My $100K challenge to NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “Let’s have a discussion on the science behind the NYC mandates”
Steven Kirsch - Apr 10th 2022 1:58am EDTNYC firefighter Sophy Medina met with me at the Pasadena Hilton today to suggest that I (along with 5 of my team members) challenge NYC Mayor Eric Adams along with his team of medical advisors (and as many helpers as they want) to a 3-hour debate on the science behind the NYC mandates. Both sides […]
Vax injured person gets appalling care at Glendale Adventist Hospital
Steven Kirsch - Apr 9th 2022 1:41am EDTAmanda Damian is vaccine injured. She is also one of the key people organizing the Defeat the Mandates rally in Los Angeles (April 10, 2022). Amanda had a seizure shortly after midnight on April 8. She was taken by ambulance to Adventist Health Glendale Hospital. The quality of care she received at the hospital is […]
You need to be boosted every 30 days to stay protected
Steven Kirsch - Apr 8th 2022 3:44am EDTNew Israeli study: 2 million people. Fourth dose vaccine wears off against Omicron after 3-4 weeks and protection is pretty much gone by 8 weeks. So you’ll need a new “booster” around every 30 days to be “safe.” Watch this Dr. Mobeen video Here are a few comments on the video on YouTube: My friend […]
More COVID insanity
Steven Kirsch - Apr 7th 2022 1:15am EDTBefore I get into the insanity parts, I do have two pieces of good news: I just met with a member of the California legislature who is a critical thinker: Senator Josh Becker. I’ve known Josh for years. What a rare treat to find someone who hasn’t “lost it” after they get elected to office. […]
Pierre Kory is my guest in studio on the VSRF call Apr 7 at 7pm EST
Steven Kirsch - Apr 6th 2022 11:57pm EDTThursday, 7pm EST. Register here. This Thursday, April 7th at 7pm Eastern, the VSRF Call will be LIVE FROM LA with Dr. Pierre Kory. The call will preview the Defeat the Mandates Los Angeles Rally on Sunday, April 10th at noon at Grand Park, L.A. Dr. Kory will be speaking about treatment for the vaccine […]
Just for the record: the more you vax, the weaker your immune system becomes
Steven Kirsch - Apr 6th 2022 4:06am EDTIt doesn’t get any more insane than this: the more you vaccinate, the greater your chance of getting COVID. Vaccinate 3 times and your risk of getting COVID is 3 times worse than an unvaccinated person. Here are examples of government data showing that the more you vaccinate, the more likely you are to being […]
Is science dead at MIT? I’m risking $250,000 to find out.
Steven Kirsch - Apr 5th 2022 5:39pm EDTTo Dean Mavalvala and Provost Barnhart, I’d be willing to make a $250K grant to MIT if there is a MIT faculty member (you can field as MANY as you like) who can convince Professor Norman Fenton and Stephen Petty that there is scientific evidence that shows that masks reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Professor […]
This is the single most important thing you can do to STOP the COVID insanity
Steven Kirsch - Apr 5th 2022 1:29am EDTDr. Malone has a big writeup on Senator Johnson, so I’m going to make my appeal short and sweet. Senator Johnson is awesome. We need to re-elect him. Senator Johnson is our single best hope of stopping the insanity. NOBODY else in Congress comes close. He needs to be re-elected and the Republicans need to […]
Michael Patmas, MD explains that only people with CREDENTIALS are qualified to opine on infectious disease issues.
Steven Kirsch - Apr 4th 2022 10:30pm EDTMichael Patmas, MD basically says I’m too uneducated to possibly understand anything about vaccines and/or infectious disease. He believes I’m not bright enough to have an intelligent conversation with people like him because I’m not a board certified infectious disease doctor. Basically, I am unable to say anything intelligent that might be relevant and I […]
Join us at Defeat the Mandates, Los Angeles, this Sunday April 10 in Grand Park at 11am
Steven Kirsch - Apr 4th 2022 3:48pm EDTSummary Please register here for the Los Angeles Defeat the Mandates rally that will be this Sunday, April 10 at 11am in Grand Park (less than a week away!). Also, if you can help us with a donation, there is a DONATE link as well (we accept cards, bitcoin, and ethereum donations). Defeat the Mandates, […]
Facebook says that Fauci spreads misinformation
Steven Kirsch - Apr 4th 2022 2:00pm EDTFauci was actually telling the truth in this video. The poster agrees with me (“he actually makes sense”). But Facebook labels the post as false information! In other words, Facebook is saying that Fauci is spreading false information. He actually wasn’t spreading false information in this video, but I do agree that in general Fauci […]
An open letter to the Inspector General of the HHS
Steven Kirsch - Apr 4th 2022 1:31am EDTNote: this is currently being edited. Feel free to comment. Dear Inspector General, It appears that that there is an enormous amount of corruption at the highest levels of the CDC, FDA, and NIH. All of these activities are aimed at both suppressing safe, effective treatments as well as deliberately suppressing any negative safety and […]
The full Bryan Ardis interview on COVID origins: coming soon
Steven Kirsch - Apr 3rd 2022 8:22pm EDTStew Peters just sent this to me. It’s the teaser of his 2 hour interview with Bryan Ardis on the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I believe the full interview will be published on Monday. I was briefed on this on Wednesday afternoon and asked to remain silent. Out of respect for Dr. Bryan Ardis, […]
Did the TOGETHER study show that ivermectin doesn’t work? NO!
Steven Kirsch - Apr 3rd 2022 6:39pm EDTI’ve been waiting for Pierre Kory to come out with an article on the Together Trial and the ivermectin results. But since that hasn’t happened yet, I wanted to comment. Ivermectin works and this study didn’t prove otherwise The most important thing is this: The evidence, including this study, consistently show Ivermectin works against COVID. […]
To The NY Times: If you want to discredit Robert Malone, all you need to do is answer our questions
Steven Kirsch - Apr 3rd 2022 4:44pm EDTToday, The New York Times published a story attacking the credibility of Robert Malone. Malone spreading “unfounded claims”? Seriously?!?! You honestly think he makes this stuff up?!?! I work with a group of 40 scientists, engineers, statisticians who are very talented and not a single person thinks that any of Malone’s claims are “unfounded.” On […]
Foo Fighter’s drummer Taylor Hawkins dead at 50: The inside story on what caused his death
Steven Kirsch - Apr 2nd 2022 3:30pm EDTHere is a summary of the evidence I’ve pieced together from public and private sources. You can draw your own conclusions, but to me it points at vaccine-induced myocarditis. PolitiFact says that is false, but they are almost never right on any of their fact checks, so this is additional confirmation. I invite PolitiFact to […]
$1M reward for a CDC or FDA whistleblower
Steven Kirsch - Apr 1st 2022 12:40pm EDTI wrote an article earlier on how the safety signals in VAERS were flashing red back in January 2021. Yet nobody at the CDC or FDA said anything even though they were watching VAERS like a hawk (as the FDA’s Steven A. Anderson admitted on video). It’s simply impossible not to see the safety signals […]
“Name your price” offer to qualified vaccine proponents
Steven Kirsch - Mar 31st 2022 10:00pm EDT… and you are interested in making a lot of money just for answering some questions we had, please fill out the form and name your price for a 3 hour session where we get to ask questions. You see, we really don’t want to spread misinformation about COVID vaccines and masking, but when we […]
VSRF call Thurs: Personal injury lawsuits and the COVID vaccine
Steven Kirsch - Mar 30th 2022 8:58pm EDTTomorrow, Thursday, March 31 @7pm Eastern Register at Watch the Promo Video Here Big Pharma companies have a total and complete exemption from lawsuits as a result of any and all injury and death that result from taking their experimental injection. This has led many vaccine injured to believe that they have no recourse […]
Aphasia can be caused by the COVID vaccine
Steven Kirsch - Mar 30th 2022 2:10pm EDTI wanted to make sure everyone knows aphasia is one of the thousands of symptoms whose reporting rates were elevated after the COVID vaccines rolled out. It’s #1574 on that sorted list of symptoms elevated by the COVID vaccine that we calculated back in November 2021. But I also very distinctly remember, very early on […]
Carl Sagan got it right when he spoke about trust
Steven Kirsch - Mar 30th 2022 10:58am EDTThanks to Lenore who made a comment in my Deion Sanders article that linked to an opinion piece about trust. The article talked, among other things, about the Bernie Madoff effect: “And even when it starts to become clear we have been fooled, whether on a small, large, or life-threatening scale, the vast majority reject […]
Why isn’t Deion Sanders telling us how he eliminated the vaccine as a possible cause of his foot amputations?
Steven Kirsch - Mar 30th 2022 1:31am EDTCheck out this excellent article: I find it interesting that his troubles with amputations happened shortly after he was vaccinated, rather than before. He’s 54 years old and claims to have a family history of blood clots. So he went 54 years without a problem and now, after getting vaccinated, has multiple amputations?!? Color me […]
How many red-pilled college students are there in the US?
Steven Kirsch - Mar 30th 2022 1:10am EDTThere are close to 4,000 colleges in the US. I’m guessing there are somewhere around 10 red-pilled college students on each campus, so about 40,000 students in total. If we can tap and organize that number of students, I think we may be able to move the needle. It’s a good bet that if you […]
If you are in med school, I want to pay off your student loans down to zero
Steven Kirsch - Mar 29th 2022 8:27pm EDTMy million dollar offers to the FDA and CDC outside committee members didn’t work, nobody in academia seems to be interested in setting me and my colleagues on the “right” path, the fact checkers won’t set me straight, and the Wikipedia editors who claim I’m lying won’t show me their arguments either. Frustrating! Time for […]
The FAA and airlines are violating Federal law
Steven Kirsch - Mar 29th 2022 4:16pm EDTI hate all the nagging whenever I fly that I have to wear a mask. This is nonsensical because the randomized trials all show that masks make no difference (unless you are wearing a P100 respirator or better). This seems to be a distraction though, because the serious violation is being done by the FAA […]