Ghislaine Maxwell placed on suicide watch ahead of sentencing this week ahead.She faces a possible 55 years for traffick…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 26th 2022 7:23am EDTGhislaine Maxwell placed on suicide watch ahead of sentencing this week ahead. She faces a possible 55 years for trafficking girls for wealthy people on Epstein’s island, which not one has been named! Maxwell didn’t kill herself. Fox News Ghislaine Maxwell, ex-lover of Jeffrey Epstein, placed on suicide watch ahead of sentencing Ghislaine Maxwell, […]
Nothing to see here. It’s just a predominantly peaceful decentralised terror action group.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 26th 2022 7:10am EDTNothing to see here. It’s just a predominantly peaceful decentralised terror action group.
Just facts.It does take two to tango but (unless it’s rape) it’s the woman who decides whether a man has sex or not.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 26th 2022 5:21am EDTJust facts. It does take two to tango but (unless it’s rape) it’s the woman who decides whether a man has sex or not.
Meet Jane Roe, the plaintiff in Roe v’s Wade, the case that constitutionalised/federalised abortion back in the 1970’s.N…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 26th 2022 4:34am EDTMeet Jane Roe, the plaintiff in Roe v’s Wade, the case that constitutionalised/federalised abortion back in the 1970’s. Now there’s LESS abortion on demand.
Ooooffff. Some real life SPICE there.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 26th 2022 4:25am EDTOoooffff. Some real life SPICE there.
One man band legend at SCOTUS triggering the lunatics.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 8:08pm EDTOne man band legend at SCOTUS triggering the lunatics.
Multiple arrests happening in South Carolina as the baby killers kick off.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 7:49pm EDTMultiple arrests happening in South Carolina as the baby killers kick off.
Novak Djokovic reiterates against getting the Covid jab despite risk of losing ranking points.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 6:58pm EDTNovak Djokovic reiterates against getting the Covid jab despite risk of losing ranking points.
Before I post this video, indeed I may not, I need to ask any medically trained professional or midwife (someone qualifi…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 5:02pm EDTBefore I post this video, indeed I may not, I need to ask any medically trained professional or midwife (someone qualified to answer a question about birthing) a serious question. If a woman opts for a water birth, when the baby is nearly delivered, as in it legs are yet to be pushed out, is […]
It’s a cult…..
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 4:35pm EDTIt’s a cult…..
The cabal is actually ‘the cult’.And it’s linked to the United Nations.Shocker.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 4:29pm EDTThe cabal is actually ‘the cult’. And it’s linked to the United Nations. Shocker.
It’s that time of the week again, Neil Oliver’s latest monologue, and as per he’s holding no punches.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 3:44pm EDTIt’s that time of the week again, Neil Oliver’s latest monologue, and as per he’s holding no punches.
Glastonbury 2022, Zelensky and now Thunberg, won’t be surprised if Fauci gets a set.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 3:35pm EDTGlastonbury 2022, Zelensky and now Thunberg, won’t be surprised if Fauci gets a set.
42 year old Zaniar Matapour (of Kurdish Iranian decent) is the alleged Islamist murderer who killed two and injured 21 a…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 3:22pm EDT42 year old Zaniar Matapour (of Kurdish Iranian decent) is the alleged Islamist murderer who killed two and injured 21 at a gay pub in Oslo Norway.
This is not immigration, it’s an invasion and should be treat as such, thousands of African men storming the Spanish enc…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 12:30pm EDTThis is not immigration, it’s an invasion and should be treat as such, thousands of African men storming the Spanish enclave of Melilla yesterday, mainstream media look the other way!
It’s as simple as that.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 11:57am EDTIt’s as simple as that.
In the Spanish enclave of Melilla in Morocco, 2,000 fighting age African men stormed the EU border.Five hundred succeed,…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 10:57am EDTIn the Spanish enclave of Melilla in Morocco, 2,000 fighting age African men stormed the EU border. Five hundred succeed, five people died in the confusion and violence.
Up to 30 illegal immigrant men being housed at Thwaite Hall in Cottingham have not returned to the building.Who are they…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 9:46am EDTUp to 30 illegal immigrant men being housed at Thwaite Hall in Cottingham have not returned to the building. Who are they? What are their plans? We’ll not know until it’s too late, and they continue to pile onto the UK. Our leaders have left the public sitting ducks to any attack! HullLive Up […]
State of the Sydney herald “pregnant people”!
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 8:57am EDTState of the Sydney herald “pregnant people”!
Never heard of Sophie Okonedo and David Harewood until today???And the UK isn’t a dumping ground for fighting age illega…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 6:21am EDTNever heard of Sophie Okonedo and David Harewood until today??? And the UK isn’t a dumping ground for fighting age illegal male migrants who think it’s ok to groom and rape children.
The burning question here is….Does that include women with penises?? Are there any leftists skulking in here who can a…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 4:58am EDTThe burning question here is…. Does that include women with penises?? Are there any leftists skulking in here who can answer that one please??
Imagine twerking for the constitutional right to abort babies???Leftists are hideous creatures, inside and out, thy have…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 25th 2022 4:48am EDTImagine twerking for the constitutional right to abort babies??? Leftists are hideous creatures, inside and out, thy have the morals of a mange ridden tomcat with bladder issues. Disgusting all round.
Chants of “every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground” as Antifa clowns march around DC.
Tommy Robinson - Jun 24th 2022 9:53pm EDTChants of “every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground” as Antifa clowns march around DC.
Antifa scum burning the American flag in DC!
Tommy Robinson - Jun 24th 2022 9:29pm EDTAntifa scum burning the American flag in DC!
GB news cut out the mentioning of my name as Ed Brodow used the persecution of my journalism as an example while the pan…
Tommy Robinson - Jun 24th 2022 9:14pm EDTGB news cut out the mentioning of my name as Ed Brodow used the persecution of my journalism as an example while the panel discussed Julian Assange, ironically we were the only two journalists housed inside the prison built inside the prison at the maximum security HMP Belmarsh. Here’s the footage before they cut […]