• How to read RFK Jr’s book in 5 minutes

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 18th 2021 8:39pm EST

    Yup, I know… It’s a long, dense book full of facts and evidence. Methods to get the gist of the book quickly: Read this review. My favorite paragraph: In 1984 when Fauci took over NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had a chronic disease, and now it is 54%. It was his job to research and discover […]

  • Twitter says ivermectin can’t work no matter how many studies say it does

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 18th 2021 7:49pm EST

    Apparently, any study that shows that ivermectin works must be wrong. Can anyone who works at Twitter explain how they know instantly that newly published scientific studies are wrong? It would be useful to know what mistake the authors made.

  • Vaccines are very good for the drug companies

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 18th 2021 3:29pm EST

    This one graphic shows everything you need to know. This is one of the reasons why nobody wants to talk to me. Here’s a key paper which was published in April 24, 2017: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children Key points: Vaccinated children were […]

  • How much do you have to offer to get a debate in America today?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 18th 2021 3:08pm EST

    Apparently $2M per person to talk to me is not enough Peter McCullough told America on Joe Rogan that I was willing to offer anyone $2M just to talk to me. You’d think I’d have been flooded with requests. Nope. No such luck. I’m lonelier than the Maytag repairman. Dr. Al Ozonoff talked to me […]

  • Beware of those who question those who question authority

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 17th 2021 9:32pm EST

    Six years ago, Sharyl Attkisson gave an excellent TED talk entitled “Astroturf and manipulation of media messages.” It explains precisely what is happening now including: why my reputation on Wikipedia went from hero to zero over a few days. how we are all being manipulated. But most of all, at the very end, it explains […]

  • How Wikipedia changed me from being a good guy to an evil person

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 17th 2021 5:32pm EST

    After I spoke out against the vaccines, Wikipedia totally changed my profile over time from a good guy into a menace to society. The good deeds that were on my profile including having received a prestigious National Caring Award (presented by Senator Hillary Clinton in Washington, DC) and having founded a $75M charitable fund were […]

  • Why won’t Your Local Epidemiologist (YLE) debate my team of experts?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 17th 2021 3:33pm EST

    Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, aka Your Local Epidemiologist, writes a popular substack and also has a large following on Twitter (which is still a fraction of the size of my followers on Twitter before Twitter banned me for life). She promotes the false narrative exclusively. I asked her if she wanted to debate my team of […]

  • IVF clinics started having serious problems right after the vaccines started rolling out

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 17th 2021 1:42pm EST

    I just got off the phone with a woman who works at a large IVF clinic. She has to remain nameless to avoid being fired for speaking out. Nobody is supposed to know about the serious problems happening in the IVF clinics. Let me tell you what is really going on and the scientific study […]

  • CEOs of two major airlines question the need for mask mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 11:44pm EST

    From the story in Blaze News on December 16, 2021: CEOs of two major airlines spoke out and questioned the necessity of masks on flights, CNN reported. American Airlines CEO Doug Parker and Southwest CEO Gary Kelly both made related remarks during a Wednesday Senate hearing on the financial support the airline industry has received […]

  • Did you get a degree from Harvard, MIT, or Stanford

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 4:47pm EST

    If you got a degree from Harvard, Stanford, or MIT, and you are willing to send a couple of emails to the management there (you’ll get instructions later), please register here. Thanks! Your involvement makes it possible to resist. We cannot do this without your help. This will involve only a few minutes of your […]

  • The Pfizer vaccine reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 4:16pm EST

    An important paper just got published that Jessica Rose writes about on her substack. Here is the first part of it: A brand new medRxiv preprint study entitled: “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses” has graced our pre-print world. This paper is so important and it provides evidence […]

  • The new normal: dying in your sleep

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 3:50pm EST

    I got this in my email this morning from a friend: This is known as a “Black Swan” event… it’s an event that nobody is expected to ever see or hear about in their lifetime that can be rationalized by domain experts (who in this case point to the vaccines). Healthy young people generally don’t […]

  • Watch this amazing video produced by the students at the University of Guelph

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 3:05am EST

    Please watch this 2 minute video. It was made by the students at the University of Guelph in Canada, a school that prides itself on inclusion and diversity as core principles.

  • A new presentation: “More harm than good”

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 2:53am EST

    Please check out this superb presentation, more harm than good, assembled by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA). Many highly qualified scientists and physicians contributed to and/or approved this. It is based on rock-solid scientific data. Most importantly, the core data set is Pfizer’s own results from their recently published six-month update report on their […]

  • Is Professor Jeffrey Morris the “truth teller” he claims to be?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 16th 2021 2:02am EST

    Sometime in June 2021, U Penn Professor Jeffrey Morris and I started talking about what was happening with the vaccines. Professor Morris believed the vaccines were safe but he presented himself as a “truthteller” only interested in determining truth and not supporting anyone’s agenda. On that premise, Mathew Crawford and I started engaging with him […]

  • Want to know how bad things really are in Australia?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 15th 2021 7:38pm EST

    On Thursday, December 16 at 4pm I’ll be interviewing Dr. Paul Oosterhuis, MD, an Australian anesthetist (what we would call an anesthesiologist) who has been suspended by his Medical Council for bad behavior. His crime? Things like: Social media posts promoting Ivermectin Questioning the controlling vaccine narrative I’ll ask questions like: Why haven’t they thrown […]

  • Finally! A recorded interview with a Harvard professor who disagrees with me

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 15th 2021 5:49pm EST

    Dr. Ozonoff is Faculty Scientist, Division of Infectious Diseases, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School. With credentials like that, you’d expect him to refuse to engage with anyone (like me) who disagrees with the mainstream narrative. He had clearly read some of the things I had written so he knew what my views were. […]

  • Latest VAERS estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 15th 2021 12:42am EST

    My estimate of the VAERS under-reporting factor (URF) at 41 was based on anaphylaxis rates reported in the Blumenthal paper published in JAMA. I have argued that the anaphylaxis rate is an appropriate number to use to (under) estimate deaths because I believed that deaths would be less reported than anaphylaxis to VAERS for two […]

  • Stories from the vaccine injured

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 10:38pm EST

    Here are some stories of the vaccine injured. There are hundreds of thousands of stories just like these. Sadly, Americans have been paid nothing to compensate them for their injuries. Zero. The bolding below is mine but otherwise these stories are from the source, unedited. How long can you live on 3 hours of sleep […]

  • Israel study shows (once again), the virus itself is a better “vaccine” than the vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 5:33pm EST

    This paper from Israel, Protection and waning of natural and hybrid COVID-19 immunity, was posted on December 5, 2021, but went unnoticed by the mainstream media for some reason. The bottom line: natural infection and recovery is strongly preferred to vaccination. Specifically: Recovered immunity is 6.5x better than vaccine immunity in terms of resistance to […]

  • Our pandemic response has resulted in an IQ drop of 22 points

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 12:11pm EST

    On August 16, 2021, the BMJ published an article “Covid-19: Children born during the pandemic score lower on cognitive tests, study finds.” The original study, which is awaiting peer review, was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and conducted by a team of researchers at Brown and other U.S. universities. The BMJ article pointed […]

  • The more we vaccinate, the higher the number of cases

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 11:28am EST

    James Lyons-Weiler recently showed that the US state data shows that the more we vaccinate, the higher the # of COVID cases. Somehow, his work didn’t get any coverage by the mainstream media. Here is the link to James’ article. Here’s the graph: This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been […]

  • Why Omicron might soon become very deadly

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 2:27am EST

    Here’s my guess for how this is going to play out: Health officials use fear of Omicron to scare people into taking the booster now. The booster temporarily suppresses your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting Omicron. You get Omicron You die due to the vaccine Omicron is perceived to have killed you. […]

  • California just re-instituted the indoor mask mandate starting Wednesday

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 12:15am EST

    Here’s the LA Times story: This is nuts. These people in public health are sheep. I fired off this email to Mark Ghaly. I’ll let you know if he responds. I doubt I’ll hear anything back. These people don’t believe in science. Science says the randomized-controlled trials tell us the truth compared to uncontrolled trials. […]

  • Alix Mayer interview Part 2: Why you can’t get COMIRNATY, why they are targetting kids, and more

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 11:00pm EST

    Do you know the difference between the Pfizer EUA vaccine and the approved vaccine COMIRNATY? Do you know why COMIRNATY isn’t available anywhere? Do you know if it is even approved? Are vaccine mandates legal? Are employers that mandate vaccination, then fire you if you refuse, liable for damages? If you know the answers to […]