• Ashlea Simon interviews party leader Paul Golding

    Britain First - Sep 28th 2020 5:09am EDT

    Chief of staff Ashlea Simon recently sat down with Britain First leader Paul Golding for a candid interview covering many current issues. Among the items discussed, were the recent progress of the movement, the migrant patrol vessel in Dover, our banner blitz anti-grooming campaign, the immigration invasion and the demographic crisis, issues within the nationalist […]

  • Britain First Eastern region activists hold day of action in Brentwood!

    Britain First - Sep 25th 2020 4:38pm EDT

    The Eastern region of Britain First, which covers from Oxford to the shores of East Anglia, is taking off fast and holding regular activities. The latest town to be visited is Brentwood, a town made famous by the reality TV show ‘The Only Way is Essex’. This is quite a wealthy area, but the response […]

  • Britain First Northern Ireland launches recruitment drive in Belfast

    Britain First - Sep 19th 2020 1:25pm EDT

    Britain First is growing in Northern Ireland, a target region for our movement. Last weekend our activists held a recruitment drive outside Belfast City Hall. Britain First Northern Ireland has faced a turbulent uphill struggle because of relentless persecution by the establishment. Starting in November 2018, this saga of persecution included criminal prosecutions, trials appeals […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Rock Hotel in Halifax

    Britain First - Sep 17th 2020 4:19pm EDT

    The Rock Hotel is a village hotel that is packed with illegal immigrants. This hotel is situated on the outskirts of Halifax and unlike the other huge hotels visited recently, this one is very small in comparison. Nevertheless, it is still British taxpayers that are funding this racket at a time when the homeless of […]

  • PUBLICITY: Britain First features heavily on BBC Newsnight

    Britain First - Sep 15th 2020 12:00pm EDT

    Last night, the BBC carried a report about the worsening situation with illegal immigrants and the hotels they are being placed in. Britain First featured front and centre during this report. The report does contain some slanderous comments, but what else can we expect from the BBC? The report also featured Matthew Collins from communist […]

  • VIDEO: Paul Golding reports from new BFD training centre

    Britain First - Sep 14th 2020 11:26am EDT

    Party leader Paul Golding visited the new BFD training centre to provide an update. This new centre for our security volunteers is on the verge of being launched.

  • VIDEO REPORT: HMS Alfred the Great

    Britain First - Sep 12th 2020 8:44pm EDT

    Recently, Britain First launched a patrol vessel in the English Channel to intercept and deter illegal migrant crossings. We called this vessel the ‘HMS Alfred the Great’ after England’s greatest king and the founder of our first navy. Unfortunately, our vessel has been out of action for a few weeks due to urgent repair work. […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First visits hotel in Birmingham after school letters

    Britain First - Sep 11th 2020 4:46pm EDT

    Recently, an all girls school in Birmingham sent out a letter to parents warning them of a nearby migrant hotel. The letter included advice on how female pupils can avoid the hotel, namely the Strathallan Hotel. When a Britain First team visited the hotel, they found a group of illegal immigrants outside. The hotel was […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Cedar Court Hotel in Wakefield

    Britain First - Sep 11th 2020 6:21am EDT

    Another day, another migrant hotel exposed by the fearless activists of Britain First. This time they visited the Cedar Court Hotel in Wakefield, a huge luxury hotel used completely for housing illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense. The Britain First team managed to enter the hotel and film dozens of migrants inside.

  • Britain First attracts MASSIVE support with bridge banner in London

    Britain First - Sep 9th 2020 3:09pm EDT

    Britain First activists from our Eastern region visited a busy junction in West London and displayed a huge anti-grooming banner, attracting massive support. Led by Eastern regional organiser Geoff Miles, for several hours an endless stream of beeping horns and thumbs up greeted our activists. You can see by watching the video the big levels […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Coventry Hill Hotel

    Britain First - Sep 7th 2020 9:55am EDT

    The list of migrant hotels housing illegal immigrants is ridiculously long. Britain First has exposed many of them, but there is so many more to visit. The latest hotel providing accommodation to migrants to be exposed by our activist teams is the Coventry Hill Hotel. After gathering footage in this hotel, our activists were ambushed […]

  • HOPE NOT HATE EXPOSED: Threats to kill Paul Golding after cash payment

    Britain First - Sep 5th 2020 8:25am EDT

    Recently, Britain First HQ exposed a conspiracy to bring down party leader Paul Golding using fake allegations and lies in court. Using further evidence, Andrew has admitted to working with Hope Not Hate and admits to taking cash from them. He then proceeds to threaten the life of Paul, his family and also his baby […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Metro Inns in Newcastle

    Britain First - Sep 3rd 2020 11:24am EDT

    The Metro Inns in Newcastle is set another hotel being used exclusively by the Home Office to provide accommodation to illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. When a Britain First team arrived at the hotel, the security were waiting for us and tried in vain to block any attempt to film the illegal immigrants at the […]

  • Britain First HQ busts open Hope Not Hate/Home Office conspiracy to bring down Paul Golding

    Britain First - Sep 1st 2020 10:22am EDT

    The worst aspect of trying to lead a patriotic alternative movement in Britain, is that you are relentlessly persecuted by the establishment. This persecution consists of all manner of unscrupulous dirty tricks and sabotage and it takes a sharp leader to stay one step ahead. Thanks to a fortuitous series of events, HQ has busted […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Holiday Inn Express near Birkenhead

    Britain First - Aug 30th 2020 11:45am EDT

    Britain First is gaining national attention for exposing the taxpayer funded migrant hotels. The British people have a right to know what their taxes are being spent on. The next hotel to be exposed is the Holiday Inn Express in Hoylake, just outside of Liverpool. This is another huge hotel completely packed with illegal immigrants.

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First EXPOSES the Novotel in Newcastle

    Britain First - Aug 28th 2020 1:04pm EDT

    The Britain First campaign to expose every migrant hotel in the country is powering ahead. The next hotel our activists exposed was the Novotel in Newcastle, another luxurious hotel that is filled with illegal immigrants. Once again, it must be said, it is all being paid for with your taxes. This entire government project is […]

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First exposes the Daresbury Park hotel in Warrington

    Britain First - Aug 27th 2020 12:36pm EDT

    At a time when tens of thousands of our people are sleeping rough, the government is filling up accommodations like the Daresbury Park Hotel & Spa with illegal immigrants. Britain First activists from the North West visited this hotel and found it packed with illegal immigrants. One asylum seeker told our activists that he had […]

  • EXPOSED: Britain First exposes ANOTHER migrant hotel in London

    Britain First - Aug 24th 2020 9:25am EDT

    A team of Britain First activists have exposed another migrant hotel, this time the Holiday Inn in north London. This huge hotel is rammed packed with illegal immigrants, all paid for by the British taxpayer. The police arrived again but did nothing as Britain First was acting completely within the law.

  • MIGRANT HOTELS: Britain First exposes the Bell Hotel in Essex

    Britain First - Aug 22nd 2020 5:07pm EDT

    Britain First has exposed another migrant hotel, this time in Essex. The entire hotel is occupied with illegal immigrants, all at taxpayer expense.

  • SHOCKING: Britain First visits migrant hotel near Birmingham! 2

    Britain First - Aug 21st 2020 5:59am EDT

    The Bromsgrove Hotel & Spa is a luxurious accommodation – complete with a swimming pool – situated near Birmingham. The entire hotel is being used to accommodate asylum seekers and migrants, all paid for by the British taxpayer. Britain First activists from the midlands decided to visit the hotel and what they found was utterly […]

  • Midlands activists hold GROOMING banner over motorway!

    Britain First - Aug 19th 2020 8:54pm EDT

    Activists from the midlands held a giant anti-grooming banner over the motorways around the town of Solihull, Warwickshire. As can be seen in the video, our banner attracted an endless stream of beeping horns from passing motorists.

  • Britain First activist camping weekend

    Britain First - Aug 17th 2020 6:11pm EDT

    At the weekend, dozens of our frontline activists attended our first activist camping event with plenty of delicious food, entertainment and beer. Our activists were treated to a fireworks display, an awards ceremony, patriotic music, a tug-o-war, speeches and much more. The children of our activists had oodles of fun on the bouncy castle and […]

  • Activists face down jobsworths and leftists to spread the message in Swinton

    Britain First - Aug 12th 2020 10:24am EDT

    Activists from the North West took to the streets of Swinton, in Greater Manchester, to spread our message of patriotism and nationalism. The town centre management tried in vain to order us to leave. Also, a hostile left-wing miscreant hurled verbal abuse at our activists until confronted.

  • Britain First patrols Channel for SECOND day in new vessel!

    Britain First - Aug 10th 2020 7:38am EDT

    For the second day running, the Britain First vessel ‘HMS Alfred the Great’ has been patrolling the English Channel around Dover. This Britain First maritime campaign is intended to deter illegal migrant crossings. The never-ending invasion of migrants via small boats and dinghies has to end, but the government is literally doing nothing about this […]

  • MIGRANT INVASION: Britain First vessel patrols the Channel to deter migrants! 2

    Britain First - Aug 10th 2020 7:28am EDT

    In response to the escalating migrant invasion across the English Channel around Dover, Britain First has launched our own vessel to hold regular patrols to deter migrants. What we are calling ‘HMS Alfred the Great’, our vessel spent today patrolling the waters around Dover searching for illegal migrant crossings. Britain First is now the only […]