Metaverse, Simulation Theory, Virtual Worlds & Other Dimensions? Jay Dyer (Half)
Jay Dyer - Nov 14th 2021 8:51pm EST This evening I will cover the metaphysics of virtual worlds, the rising metaverse and the popular, connected notion of simulation theory as well as their connections to surrealism. How “real” are the elements and entities of the virtual world? Conceptual entities? Are things “real” in different ways? What about the connection to mystical experiences […]
Travis Scott Ritual?
Jay Dyer - Nov 13th 2021 12:43pm ESTJay Dyer of jaysanalysis joins The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the spiritual warfare being waged on humanity. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop! Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin to this address Scan the QR code or […]
Special Report: The Beast System Is Here
Jay Dyer - Nov 10th 2021 6:04pm ESTJay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how the Beast System has arrived. Remember to boost that T naturally with 60% all products at using promo code ‘JAY60’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase […]
The Vatican, Natural Theology & The Denial of the Trinity – Open Forum Q n A / Debate Part 2
Jay Dyer - Nov 9th 2021 1:06am EST Part 2 due to stream issues. Today we will have open forum Q n A and debate concerning the Vatican support for the new “Abrahamic Faith Center” based on Francis’ joint statement with the Grand Imam, with the explicit acceptance of humanism. Having become primarily a geopolitical tool / NGO, the Vatican is now […]
The Vatican, Natural Theology & The Denial of the Trinity – Open Forum Q n A / Debate
Jay Dyer - Nov 4th 2021 2:09pm EDTToday we will have open forum Q n A and debate concerning the Vatican support for the new “Abrahamic Faith Center” based on Francis’ joint statement with the Grand Imam, with the explicit acceptance of humanism. Having become primarily a geopolitical tool / NGO, the Vatican is now positioning itself to become the head of […]
La Femme Nikita, Empty Man & Hardware – Jay Dyer & PsyOP Cinema
Jay Dyer - Nov 1st 2021 3:27pm EDTTonight my friends from PsyOp Cinema join me on my channel to cover a few odd selections I wanted their takes on. Recently I joined them on their podcast linked below to review the odd Jungian surrealist film, Come True. Here we will dive into Besson’s La Femme Nikita, the recent Empty Man, and Hardware, […]
The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, 1408, Gerald’s Game & The WORST Stephen Kings (Half)
Jay Dyer - Oct 31st 2021 2:09pm EDT The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, Christine, Tommyknockers, Sometimes They Come Back….Again – we will be covering a couple really bad Stephen Kings and a few really good Stephen Kings. This will be a fun one as we analyze the dark, esoteric sides of these films and stories, as well as the absurd and the […]
DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology – Fr Dcn, Orthodox Shahada, David
Jay Dyer - Oct 31st 2021 1:15pm EDTToday we will be reviewing the Trent Horn debate over natural theology. I will try to get to the other half of my note cards I didn’t get to explain as well as showing how the Trinity and the theophanic view of the natural order is precluded in Thomistic natural theology. We will go deeper […]
Matt Dillahunty Vs Trent Horn Debate Review & Reaction – Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 26th 2021 11:00pm EDT In preparation and celebration of our upcoming debate tomorrow night with Trent Horn, I will be reviewing and analyzing his debate with Matt Dillahunty on the question of the resurrection. Although this debate is not directly relevant to our debate tomorrow, it is tangentially related to Trent’s apologetic methodology. Although I have not seen […]
Debate: Trent Horn Vs. Jay Dyer: Should Christians Accept Natural Theology?
Jay Dyer - Oct 26th 2021 2:44pm EDT“The purpose of Intellectual Conservatism is to defend the true, good and beautiful things of life that are jeopardized in mainstream academia and society. On this page, you will find artwork, music, satire, academic papers, lectures and my own projects defending the duty of conserving these true, good and beautiful things.” This debate will center […]
Objective Dogma, Refuting Atheists & Orthodox Epistemology
Jay Dyer - Oct 26th 2021 2:08pm EDT“While most of us are spending time on Netflix.. he is in his books, sharpening his mind… edifying Christians throughout the world. All for the veneration and glorification of our Triune God on the public stage.” 00:00:00 Introduction 00:05:00 Epistomological mistakes of the empiricists atheists 00:08:50 Bad argumentations and fallacies from atheists 00:17:52 Trancendental argument […]
Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan
Jay Dyer - Oct 25th 2021 4:13pm EDTJay Dyer guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the leaked NATO documents showing a part of the bigger Luciferian transhumanist plan. The video is available here free by signing up at Rokfin, the net’s best free speech platform! Remember to boost that T naturally with 40% all products at using […]
Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 25th 2021 3:48pm EDT “In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills […]
Squid Game EXPLAINED & Nightmare on Elm Street! Spooktober! Jay & Jamie
Jay Dyer - Oct 20th 2021 11:50am EDT Tonight we cover the much-requested Squid Game series from Netflix, its meaning and symbolism, the deeper components of economics and social order and elitism, as well as the propaganda elements, and my reaction and review to the first three Nightmare on Elm Streets, which I had never seen (except for part 1). This is […]
The New James Bond Film Predicted Pandemlc Bi0weapon
Jay Dyer - Oct 18th 2021 1:36pm EDTJay Dyer of jaysanalysis guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how Ian Fleming’s James Bond stories have been used to inform the public how the world is run by the elite behind the scenes. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase […]
The Coming Catastrophic Event, Breakaway Civilizations & the PsyOP of The End – Jay Dyer (Half)
Jay Dyer - Oct 17th 2021 4:21pm EDT From Alternative 3 to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Noah and Genesis, the notion of a reset or a restart to civilization is a recurring literary and religious theme. In similar fashion, the notion of the end times – of an era, an aeon, a civilization or the world, is a powerful tool of […]
No Time to Die: The Meaning and Death of James Bond (Half)
Jay Dyer - Oct 13th 2021 4:18pm EDT Wed night we will cover to the meaning and symbolism of 007: the propaganda, the evolution of the series, the intelligence background with Fleming and others, the symbolism and esoteric elements, including films we have yet to cover like On Her Majesty’s Secret Service with Lazenby, and more. The second half will be live […]
Demonic Delusion: The Dark Side, Fear & Self-Deception – Jay Dyer (Half)
Jay Dyer - Oct 11th 2021 1:54pm EDT Today I want to discuss the dark truths around the notions of delusion and self-deception. How is it possible to deceive ourselves? Do demons play a role in this process? What about drugz and the use of hallucinog3ns to achieve access to other realms, dimensions and illumination? Is there a progress into a demonic […]
Protestant Vs Orthodox Debate: Is Sola Scriptura True? Jay Dyer Vs Pedro
Jay Dyer - Oct 8th 2021 4:56pm EDT Pedro joins me from the Crucible to debate the topic of Sola Scriptura. Is the classical reformation doctrine of sola scriptura true and should the Church accept it? The format of the debate will be formal exchanges with timed replies and responses as per Pedro’s request. We will then have open Super chat Q […]
Jay Dyer on Occult Ideology, our MKUltra Culture, the Film Come True (2020) – PsyOp Cinema
Jay Dyer - Oct 7th 2021 5:12pm EDTWe talk with Jay Dyer, with discussion topics including the many elements of our culture that stem from MKUltra, the occult ideology of apotheosis, who exactly we mean when we refer to “the elites,” and the dream-themed 2020 horror film Come True. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of […]
Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Friday 13th, Child’s Play! SPOOKTOBER – Jay Dyer / Jamie
Jay Dyer - Oct 7th 2021 4:55pm EDT Jamie joins me to kick off our annual spooktober series where cover the worst and best of the h0rror and supernatural thriller genre with our commentary and in-depth analysis. We will cover Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Friday 13th, Child’s Play! We will look at the symbolism and meaning of the slasher genre as […]
Theistic Fallacies – Fr Dcn Dr Ananias & Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 4th 2021 7:29pm EDT Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to discuss a paper critiquing natural theology and it’s assumptions as we tackle the argumentation from the Orthodox view and elucidate the transcendental argument for God. The Dr. Gereby paper is here. We will be live at 8PM CST Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access […]
How the Nations Are Under Demonic Powers & Jesus is the Messiah – Seraphim Hamilton
Jay Dyer - Oct 3rd 2021 11:02pm EDT Seraphim Hamilton, aka Kabane, joins me again for a conversation that continues our previous chat on typology. Here, we move on to discuss Messianic prophecies, typology as apologetic and prophecy, the importance of 70 AD and the books of Daniel and Jeremiah, the role of the angels and demons in the enslavement of the […]
Alien From L.A. (1988) Live Watch & Riff Party with Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Sep 30th 2021 3:37pm EDT “Alien from LA is a 1988 science fiction film starring Kathy Ireland as Wanda Saknussemm, a young woman from California who goes in search of her missing father, and accidentally ends up in the center of the earth, at the underground civilization of Atlantis.” Live at 730 PM CST This feature will blow your […]
The Demonic Plan To End Humanity Revealed
Jay Dyer - Sep 30th 2021 3:09pm EDTJay Dyer of guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Sh0w to expose the demonic plan to end humanity. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop! Bitcoin Donate Bitcoin to this address Scan the QR code or copy […]