• Last Message to The West Winners!!! | AFTER HOURS

    The Great Order - Dec 4th 2019 1:20pm EST

    Originally aired Dec 3rd, 2019 on No White Guilt: Please see TheAfterParty.tv for more…

  • Thanksgiving Special 2019 | TAP

    The Great Order - Nov 28th 2019 12:38am EST

    Originally aired Nov 27 2019: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfTeBPJAlMOPL3Pfhk8apA See https://theafterparty.tv/ for more Guests: ~Clarion Wakefield ~Mimir’s Brunnr ~Hiraeth ~Jeff Winston of White Art Collective

  • Who Do You Want us to Interview? | After Hours

    The Great Order - Nov 27th 2019 1:25pm EST

    Relaxed stream checking in with the audience, developments with our shows, speaking a bit about Thanksgiving. See https://theafterparty.tv/ for more

  • Pills | Skit

    The Great Order - Nov 27th 2019 12:36am EST

    Another “Skype Skit” -Featuring Philosophicat & Jared George -Written by Jared George -Edited by MICA Official: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuXxrAi9ZNyoUY5eUAWy_IA -Philosophicat: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYgocARmndnLrO5HHMXqrg Twitter: Tweets by Philosophi_Cat Gab: https://gab.com/Philosophicat Überfolk: https://uberfolk.com/ ~Special thanks to The Blonde Buttermaker for helping with the concept and Poseidon for his “Clown World remix” music track at end. — Support: Support

  • Jared’s New Red Ice Video & Skit “Pills” with PhilosophiCat | It’s Late Night Somewhere

    The Great Order - Nov 23rd 2019 7:04am EST

    The cozy radio-style stream returns. Chatting with Philosophicat and getting a first look at the new skit she and Jared did together,  looking at the LastMessageToTheWest.com video contest site, and also watching Jared’s second Red Ice TV feature. Originally aired Nov 22, 2019: Please see TheAfterParty.tv for more

  • Angelo John Gage | TAP

    The Great Order - Nov 22nd 2019 10:57pm EST

    Originally aired Nov 21 2019: Please see TheAfterParty.tv

  • Thoughts & Suggestions for Groypers | Semiogogue | After Hours

    The Great Order - Nov 21st 2019 2:59am EST

    Originally aired Nov 20, 2019: see TheAfterParty.tv for more…

  • Ancient European Tale Debunks Anti-White Narrative | The Great Order Red Ice Ep. 1

    The Great Order - Nov 19th 2019 8:58pm EST

    Originally published Sept 3, 2019. Exclusively on Red Ice platforms until now, this release is to tease that the delayed October vid (due to Red Ice’s Oct 17th YouTube deletion!) is about to come out. Then the actual November installment will soon follow! Please see announcements on Red Ice’s social media and become a member […]

  • Henrik and Lana’s Story | TAP

    The Great Order - Nov 14th 2019 7:11pm EST

    Originally aired Nov 14, 2019: https://dlive.tv/p/nowhiteguilt+8IEiB81Wg TheAfterParty.tv

  • Ash Donaldson- Brother War | After Hours

    The Great Order - Nov 13th 2019 3:31am EST

    Originally aired November 12, 2019: Prolific author Ash Donaldson on his new book, Brother War, a mixture of World War I history and European myth to remind our people of what unites us.  http://TheAfterParty.tv

  • Go Groypers – But Protect Yourselves | After Hours

    The Great Order - Nov 7th 2019 8:39pm EST

    Originally aired Nov 5, 2019: Speaking about the groyper vs Turning Point USA Wars, right vs white as point of reference, some on Greg Johnson’s arrest in Norway, and more. TheAfterParty.tv

  • Greg Johnson and his Political Persecution | TAP

    The Great Order - Nov 7th 2019 7:47pm EST

    Greg Johnson, founder and editor of Counter-Currents, on his arrest in Norway before the Scandza Forum. TheAfterParty.tv

  • Halloween Special 2019 | TAP

    The Great Order - Nov 1st 2019 7:06pm EDT

    Originally aired Oct 31, 2019: Please see this link for guest links: Latest: Halloween Special | TAP Halloween fun featuring: ~Poseidon~ ~Semiogogue~ ~Loralee Scaife~ ~Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff of Red Ice~ ~Jeff Winston of White Art Collective~ ~Philosophicat~ ~Phil of Mimir’s Brunnr~

  • IRL Event Review | Who We Are | After Hours

    The Great Order - Oct 31st 2019 8:11pm EDT

    Originally aired Oct 29, 2019: Jason tells Jared about a triumphant IRL event he attended and spoke at, we discuss goings on, play the Who We Are video live on air. See https://theafterparty.tv/ for more!

  • Who We Are

    The Great Order - Oct 25th 2019 2:47pm EDT

    This is what’s been hidden from you. ~Written by Jared George ~Directed by Jared George and MICA Official ~Edited by MICA Official ~Special thanks to Way of the World for his guidance in editing the text. ~Special thanks to Ricardo Duchesne, whose work this video draws on heavily. Please see References Please see thegreatorder.com/whoweare for […]

  • Laura Towler on “We Were Never Asked” | TAP

    The Great Order - Oct 24th 2019 10:35pm EDT

    See TheAfterParty.tv Originally aired Oct 24, 2019: What Laura, Mark Collett, and their team of heroic volunteers did was a great example of smart activism with tangible results. Though many of the 2k+ survey respondents in the four towns canvassed assumed the questioners were pro-immigration, they still responded quite tellingly. Hundred Handers also joins at […]

  • Struggles, Challenges, and Growth | The Site Launch | TAP

    The Great Order - Oct 24th 2019 8:20pm EDT

    See TheAfterParty.tv Originally aired Oct 18 2019: — No White Guilt: https://linktr.ee/nowhiteguiltnwg — The Great Order. -Site: http://thegreatorder.com/

  • Red Ice Interview: “Purpose, Belonging & The Great Natural Order – Jared George”

    The Great Order - Oct 23rd 2019 10:17pm EDT

    I spoke with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice for a special in-depth interview, my most wide ranging and revelatory to date. Originally published March 7, 2019, on the new-deleted Red Ice YouTube channel. Please note that only Part 1 is publicly available. To access Part 2 (even more juicy!) please become a member of Red […]

  • After Hours | Vid Contest Update & Red Ice Banned Twice | Lovely Porridge | TGO | NWG

    The Great Order - Oct 22nd 2019 10:46pm EDT

    Originally aired Oct 22, 2019 BitChute Channel for Video Contest: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kindredcreators/

  • Extinction Rebellion is a Fraud | Going Free

    The Great Order - Oct 19th 2019 12:49am EDT

    Originally aired Oct 15 2019: — No White Guilt:https://linktr.ee/nowhiteguiltnwg The Great Order. http://thegreatorder.com/

  • John Q. Publius on the Ruining of Maine | The After Party

    The Great Order - Oct 11th 2019 8:46am EDT

    Originally aired Oct 10, 2019: The conquest of Maine reveals the whole globalist game. John shares devastating details from his in-depth series.

  • Going Free | No White Guilt | Jared George | Isolationism—Support Shaming—Road Blocking—Sabotage

    The Great Order - Oct 10th 2019 1:09am EDT

    Originally aired Oct 8, 2019: This was a most interesting display of disagreement with people implicated in a No White Guilt stream from a few days earlier. The audience spontaneously showed much support in that they would not be “support shamed,” and several shared testimonials about coming back from the brink of self abuse and […]

  • Loralee on the King of the West | The After Party

    The Great Order - Oct 5th 2019 6:34pm EDT

    Originally aired Oct 3, 2019 Loralee Scaife: Website: https://llastrology-lotr.com/ — -No White Guilt: https://linktr.ee/nowhiteguiltnwg — -The Great Order. -Site: http://thegreatorder.com/ -All Ways to Support: http://thegreatorder.com/support-buy/ -Streamlabs Donations (any time): https://streamlabs.com/anorderofgreatness -Bitcoin Wallet:1PXsrDeJvMtBKxeD4exaJgHqeC4zfrvT3p -Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/the-great-order -Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/thegreatorder -Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/thegreatorder -Virtual Shield VPN: Protect your internet browsing, unblock censored content: Home -WhiteDate: For singles, […]

  • What Connects Us is What Scares Them | Clip, The After Party

    The Great Order - Oct 3rd 2019 6:36pm EDT

    From this June 6, 2019 episode of TAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGtKn… Made by the Twitter clipmeister: Tweets by _HB2014 — The Great Order. -Site: http://thegreatorder.com/ -All Ways to Support: http://thegreatorder.com/support-buy/ -Streamlabs Donations (any time): https://streamlabs.com/anorderofgreat… -Bitcoin Wallet:1PXsrDeJvMtBKxeD4exaJgHqeC4zfrvT3p -Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/the-great-order -Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribestar.com/thegrea… -Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/thegreatorder -Virtual Shield VPN: Protect your internet browsing, unblock censored content: Home […]

  • The Gap | CLIP of Jason Köhne from The After Party

    The Great Order - Oct 3rd 2019 2:47pm EDT

    A profound statement from Jason bridging the rational and magical. From the July 3, 2019 episode of TAP with Loralee Scaife as guest: