S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 624 | Ratcheting Up the War on Whites
Jared Howe - Mar 2nd 2021 7:48am ESTWe’re not even two months into the Biden administration and already the entirety of the permanent Washington establishment is seeking to expand its ongoing war on white males who haven’t literally cut their dicks off. Who could have predicted this? As Stefan Molyneux says, cancel culture is a dress rehearsal for mass murder. He’s 100% […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 623 | Trump Won By a Lot
Jared Howe - Mar 1st 2021 7:49am ESTIf this year’s CPAC taught us anything, it’s that Neocons aren’t going to be able to maintain their grasp on the levers of power within the GOP. Trump has permanently changed the trajectory of the party. Trump gave his first speech since January 6th last night and it was a real barn burner. He certainly […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 622 | Rand Takes on the Trannies
Jared Howe - Feb 26th 2021 7:58am ESTIsn’t it weird how you can’t throw a rock into a crowd of Biden appointees without hitting at least two people who want to sexualize and sexually assault children? Really makes you think… Rand Paul seems to agree. He had some strong words for Biden’s appointees to the Departments of Education and Health and Human […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 620 | Silencing the Right
Jared Howe - Feb 24th 2021 7:51am ESTNow that Democrats have successfully removed most of the people who disagree with them from social media platforms, they’re setting their sites on lukewarm milquetoast conservatives in the mainstream media. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce will be holding a hearing today in which they will pressure cable and satellite television providers to stop […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 619 | Update on Chris Cantwell
Jared Howe - Feb 23rd 2021 7:48am ESTAs many of you know, Christopher Cantwell has been a controversial and polarizing figure since he first emerged out of the Libertarian movement some years ago. The things he said in his capacity as a shock jock enraged some but entertained others. As you may recall, Christopher became the target of a concerted effort within […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 618 | Sabotaging MAGA 2020
Jared Howe - Feb 22nd 2021 7:47am ESTNew details are starting to come in about the identities of those who pushed Vice President Mike Pence to turn his back on President Trump. Chief among these saboteurs was the VP’s chief of staff Mark Short, according to Dr. Peter Navarro. Short was apparently disconnecting calls from Republican leaders throughout the country and ensuring […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 617 | Opening the Floodgates
Jared Howe - Feb 19th 2021 7:58am ESTImagine having a Manchurian candidate President whose handlers use the Department of Homeland Security as a cudgel against white Americans who supported Trump. Now imagine that those same handlers want to open the borders and give citizenship to the entire fucking third world. Oh wait, you don’t have to! People who don’t believe in the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 616 | Trump Plots His Revenge
Jared Howe - Feb 17th 2021 7:41am ESTIf your money was on Trump throwing his support behind primary challenges to Neocon subversives over the next four years, pat yourself on the back. You predicted thith! Trump published a statement yesterday declaring his intent to do exactly this. A new Trump slogan was also unveiled — Save America. Never has there ever been […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 615 | Cocaine Mitch Shows His True Colors
Jared Howe - Feb 16th 2021 7:45am ESTThe ink wasn’t even dry on the Senate record of Mitch’s vote to acquit before he pulled an about-face and condemned the President as “morally responsible” for an “insurrection”, arming leftists with all the fodder they will need in the 2022 election cycle. Republicans should remember his treachery well, and also that of Neocons like […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 614 | Two Time Impeachment Champion
Jared Howe - Feb 15th 2021 8:29am ESTPresident Trump has once against prevailed in the baseless lawfare being waged against him, making history as the first President to ever successfully prevail in not one but TWO impeachment efforts. He’s a stylin’ and profilin’ limousine ridin’ TWO TIME, TWO TIME, TWO TIME CHAMPION! WOOOOOO!!! /RicFlair However, Democrats and Neocons (but I repeat myself) […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 613 | Railroading the Innocent
Jared Howe - Feb 12th 2021 6:48am ESTIt has become a cliche among Boomers and normies to compare the modern left to Nazi Germany, but it would be more apt to compare them to Bolshevik Russia. Under their rule, the concepts of truth and justice have become totally inverted. Communist rioters and terrorists are given free reign to attack state houses, police […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 612 | Sicknick Story Gets Weird
Jared Howe - Feb 11th 2021 6:48am ESTThe Deep State and its media whores never let a good crisis go to waste, even if means politicizing the deaths of the deceased in violation of their family’s wishes. The story regarding deceased Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick is getting extremely weird. No one knows when, where, or even how he died, prosecutors can’t […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 611 | Knives Out for White America
Jared Howe - Feb 9th 2021 6:58am ESTAll this power is really going to their heads. Emboldened by having gained total control over the most powerful institutions in this history of humanity, Democrats and their cosmopolitan benefactors are now openly seeking to punish and erase the founding stock from which those institutions first emerged. In case you haven’t been paying attention these […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 610 | MTG Hater Caught with Child Porn
Jared Howe - Feb 8th 2021 7:04am ESTWhenever I see someone denouncing the Q Anon content about pedophiles running the country as “extremism” and “conspiracy theory”, my first thought is that they’re probably a pedophile. In the case of Ruben A. Verastigui, I’m right. Ruben was a high level Neocon operative who worked under many establishment subversives in the GOP. Ruben vocally […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 609 | Punishing the Truth Speakers
Jared Howe - Feb 5th 2021 6:50am ESTThe people in power don’t like what Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has to say about the people in power having too much power. As a result, they’ve stripped her of her Congressional committee assignments — just to prove how little power they have. Make sense? I didn’t think so. The real reason that Marjorie Taylor […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 607 | DeSantis Goes Gloves Off On Big Tech
Jared Howe - Feb 3rd 2021 6:46am ESTSomeone had to do it. Governor DeSantis of Florida has become the first Republican in the nation to impose fines and penalties on companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google for a broad range of political censorship methods, up to and including manipulation of algorithms. Hopefully other Republicans follow suit. Also: The Lincoln Project grooming scandal […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 606 | Squeezing Silver
Jared Howe - Feb 1st 2021 6:51am ESTThe dynamic which led to the the Gamestock rally is about to spill over into the silver market, and global finance is PISSED. A lot of people are riding high on schadenfreude but I wouldn’t declare victory yet, though. Collapsing the dollar and the broader American economy doesn’t mean that global finance won’t use the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 605 | Tactical Capitalism
Jared Howe - Jan 29th 2021 6:55am ESTSpeculation and market manipulation for me but nor for thee, goyim. That’s the takeaway from the GameStop/AMC debacle. If large corporations and central banks want to totally-not-manipulate markets by printing cash, excluding competitors because of waaaycism, cornering the market through regulatory capture, and squeezing out whistleblowers — well hey, that’s just fine! …but if small […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 604 | Tactical Election Skepticism
Jared Howe - Jan 28th 2021 6:50am ESTI’ve never been a fan of Douglass Mackey or his online persona Ricky Vaughn. The last time we talked about him on this show, it was to discuss his involvement with facial recognition firm Clearview AI (formerly Smartcheckr.) Mackey reportedly marketed Smartcheckr’s services to political candidates to help them identity and solicit anonymous social media […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 603 | Paxton Blocks Deportation Freeze
Jared Howe - Jan 27th 2021 6:47am ESTTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration last week for its illegal and depraved attempt to impose a moratorium on the deportation of illegals in ICE custody, the vast majority of whom have committed violence and/or property crimes. The judge who upheld Paxton’s contention and blocked Biden’s order? Yeah, he was appointed by […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 602 | Enough for a Minyan
Jared Howe - Jan 26th 2021 6:53am ESTLet us never tolerate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews being over-represented in the Biden administration, even when the Jewish Forward is literally bragging about having “enough for a minyan.” They’re particularly excited about Janet Yellen’s role at the Treasury as Yellen has never met an excuse to make the money printer go brrrrr that she […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 601 | Muh Insurrection
Jared Howe - Jan 22nd 2021 6:51am ESTNow that the inauguration has come and gone without so much as a peep from the right, the National Guard troops who were brought into D.C. to intimidate Trump supporters have been stuffed into parking garages and basements. But hey, at least Pelosi got her photo op! So much for supporting our troops during the […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 600 | Biden Declares War on Whites
Jared Howe - Jan 21st 2021 6:50am ESTTreasonous Deep State glowspook John Brennan is urging Joe Biden to crush “the pro-Trump insurgency” that harbors “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians…” Even libertarians… Well, good thing they spent so much time claiming to be outside of the left/right political paradigm. That really saved their bacon. But let’s face it, these […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 599 | Trusting the Plan
Jared Howe - Jan 20th 2021 6:42am EST…was it just a Bolshevik government psyop intended to mollify and pacify all along? By popular demand, I’ll be taking a look at two recent articles that attempt to make the case that the Q Anon phenomenon was run by a government insider or two, but that they were hostile to Trump and the MAGA […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 598 | Unleash the Marines
Jared Howe - Jan 19th 2021 6:43am ESTMyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell was still saying as recently as this weekend that Trump will be President for another term. I’m personally not so sure about that but I appreciate the guy’s loyalty to America and the Constitution. You have to admire his passion. Lindell met with the President on Friday and urged […]