• Geopolitical Allies, Terrorists, Dictators, Marxists And ISIS

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 19th 2019 5:41am EDT

    The Middle-East is and always has been a complicated mess of warring tribal, political and religious factions. It is time to look at geopolitical allies, terrorists, dictators, Marxists and ISIS. Dammned If You Do…. Everyone knows that Syria is a mess, Iraq is a mess too but perhaps less so than Syria is. The Middle-East […]

  • Group of friends with man KO’d by Robinson likely ‘Planned’ Provocation

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 18th 2019 9:52am EDT

    Reposted – Due to Tommy Robinson’s court appearance today because of this incident in Portugal.   Link to Sun article HERE. AN ENGLAND fan who was knocked out by Tommy Robinson after repeatedly attempting to confront the activist likely planned the incident with his group of friends, TR News can reveal. In video footage, it […]

  • Boris’s Brexit Statement

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 18th 2019 4:56am EDT

    Listen to Boris’s Brexit statement after a deal has finally been agreed between the UK Government and the European Union. Brexit In Name Only? For more than three years, the UK has been trying to negotiate the terms of Article 50 after a majority of the British electorate voted to leave the EU. Despite the […]

  • A Rapey And Dangerous Place For Females

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 17th 2019 8:15am EDT

    A 2008 survey concluded that 83 percent of Egyptian women and 98 percent of foreign women had been sexually harassed. That makes Egypt a rapey and dangerous place for females. Something In The Water? Egypt has a long and varied history for being a little bit on the rapey side, a little bit on the […]

  • The Daily Star under official investigation for Fake News

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 9:41pm EDT

    Earlier this year, The Daily Star published a fake news story titled “Tommy Robinson’ decked in showers’ by OAP on first day in prison”. As Tommy’s spokesman, while he was in jail, I immediately contacted the Daily Star to request a correction. WATCH: Has Tommy Robinson really been ATTACKED in jail?! Not only was my […]

  • Moroccan Quran Teacher BEATS Children

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 9:59am EDT

    Read more here – https://www.tr.news/beating-islamic-education-into-children/

  • Beating “Islamic Education” Into Children

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 9:55am EDT

    A Quran teacher is caught beating “Islamic Education” into children aged five to six years old in Morocco. Beating The Indoctrination A video got posted on Facebook in early August of this year which shows a Quran teacher (a Fqih) beating a student with a belt repeatedly during the lesson. The child tries to get […]

  • Hating Islamic Ideology Is A Criminal Offence

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 7:12am EDT

    Blasphemy laws are drawing closer and closer towards judicial legitimacy here in the UK. Hating Islamic ideology is a criminal offence. Statistical Subterfuge Statistical reports have come out that suggest Muslims are targeted in 47% of hate crimes in England and Wales. It’s a great talking point for the likes of TellMama and Hope Not […]

  • Shia Clerics Pimping Out Children For Sex

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 16th 2019 3:57am EDT

    Nikah mut’ ah literally means “pleasure marriage” which is practiced primarily in Twelver Shia Islam. But why are Shia clerics pimping out children for sex? Halal Prostitution The BBC recently produced a documentary about Shia Muslim clerics in Iraq pimping out young children for sex in an Islamically acceptable way. The broadcasting of this documentary […]

  • Muslim Hatred For Female Left-Wing Handshakes

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 15th 2019 8:21am EDT

    Ida Auken is an MP for the Social Liberal Party in Demark, and she has caused quite a stir by exposing Muslim hatred for female left-wing handshakes. Leftist And Islamic Cultural Enrichment Ida Auken is a former minister for the environment and a currently serving MP for the radical left Social Liberal Party in Denmark. […]

  • The AI Revolution Is Teaching China’s Children

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 15th 2019 4:10am EDT

    China is fast becoming the world leader in artificial intelligence, so today, we are taking a look at how the AI revolution is teaching China’s children. Teaching Or Programming? China’s state council, the highest governmental body, released an ambitious plan in 2017 to build an AI industry worth one hundred and fifty billion dollars by […]

  • This is what REALLY happened at the March For Babies

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 15th 2019 12:50am EDT

    This weekend I attended the tenth anniversary of the March For The Babies in Melbourne led by Victorian MP, Bernie Finn. I’ve never formed a strong opinion on abortions, so I was especially interested in what I would learn at this march. The rally was described on the Facebook event as a march to protest […]

  • WATCH As Project Veritas EXPOSE CNN Again

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 14th 2019 1:27pm EDT

    Everyone knows that Jeff Zuker uses his network as a Democrat media arm to bludgeon Donald Trump. Watch as Project Veritas expose CNN again. CNN The Fake News Network President Donald Trump is currently fighting another attempt to remove him from office because the much-vaunted Russian collusion delusion came up with absolutely nothing. No conspiracy, […]

  • Are 5G Frequencies Killing Birds And Brains?

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 13th 2019 12:31pm EDT

    Read more here – https://www.tr.news/are-5g-frequencies-killing-birds-and-brains/

  • Are 5G Frequencies Killing Birds And Brains?

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 13th 2019 12:29pm EDT

    Today we have a brief look at the launch of new advanced mobile technologies. Are 5G frequencies killing birds and brains? The Midlands Mindless Test Subjects? 5G has officially arrived here in Britain; the West Midlands are “winners” of a national competition to become the innovative home of high-speed internet connectivity. This means the West […]

  • WATCH: This is what happened when I joined Extinction Rebellion

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 12th 2019 5:43pm EDT

    Far-leftwing activist group Extinction Rebellion has “disrupted business as usual” around the world by shutting down major cities in a week-long protest against climate change. The radical group ended their “week of action against climate change” with an “extinction street rave”. WATCH & SHARE what happened when I joined the Melbourne rave. While participants parroted […]

  • Islamists And Communists Fight It Out In Syria

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 11th 2019 10:22am EDT

    Donald Trump has come under fire for withdrawing US troops from Syria even though he made that promise during his political campaign. Now Islamists and communists fight it out in Syria. The Middle East Mess Whenever a western country is drawn into a conflict in the Middle East, it becomes a messy and complicated affair […]

  • Donald Trump Holds A Rally In Minneapolis.

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 11th 2019 4:58am EDT

    Exposing the deep state and draining the political swamp in Washington was a campaign promise to Make America Great Again. Donald Trump holds a rally in Minneapolis. Hating America And Dumbing Down Terrorism Donald Trump took his political campaign to the state of Minnesota in the city of Minneapolis. Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar should be […]

  • WATCH: Why this Hongkonger laughs at my haters

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 7:41pm EDT

    At one of the protests for Hong Kong, here in Melbourne, a Hongkonger approached me to tell me how much she appreciates my reporting. The woman went on to tell me she knows that many people call me ‘far-right’ but recognises they’re wrong and they obviously “haven’t watched your videos”. My conversation with the Hongkonger […]

  • Unhinged, Unemployed, Under-Performing And Under Fire

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 1:18pm EDT

    For further information and full unedited footage that John Sweeney used in his hit piece, please go to https://www.tr.news/unhinged-unemployed-under-performing-and-under-fire/ Please support Tommy’s family and fighting his case http://www.freedomfortommy.com

  • Tommy Robinson At The Compact Magazine Awards In Germany

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 1:05pm EDT

    Read more here – https://www.tr.news/unhinged-unemployed-under-performing-and-under-fire/

  • Unhinged, Unemployed, Under-Performing And Under Fire!

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 1:04pm EDT

    John Sweeney had to leave the BBC because Tommy Robinson exposed him as a fraud. After seventeen years service, John has become unhinged, unemployed, under-performing and under-fire! Panodrama The End Was Nigh! Tommy Robinson and his team pulled off one of the major coups of the year which should have had him at the very […]

  • Meet Muhammad The Raping Criminal Warlord

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 10th 2019 8:59am EDT

    Emulating a seventh-century Arabian sand pirate in the twenty-first century could be problematic. It’s time to meet Muhammad the raping criminal warlord. The Perfect Man The Quran explicitly states that Muhammad is a pious example that all Muslims should follow. Given the fact that the Quran is supposedly the immutable word of Allah, this cannot […]

  • This is what happened when I met a CHINESE fan

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 9th 2019 8:12pm EDT

    At one of the protests for Hong Kong, here in Melbourne, a Chinese mainlander approached me as a fan of my work. He’s obviously followed me for a while before the Hong Kong protests even begun. Our interaction gives me hope because this mainland Chinese man was willing to listen and was open to the […]

  • Political Polarisation, Hatred, And Leftist “Wokeism”

    Tommy Robinson - Oct 9th 2019 3:54am EDT

    Ellen DeGeneres is about as liberal as you can get, she’s a lesbian celebrity in America and ticks the right boxes for the woke left. Today we look at political polarisation, hatred, and leftist “Wokeism”. Tolerant Leftist Wokeism We live in a time where the political left has veered so far left they are now […]