More than just ruining a good night’s sleep, snoring impairs healing – here’s how to stop it
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:15pm EDT(Natural News) Anyone who has heard a snore knows that it does not sound like the triple “Zs” found in cartoons. More often than not, it sounds more like a bad gargle that can easily disrupt sleep. Recent research even suggests that snoring can also be a potential health risk. A study published in the journal Respiratory… […]
Can a woodland herb called black cohosh help prevent osteoporosis in women?
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:15pm EDT(Natural News) Women have long used black cohosh as an herbal remedy to support their reproductive health. A recent study adds more evidence supporting its use, revealing that the medicinal herb prevents osteoporosis, one of the most severe symptoms of menopause. Millions of women around the world use black cohosh extract to help them manage the effects of menopause…. […]
Don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders: Study finds link between “inflated responsibility” and greater risk of developing OCD or anxiety disorders
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:15pm EDT(Natural News) Having a sense of responsibility is important, but too much can be detrimental to a person’s mental health. In a preliminary study published in the International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, researchers from Japan and the U.S. found that having intense feelings of responsibility can potentially develop anxiety disorders, specifically obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and general… […]
5 Effective ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:15pm EDT(Natural News) The honeymoon phase of any new relationship is the most exciting: your days mostly revolve around each other, and you always want to be together. What happens when things start to get comfortable or even a little boring? Whether you’ve been dating or married for years, boredom is a natural occurrence in relationships…. […]
Everything your medical doctor is NOT telling you
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:17pm EDT(Natural News) In the American medical world, nothing ever really gets “solved.” It’s all about “maintenance” and treating symptoms, using drugs, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Hospital errors are at an all-time high as are hospital “superbugs” which are viruses and bacteria that are immune to antibiotics and spread like wildfire from patient to patient. There… […]
Revisiting “phage” therapy: “Bacteria-eating” viruses can help fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs, suggest scientists
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:16pm EDT(Natural News) Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health threats the modern world is facing, and good solutions are sorely lacking. One approach that has been gaining some traction lately is phage therapy, but is it really a good answer to this pressing problem? Bacteriophages, or “phages,” are a type of biological infectious… […]
Men and women are different, even when drunk: Research says men’s brains are more affected than women
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:14pm EDT(Natural News) Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is not conducive to health, but it affects men differently than women. A recent study showed that the brain regions associated with emotions, memory, and social behavior displayed diminished activity in alcoholic men than in their female counterparts. Researchers reported that alcoholism impaired the function of the amygdala, hippocampus, and… […]
What happens when herpes viruses merge? For one, a supervirus
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:12pm EDT(Natural News) Experts have known that the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) responsible for oral and genital infections were capable of mixing their genetic material. But a recent study by the University of Washington (UW) warns that these pathogens recombine more often than predicted. The HSV-1 virus is classically responsible for oral herpes. Meanwhile, HSV-2 triggers genital herpes. They… […]
Partners for good health: Researchers uncover positive link between magnesium and vitamin D
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 1:46pm EDTLearn more about magnesium and vitamin D at Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: For more updates, visit:
Growing vegetables even in the cold: 5 crops that can survive harsh weather
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 12:01pm EDTPlan ahead so when winter comes, you can still harvest crops in your home garden. Learn more at Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: For more updates, visit:
Obama administration was informed by State Dept. official about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal in Ukraine but ignored it
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) In a revelation that adds more to the mountain of evidence that exists proving the Obama regime was the nation’s most corrupt ever, a report Thursday noted that the previous administration was alerted to concerns about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine but they were summarily ignored. As reported — surprisingly enough —… […]
In the age of President Trump, everyone who disagrees with “America First” is now deemed a “Russian asset”
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) Recently, two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton delighted her shrinking fan base, infuriated Democrats, and made everyone else scratch their heads after she claimed that 2020 Donkey Party presidential contender Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii was a “Russian asset” who is being groomed by Moscow to make a “third-party run.” “I’m not making any… […]
The pathocracy of the deep state: Tyranny at the hands of a psychopathic government
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) “Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this… That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow… […]
Save that bug! Preventing the rapid decline of insects around the globe is key to preserving human life, warn scientists
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) Insects have a way of making outdoor jogs and picnics a bit less pleasant, but you might want to think twice before squashing them as experts say none of us would be here if they didn’t exist. In fact, one leading scientist has warned that the rapid declines of insect populations across the… […]
Working up a sweat can help improve memory, especially for elderly
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) As you age, you may notice specific changes in your body. This includes a loss of muscle mass, a condition linked to frailty. Thankfully, you can strengthen your muscle mass and stay fit with regular exercise. According to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, exercise doesn’t just boost physical fitness…. […]
Proper sleep hygiene is a must, since your body burns calories even in sleep
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) Exercise isn’t the only way to burn calories – sleeping is another. The body continues to perform the most basic functions to sustain life, even during sleep. To fuel these functions, the body burns calories for energy. Sleeping and the body Sleeping is a crucial part of a person’s day. As you sleep,… […]
5 Uses for apple cider vinegar, an affordable and versatile survival ingredient
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) Apple cider vinegar is a popular ingredient among health buffs and preppers alike because it offers several health benefits. It can also be used to make home remedies for common complaints like a sore throat and stomachaches. Before SHTF, stock up on apple cider vinegar and learn about its five different survival uses…. […]
How liberals became pro-WAR, pro-GMO and anti civil rights… in just three years
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 7:23am EDT(Natural News) It is a stunning transformation: Liberals / progressives in America have become pro-war, pro-GMO, pro deep state and anti civil rights, and it only took three years for the transformation to take place. “Progressives” used to be opposed to wars and foreign occupation, but now they go insane when President Trump seeks to… […]
FBI uncovers real-life “Frankenstein” operation where human body parts are being stolen from deceased family members and used to create freakish monster humans
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:43am EDT(Natural News) The Phoenix, Arizona-based Biological Resource Center (BRC) is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly operating as an illicit, black market human body parts dealer, all while claiming to be a “biological life sciences” company. Plaintiffs in a new lawsuit say that BRC has been falsely advertising itself as… […]
It’s now child abuse in America to try to save your child from being chemically castrated by a “woke” parent
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:42am EDT(Natural News) They say that everything is bigger in Texas, and this apparently includes court decisions that completely obliterate parental rights and force innocent children to undergo LGBTQ sex changes. This is what happened just a few days ago in Dallas after a jury decided to separate a seven-year-old boy from his biological father, and… […]
House Republicans bust up secret ‘impeachment’ hearings to demand Democrats release witness transcripts they know will exonerate Trump
Natural News - Oct 24th 2019 2:41am EDT(Natural News) As the current minority party in the House, Republicans don’t have a lot of power. They can’t control proceedings, they can’t decide what legislation gets brought to the floor for a vote, and they can’t stop majority Democrats from changing long-standing rules and procedures to their advantage. But that doesn’t mean that Republicans… […]
What can TCM do against ulcerative colitis?
Natural News - Oct 23rd 2019 8:45pm EDT(Natural News) Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that causes sores along the intestinal tract. This disease can be debilitating, and if left untreated, it can also lead to life-threatening complications such as severe bleeding and colon cancer. Today, ulcerative colitis remains without a cure, and relief from its symptoms is solely dependent… […]
Study: Omega-3 intake helps reduce muscle stiffness and swelling after exercising
Natural News - Oct 23rd 2019 8:45pm EDT(Natural News) Omega-3 fatty acids deliver many health benefits to the brain, heart, and other parts of the body. That list includes alleviating stiffness and swelling in strained muscles after an intense bout of physical exercise. Japanese researchers examined the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements on people who did plenty of exercise. In their study,… […]
Major component of silymarin may help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Natural News - Oct 23rd 2019 8:45pm EDT(Natural News) Silymarin is an herbal extract that’s popularly used as a health supplement. It is associated with liver benefits and is often taken by patients with hepatitis. Silymarin contains a mixture of various compounds, the most active of which is the flavonoid known as silibinin. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers from… […]
Planned Parenthood admits guilt in illegal baby body parts trafficking scheme
Natural News - Oct 23rd 2019 2:39pm EDT(Natural News) A preliminary hearing in the case of Planned Parenthood versus the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has already revealed that the nation’s largest abortion provider is, in fact, guilty of illegally trafficking aborted baby body parts, just as CMP proved with the undercover video footage it released to the world. In case you… […]