• The Lies of CNN

    Roger Stone - Nov 20th 2020 5:33pm EST

    CNN’s massive campaign of distortion continues. The post The Lies of CNN appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • Roger Stone: Dispatch From The Georgia Front

    Roger Stone - Nov 18th 2020 1:57pm EST

    Georgia Republicans subjected to death threats. Certification of fraudulent count to take place Thursday. The post Roger Stone: Dispatch From The Georgia Front appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • #RogerStone: Time to Stop the Steal in Georgia [VIDEO]

    Roger Stone - Nov 17th 2020 3:07pm EST

    Full Story: Georgia Steal Could Cost Senate Republicans The Majority – Focus On GA The post #RogerStone: Time to Stop the Steal in Georgia [VIDEO] appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • Georgia Steal Could Cost Senate Republicans The Majority – Focus On GA

    Roger Stone - Nov 17th 2020 1:02pm EST

    Roger Stone: Patriots Must Stop the Steal in Georgia The post Georgia Steal Could Cost Senate Republicans The Majority – Focus On GA appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.


    Roger Stone - Nov 12th 2020 2:05pm EST

    Democrats are scheming to nullify Republican votes. Here’s how the American people can stop the steal. The post ROGER STONE ON DONALD TRUMP’S PATH FORWARD appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled

    Roger Stone - Nov 12th 2020 11:46am EST

    The documentation of election meddling and voter fraud is both overwhelming and compelling. The post 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • WATCH: Voter Fraud and Election Meddling Evidence Floods Social Media

    Roger Stone - Nov 7th 2020 8:01pm EST

    Authored by Ty & Charlene Bollinger  Since Election Day (November 3, 2020) we have been witnessing the most blatant instance of election fraud in the history of the USA! As we watched the election results unfold and we were going back and forth between Fox News and CNN, they all started to panic as President […]

  • Roger Stone: President Trump Won the 2020 Election

    Roger Stone - Nov 5th 2020 10:26pm EST

    How did polls show low support for the President with huge evidence to the contrary? The post Roger Stone: President Trump Won the 2020 Election appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • The Democrat Plan to Steal the 2020 Election

    Roger Stone - Nov 5th 2020 7:42pm EST

    Democrat manipulations to buy time to conduct as much voter fraud as possible have made it Election MONTH 2020. The post The Democrat Plan to Steal the 2020 Election appeared first on Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth.

  • Roger Stone Responds to “MARTIAL LAW” Smear

    Roger Stone - Sep 17th 2020 4:05pm EDT

    *FIRST APPEARED IN THE GATEWAY PUNDIT* Now that we are on the eve of President Trump’s re-election, the mainstream ‘news’ media’s brazen disinformation war has shifted into maximum overdrive. Their false charge that I urged the President to declare Martial Law if he lost the next election is false and must be exposed. The usual […]

  • Atlantic Magazine Smears President Trump For Denigrating Foreign Serviceman + Women – Which Never Happened

    Roger Stone - Sep 16th 2020 2:23pm EDT

    The Iraq war cost far too many American families the lives of their loved ones.Pushing that war was the corporate media, made of metropolitan elitists selling lies to the public on why their family members had to fight and die overseas. Jeffrey Goldberg is one of those corporate media pushers. Goldberg, who Glenn Greenwald referred […]

  • Roger Stone Warns Of Election Fraud, Media Spins False Narrative Once Again

    Roger Stone - Sep 14th 2020 1:07pm EDT

    The dishonesty of the mainstream news media is becoming even more apparent as their hysterical efforts to prop up another thoroughly debunked narrative about me grow increasingly tedious. Their entirely inaccurate reporting of my comments will be clear to anyone who listens to my interview with Alex Jones or reads the transcripts. As we have […]

  • Exposing John Brennan’s Secret CIA Trump Task Force?

    Roger Stone - Sep 10th 2020 4:50pm EDT

    BY LARRY C. JOHNSON I was chatting last night with a retired CIA colleague, a person well connected to many folks still working at our former employer, and he dropped a bombshell–he had learned that John Brennan set up a Trump Task Force at CIA in early 2016. This is definitely something Prosecutor John Durham […]

  • The Newest Big Lie About Trump Hinges On One Slimy Word, And Two Guys Desperate To Avoid Prison

    Roger Stone - Sep 2nd 2020 12:40pm EDT

    ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN THE DAILY CALLER   After President Trump decided to use his extraordinary power of clemency to commute my sentence as an act of both mercy and justice for the contrived charges against me, the unhinged left began its counterattack. It is based entirely on falsehood. Former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman was not the […]

  • Roger Stone Speaks at The Republican Club 45 USA Meeting in Palm Beach County; Details On Now Debunked Russian Probe

    Roger Stone - Aug 30th 2020 7:53pm EDT

    FIRST APPEARED IN THE PUBLISHED REPORTER On Monday August 24, 2020, The Palm Beach County Republican Club 45 USA held its monthly meeting at the Palm Beach Hilton Hotel on Australian Boulevard in West Palm Beach, where keynote speaker Roger Stone spoke to a passionate Trump supporting audience about the now debunked Russian Probe and […]

  • ‘I’m Not Intimidated by Graffiti Attack on Church Hosting Me Sunday,’ Roger Stone Says

    Roger Stone - Aug 27th 2020 2:52pm EDT

    ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN THE TENNESSEE STAR The legendary Republican operative, targeted Saturday night by vicious graffiti spray painted all over the outside of the Mount Juliet’s Global Vision Bible Church, to The Tennessee Star he is not afraid to show up to speak at the church Sunday as invited. “First of all, it’s disgusting,” said […]


    Roger Stone - Aug 24th 2020 2:59pm EDT

    With its publication this week of a tedious, picayune 966-page “report” rehashing the long-since-collapsed ‘Russian collusion’ false narrative, the Senate “Intelligence” Committee joins its discredited House counterpart as another powerful public body co-opted by cynical partisan manipulators as an illegitimate tool to inflict political damage, if not personal destruction, on their most effective adversaries. The […]


    Roger Stone - Aug 22nd 2020 10:03pm EDT

    Independent journalist Millie Weaver has produced a stunning new documentary film called “ShadowGate”, which was released Friday and has since been suppressed all over the world wide web. Millie Weaver was a colleague of mine at Infowars where I did a daily show with Owen Shroyer a courageous young journalist who still owes me the steak I won […]

  • Roger Stone Blasts Bannon After Fraud Arrest

    Roger Stone - Aug 21st 2020 6:56pm EDT

      **FIRST APPEARED IN THE FLORIDIAN PRESS AS AN EXCLUSIVE** Shortly after former White House strategist Steve Bannon was arrested on fraud charges, Roger Stone, the longtime advisor to President Trump and veteran Republican consultant, spoke to The Floridian about the arrest of his former colleague. Federal agents took Bannon into custody aboard the $25 […]


    Roger Stone - Aug 18th 2020 1:30am EDT

    BY ROGER STONE On the strong advice of my attorneys and after giving the decision considerable thought, I have reluctantly decided to dismiss the appeal of what I believe to be a wrongful conviction in a trial  tainted by judicial bias, egregious and blatant juror bias and misconduct and prosecutorial misconduct. Therefore, I directed my […]

  • Bill Gates Responds To Roger Stone’s Vaccine Criticism

    Roger Stone - Aug 12th 2020 1:37pm EDT

    FIRST APPEARED IN THE NATIONAL FILE BY PATRICK HOWLEY Republican operative Roger Stone’s criticism of the Bill Gates vaccine agenda is not falling on deaf ears. Vaccine oligarch Gates personally referred to Stone in his recent interview with Wired. In the interview, Gates admitted that most Coronavirus tests in the United States are “completely garbage.” Asked […]

  • EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Provides Evidence that Corrupt and Dishonest Democrat Eric Swalwell Lied To AG Bill Barr

    Roger Stone - Aug 12th 2020 1:31pm EDT

    FIRST APPEARED IN THE GATEWAY PUNDIT BY JOE HOFT The Democrats and many in the media are citing an interview between Roger Stone and Howard Fineman as proof that Stone “blackmailed“ President Trump into commuting his sentence.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. On national TV and in front of America, the […]

  • Mueller’s Top Prosecutor’s Latest Move Smacks Of Obstruction Of Justice

    Roger Stone - Aug 12th 2020 1:26pm EDT

    FIRST APPEARED ON GREGJARRET.COM Andrew Weissmann, who ran special counsel Robert Mueller’s misbegotten Russian collusion investigation, is desperate to derail U.S. Attorney John Durham’s criminal inquiry into suspected corruption and abuse of power by officials at the FBI and others in the Obama administration. Weissmann, who has never bothered to conceal his hatred of President […]

  • Matt Gaetz Backs Laura Loomer + Judson Sapp In FL Congressional Races

    Roger Stone - Aug 12th 2020 1:18pm EDT

    FIRST PUBLISHED IN THE GATEWAY PUNDIT BY JACOB ENGELS President Trump’s most vocal ally, North Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, has thrown his support behind Judson Sapp (FL-3) and Laura Loomer (FL-21) a week before the primary elections in Florida are set to be held. “I need the type of backup in Congress that can be […]

  • Newly Released Emails Show the ‘Special Treatment’ I Received from the Four Rogue Prosecutors in my Case

    Roger Stone - Aug 7th 2020 2:12pm EDT

    The four so-called “non-political career line prosecutors’ in the recent Mueller witch hunt prosecution I was subjected to, all of whom are in-fact rabid partisans with direct political ties to either Clinton or Obama continue to flog the false narrative that I was somehow given ‘special treatment” when senior officials rejected their 7 to 9 […]