Will “small government” Republicans let the telecom industry take over your local government and fast track 5G?
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:31am EDT(Natural News) Under President Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of economic success, boasting the best stock market and the most competitive job market Americans have ever seen in their lifetime. As the economy soars, Republicans must not forget about human and environmental health. If Republicans have their way, the telecom industry will… […]
Obama’s deep state in crosshairs of Trump’s Justice Department as “Spygate” review becomes a criminal probe
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:28am EDT(Natural News) It’s about time. For nearly three years, supporters of President Donald Trump have watched as deep state insiders, the Left-wing “mainstream” media, and Democrats worked to destroy and depose the man we elected to serve as the leader of our republic. We have been waiting for people inside his administration to get off… […]
5 Natural, drug-free ways to manage anxiety
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:22am EDT(Natural News) It is normal to worry about things, but too much worrying can become a problem. In some cases, people worry so much that it impedes their daily activities. Add the cost of consultations and medications to that, and it’s no wonder a lot of people are suffering from anxiety. Fortunately, there are natural… […]
Survival medicine: Basic tips and supplies for a pandemic
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:19am EDT(Natural News) Most preppers model their disaster preparedness plan after significant threats like tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and even nuclear blasts. It’s understandable to prepare for these events because their size and power can uproot the lives of many people in a very short time. Unfortunately, most people often forget to add events like a pandemic… […]
Can you balance your brain chemistry with nutrition? Compounds in broccoli sprouts found to help people with schizophrenia
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:19am EDT(Natural News) Research regarding the mechanisms involved in schizophrenia has come a long way. Scientists have now discovered a set of chemical imbalances present in the brains of schizophrenic patients that are linked to the neurotransmitter glutamate. They have also identified a compound that can potentially correct these imbalances and aid in the treatment of schizophrenia. The isothiocyanate… […]
With Democrats brewing a volatile hell-broth for America that could unleash colossal turmoil, Americans better get prepared quickly for the coming fallout
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:16am EDT(Natural News) According to a new story by Michael Snyder at the Economic Collapse Blog now seeing a lot of attention, if President Donald Trump is impeached, that will be a sign that all hell is about to break loose in America. As the Organic Prepper emphasizes in this new story titled “6 Warning Signs That Civil… […]
Prepping on the go: How to safely store food in your car
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:09am EDT(Natural News) Storing food at home is different from storing them inside your car. Whether it’s going for a short ride or getting stranded in your car during an SHTF situation, having some food stored always comes in handy, just make sure to store them properly. (h/t to BackdoorSurvival.com) Choosing food to store The first… […]
Consume this superfood – in moderation – to naturally curb your appetite
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 3:08am EDT(Natural News) The avocado is a superfood with a rare mix of healthy fats and fibers that nourish and support the body. As long as people don’t overeat the fruit, adding avocado to their diets will help regulate their appetite, thus contributing to weight loss. Avocados go well with many dishes and can be used… […]
Are “magic mushrooms” beneficial for mental health therapy?
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 2:55am EDT(Natural News) Magic mushrooms are fungi that contain an active compound called psilocybin. The compound is a potent hallucinogen and is known to affect the part of the brain responsible for mood, cognition, and perception. Researchers are looking at the effects of psilocybin on mental health and its potential to address various mental health conditions. Magic mushrooms and psilocybin Magic… […]
From vase to plate: 5 Pretty (and edible) ornamental plants that can beautify your home
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 2:54am EDT(Natural News) Ornamental plants are often used to spruce up your home, but there are varieties that you can eat as well. You can plant them in your garden or keep them in a pot by your windowsill. (h/t to EcoWatch.com) 1. Day lily Day lilies got their name because their flowers bloom during the… […]
The science of smell: German researchers successfully recreate the enticing aroma of chocolate bars
Natural News - Oct 27th 2019 2:52am EDT(Natural News) Chocolate is a popular food ingredient, snack, guilty pleasure, flavor, drink, and superfood. It is loved by many not only for its mood-lifting properties, but also for its rich, widely varying taste and pleasant aroma. A new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported some interesting findings about this beloved… […]
Mexico is about to legalize marijuana, with huge implications for the USA
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 3:28pm EDT(Natural News) Marijuana use – in all its forms – was banned in the United States and many other countries for decades. Governments resolutely refused to recognize its myriad health benefits, and for many years anyone pushing for the legalization of marijuana was viewed as promoting drug abuse. In recent years, however, after hard work… […]
This common food additive may cause insulin resistance and increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease, warn health experts
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 3:27pm EDT(Natural News) Researchers from Israel and the U.S. identified a common ingredient in food preservatives that can induce insulin resistance — a hallmark symptom of diabetes. Their findings, which they published in Science Translational Medicine, used both murine models and clinical trials to investigate the adverse effects of propionate, an additive used in many foods. A failure… […]
Your physical fitness is just as crucial as your preps when SHTF: Stay healthy by walking regularly and following a balanced diet
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 3:26pm EDT(Natural News) Many preppers spend a lot of their time preparing for the worst. They’d stockpile supplies and emergency kits for maximum survival. But one thing that a lot of people, not just preppers, neglect is physical preparation. Health and fitness are often overlooked because people take for granted how easy they have it in… […]
Gold and elements heavier than iron were formed on Earth after neutron stars collided billions of years ago: Study
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 3:24pm EDT(Natural News) The origin of gold and other heavy elements has always been a mystery. A recent study by American researchers suggests that they were byproducts of a collision between two neutron stars billions of years ago. The researchers believe that their findings, which appeared in the journal Nature, provide unique insight into planetary history. Where… […]
Tart, sweet and full of antioxidants: 5 Reasons to add nutrient-rich hawthorn berries to your diet
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 8:15am EDT(Natural News) Hawthorn berries are tiny fruits that have a storied history. Their use as a remedy for various diseases is documented in ancient medical records all around the world. The Greek physician Dioscorides wrote in the first century AD that these berries are effective in increasing blood flow to the heart. Meanwhile, ancient Chinese healers on the… […]
3 Health benefits of strength training that have nothing to do with strength
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 8:15am EDT(Natural News) If you’re looking for a workout that helps increase the power of your muscles, lengthens your endurance, and reduces your risk of muscle-related injury, it sounds like strength training is what you need. Strength training, or resistance training, is a conditioning workout that helps strengthen your muscles through resistance. These exercises will pit your body’s… […]
Facial hair and hygiene: Are men’s beards filthier than dog fur?
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 8:15am EDT(Natural News) Men’s beards contain more potentially infectious microbes than dog fur, a small study has found. Researchers from Europe stumbled upon this discovery while examining the safety of dogs using the same MRI scanners as humans. They published their findings in European Radiology and asserted the need for better hospital sanitation. Beards versus dog… […]
Unearthing the prehistoric past of Texas – animals thought “Old World” found to have roamed it 12 million years ago
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 8:15am EDT(Natural News) Millions of years ago, Texas supported large populations of prehistoric antelopes, camels, elephants, horses, and rhinos. Its rich selection of fauna matched those found in the Serengeti, the vast ecosystem of Africa that brims with wildlife. The fossil evidence for the “Texas Serengeti” first emerged during the Great Depression. Local workers hauled thousands… […]
Biosludge spread on food crops will soon contain dead human tissue as Washington legalizes “human composting”
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 2:38am EDT(Natural News) The state of Washington is the first in the union to start “composting” dead human bodies as crop “fertilizer,” bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green. According to reports, Washington’s Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, “Concerning human… […]
If taxing feminine hygiene products is “unfair” because women (and apparently now men) need tampons, then why tax ANYTHING that people need in order to live?
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 2:36am EDT(Natural News) The state of Ohio recently passed a bill outlawing taxes on feminine hygiene products like tampons because leftists won’t stop complaining that taxing female necessities like this is “unfair.” So what about all of the other products that are necessities for women, including toilet paper, fuel, food, toothpaste, and deodorant: Will these things… […]
Survival medicine: Home remedies for digestive problems, the flu and stress relief
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 2:35am EDT(Natural News) If you’ve come to distrust conventional medicine, you’re not alone. The questionable side effects and poor efficacy of these drugs have many people turning to alternative treatments. While home remedies are certainly a more attractive option right now, they could become downright essential in a collapse situation. Now is the perfect time to… […]
The basics of home gardening and food preservation
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 2:34am EDT(Natural News) Stockpiling food and water is second nature to any person interested in prepping. However, these supplies don’t last forever. Your stockpile may look decent at first, but how long do you think it would last? In a grid-down scenario, most grocery stores would be stripped clean of supplies, and any delivery service would be… […]
Photo of “responsible gun ownership” gets student BANNED from school… because photos are now thought crimes in America
Natural News - Oct 26th 2019 2:32am EDT(Natural News) If you still believe that our public schools are institutions of primary learning, where we prepare young people for adulthood by providing them a base of knowledge about a range of subjects, you’re mistaken. More and more, our public schools are becoming propaganda mills pushing Left-wing, socialist, Marxist ideology under the guise of… […]
Learn how to identify magnesium deficiency, and what foods fix it
Natural News - Oct 25th 2019 1:32pm EDTPrevent magnesium deficiency naturally. Learn more at NaturalNews.com. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: https://www.brighteonstore.com/ For more updates, visit: https://www.brighteon.com/channel/naturalnews