• Yelling At Tyrants Is NOT Violence…Chrystia Freeland Better GET USED TO IT!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 27th 2022 6:47pm EDT

    While visiting Alberta today, Canada’s deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland was confronted by a man who was voicing his displeasure by yelling at the minister prompting some people online to claim that the act of yelling at a politician is tantamount to a “violent assault”! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks […]

  • Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes – Chrystia Freeland Edition!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 27th 2022 3:44pm EDT

    The deputy prime minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland was yelled at today while visiting Alberta and this has the internet all bent out of shape! Meanwhile the Covid-19(84) fear state is being ramped up in an effort to once again get people flocking to their local vaccine clinics before the fall wave! In this video […]

  • HUGE Whistleblower Bombshell: Live News Breakdown And AMA With Press For Truth!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 26th 2022 4:59pm EDT

      HUGE Whistleblower Bombshell: Live News Breakdown And AMA With Press For Truth!!! WATCH ON ➜ ODYSEE  WATCH ON ➜ BITCHUTE   WATCH ON ➜ RUMBLE  WATCH ON  ➜ MINDS  WATCH ON ➜ BASTYON WATCH ON ➜ FLOTE   WATCH ON ➜ HIVE WATCH ON ➜ YouTube (meh) If you appreciate my efforts please consider […]

  • Embracing Parrhesia And The Art of Communication With Benny Wills!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 25th 2022 5:49pm EDT

    Are you aware of some of the problems we all face in this world but have difficulty expressing the issues to other people?  Are you feeling alone or struggling to maintain connections with people who have different opinions than you? Would you like to be able to speak fluidly from the heart with your emotions […]

  • They’re At It Again…Here’s Why The FBI CAN’T BE TRUSTED!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 22nd 2022 3:37pm EDT

    The FBI has a history of using undercover agents and informants to shape, mold, finance and coerce mentally unstable individuals into carrying out acts of violence before stopping them so that they can declare a successfully “foiled terror plot”. This plan has been exposed over the past few decades by Press For Truth and others, […]

  • WOW Things Are REALLY HEATING UP!!! Live News Breakdown And AMA With PRESS FOR TRUTH!!! 

    Press For Truth - Aug 19th 2022 5:16pm EDT

    WOW Things Are REALLY HEATING UP!!! Live News Breakdown And AMA With PRESS FOR TRUTH!!!  WATCH ON ➜ ODYSEE  WATCH ON ➜ BITCHUTE   WATCH ON ➜ FLOTE   WATCH ON  ➜ MINDS  WATCH ON ➜ RUMBLE  WATCH ON ➜ BASTYON WATCH ON ➜ HIVE WATCH ON ➜ YouTube (meh) If you appreciate my efforts […]

  • GROUNDBREAKING WIN: Tavistock Transgender Clinic SUED & SHUTTING DOWN! A Good Start But NOT ENOUGH!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 18th 2022 4:32pm EDT

    The Tavistock Gender Clinic is being sued and has shut down as lawyers expect about 1,000 families to join a medical negligence lawsuit alleging vulnerable children have been misdiagnosed and placed on a damaging medical pathway. Canadian specialists are now urging MD’s to “slow down” in treating transgender patients as a direct result of Tavistock […]

  • You’ve Been LIED TO About The Covid-19(84) Global “Pandemic” And The TRUTH IS NOW COMING OUT!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 17th 2022 3:42pm EDT

    The CDC has announced the need for a major overhaul after more than two years of missteps and backpedaling over Covid-19(84) guidance which had a profoundly negative effect on the lives of Canadians, Americans and the world alike. In other news the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla who once claimed the vaccine was “100% effective […]

  • This Attack Is Bigger Than Salman Rushdie…

    Press For Truth - Aug 13th 2022 5:38pm EDT

    Salman Rushdie, author of “The Satanic Verses” has been attacked while speaking in New York and police claim they have yet to determine a motive even though a bounty was put on Rushdie’s life by Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in which he sentenced him to death for publishing that book! In this video […]

  • Playing God: World’s First “Synthetic Embryos” Created WITHOUT Sperm Or Egg Or Fertilization!!! 

    Press For Truth - Aug 8th 2022 5:55pm EDT

    Researchers have created the world’s first “synthetic embryos” that bypassed the need for sperm, eggs and fertilization. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel found that stem cells from mice could be made to self-assemble into early embryo-like structures with an intestinal tract, the beginnings of a brain, and even a beating heart. In this […]

  • Alex Jones Accused of Child Porn, Monkeypox Declared “Health Emergency” & 100% 3D Printed Guns!!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 5th 2022 4:37pm EDT

    Alex Jones has been accused of being in possession of child porn even though the FBI has already cleared him of any wrong doing, but that hasn’t stopped the MSM from going for the jugular. Meanwhile the US has declared Monkeypox to be a so called “public health emergency” despite the fact that zero Americans […]


    Press For Truth - Aug 4th 2022 7:14pm EDT

    Alex Jones is on trial being sued for defamation by some of the family members of the victims of Sandy Hook after he claimed that “crises actors” were used and that the entire false flag incident was actually a hoax. When attorney Mark Bankston asked “Would you agree with me that there is not a […]

  • UN Declares WAR on “Conspiracy Theories”, Launches #ThinkBeforeSharing Campaign!!

    Press For Truth - Aug 2nd 2022 4:35pm EDT

    “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. – George Orwell (1984) The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as “worrying and dangerous”. UNESCO has teamed up with Twitter, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress to launch the campaign dubbed #ThinkBeforeSharing: Stop the […]

  • We Are Being BOMBARDED….

    Press For Truth - Aug 1st 2022 6:02pm EDT

    It’s beyond crunch time, a silent war has been waged and your health and personal well being is currently under attack. There is poison in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath, the “medicines” we take and also in the information we consume. In this video Dan Dicks of Press […]

  • Student “Dies of Joy” After Acing Exams While U of T Mandates Boosters For Students!!!

    Press For Truth - Jul 30th 2022 5:09pm EDT

    A university student in Egypt has “died of joy” after suffering a heart attack that was allegedly brought on by the news that he passed his exams. Meanwhile the University of Toronto has announced that they are bringing back Covid-19(84) vaccine mandates in the upcoming year, jumping the gun and beating the government to the […]

  • Trump Says “Nobody’s Gotten To The Bottom” of 9/11 Attacks While Hosting Saudi-Backed LIV Golf Pro-AM

    Press For Truth - Jul 28th 2022 5:54pm EDT

    Former president of the United States Donald Trump is playing host this weekend to the new Saudi backed LIV golf tournaments at his Bedminster club with mixed reactions coming from both the golfing world and also family members of the victims of the 9/11 attacks who believe that the Saudi government is partially responsible for […]

  • The Pope’s Apology Perpetuates The “Mass Graves” & “Genocide” HOAX!!!

    Press For Truth - Jul 26th 2022 5:11pm EDT

    The pope has apologized for something he didn’t do and also for something that hasn’t even been proven to be true! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the pope’s visit to Canada where he is perpetuating the lie about the so called residential schools “genocide”! WATCH ON ➜ ODYSEE  WATCH ON […]

  • Russia And China To Challenge U.S. Dollar With Announcement Of A “New Global Reserve Currency”

    Press For Truth - Jul 25th 2022 6:21pm EDT

    Russia and China are taking aim directly at the US dollar’s reserve status by announcing that they, along with other BRICS countries are currently working on creating a new global reserve currency. Meanwhile in Zimbabwe gold coins are being sold to the public as a hedge against inflation that has further eroded the country’s already […]

  • WHO Declares Monkeypox A “Global Health Emergency” Here’s What You NEED TO KNOW!!!

    Press For Truth - Jul 23rd 2022 3:00pm EDT

    On Saturday July 23rd 2022 the World Health Organization declared the monkeypox outbreak to be a global health emergency which is the highest alarm it can sound.  WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the decision to issue the declaration despite a lack of consensus among experts serving on the U.N. health agency’s emergency committee. In […]

  • Is This For Real?…

    Press For Truth - Jul 22nd 2022 5:20pm EDT

    Oh that’s just a robot dog with a freaking machine gun attached to its backs, no big deal….but is this really new? Meanwhile a brain-computer startup just beat Elon Musk’s Neuralink to implanting its first device in a US patient…what could go wrong there? And in other news, newly selected WEF pick for Sri Lanka’s […]

  • Brandon Has Covid And Also Says He Has Cancer…

    Press For Truth - Jul 21st 2022 4:27pm EDT

    A senile old man recently made the claim that he has cancer when he actually doesn’t, but what he does have however is Covid-19(84) and he also just so happens to be the president of the United States! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that this is not a “pandemic of […]

  • This Is No Joke, It’s ALL COMING BACK!!!

    Press For Truth - Jul 19th 2022 4:26pm EDT

    Mask mandates are coming back despite the fact that it has been proven time and time again that they don’t work, with some doctors even blowing the whistle at the risk of loosing their jobs or worse. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the latest data and science that proves […]

  • Here’s What They’re LEAVING OUT…

    Press For Truth - Jul 18th 2022 3:33pm EDT

    Three people have been killed after a man opened fire in an Indianapolis mall and this is barely making headlines because what happened there doesn’t play into the gun control narrative. Meanwhile Pat King has been granted bail and is now a “free” man but his conditions are some of the most Draconian we’ve ever […]


    Press For Truth - Jul 16th 2022 3:29pm EDT

    As of June of 2022 the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s disapproval rating is at 59% making him one of the most hated prime ministers that Canada has ever seen. He is now getting heckled everywhere he goes and also ridiculed by non Canadians who see him as a communist dictator! In this video Dan […]

  • The Canadian “Health Care” Monopoly EXPOSED!!!

    Press For Truth - Jul 15th 2022 6:04pm EDT

    A Vancouver surgeon has lost his appeal of a landmark court case that threatened the foundations of the Canadian health-care system as he argued that British Columbians should have the right to pay for private medical treatment because waits in the public system were so long, they violated patients constitutional rights to life, liberty and […]