August 21, 2023 Jennifer St. Arnauld. WOLCOTT, CONNECTICUT — A 51-year-old Connectiut woman will likely take upwards of seven different medications per day for the rest of her life, in a case that reminds us of Ms. Timike Balogh right before her suicide. Ms. Jennifer St. Arnauld is originally from Florida, but resides in […] August 21, 2023 Autumn Bailey Dennis. MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY — We first wrote about Dr. Mattias Desmet and his theory (i.e. real-life observation) called mass formation psychosis on January 1, 2022. The final paragraph of said article reads as follows: “As we enter 2022, it’s now a waste of time and energy trying to communicate […] August 21, 2023 This blogger acknowledges that the United States was founded on violence, rape, manipulation, degeneracy and human trafficking. Granted there is bias from a Generation X writer. But the late 197os, 1980s and early 1990s was the closest the U.S. ever came to its advertised “all men are created equal,” “land of […] August 7, 2023 One thing is crystal clear – reading The COVID Blog® provides you truth that mainstream media and government will affirm a year or two after we report it. The New York Times, citing data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), reported on July 17 that the official so-called COVID-19 […] August 7, 2023 Aussie tried to fight back, to no avail. Melbourne, May 2020. CANBERRA — The saying goes, “better late than never.” But that’s downright insulting when it comes to Australia and the dystopian hell the people have endured since mid-2020. The over age 16 population in Australia is more than 95% injected […] August 7, 2023 SAN FRANCISCO — Every human being is born with an FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. A mutation to said gene is called Fragile X Syndrome, or FXS. Symptoms include learning disabilities, low IQ and social awkwardness, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Despite girls having two X chromosomes, boys are not […] July 31, 2023 Asher Ferguson. Photo via Instagram. NEW YORK — A 15-month-old New York City baby is dead, in yet another reminder that even if babies conceived from vaxxed sperm and/or eggs survive birth, that they are living on borrowed time. This story was heart-wrenching to write. So if this blogger disappears for […] July 30, 2023 Sinead O’Connor. LONDON — Celebrities continue dropping like flies daily. We won’t know exactly what happened to Ms. Sinéad O’Connor for quite some time. But we’re predicting a suicide disposition because it conveniently fits this case. But that doesn’t change the facts leading up to her death and the growing scientific […] July 28, 2023 James Hallinan. PARADISE VALLEY, ARIZONA — A 40-year-old political consultant is dead after receiving an untold number of lethal injections. Mr. James Hallinan described himself as a conservative Democrat and a “gay man.” She was a spokesman and campaign manager for several prominent New Mexico politicians, including Attorney General Hector Balderas […] July 27, 2023 Josephine Boswell. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA — A 2-year-old baby girl is dead; and the mother is trying her best to hide the reason why. Josephine Boswell was born on April 12, 2021. She was the first and only child to Lee and Kassandra Boswell. Kassandra after giving birth to Josephine. Just before […] July 25, 2023 (L-R) NBA superstar LeBron James, sons Bronny James and Bryce, wife Savannah, and daughter Zhuri, January 12, 2023. Photo via Instagram. LOS ANGELES — When you search the term “paper cut” on The COVID Blog®, here is what you find: All of the headlines contain the term pericarditis or myocarditis. That’s […] July 22, 2023 Gen Xers used the acronym “FUBAR” (F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition) in the 1980s a lot when describing anything that was…FUBAR. The term is receiving a reboot with Gen Z due to a Netflix action-comedy series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger called FUBAR. The world has been FUBAR for centuries. But the powers-that-be […]
by Brian A.Wilkins Editor-in-Chief: July 22, 2023 WARNING: Abortion is perhaps the most sensitive, divisive political topic in the United States. Whether you’re on the “pro-life” or “pro-choice” side, what you are about to read and view is extremely graphic. For those with intimate, personal views on one side or the other, who know […] July 22, 2023 Meet Lisa. It debuted last week as an AI news bot for Odisha TV in Bhubaneswar, India. “Lisa” is at least the second AI-generated news bot in the country. India Today debuted its AI bot “Sana” in March. Kuwait News debuted AI news bot “Fedhi” in April. Hollywood labor union SAG-AFTRA […] July 3, 2023 The general rule of thumb when dealing with Mockingbird mainstream media, which now include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. is quite simple. Whenever they are coordinated with the same AI-type, scripted messaging about anything, that means psy-op, propaganda, interference or a combination of all three. Global mainstream media are literally controlled […] July 3, 2023 Former U.S. Postal Service worker Gerald Groff. WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court issued several impactful decisions last week, with two of them directly related to the First Amendment and religious freedom. The affirmative action (AA) case, however, received the most attention. The aforementioned decision was actually two cases – […] July 3, 2023 Katarina Pavelek. BASEL, SWITZERLAND — A 41-year-old actress is dead, and is yet another reminder that post-injection suicides are happening far more often than is being reported. Ms. Katarina Pavelek was born in Poprad, Slovakia. She was an actress who resided in Los Angeles. Ms. Pavelek never really got her “big […] June 26, 2023 The COVID Blog® went live on January 9, 2021. From baseball-sized post-injection blood clots to internal organ inflammation so severe that it displaced a woman’s liver from her abdomen to her shoulder-area; we thought we’ve seen it all. Note that the white dot inside the blue circle is her large intestine. […]
By Brian A. Wilkins Editor-in-Chief – The COVID Blog® June 26, 2023 I’m so sick and tired of these people and their arrogant, high-priced little lawyers. Let’s just get that out of the way. PayPal stock has continued its perpetual plummet since reaching a peak of $308.53 per share on July 23, 2021. The company […] June 13, 2023 We will start this article with some lighthearted commentary, since most content on The COVID Blog® (including this article) is ominous and deflating. Critical thinkers cannot allow The Great Reset to rob them of their innate personalities and natures. Truth is never pleasant. Neither is intelligent, critical thought. Lisa Simpson made […] June 13, 2023 It was a Saturday morning ritual for Generation X kids to get up at 7 a.m. and watch cartoons for 4-5 hours. The Snorks, The Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Galaxy High, Saturday Supercade, Hulk Hogan’s Rock-N-Wrestling…to have that blissful ignorance again. The sound of the American Bandstand theme signaled the […] June 13, 2023 The COVID Blog® has been utilizing artificial intelligence (A.I.) since early 2022. We weed out all MAGA, liberal-LGBTV, toxic feminists, idolators, etc. to ensure productive, critical discourse in the comments sections. A simple algorithm immediately spams comments containing certain language patterns, along with words and phrases like “cisgender,” “deep state,” “woke,” […] June 7, 2023 You wouldn’t know it from what’s happened since December 2020. But it is technically illegal to advertise drugs that are not fully approved for certain uses by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It’s only been legal to advertise prescription drugs at all since 1987. The FDA also allows some […] May 30, 2023 Image credit: Gabe Sanchez. This blogger has posited several times that the world population will be at or under 5 billion by the end of 2024. But the ultimate goal for the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) is only 500 million obedient slaves left on Earth by 2030. The vaccine genocide (including the polio […] May 30, 2023 PHILADELPHIA — This blogger came close to skipping this story despite several readers providing the lead and asking for a deeper dive. All vaxx zealots are unintelligent and lack critical thinking skills. It’s hard not to feel sorry for some of them because they have no freewill whatsoever. But some of […]
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