How Muslims OBJECT To The LGBTQ Curriculum
Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 5:12am EDTFrom September 2020 ALL school curriculums will require pupils from primary school age to learn about LGBTQ relationships. Today we take a look at how Muslims object to the LGBTQ curriculum. Freedom To Object? As a “so-called” functioning democracy where “freedom of speech” is supposed to reign supreme, everyone should have the right to voice […]
What do Chinese people think of the Hong Kong protests?
Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 2:52am EDTOver the weekend, protesters in Melbourne took to the state library in support of Hong Kong. But not everyone was there to support the cause. WATCH & SHARE what happened when I asked the Chinese communists in the crowd what they think. Please consider supporting our work: Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin cash Stellar Donate Bitcoin to […]
WATCH Antifa try hijack Hong Kong rally
Tommy Robinson - Sep 1st 2019 7:49am EDTYesterday in Melbourne, Antifa ‘socialists’ tried to hijack the free Hong Kong rally. WATCH & SHARE what happened next. I was interviewing organisers of the free Hong Kong rally when self-proclaimed anti-fascists interrupted. They told my interviewees not to continue as I am a Nazi, fascist, racist and work with Blair Cottrell. None of the […]
Tommy Robinson: The Financial Terrorism Continues
Tommy Robinson - Sep 1st 2019 7:40am EDTGoing to court and fighting your case takes up a lot of time and money to defend yourself. Today we look at how the financial terrorism continues to pressure Tommy and his family. If you are a Muslim terrorist, you have the legal winds behind you, supporting you all the way. The state will throw […]
Muslim School DENIED Recognition In Belgium
Tommy Robinson - Aug 31st 2019 4:03pm EDTA Muslim school denied recognition in Belgium cannot open its doors to educate children after an inspection found some nefarious links to an Islamist group. Sealem college is a school based in Belgium. It was due to open its doors this September, however, after an inspection, Flemish Education Minister Hilde Crevits decided it was best […]
Kidnapped Sikh Girl Forced Into Islam
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTCheck us out here – Please bear with the video as it was live streamed
A BRAVE Iraqi Muslim Supports Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTCheck us out here – A brave Iraqi Muslim voiced his support in London and said TOMMY IS NOT A RACIST!
Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Observing Tommy’s Situation
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
John Sweeney: How to BLACKMAIL the BBC like a pro
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Ungrateful Immigrants Or Dehumanised Immigrants?
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTUngrateful Immigrants Or Dehumanised Immigrants? Check us out here –
Ellen Due Brynjulfsen – Norwegian Independence Party Leader
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTNorwegian Independent Party Leader Supports Tommy Robinson Check us out here –
Fantastic News – Prince Of Terror Is DEAD?
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTCan you imagine how disappointed an Islamic martyr would be finding out there are no horny gigantic virgin houries in the Islamic Jannah? Check us out here –
BBC Bend The Knee For ISIS
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTCheck out our article here –
A Roundup Of The #FreeTommy Demonstration
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Tommy Robinson Protest – Arndale Shopping Centre Manchester
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Please Join Us at Oxford Street, Central London on August 3rd – Free Tommy Demo
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Addressing Nationalism And The Elephant In The Room
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Flash #FreeTommy Demo takes over Manchester Shopping centre
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTMake sure you are in Central London on August 3rd at 1pm to bring London to a stand still! Please support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
Rise Up, Be Counted, Play Your Part. It’s time for a POLITICAL REVOLUTION
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fight his case
Truth – A Revolutionary Act – Tommy Robinson’s Court Appeal
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 8:45pm EDTPlease support Tommy’s family and fighting his case
The Transgender Agenda Destroys Gender
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 4:31pm EDTIt has been revealed in an Equality and Human Rights Commission school guidance draft that the transgender agenda destroys gender. It has come to light in a draft document that all-boys schools and all-girls schools should admit any transgendered pupil into a school of their choosing, even if the school does not align with the […]
Pakistani Muslim Literalists Defend Child Abuse
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 10:17am EDTOlder men marrying children is commonplace in the Islamic world because it is allowed under shariah law. Pakistani Muslim literalists defend child abuse because their religion allows it. There is nothing worse than the thought of little girls being molested, raped, beaten and used as sexual baby-making slaves. The thought of such a thing happening […]
Kidnapped Sikh Girl Forced Into Islam
Tommy Robinson - Aug 30th 2019 7:16am EDTTime and time again we hear of “predominantly Pakistani” groomers, rapists and child abusers, Sikh’s know about this issue better than anyone. Today we are reporting about a kidnapped Sikh girl forced into Islam. (Please bear with the video above as it was live streamed, it does work) Rape Jihad A daughter of a Sikh […]
Dalai Lama VS pro-refugee activists in Australia
Tommy Robinson - Aug 29th 2019 10:28pm EDTOn Sunday, I attended a pro-Hong Kong rally organised by the local Tibetan community in Melbourne, Australia. Towards the end of the rally, I noticed pro-refugee activists trying to hijack their cause. I did what I do best; I engaged them. First, I got assaulted. Then, one activist who commended the Dalai Lama on his […]
Teaching TRANSGENDERISM In Schools And Nurseries
Tommy Robinson - Aug 29th 2019 5:23pm EDTBritain is in a bit of a weird place right now; the transgender agenda has arrived, its a thriving economy and it will only get bigger. Is teaching transgenderism in schools and nurseries a good thing though? Because back in 2017, primary school teachers were being told to include books that featured transgender parents “on […]