VAERS death reports by year. Can you spot the unsafe vaccine? The CDC has been looking at this graph for 4 years now and they still cannot find any mortality safety problem. Executive summary VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) isn’t great (since it’s a voluntary reporting system which means we don’t know the […]
Executive summary There are 58 death reports in VAERS for those over 6 and under age 18 for the COVID shots. In any sane society, that would be an immediate stopping condition for a vaccine. I downloaded all 58 reports and had an unbiased AI chatbot analyze them. 75% of the deaths were likely related […]
Moderna had 1.4 VAERS death reports per dose compared to Pfizer. From the Czech data, we know that Moderna increases ACM by at least 20% over baseline mortality. This means that Pfizer increased your ACM by more than 14.3%. That’s a train wreck. Executive summary It’s always been next to impossible to estimate the increase […]
Cumulative COVID deaths matched in Israel and Palestine both before and after vaccine rollout. How is that possible if the vaccine was so effective? Executive summary This is one of the most stunning “natural experiments” regarding the efficacy of the COVID vaccine in preventing deaths. Both Israel and Palestine tracked COVID mortality before and after […]
Tonight on VSRF Live, I will sit down with an esteemed panel of experts to dive deep into some of the most pressing issues surrounding childhood vaccines, autism, and emerging treatments. Our special guests (among many!) include: Dr. Brian Hooker – Chief Scientific Officer at Children’s Health Defense, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Simpson University, […]
If you have more than one child with autism, please answer for the youngest child with autism whose date of diagnosis and last vaccination date prior to diagnosis that you remember: If this survey shows a signal, we’ll have 4 different research groups do the survey and submit a joint paper to a journal for […]
This video was just released by CHD. It’s short and highly informative. Key points: The parents authorized release of the medical records to CHD. The 6-year old child was recovering from the measles (and was out of danger from dying from the measles), but developed pneumonia. The hospital gave the child the WRONG antibiotic combination […]
Executive summary Recently, I tried to locate a paper I co-authored and despite lots of effort, I couldn’t locate it. You just get links to the retracted paper in Cureus. You can’t find the republished version. Here are the links to the papers which have been republished in a non-corrupt medical journal (that is not […]
This opportunity is strictly limited, so it’s limited to my paid subscribers. If you are a paid subscriber to my Substack, in the text below, I’ll describe a way for you to double your money in a short amount of time (highly likely less than 90 days from now). Read on if you have some […]
This week on VSRF Live, Dr. Stella Immanuel and Dr. Henry Ealy join me for a critical discussion on the current measles outbreak—what’s really happening, what the media isn’t telling you, and how to stay informed and protected. Additionally, we will have a special visit from Directors Mikki Willis and Matt Guthrie to discuss their […]
Please answer all 3 surveys! Thanks. Note the first question is ALL OTHER vaccines, second question is on the COVID vaccine only, and the third question is on the COVID virus. Attribution means you believe that the vaccine was associated with the death, e.g., pushed someone over the edge. Thanks!
Executive summary If you have $250,000 or more in investable capital and have a net worth of $5M or more, the investment fund that I started late last year may be of interest. The fund allows you to diversify your investments in a market-neutral diversified portfolio managed by top-tier investment managers with an expectation of […]
Tonight on VSRF LIVE we will hold an enlightening and essential discussion on Women’s Health in a Post-C19 World, featuring the esteemed Dr. Christiane Northrup and interviewed by our very own Nurse Angela! Dr. Northrup is a visionary pioneer in women’s health, a board-certified OB/GYN, and a New York Times bestselling author. For decades, she […]
Executive summary The answer to the $1M question, “Did the COVID vaccine save lives?” has been available ever since the first drop of the Czech Republic record level data one year ago for anyone who cared to look. I’ll show you how to prove the vaccine was useless using the latest Czech Republic data which […]
In early 2020 the world went insane. Mainstream and government doctors were telling us things that made no sense. Many of us did not know what to think – but our inner scam alarms were ringing loud and clear! We knew something was wrong and common sense was scarce. It seemed like HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was […]
Tonight on VSRF LIVE we’re diving deep into The Yale Study, a groundbreaking yet heavily suppressed investigation into the immune system disturbances linked to COVID-19 vaccination. This critical research exposes shifts in T cell populations, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation, autoantibody production, and persistent spike protein in the blood—findings that raise urgent questions about vaccine-related immune […]
Tonight on VSRF LIVE, we dive deep into the major legal victories that are reshaping the landscape of COVID-19 policies and vaccine accountability across Australia, Canada, and the USA. In the first segment, we will speak with Australian doctor William Bay, who recently won a significant court victory reinstating his medical license after it was […]
The Yale LISTEN study points out that 42 people with post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) have a large number of differences in common compared to 22 people who got the COVID shots and who didn’t develop problems. There was no single symptom that all 42 PVS patients had in common, but a variety of symptoms that were […]
Del Bigtree’s talk at 37 minutes is not to be missed. He says the NIH (Collins and Fauci) told RFK and Del in 2017 that the NIH would NEVER do a retrospective comparison study in the VSD database between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Why not? Presumably because the vaccine companies would be irreparably injured if […]
Join us tonight for an exclusive and in-depth VSRF LIVE as we host the White Clot Roundtable – a groundbreaking conversation about the shocking phenomenon of white fibrous clots and micro-clotting found in cadavers around the world. The latest data is nothing short of alarming: 83% of embalmers saw white fibrous clots in 27.5% of […]
Executive summary Vaccines work by either: reducing spread (aka lowering R0 or Rt) and/or by lowering the risk of death if infected (i.e., they lower the infection fatality rate which is typically measured as a change in the case fatality rate (CFR)) We can measure both impacts. The most definitive measures show the R0 more […]
I just got off the phone with the mother of a vaccine-injured 5-year old who wants to send her son to private school in Texas so he gets the best education. The private school says all students must be fully vaccinated. This makes no sense since all the kids at the school are vaccinated so […]
Executive summary Did highly vaccinated states have lower rates of COVID infections? Rachel Maddow, one of the world’s most highly respected health authorities, said on her show that”the virus stops with every vaccinated person.” It would be really embarrassing if this wasn’t true, right? We’d have to stop getting our medical advice from the CDC […]
Executive summary ChatGPT says the COVID vaccine’s impact on the infection fatality rate (IFR) is where the primary benefit was (since nobody is arguing it reduces infection or transmission risk because it doesn’t). GPT claims the IFR was reduced by roughly a factor of 10. It then says nursing home data is the most dispositive […]
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