand, they don’t want it in Israel because they don’t want to become an ethnic minority in their own territory, which makes total sense. On […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 653 | Replacement For Thee But Not For Me
Jared Howe - Apr 13th 2021 7:05am EDTIt turns out that the ADL is against Replacement Politics after all. They recently published the following: “Furthermore, mass migration is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among non-whites, and a possible influx of non-white refugees and their descendants now living around the world, whites would quickly be a […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 652 | Burn Loot Murder
Jared Howe - Apr 12th 2021 6:58am EDTThe communist rioters and terrorists are at it again. A black guy with warrants was shot and killed by police after leading them on a car chase that resulted in the injury of his own passenger and the driver of another vehicle, and so naturally the black bloc rioters of BLM and Antifa are looting […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 651 | A New Multipolar World Order
Jared Howe - Apr 9th 2021 7:00am EDTIn the current year, global financiers have gotten so brazen about their total control over everything that it is plainly admitted in the pages of Fortune magazine that Bretton-Woods constituted a “New World Order”, and that a NEW New World Order is in the pipeline — a GLOBAL New World Order based on openly Marxist […]