• Israel study shows (once again), the virus itself is a better “vaccine” than the vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 5:33pm EST

    This paper from Israel, Protection and waning of natural and hybrid COVID-19 immunity, was posted on December 5, 2021, but went unnoticed by the mainstream media for some reason. The bottom line: natural infection and recovery is strongly preferred to vaccination. Specifically: Recovered immunity is 6.5x better than vaccine immunity in terms of resistance to […]

  • Our pandemic response has resulted in an IQ drop of 22 points

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 12:11pm EST

    On August 16, 2021, the BMJ published an article “Covid-19: Children born during the pandemic score lower on cognitive tests, study finds.” The original study, which is awaiting peer review, was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and conducted by a team of researchers at Brown and other U.S. universities. The BMJ article pointed […]

  • The more we vaccinate, the higher the number of cases

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 11:28am EST

    James Lyons-Weiler recently showed that the US state data shows that the more we vaccinate, the higher the # of COVID cases. Somehow, his work didn’t get any coverage by the mainstream media. Here is the link to James’ article. Here’s the graph: This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been […]

  • Why Omicron might soon become very deadly

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 2:27am EST

    Here’s my guess for how this is going to play out: Health officials use fear of Omicron to scare people into taking the booster now. The booster temporarily suppresses your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting Omicron. You get Omicron You die due to the vaccine Omicron is perceived to have killed you. […]

  • California just re-instituted the indoor mask mandate starting Wednesday

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 14th 2021 12:15am EST

    Here’s the LA Times story: This is nuts. These people in public health are sheep. I fired off this email to Mark Ghaly. I’ll let you know if he responds. I doubt I’ll hear anything back. These people don’t believe in science. Science says the randomized-controlled trials tell us the truth compared to uncontrolled trials. […]

  • Alix Mayer interview Part 2: Why you can’t get COMIRNATY, why they are targetting kids, and more

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 11:00pm EST

    Do you know the difference between the Pfizer EUA vaccine and the approved vaccine COMIRNATY? Do you know why COMIRNATY isn’t available anywhere? Do you know if it is even approved? Are vaccine mandates legal? Are employers that mandate vaccination, then fire you if you refuse, liable for damages? If you know the answers to […]

  • They are mocking the people who believe the false narrative

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 9:18pm EST

    omicron —> “moronic” omicron delta —> “media control” How much more obvious can they make it? And still people don’t get it… Come on folks, you are being played. Quit believing what you are told and start looking at the data and the evidence. The PhD’s at Harvard aren’t going to take the booster… they’ve […]

  • How to get your friends back

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 8:55pm EST

    Have you lost most or all your friends because of your views on the vaccine and/or masks? It can be tough having views based on stuff like science and evidence nowadays. People hate you. They call you crazy, a menace to society, and they no longer want to associate with you anymore. I get that. […]

  • Why liability protection for vaccine manufacturers is a terrible idea

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 3:34pm EST

    Why do vaccine manufacturers have liability protection? Because in the 1980’s, the four vaccine manufacturers got together and threatened to stop making vaccines unless the lawsuits stopped. Congress obliged and we have the system we have today where, if you are vaccine injured, getting the compensation you deserve can be a hit or miss proposition. […]

  • ACTION ALERT: Protect Americans’ Rights to Medical Freedom

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 13th 2021 1:10am EST

    HR 550, a bill passed by the House, would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of American citizens and provide the information to the federal government. Since there isn’t a safe vaccine (as I’ve noted before), this is nonsensical. All of the research I’m aware of shows that […]

  • FOIA request reveals: the mask policy in Israel is not based on evidence that they actually work

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 12th 2021 6:40pm EST

    I received this document responding to a FOIA (equivalent) request to Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH). Here’s a snippet: Basically, to summarize the entire response, there is no evidence masking works and we don’t know the harms, but we decided to do it anyway. OK? It goes downhill from there. Read the full response here. […]

  • We’ve now killed close to TWICE as many kids from the vaccine as have died from COVID

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 12th 2021 6:03pm EST

    CDC data on COVID deaths: 757 Here’s the death toll from COVID deaths for kids 18 and younger: about 750 deaths. However, if these deaths are anything like adult deaths, these are kids who died with COVID, not from COVID. The actual number who died from COVID is likely a lot smaller. But we’ll be […]

  • Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 12th 2021 4:38pm EST

    Yesterday, I received the following text message referring to an article in the Air Line Pilot Association (ALPA) magazine: OK, so at first glance, that looks pretty incriminating, doesn’t it? Especially the huge number of deaths in July (39) as compared to a pre-jab month like January (1) or March (1). Note that you can’t […]

  • 5 tips to avoid being cancelled by LinkedIn

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 12th 2021 2:43am EST

    I’m down to around one post a month on LinkedIn in order to avoid censorship, but apparently even that is too often as my LinkedIn account is suspended again. I suspect I no longer exist and that everything I’ve written in the past is now “gone” from view. I think one of my last actions […]

  • Time for you to take action

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 11th 2021 11:39pm EST

    The most important lesson we learned from Auschwitz was not to sit on the sidelines when injustice is happening around you. If we are going to get the truth out, you must take action. The good news is that my ask is very simple and will only take a couple of minutes. I need each […]

  • The tide is turning: former pro-vax PhDs are now refusing the booster

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 11th 2021 10:26pm EST

    People are starting to wake up. Recently, I received news that top researchers at multiple highly respected institutions (including Harvard) who had earlier been publicly promoting the vaccine have now changed their minds and are privately refusing to get the booster. How is that possible? Did we finally convince them with the data? Most of […]

  • Over 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory COVID Interventions. 0 in support.

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 11th 2021 5:45pm EST

    Dr. Paul Alexander has put together a real gem of an article: over 400 studies showing how ridiculous the current COVID interventions are. The recommendations are not based on science; it’s all political theater. Lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates were all nonsensical and made things worse. I just talked to Paul. […]

  • Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 10th 2021 3:18am EST

    On December 9, I interviewed Alix Mayer, President, Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter. She’s vaccine injured from a set of vaccines she took prior to a business trip. She’s never recovered. Here’s the interview on Rumble. Key things I learned from talking with Alix: All the 16 childhood vaccines should be considered unsafe because all the […]

  • Did former NFL star wide receiver Demaryius Thomas die at age 33 from the COVID vaccine?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 10th 2021 2:39am EST

    CNN reported this: Demaryius Thomas, who played 10 seasons in the NFL and is considered one of the best wide receivers in Denver Broncos history, was found dead at his home in Roswell, Georgia, according to officials. He was 33 years old. Based on preliminary information, his death stemmed from a medical issue, Officer Tim […]

  • Robert Malone LIVE tonight at 4pm PST: join us!

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 9th 2021 2:22pm EST

    Register at the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation website. It’s free. You’ll get a zoom link for the call via email. This is a special 2-hour call which we will fill with questions from the audience. And I’ve asked Robert to keep his answers under 60 seconds (which he admits will be a stretch for him) […]

  • Los Angeles Unified School district likely to lose court fight to impose vaccine mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 7:24pm EST

    December 8, 2021 Now for some good news for a change… Children’s Health Defense California chapter employed attorney Nicole Pearson to challenge the LA school district’s ability to impose a vaccine mandate for kids. The papers were filed last week for a preliminary injunction. At Nicole’s request, I was one of about 10 experts who […]

  • COVID pandemic: The ten biggest lies

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 3:30pm EST

    Here is my list: The vaccines are safe and effective Masks work The vaccines are the only way out Vaccine mandates are necessary Do whatever the authorities (CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO) tell you to do. Do not hold them accountable. Trust your doctor Early treatments using repurposed drugs don’t work Full liability protection is necessary […]

  • Eric Topol is now a “Writer in Residence” on substack. Time to speak out.

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 2:25pm EST

    I just got this announcement from Substack: Substack Dr. Eric Topol is Substack’s newest Writer in Residence Last year, writer, physician, and researcher Eric Topol took to Twitter to share ongoing analysis of the data around the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching an audience of half a million followers with his straightforward daily updates. Now, he’s bringing […]

  • The most important lesson from Auschwitz

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 2:25am EST

    Here is Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski’s speech on January 27, 2020. Excerpt: “Auschwitz did not fall from the sky. It began with small forms of persecution of Jews. It happened, it means it can happen anywhere. That is why human rights and democratic constitutions must be defended. The eleventh commandment is important: Don’t be indifferent. […]

  • Stories that the press will not cover

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 7th 2021 11:39pm EST

    I hear so many incredible stories you’ll never see in the mainstream media, I thought I’d start an article to collect them. I plan to add more to this list over time. Why am I doing this? Because the press isn’t reporting these stories and these stories need to be told. Nurse is COVID recovered […]