• A Walk-Through of ICAN’s V-safe Dashboard

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 11th 2022 4:01pm EDT

    Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) received CDC V-safe data spanning 12/14/20 to 08/01/22. ICAN and Aaron Siri recently won an important lawsuit giving them almost two years of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) V-safe data, which all relates to the COVID-19 vaccines. V-safe has both predefined symptom fields or checkboxes – e.g., fever, body aches, […]

  • OREGON: PRIE PAC Calling Drazan to Name Marc Thielman 1st Choice for ODE, Director

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 11th 2022 11:43am EDT

    October 10, 2022 PARENTS’ RIGHTS IN EDUCATION (PRIE) is committed to valuing students, empowering parents and supporting communities to secure great educations for public school children in America. A tax-deductible non-profit organization established in 2011, PRIE has inspired parents all over the nation and beyond to restore parents’ rights in education. PRIE welcomes all students, families, […]

  • The first day of my Medical Board hearing (to end the suspension of my license) is October 11 at 1 pm

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 11th 2022 11:37am EDT

    It will be live-streamed and live-blogged. I will be the first witness. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/dr-meryl-nass-suspension-maine-medical-board-misinformation/ The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine next week will hold a hearing related to the board’s Jan. 12 suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass’s medical license. CHD-TV will live stream Nass’s hearing on Oct. 11, 1 p.m. Eastern. You can watch here. Nass’s original suspension order included accusations of spreading […]

  • Naomi Wolf Video: Covid Vax & Rise of Disability in Humans

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 11th 2022 11:31am EDT

    The “perfect crime.” This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Naomi Wolf, a bestselling author, columnist, and professor. She is the cofounder and CEO of the DailyClout.io. Her new book is: The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human. Visit her on Gettr. Dr. Wolf discusses Covid Vax & Rise of Disability in Humans, exposing The “perfect crime.”  Don’t […]

  • The BIG Announcement We Have Been Waiting to Make

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 11th 2022 11:21am EDT

    EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, Janet Daszak, Ralph Baric, et al. are being sued. It’s a toxic tort lawsuit for exposing others to a toxic substance, i.e., in this case, SARS-CoV-2. There will be no PREP Act protections for these people and entities, because the suit is about the virus, not the vaccines. That takes down […]

  • Florida recommends AGAINST mRNA Vaccines for Males Ages 0-40!

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 8:53pm EDT

    Great news! The state of Florida, which has been at the forefront of Covid science, already recommends AGAINST Covid vaccines for all children under 18, and as of today for all males under 40! Florida cannot ban mRNA vaccines, because it can only be done at the federal level. Watch many other states join this in […]

  • Vaccine mandates to stay in Victoria

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 8:39pm EDT

    Summary: “Health workers treating Victoria’s sickest and most vulnerable people will still need their COVID-19 jabs when the state’s pandemic declaration ends. Victoria’s pandemic declaration is due to expire on Wednesday, [October 14, 2022], rendering the few remaining COVID-19 orders and vaccine mandates unenforceable under the legal framework. However, Victorian government departments and private industries […]

  • Ghosts of Tiananmen and CCP’S people’s war on the US

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 8:29pm EDT

    A woman holding blank papers is stopped and searched by police officers on the 33rd anniversary of the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989, in Hong Kong, China June 4, 2022. REUTERS/Lam Yik – RC2WKU9KKXMT What is never reported in US media is that in 2019 the CCP walked away from […]

  • Massachusetts Rabbi Under Attack

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 4:50pm EDT

    Rabbi Michoel Green is the Rabbi of Congregation Ahavat Achim in Westborough, Massachusetts. Rabbi Green is an independent thinker, and he made a name for himself early on in the Covid era as a Rabbi who constantly questioned the authorities, beginning with an immediate aversion to any forced closures of schools and synagogues. In his […]

  • Reproduction Disrupted From Conception to Lactation

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 3:12pm EDT

    Mr. Steve Kirsch’s weekly VSRF show on Rumble is a great resource for information and a recap of important news from the week. This week in particular featured a subject that’s managed to leak out into the mainstream, with Dr. Naomi Wolf and Dr. James Thorp as guests. With so much new information being thrown at us on a […]

  • Michael Kane Interviews Randi Weingarten on NYC Teacher Vaccine Mandates

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 10th 2022 2:48pm EDT

    Watch interview here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd/ducZn9n_Vz Today American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union president Randi Weingarten was interviewed by fired NYC school teacher Michael Kane on CHD TV’s morning broadcast Good Morning CHD. At the Labor Day Parade in NYC on September 10th Kane had confronted Weingarten and asked her questions about educators fired over vaccine mandates. Weingarten did not engage at that […]

  • Today’s Legislative Call to Action: FDA Ethics Act of 2022

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 4:47pm EDT

    HB 8828 FDA Ethics Act of 2022 US Congress 117th Congress About HB-8828 To address potential conflicts of interest among entities serving as Food and Drug Administration contractors, and for other purposes. Learn More on BillCam Search by State, Representative, or any issue that interests you! The post Today’s Legislative Call to Action: FDA Ethics Act […]

  • Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings?

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 4:41pm EDT

    Are Essential Human Qualities Being Destroyed by PEG-Coated Industrial Fats? Some of my essays are grounded in politics, the economy, the material world. Others reference the medical and scientific insights of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, along with other principled medical and scientific experts. This one asks questions. Please read it in that […]

  • Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP And Present In Covid Vax, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 4:33pm EDT

    Dr. Naomi Wolf: Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By The CCP And Present In The Covid Vaccine, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core In this video, Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Steve Bannon on War Room to discuss. The post Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP And Present In Covid Vax, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core […]

  • Dr. Naomi Wolf On The Biden White House’s Child Vaccine Crimes

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 4:22pm EDT

    Dr. Naomi Wolf On The Biden White House’s Child Vaccine Crimes: Children Had Future And Life Stolen If Unvaccinated The post Dr. Naomi Wolf On The Biden White House’s Child Vaccine Crimes appeared first on DailyClout.

  • Report 44: Is mRNA-LNP Vaccine-Induced Immunity Inheritable? A Preprint Study Shows It Is.

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 11:26am EDT

    Summary Some traits acquired via the mRNA-LNP injections are passed genetically from parents to their offspring. The implications of this new finding are profound. Because of this inheritability, mRNA gene therapies – including mRNA “vaccines” – must be prohibited, at least until more is known, for expecting mothers as well as for parents who are […]

  •  Are you opposed to Quarantine Camps in New York?

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 9:48am EDT

    Speak Out this Thursday October 6th at a meeting of the NY Public Health Planning Council     Friends,     It seems a foolish question to ask, no? “Are you opposed to quarantine camps?” If you’re already planning on coming, at bottom please find the details of where to go and how to attend for maximum […]

  • The Creation of SARS-COV2 & What Will Be Done About It

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 9:34am EDT

    A little over a week ago we released a report that provided nearly indisputable evidence that SARS-COV2 was created in a laboratory in Wuhan, China in what seemed to be a joint project between an American company (EcoHealth Alliance) and the CCP controlled Wuhan Institute of Virology. This document (found below) provides firsthand whistleblower testimony […]

  • No Support from Voters for Biden’s Push to Eliminate Gas-Powered Vehicles

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 6th 2022 9:05am EDT

    Domestic Oil & Gas Production Still Viewed as Best Solution to Provide U.S. Long-Term Energy Independence   (Austin, TX—October 4, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted […]

  • Covid Coercion and Fraud: Webinar with Reggie Littlejohn and Dr. Naomi Wolf

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 5th 2022 9:58am EDT

    On September 28, I served as Co-Host and Panelist in a powerful webinar entitled, “Covid Coercion and Fraud,” along with Dr. Naomi Wolf and five other outstanding panelists.   This webinar was exceptionally powerful.  We heard from those who found what appears to have been fraud in the clinical trials and applications for approval at the […]

  • Amy Kelly: Pfizer Documents Disclose Staggering Drop In Male Fertility From The Covid Vaccine

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 5th 2022 9:45am EDT

    In this video, Amy Kelly joins Steve Bannon on War Room to discuss the staggering drop in male fertility from the Covid vaccine. Don’t miss it! The post Amy Kelly: Pfizer Documents Disclose Staggering Drop In Male Fertility From The Covid Vaccine appeared first on DailyClout.

  • “California Governor Newsom is Just Getting Started with More Green Energy Skyrocketing Prices”

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 4th 2022 11:07am EDT

    California Governor Newsom became further convinced that voters continue to support his bizarre energy policies when they defeated the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election on September 14, 2021, thus keeping the incumbent elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023.   With California having the highest prices for fuel in the nation, the highest poverty and […]

  • FLORIDA SUMMIT ON COVID II The Future of Medicine in Post-Covid America

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 4th 2022 10:59am EDT

    On Saturday, October 22, 2022 numerous experts from the fields of Medicine and  Law will travel to The Villages to answer questions and cover topics including:  Covid19: Virology, Vaccines and Emerging Threats, Victims of Covid19: Legal  and Legislative Remedies, Restoring Trust in America’s Physicians Amidst  Vaccine Injury, Mandates and Skepticism, Vaccine Mandates in the Military […]

  • Nearly 70% Say Skyrocketing Food Prices Motivating Them to Vote In Midterms

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 4th 2022 10:13am EDT

    (Austin, TX—October 3, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted September 17th through September 20th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters.   “This data reveals that […]

  • String Quartets Bring New England’s Seafaring History To Life

    Daily Clout by Dr. Naomi Wolf - Oct 4th 2022 9:52am EDT

    Ronald Wisner has written four string quartets entitled  “The Four Winds.” The premiere performance of these quartets was held late this summer before a full house in his community.  The theme of the four quartets, “East,” “West,” “North” and “South,” is coastal New England’s shared connection to sailing, the sea and life in the seafaring […]