Top 5 DIFFERENCES: Roman Catholicism Vs Orthodoxy
Jay Dyer - Nov 8th 2020 11:48pm ESTIs it all about the papacy? No! The top differences definitely include the issue of the papacy, but there are more fundamental doctrinal and dogmatic issues that come before the Roman Pontiff. In fact, the Vatican I doctrine really is based on mistakes relating to the Trinity and the Holy Spirit (Filioque), which conditions the […]
The 7 Ecumenical Councils Explained: An Introduction
Jay Dyer - Nov 8th 2020 10:30pm EST Today we answer some questions relating to the basic questions surrounding the first 7 Ecumenical Councils, what they covered, why they were convened and how to interpret their main dogmatic pronouncements. From Nicaea I to Nicaea II, this brief introduction is dealt with in greater detail in talks listed below. If you like this […]
Jesuits, OSS/CIA & Vatican 2 – Analysis 2 – Wemhoff’s Book (Half)
Jay Dyer - Nov 2nd 2020 5:48pm EST We return to the next half of Wemhoffs massive tome and compare the next few hundred pages with other works covering Vatican 2 from the various sectors of Roman Catholic writers and theologians, including Davies, Martin and more. Many talks have covered the theological and liberal Protestant and “eastern” ideas at Vatican II, but […]
It, It Follows, Cabin on the Woods, The Fly & More! – Jay & Jamie Dyer
Jay Dyer - Nov 1st 2020 8:49pm EST Spooktober concludes with a fresh batch of relevant horror films covering the dark rituals at work in Hollywood and society. We will cover It, It 2 (old and new), It Follows, Village of the Damned, The Fly (Cronenberg) and Cabin in the Woods. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives […]
Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner – Did You Notice Symbolism? Hollywood Decoded
Jay Dyer - Oct 31st 2020 1:19pm EDT “Ridley Scott revives film noir into the sci fi genre, with Blade Runner, bringing us a tale of technocratic dominance vs. transhumanism. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner unveil of a world where corporate globalism has run rampant, giving rise to a synthetic dystopia. Simulated perfection in this purgatory is found with Replicants – […]
Nolan’s Batman Begins – Did You Notice The Hidden Occult Undertone? Hollywood Decoded
Jay Dyer - Oct 30th 2020 6:52pm EDT Nolan’s Batman Begins – In 2005, Christopher Nolan rebooted the Batman movies, full of occult imagery depicting the interplay of secret societies and billionaire capitalists as played out against the gothic noir landscape of Gotham City. It is also the tale of our protagonist learning to use fear as a means of changing the […]
Pope Francis, Changing Dogma & The New Religion – Jay / Snek
Jay Dyer - Oct 30th 2020 5:08pm EDTSnek returns to discuss the rest of Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti and the recent revelations of Francis in terms of the evolving moral stances of the Roman See. In the Middle Ages, usury was seen as evil, and later approved. For divine worship, pagan art was seen as dangerous at Nicaea 2, and then in […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger Extravaganza! Last Action Hero, Junior, 6th Day, Running Man!
Jay Dyer - Oct 29th 2020 5:33pm EDT As promised, we continue the Arnold sci fi theme with some of the Schwarzenfun. Unintentionally a comedy master, Arnold’s 80s and 90s arcana are full of future predictions worth analyzing and noting. From cloning to driverless cars to economic colllapse around 2020, We will analyze Eraser, 6th Day, Last Action Hero, Running Man and […]
Elite Occultism, Blackmail & Trauma – Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 29th 2020 3:02pm EDTJay Dyer guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the occultist culture of compromise used by the elites to capture the power structure. We discuss the use of trauma by elites going back to ancient pagan dynasties and how this is discussed in the Old Testament. From there, I move to modern sexual trauma […]
Raised by Wolves (2020) Explained – Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 27th 2020 10:54pm EDT Are you raised by wolf? Tennessee are. We also know how to dissect movies from Ridley Scott. If you’ve seen a snake and an egg, you’ve seen breakfast in Tennessee as well as the mysteries of Platonism. Here the message of the orphic mysteries combines with the Mithra Mysteries and Sol-ism to produce a […]
Chinatown – Did This Movie Have Hidden Warnings About Corruption?
Jay Dyer - Oct 27th 2020 2:10pm EDT From the Channel: “Roman Polanski China Town – Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the multiple layers of corruption as depicted in the film Chinatown which are present throughout the strata of our society. As a burgeoning Los Angeles struggles to establish itself as a vital city, the power elite take this as an […]
Titanic and Avatar Symbolism – Hollywood Decoded
Jay Dyer - Oct 27th 2020 1:41pm EDTFrom the channel: “Titanic, Avatar – James Cameron – Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner draw a connection between The Titanic and Avatar movies by James Cameron, as an unfolding cautionary tale of rampant industrialism. Their examination of the Titanic sets up the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the corporate takeover of the world’s monetary […]
2001: A Space Odyssey – Hollywood Decoded Episode
Jay Dyer - Oct 27th 2020 12:19am EDT From the channel description: “2001: A Space Odyssey – The revolutionary filmmaking that went into Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey encapsulates the totality of humanity’s experience, in one film. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner analyze the occult imagery emblazoned throughout this classic film as we are presented with a tale of humanity’s transformation, […]
The Search for Authentic Spirituality – Jay Dyer on Wayfinder Podcast
Jay Dyer - Oct 23rd 2020 5:40pm EDTI was honored to be asked some deep questions on the Wayfinder Podcast. You can check him out here! “What did the early days of Christianity look like? Who was Jesus Christ? Why are there so many branches of Christianity, and which one is the original? I’m talking with author, philosopher, & religious scholar Jay […]
True & False Mysticism: St Gregory Palamas & the Energies – Fr Moody / Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 22nd 2020 10:03pm EDT Fr Chris Moody returns after too long a hiatus to discuss the theology of St Gregory Palmas in more depth. We will cover the uncreated energies and grace, the notion of a true mysticism as found in hesychia, the new translation and forthcoming publication of Apodiectic Treatise on the Holy Spirit by St Gregory, […]
Comparing Apologetic Methods: Classical vs. Presuppositional Arguments with Dr. Rasmussen
Jay Dyer - Oct 22nd 2020 5:52pm EDTJoin me as Dr. Josh Rasmussen and I discuss and compare classical theistic arguments, presuppositional and transcendental arguments, epistemology, and apologetics in general. In this long anticipated discussion, these two apologists will compare and contrast two paradigms and whether the evidentialist framework actually does what it intends to do logically. Indeed, many people come to […]
Big Trouble in Little China, Dagon, Circuitry Man & More WEIRD Movies! Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer - Oct 22nd 2020 5:21pm EDTSpooktober continues with coverage of more weird B movies with a message – this time with a spooktober theme. If you can watch these between now and then, it”ll be more fun! We’ll be covering the following films: Dagon, Timebomb, Doppleganger, Circuitry Man and Big Trouble in Little China. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership […]
The Terminator – Did Movie Scenes Predict Future Events?
Jay Dyer - Oct 20th 2020 1:13pm EDTAnother episode of my TV show has been uploaded for free! “Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the nightmarish world of the Terminator movies where an advance A.I. computer rules the future of our planet. Before the A.I. can take control of the world, it must first eliminate vast swaths of the human populace. But, […]
Art is Prophetic: Theopoetica – Jay Dyer / MichaeI Witc0ff
Jay Dyer - Oct 19th 2020 5:10pm EDT MichaeI Witcoff rejoins me to discuss how new book covering Orthodox poetics. The book is called Theopoetica and features poems and commentary recalling St. Ephrem the Syrian. We will also touch on aesthetics and art in general. His book is here. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos […]
The Matrix Trilogy – The Gnostic Ideas Hidden In The Movie
Jay Dyer - Oct 17th 2020 7:22pm EDTThe Matrix movies presented a world overrun by a powerful A.I. with the only escape, to take the red pill and awaken into a harsh post-apocalyptic reality. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore an analogy for the world we live in today as many people sleepwalk their way through life with only a few awakening […]
A Fly in the Ointment – Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly
Jay Dyer - Oct 17th 2020 5:41pm EDTChillin tonight, taking some calls, rounding out another week in a year that is steadily draining away. Tonight’s returning guest of Jay Dyer, Author, Comedian, Television personality, and esoteric analyst of Hollywood, Media, and the Occult. Media clips of the thing that used to be Keith Olberman, the death of a grandson of a President, […]
Russi@Gate is BS, Color Revolution, Online Backlash & more!
Jay Dyer - Oct 16th 2020 6:14pm EDT“Jay Dyer is back! The author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2 has returned to discuss his recent appearance on InfoWars, Why he lost a friend over appearing on the show, What is the Color Revolution, The coup against Trump, Why John Radcliffe DNI letter proves Russi@Gate was a scam concocted by Hillary to draw […]
A New Order: A Globalized Encyclical Following Pachamama – Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek
Jay Dyer - Oct 15th 2020 4:31pm EDTSnek joins me to cover the sobering facts concerning the new papal encyclical, Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis which sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Catholic world. Was it somehow salvageable or was it the next logical stage after Vatican 2 and pacha mama? Snek and I will deconstruct the work as well as the utterly […]
Apostate Prophet Vs. Jay Dyer – Does God Exist? Problem of Evil?
Jay Dyer - Oct 13th 2020 3:06pm EDT Former Muslim turned atheist skeptic Apostate Prophet asked me to join him to have a cordial exchange on the issue of God’s existence, Theistic arguments and proofs, TAG, logic and the problem evil and theodicy. We had a great exchange and kept it civil, while also being heated! You can find his channel here. […]
United Nations Oversight of Elections/Dumbed Down USA – Jay Dyer/ Owen Shr0yer
Jay Dyer - Oct 11th 2020 3:03pm EDTJay Dyer joins 0wen to discuss the proposed oversight of the UN to make sure the US elections are “fair.” The UN, a creation of the International elite, is itself the model for the coming world order. We discuss the dumbing down of the average American through the socialized higher educations system. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis […]