• Britain First activists LEAFLET the area surrounding Penally migrant camp!

    Britain First - Dec 21st 2020 1:20pm EST

    Britain First activists have once again visited the infamous Penally migrant camp in Pembrokeshire, South Wales. This time, our team leafleted all the local residents with a special leaflet addressing the many concerns surrounding the camp. HQ has appointed Carl Burgess as our new Regional Organiser for Wales and he led the team that leafleted […]

  • Britain is an ancient nation with a glorious history

    Britain First - Dec 17th 2020 7:20pm EST

    The indigenous British people have lived in these sacred islands for millennia. The achievements of our ancient ancestors are astonishing, but are almost always forgotten or downplayed. The truth is, the British nation has a glorious and noble history which is replete with staggering achievements, victories against all odds and towering acts of genius and […]

  • Britain First helps the homeless of Birmingham!

    Britain First - Dec 15th 2020 1:17pm EST

    Activists from our Midlands region visited Birmingham and distributed care packages to the local homeless. Throughout the Covid lockdowns and restrictions Britain First has been holding multiple activities to help the most vulnerable in our cities. Nationalism is all about looking after your own people and doing what you can to help and protect them.

  • Britain First visits the largest Sikh temple in Europe to raise awareness about grooming gangs!

    Britain First - Dec 12th 2020 4:31pm EST

    The scourge of grooming gangs is a national scandal and the fake news media – in a desperate effort to shield Islamists from blame – consistently refer to grooming gangs as ‘Asian’. Underage Sikh and Hindu girls are routinely targeted for sexual exploitation, gang rape and abuse. To broaden our national anti-grooming campaign, Britain First […]

  • Britain First visits the Penally migrant camp in Wales! 2

    Britain First - Dec 10th 2020 5:57am EST

    Despite horrifying levels of homelessness and poverty across the country, the government have turned a disused army training centre into a camp for illegal immigrants in Pembrokeshire, south west Wales. The local Welsh residents are enraged and have protested outside the new migrant camp many times. Despite entering our country illegally, the ungrateful migrants are […]

  • CENSORED: The Black Lives Matter interview that Sky News did NOT want you to see!

    Britain First - Dec 7th 2020 2:11pm EST

    When Millwall fans booed the anarchist movement ‘Black Lives Matter’, party leader Paul Golding went straight to Millwall stadium to show his support. When he was there, he was interviewed by Sky News about Millwall and Black Lives Matter. As expected, Sky News them censored the interview because Paul dismantled all the arguments thrown at […]

  • Paul Golding reports from Millwall football ground before appearing on Sky News

    Britain First - Dec 6th 2020 1:57pm EST

    Britain First leader Paul Golding and a team of activists visited the home stadium of Millwall football club today to record a video in support of the fans who have come under heavy criticism from the fake news media. Britain First launched a petition yesterday in support of the fans which has already attracted nearly […]

  • Midlands activists help the homeless of Nottingham

    Britain First - Nov 30th 2020 6:44pm EST

    Hot on the heels of our operation in Manchester, activists from our midlands region hit the city of Nottingham to help the homeless. During lockdown, Britain First is focusing on helping our vulnerable homeless citizens in our town centres, especially homeless veterans. This campaign is being rolled out nationwide. Our activists also encountered some hostility […]

  • Britain First northern activists help the homeless of Manchester

    Britain First - Nov 29th 2020 11:16am EST

    Faced with endless unnecessary Covid lockdowns, Britain First regions around the country have decided to help the homeless, starting in Manchester. Nationalism is about helping our own people, especially the most vulnerable in society.

  • Paul Golding outlines plans to transform Britain First into elections winning machine!

    Britain First - Nov 29th 2020 9:35am EST

    Britain First leader Paul Golding has an important update regarding the ongoing case against the Electoral Commission. He also discusses the transformation of Britain First into a serious electoral party that will attract millions of votes.

  • INTERVIEW: Paul Golding sits down for a talk with chairman Timothy Burton

    Britain First - Nov 18th 2020 8:25am EST

    The chairman of Britain First, Timothy Burton, was recently interviewed by party leader Paul Golding in order to explore his background and to discover what led him into politics. During the interview, Tim draws a vivid picture of his early life and work, from his days at university in the 1970’s, through his career with […]

  • INTERVIEW: Paul Golding talks to Russian TV

    Britain First - Nov 14th 2020 8:02am EST

    On a recent trip to Russia, party leader Paul Golding was interviewed on Russian TV. During this interview, Paul discussing the relations between Britain and Russia, the future of our movement, the endless persecution of Britain First, the friendship and cooperation between European nationalists, the situation surrounding Brexit, Covid restrictions, the demographic disaster happening in […]

  • Paul Golding discusses the American elections and comes to some positive conclusions!

    Britain First - Nov 13th 2020 3:06pm EST

    Britain First leader Paul Golding has released a video that unravels the situation surrounding the baffling and confusing elections in America. While everyone is focused on voter fraud, legal action and recounts, Paul spots some seismic changes taking place and explains them in this video. Paul concludes that American patriots and nationalists need to change […]

  • Britain First remembers the fallen

    Britain First - Nov 8th 2020 9:47am EST

    Covid restrictions have made it difficult for Britain First to organise our annual Remembrance Day ceremonies. Party leader Paul Golding is himself in a strict quarantine for two weeks which ends on Monday. Organisations which breech Covid lockdown are liable to a £10,000 fine. So before lockdown started, the chairman of Britain First, Timothy Burton, […]

  • Midlands activists campaign in multicultural Birmingham!

    Britain First - Nov 5th 2020 12:11pm EST

    The relentlessly active midlands activists spent the afternoon campaigning in heavily multicultural, heavily Islamic Birmingham but found much support. Our team visited many of the huge mega mosques in the city and also mass leafleted huge shopping car parks. Some of the sites our activists visited were scenes of recent violence and carnage by Islamist […]

  • North East activists attract massive support with bridge banner!

    Britain First - Oct 31st 2020 3:17pm EDT

    The North East team of Britain First are riding a wave of support in the region. Led by regional organiser Joe Cobb, our team leafleted some huge car parks then headed for a busy motorway to display a banner over a bridge complete with flags. As you can see in the video, our team received […]

  • Paul Golding is victim of EXTORTION plot and fresh death threats by Hope Not Hate informant

    Britain First - Oct 31st 2020 1:02pm EDT

    Party leader Paul Golding has come under attack again by a self-confessed ‘Hope Not Hate’ informant. This person, Andrew Edge, has been sending Paul threatening videos and messages demanding £5,000 or violence will be unleashed. What’s more worrying is Andrew’s ties to wealthy left-wing organisation ‘Hope Not Hate’. By his own admission that they have […]

  • Paul Golding interviewed by the Federal News Agency in Russia

    Britain First - Oct 29th 2020 2:56am EDT

    On a recent trip to Russia, Britain First leader Paul Golding was interviewed by the ‘Federal News Agency’ in central Moscow. The interview starts and ends with the Britain First team laying a poppy wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin. Unfortunately, the interview has Russian voice overlays but we have […]

  • SO15 Counter Terrorism Command ambush Britain First leadership team

    Britain First - Oct 26th 2020 1:19pm EDT

    SO15 Counter Terrorism Command is the UK’s only anti-terrorism law enforcement agency. They are supposed to spend their time hunting down terrorists and foiling terror attacks. Because of rampant political correctness, SO15 Counter Terrorism Command is also instructed by the Home Office to harass and persecute patriot political dissidents. The latest example came when SO15 […]

  • Britain First takes action against grooming gangs in Luton!

    Britain First - Oct 17th 2020 4:00pm EDT

    The Eastern region of Britain First hit the streets of Luton today, raising awareness about the scourge of grooming gangs. Our activists visited numerous takeaways and taxi ranks handing out special anti-grooming leaflets. Britain First is determined to visit every grooming hotspot in the country.

  • Paul Golding sends a passionate rallying cry to all nationalists!

    Britain First - Oct 13th 2020 4:57pm EDT

    Britain First leader Paul Golding has recorded a passionate and fiery call to action for all patriots and nationalists. This rabble rousing video message is Paul at his best! Paul urges all nationalists to fight back, remember their history, stand tall and fight back politically against the corrupt establishment.

  • Unperturbed by police harassment, midlands activists head back to Leicester!

    Britain First - Oct 10th 2020 10:47am EDT

    When a team of midlands activists visited the city of Leicester recently, they were detained and harassed by the local gestapo. Completely undeterred, the same team of activists headed back to Leicester and continued campaigning in the local area, attracting massive support. HQ would like to say well done to our midlands activists, a proud […]

  • Britain First campaigns against CONVERSION of popular social club into mosque

    Britain First - Oct 9th 2020 5:52am EDT

    The indomitable Eastern region of Britain First hit the streets of Chelmsford in Essex, campaigning against the conversion of a popular local social club into another mosque. Now that this popular venue has been purchased by an Islamic association, alcohol has been banned, the bar has been closed down and the fruit machines stripped out. […]

  • Britain First activists campaign in Borehamwood against unwanted local mosque conversion

    Britain First - Oct 1st 2020 5:47pm EDT

    Britain First activists from our Eastern region hit the streets of Borehamwood after locals contacted HQ about an unwanted local mosque that has moved into a former Girl Guides hut. The Maxwell Park Girl Guide Hut, on Maxwell Road, had been used by the Guides since the 1970s. Now it has been converted into a […]

  • PROGRESS: BFD training centre nears completion!

    Britain First - Sep 30th 2020 6:37pm EDT

    BFD commanding officer Samuel Cochrane visited our new BFD training centre, which is now completely equipped with professional and safe MMS-style mats. We are very close to the finishing line thanks to the generosity of Britain First donors who funded this project. We should be able to fully launch our new training centre within a […]