S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 776 | Overton Window Continues to Shift
Jared Howe - Oct 16th 2021 8:56am EDTA few years ago, you never would have heard guys like Charlie Kirk or Matt Walsh call out the anti-white agenda of the left. In the wake of the COVID hoax, however, it has become commonplace for people who were once total milquetoast cucks to eschew the “muh bigotry of low expectation” narrative in which […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 775 | Transitory COVID Inflation
Jared Howe - Oct 14th 2021 8:56am EDTJanet Yellen knows you’re paying too much for groceries and other consumer goods, but don’t worry. She assures us that price inflation will only last for as long as the plandemic does. Prices will settle back down again once we go back to normal. Oh wait… The New Normal is that we’re never going back […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 774 | The Not So Great Reset
Jared Howe - Oct 12th 2021 7:56am EDTIf leftists go this crazy when a bunch of airline workers call out sick, what’s going to happen when they’re all fired for not getting vaccinated? That’s what the left wants, right? Mass firings? It seems maybe the Fauci-ites haven’t thought this through. As it turns out, the unvaccinated workers of America have a lot […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 773 | Your Flight Has Been Canceled
Jared Howe - Oct 11th 2021 7:52am EDTA large swath of airline travel ground to a halt yesterday as Southwest Airlines canceled thousands of flights. The airline blamed it on the weather, but insiders claim the delays were caused by an employee protest against the airline’s vaccine mandate. Leftists are using the opportunity to compare anti-vaxxers to domestic terrorists, tacitly implying that […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 772 | Something Disruptive
Jared Howe - Oct 8th 2021 8:26am EDTIt turns out that guys like Rick Bright and Tony Fauci have been looking for “something disruptive” to facilitate universal vaccination for a long time. In 2019, they spoke publicly on CSPAN about how their efforts to bring about such a scenario were “a decade in the making.” It’s almost as though COVID was a […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 771 | Clearly Not Transcompetent
Jared Howe - Oct 7th 2021 8:33am EDT“What about me looks like a sir?”, asks the balding man in a dress from behind his phone, five o’clock shadow, and Adam’s apple. “I’m sorry if they called you sir. I don’t know why they would do that”, replies the LaTiNx Sonic Manager, desperate to remove the public nuisance obstructing the drive-thru. One of […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 770 | Cargo Covidism
Jared Howe - Oct 5th 2021 7:57am EDTCOVID is a unique kind of cargo cultism where people wear masks in order to gaslight themselves into believing there’s an ongoing pandemic. The idea is that if you ACT sick, people will BE sick. And some people are — especially those prone to psychosomatic responses to stress. In reality, COVID isn’t any more or […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 769 | We Live in a Society
Jared Howe - Oct 4th 2021 7:51am EDTThe federal employee who receives more of your tax dollars than any other federal employee would like to remind you that letting the government centrally plan your mRNA and body chemistry is the price we pay for living in a society. Weird… I thought the price we paid for living in a society was more […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 768 | The Florever Purge
Jared Howe - Oct 1st 2021 9:02am EDTIn a new attack ad against Florida governor Ron DeSantis, leftists actually make him sound pretty good. No mask mandates, no vax mandates, lots of leftist butthurt… what’s not to like? Other than the Zionism, I mean. One almost gets the sense that the media is emphasizing DeSantis not because they dislike his policies (though […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 767 | Like an Episode of a TV Show
Jared Howe - Sep 30th 2021 9:03am EDTJen Psaki says the quiet part out loud from time to time. With regard to the $3.5 trillion rEcOnCiLiAtiOn BiLL (unofficially referred to as The Democrats Print Money to Get Everything They Want Act) about to get rubber stamped in Congress, Psaki says that the negotiations were “like an episode of a TV show.” She […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 766 | Decertify the Election
Jared Howe - Sep 29th 2021 7:42am EDTIt turns out that the number of duplicate ballots in Maricopa County exceeds Joe Biden’s supposed margin of victory in the entire state of Arizona by a factor of four. That’s right — there are four times as many duplicate ballots in one Arizona county alone than the number by which Joe Biden supposedly won […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 765 | Victory Is At Stake
Jared Howe - Sep 28th 2021 7:46am EDTBrace yourselves. The goalposts have been moved and the Earth is shifting under our feet yet again. When asked how many people need to be vaccinated for life to “go back to normal”, Biden responded by saying “the vast majority” and “98%.” This is a huge departure from his administration’s guidance. Before, their goal was […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 764 | Fuck the ADL
Jared Howe - Sep 27th 2021 7:45am EDTAs a wise man once said: “these people will stop at nothing.” Tucker Carlson is once again being harangued by the ethno-religious supremacists and pedophiles at the ADL for pointing out obvious facts about the left’s anti-white demographic agenda that they themselves openly brag about and celebrate. His response? “Fuck them.” Indeed. The ADL has […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 763 | The Very Best of America
Jared Howe - Sep 23rd 2021 9:02am EDTGive me your rapists, your poor, Your huddled human traffickers yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless Haitians, tempest-tost to me, Bigamists pay for their gibs with what was once yours. You may not realize this but people who showed up five seconds ago with their hand […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 762 | Everything is Your Fault
Jared Howe - Sep 22nd 2021 7:52am EDTJoy Reid has emerged as what passes for a “thought leader” among the intersectional anti-white left because she brazenly dehumanizes white people without restraint. She does not hesitate to platform people who blame literally every problem in every country on white people. As she and her guests recently explained, people prefer stories about missing white […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 761 | Asked and Answered
Jared Howe - Sep 21st 2021 7:45am EDTWhen leftists are confronted about the contradictory policy positions they take, they tend to get angry — not because of cognitive dissonance or because they care about being consistent, but because they want you to shut up and obey them. The reason why migrants aren’t required to get vaccinated and you are? Leftists like migrants, […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 760 | Oh Canada
Jared Howe - Sep 20th 2021 7:45am EDTJustin Trudeau’s contemporaries appear to be a bit upset with him for holding a snap election. His COVID response apparently hasn’t been as popular as the media would have liked you to believe. They’re ostensibly worried that COVID will “suppress turnout” in what appears to be a tacit admission that the constant fear porn (and […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 759 | John Durham Does a Thing
Jared Howe - Sep 17th 2021 8:47am EDTYou’ll be pleasantly surprised more often if you keep your expectations low. That’s the lesson I’ve learned from John Durham’s investigation of the Russia collusion hoax, which almost feels like another lifetime ago in the wake of the Wu Flu. As part of Durham’s ongoing investigation, one of Clinton’s lawyers was arrested yesterday for “misleading” […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 758 | Vaccine Narrative Collapse
Jared Howe - Sep 16th 2021 6:24am EDTNicki Minaj is the type of celebrity the media would typically trot out to encourage children to engage in sodomy, so you can probably imagine the waves it made on Twitter when she publicly questioned the clot shot. And if that wasn’t controversial enough for the Blue Check Mafia, she also shared a clip of […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 757 | The Real Heroes
Jared Howe - Sep 15th 2021 6:21am EDTHave you ever noticed how leftists always tend to hail themselves as heroes just after “solving” a problem they themselves created? It’s a phenomenon present in every aspect of the left, from academia to Federal law enforcement to elected officials. Teachers pretend to educate kids who are dumb because of communist media by indoctrinating them […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 756 | Get Infected, Get Protected
Jared Howe - Sep 14th 2021 6:20am EDTDue to the nature of mRNA vaccine technology, the march toward mandatory vaccination means more than just the loss of bodily autonomy. It means a loss of our humanity, as well. Because once it is accepted that it’s the proper role of government to centrally plan your genetic information, there’s no going back. Those who […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 755 | The War on Terror Comes Home
Jared Howe - Sep 13th 2021 6:32am EDTWhat better way to ring in the 20th anniversary of 9/11 than being told by the guy who launched the war on terror that his former supporters are now the targets thereof? In fact, disgraced former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush both seized upon the opportunity to label half the country […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 754 | Labor Unions Hurting Workers
Jared Howe - Sep 9th 2021 10:57am EDTIn theory, there’s nothing wrong with laborers organizing to exert collective bargaining power in negotiations with their employer(s). In practice, most labor unions achieve the opposite of their stated goals — wages are suppressed, workers are disenfranchised, and the political class is enriched through the devaluation of wages and savings. Why does this tend to be […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 753 | Democrat Provocateur Asks for Lighter Sentence
Jared Howe - Sep 7th 2021 8:32am EDTThe collapse of the official January 6th narrative continues to accelerate. A participant in the January 6th protest in Washington D.C. who was arrested for attacking police is pleading guilty and asking for leniency on grounds that he was merely PRETENDING to be a Trump supporter. Robert Maurice Reeder, a registered Democrat, claims he made […]
S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 752 | Nanotech and Magnetic Proteins
Jared Howe - Sep 6th 2021 9:12am EDTOne of the more bizarre and esoteric vaccine criticisms attributed to what the media pejoratively refers to as “conspiracy theorists” is that they contain either magnetized proteins or nanobot/RFID technology that make humans susceptible to magnetic fields and 5G networks. Is this really so far fetched though? As the Guardian reported at the time, a […]