• S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 579 | Blitzing the Rubicon

    Jared Howe - Dec 22nd 2020 8:02am EST

    The list of Representatives and Senators preparing to challenge electors from contested states on January 6th continues to grow, and it’s becoming clear that we won’t just be crossing the Rubicon… We’re going scorched Earth. Trump met with SEVERAL of said Congressmen and Congressmen-elect yesterday to discuss strategy — Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 578 | Gaetz Vows to Cross the Rubicon

    Jared Howe - Dec 21st 2020 8:25am EST

    January 6th is shaping up to be one hell of a shitshow. Representative Matt Gaetz has joined Senator Tommy Tuberville in committing to challenge Democrat electors from contested states whose governors and judiciaries certified fraudulent results in violation of the constitution and myriad election laws. At the same time, rumors are swirling that Sidney Powell […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 577 | The Goldman Reset

    Jared Howe - Dec 18th 2020 8:42am EST

    Global Reset? More like GOLDMAN Reset, am I right? Adoooooosh! COVID really is the perfect pretext to usher in the “new boss” (same as the old boss) of the global financial order: a “multi-polar” consortium of countries from which and over whom a global banking order will emerge and govern, irrespective of quaint, antiquated notions […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 576 | The Fraud Happened

    Jared Howe - Dec 17th 2020 7:04am EST

    Welp… someone had to say it. …not that someone hadn’t already, but still. Senator Rand Paul lambasted his colleagues across the aisle yesterday in a scathing rebuke against the apparent eagerness with which they seek to ignore election fraud. “The fraud happened. We can’t just ignore it.” Truer words have scarcely been spoken. The question […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 575 | Operation Snow Globe

    Jared Howe - Dec 16th 2020 6:56am EST

    Since election rigging is already at the forefront of everyone’s minds, it’s probably worth mentioning that former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne just went on the record to state that he bribed Hillary Clinton on behalf of the FBI to the tune of 20 million dollars back in 2016 so that an Obama proxy could control […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 574 | My Mailbag Runneth Over

    Jared Howe - Dec 15th 2020 9:45am EST

    The only thing more out of control than the 24-hour news cycle is the degree to which I’ve neglected my listener mailbag. This injustice will not stand another day. Topics include: Workplace retaliation, gangstalking, Sidney Powell being a time traveling psychic, alternative social media platforms, Andrew Anglin, Stop the Steal rallies, presidential pardons, and more! […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 573 | Obama Era Terror List Policy Used to Protect Antifa

    Jared Howe - Dec 14th 2020 8:40am EST

    Would it surprise you to learn that the FBI and DHS use a terror database that classifies the 9/11 hijackers as white, non-Hispanic Caucasians? Would it surprise you to find that this same database is used to blame Antifa and BLM terror attacks on white nationalists? Under former President Barry Soetoro, The Terrorism and Extremist […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 572 | Antifa Goes Full Sovereign Citizen

    Jared Howe - Dec 11th 2020 6:52am EST

    Antifa’s newest ploy for evading the designation of “terrorist” in Portland is probably not as clever as they think. They and their media ball fanners have apparently taken to the label “sovereign citizen” — a term you may have heard before during the Obama years when “sovereign citizens” were designated as right-wing extremists and domestic […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 571 | The FBI Admits It Lied About Seth Rich

    Jared Howe - Dec 10th 2020 7:07am EST

    We learned yesterday that the FBI lied about having “no information” on Seth Rich. It turns out they have 20,000 documents about him, as well as his laptop. If Rich really died in a “random mugging” (despite being found with his keys, wallet, and watch still on him); if he isn’t the one who leaked […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 570 | The Galactic Federation

    Jared Howe - Dec 9th 2020 6:53am EST

    Who doesn’t like a good alien story? The former “space security chief” of Israel claims that space aliens and the Galactic Federation aren’t just the stuff of woo woo New Age fever dreams. He says they’ve been in contact with Israeli leaders for decades but that us dumb goyim wouldn’t be able to handle the […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 569 | All Eyes on Brad

    Jared Howe - Dec 4th 2020 6:58am EST

    The jig is up in Georgia. Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp did their damndest to maintain the veneer of tactical nihilism on the topic of election fraud in Georgia, but surfaced videos of poll workers wheeling out literal suitcases of ballots at 1am have made the false narrative a little too burdensome to maintain. Even […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 568 | Manufacturing Consent

    Jared Howe - Dec 2nd 2020 6:59am EST

    If you’ve ever suspected or needed that the mainstream media is coordinating its coverage and talking points in a less than fair or unbiased manner, Project Veritas wants you to know that your suspicions were correct. Leaked tapes from CNN have revealed the degree to which CNN is actively trying to delegitimize Trump and the […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 567 | 300 Thousand Fake Votes

    Jared Howe - Dec 1st 2020 6:48am EST

    They thought they were clever. They thought they were sly. They thought no one was smart enough to figure out their scheme. They hadn’t counted on the weaponized autism of math genius and financial manager Bobby Piton. Piton testified in Arizona yesterday that three hundred thousand fake votes were produced in just one state alone, […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 566 | Break a Leg

    Jared Howe - Nov 30th 2020 6:50am EST

    Biden has been hurting for a good excuse not to make public appearances, no pun intended. His legion of handlers in the media reports that Biden has sustained hairline fractures in his leg following incident where he was rough housing a little too hard with his dog. Suuuuure he did… At least now he won’t […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 565 | Something Stink in Georgia

    Jared Howe - Nov 27th 2020 7:46am EST

    What are the odds that there’s a tape out there somewhere of Brian Kemp or Brad Raffensperger raping a kid? It’s difficult to conceive of a motive for why Georgia’s two ranking Republicans would help state Democrats rig the election. In my experience, such betrayals are usually best explained by either bribery or blackmail, or […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 564 | Pardons, Lawsuits, and White Pills — Oh my!

    Jared Howe - Nov 26th 2020 8:23am EST

    I hope you’re feeling thankful today because I come bearing white pills. First and foremost, election certification has been blocked by a judge in Pennsylvania in lieu of allegations that 600k ballots were dumped for Biden in a 90-minute period. Trump apparently received less than 4000 votes in the same timeframe. Nothing sketchy about that… […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 563 | No, Trump Did Not Concede

    Jared Howe - Nov 25th 2020 8:47am EST

    Whenever the media and the tech companies are united in pushing the same narrative, you can almost always safely assume that the opposite is true. For example, every mainstream outlet ever is saying that GSA administrator Emily Murphy was ordered by Trump to concede the election to Biden and begin the presidential transition process. They […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 562 | Free At Last

    Jared Howe - Nov 24th 2020 6:51am EST

    Several months and two million dollars later, Kyle Rittenhouse has finally been released on bail, thanks in no small part to MyPillow’s Mike Lindell and actor Ricky Schroder. The left is predictably apoplectic over it. It’s not enough for them that the terrorists in their ranks never get charged with anything when engaging in sustained […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 561 | Smartmatic is Dominion

    Jared Howe - Nov 23rd 2020 6:43am EST

    Smartmatic executive and Eurasian globalist Lord Malloch-Brown has said some interesting things in the past that sure do seem to contradict everything he’s saying today. For example, he says now that Smartmatic and Dominion have nothing to do with each other and that these systems aren’t deployed abroad. A few years ago, however, he gave […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 560 | Fox Presses D to Doubt

    Jared Howe - Nov 20th 2020 6:45am EST

    The Official Network of the George W. Bush B-Team gets worse and worse with each passing day. Does anyone outside of Washington D.C. actually give a fuck what Karl Rove thinks? Are Fox executives totally oblivious to the fact that they’re losing viewers hand over fist by cucking to the left, or do they just […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 559 | Normies Start Rejecting CRT

    Jared Howe - Nov 19th 2020 6:40am EST

    Megyn Kelly has never been the most “based” or “red pilled” commentator on the planet. She didn’t support Trump in 2016, she DID support both the Iraq and Afghanistan war, and most people generally view her as a Neocon who sides with the left more frequently than she sides with the right. She apparently has […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 558 | I Concede Nothing

    Jared Howe - Nov 18th 2020 6:51am EST

    If Trump isn’t going to give up or overdose on pessimism and black pills, we shouldn’t either. Prominent advisers to the President are staking their lives, careers, and reputations on the claim that they have irrefutable proof of electoral fraud, and I’m inclined to believe them given that fraud has already been evidenced en masse […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 557 | Release the Kraken

    Jared Howe - Nov 17th 2020 6:44am EST

    What do Smartmatic and Dominion have in common? They’re literally the same company! Turns out that they have a long and sordid past of helping to rig elections all over the world. Some might even say they’re a front for CIA color revolution operations. . I reported yesterday that Dominion’s VP of Engineering for North […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 556 | Coomers for Biden

    Jared Howe - Nov 16th 2020 3:50pm EST

    Sometimes the jokes just write themselves. It turns out that Dominion’s Vice President for Engineering in the United States is an Antifa member called Eric Coomer. The Gateway Pundit and Michelle Malkin are reporting on a whistleblower who claims to have infiltrated Antifa, and that he participated in conference calls where Coomer tells his fellow […]

  • S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 555 | Neocons Back the Biden Coup

    Jared Howe - Nov 13th 2020 6:36am EST

    The George W. Bush B-Team is out in force to support the farce that Pedo Joe is somehow pReSiDeNt eLeCt (he’s not.) Karl Rove and John Bolton have made it their personal mission to bullycide the President into “conceding gracefully”, but neither of them seem to realize that they scarcely have the relevance of Jeb […]