• The Working-Class Future of the GOP, by Kevin MacDonald

    The Unz Review - Feb 12th 2021 7:06pm EST

    AXIOS article by Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei: Republicans, long reliant on big business and the rich, see a post-Trump future centered on working class white, Hispanic and Black voters, top GOP officials tell Axios. Why it matters: This is a substantial shift, born of necessity and the post-Trump reality. It would push Republicans further away…

  • Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Feb 12th 2021 12:00am EST

    It has been a dreadful three months for the Grand Old Party. On Nov. 3, President Donald Trump seemed to have lost the White House by narrowly losing three crucial blue states he had won in 2016 — Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — and Georgia and Arizona as well. Trump immediately mounted an acrimonious two-month…

  • “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance”: the Anti-Defamation League’s Latest Attempt to Increase Jewish Influence Over the Black Community, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 11th 2021 10:36pm EST

    On February 1st, a new organization called the “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance” announced its existence to the world. Their press release, timed to coincide with the first day of black history month, states that Jews are equally as oppressed as blacks and both groups must work together against “anti-Semitism” and “institutional racism.” The group has all…

  • The Tycoon Plot, by Israel Shamir

    The Unz Review - Feb 11th 2021 7:36am EST

    Millionaires want to make money. Billionaires want to make history. We may add that multi-billionaires take it further; they want mankind to adapt to their needs and wishes. As for people who control trillions, why, they care about our wishes as much as we care about ants while sweeping the garden. We do not apply…

  • Muslims in France: Some Data, by Guillaume Durocher

    The Unz Review - Feb 11th 2021 7:36am EST

    In contrast to the situation in the Anglo-American world – where detailed racial data gives a good sense of most groups’ educational and socio-economic performance, criminality, voting patterns, etc. – there is no systematic collection of such data in France. This means that we have to estimate the general situation using proxy data, such as…

  • Suspicions of Racial Bias Abound After Illinois Trampoline Park Cancels Teen Night, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Feb 10th 2021 2:21pm EST

    The world is abuzz with reflection after a mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protest at a trampoline park in Peoria ended in the canceling of teen night. The situation has caused Americans and the world to painfully reassess the deeply rooted systemic racism of the trampoline park industry, and the effects it has on Black…

  • Does the US Still Have an Economy?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Feb 10th 2021 1:22pm EST

    People want to know where the economy is headed. What they should be asking is does the US still have an economy? My answer is no, it doesn’t. I will explain why. For a quarter century I have pointed out the destructive effect of moving American investment and jobs to China and other points abroad….

  • COVID VACCINE – the Nightmare Scenario, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Feb 10th 2021 12:00am EST

    Imagine if the Covid vaccine actually contributed to the spread of the infection rather than stopping it. Can you imagine what a catastrophe that would be? Unfortunately, there are signs that that is precisely what is happening in the countries that have implemented the most aggressive vaccination programs. Take Israel, for example. In the last…

  • The Headless Chicken and the Bear, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Feb 9th 2021 5:36pm EST

    Introducing the headless chicken The EU has a major problem: it is run by a comprador class which is entirely dependent on the United States. Okay, that by itself is not the problem I am referring to. The problem I am referring to is one we could call the problem of the decapitated chicken: a…

  • Another Zionist Joins the Biden Team, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Feb 9th 2021 6:22am EST

    It does not require any particularly perspicacity to realize that the President Joe Biden Administration has been loaded with Zionists who not only believe in their own vision for Greater Israel but also in some cases have strong and enduring ties to the Israeli government itself. The new Secretary of State Tony Blinken comes from…

  • Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Feb 9th 2021 6:22am EST

    To Parliament, in the London of George III, the Boston Massacre of 1770 and the Tea Party of 1773 were not seen in the same light as they were by the Sons of Liberty in the Massachusetts colony. To Parliament, this was mob violence, and the shooting and killing at Lexington and Concord were acts…

  • They Admit “Our Democracy” Is Rigged, by Robert Hampton

    The Unz Review - Feb 9th 2021 6:22am EST

    The 2020 election was the freest and fairest in human history. That’s an article of faith you must repeat to avoid the dreaded label of “domestic terrorist.” Doubts about the election threaten our democracy and cannot be allowed. Most readers have been barraged with this message since November. But now a new message is emitting…

  • The (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror, by C.J. Hopkins

    The Unz Review - Feb 8th 2021 8:53am EST

    If you enjoyed the Global War on Terror, you’re going to love the new War on Domestic Terror! It’s just like the original Global War on Terror, except that this time the “Terrorists” are all “Domestic Violent Extremists” (“DVEs”), “Homegrown Violent Extremists” (“HVEs”), “Violent Conspiracy-Theorist Extremists” (“VCTEs”), “Violent Reality Denialist Extremists” (VRDEs”), “Insurrectionary Micro-Aggressionist Extremists”…

  • The Dirty Harry Sequels, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Feb 8th 2021 8:37am EST

    Dirty Harry (1971) is a compelling neo-noir thriller about San Francisco Police Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), who is increasingly forced to choose between liberal legal norms and bringing a sadistic serial killer known as Scorpio to justice. Once Harry kills Scorpio, the movie ends with him throwing away his badge, symbolizing a momentous decision….

  • The Dirty Harry Sequels, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Feb 8th 2021 6:51am EST

    Dirty Harry (1971) is a compelling neo-noir thriller about San Francisco Police Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), who is increasingly forced to choose between liberal legal norms and bringing a sadistic serial killer known as Scorpio to justice. Once Harry kills Scorpio, the movie ends with him throwing away his badge, symbolizing a momentous decision….

  • Philadelphia: Black Community Leader Goes On Hunger Strike Over Mayor’s Refusal to Fight Violent Crime, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 8th 2021 6:21am EST

    Black community leader and Marine Corps veteran Jamal Johnson has been camped outside Philadelphia’s City Hall on a hunger strike since January 18th. He is demanding Mayor Jim Kenney implement a City Council resolution calling for emergency action against gun violence. The resolution, which calls on aggressive use of the criminal justice system against violent…

  • Changes in Superimperialism, by Michael Hudson

    The Unz Review - Feb 7th 2021 8:52pm EST

    Oscar Brisset: Welcome to the first event of the Oxford Economics Society for this academic year. I’m Oscar, the Co-President of our society, and I’m glad to welcome you back for another term of exciting discussions. Although we were hoping last term to be back in-person by January, due to the worsening Covid-19 situation in…

  • Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Suspend Gun Rights of Anyone Who Has Ever Been “Investigated” for Domestic Terrorism, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 7th 2021 7:06am EST

    Republican lawmaker Marco Rubio has reintroduced legislation that seeks to suspend the Second Amendment rights of any person who has been investigated for “terrorism” related offenses within 10 years of attempting a gun purchase. The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the…

  • The UK-EU Clash Over Northern Ireland Will Have Grave Consequences, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Feb 7th 2021 6:52am EST

    Get your retaliation in first,” is a cynical old saying in Northern Irish politics that means you hit your opponent whenever you can without waiting for a provocation. It neatly captures the violent traditions of the province and explains why the political temperature there is always close to boiling over. Imagine then the pleasure of…

  • American Anosognosia—the Capitol Hill “Insurrection,” BLM/Antifa Riots, and Our National Reality Crisis, by John Derbyshire

    The Unz Review - Feb 6th 2021 8:22pm EST

    [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] A leading candidate for the title Truer Words Were Never Said is surely T.S. Eliot’s observation that, If you want a set, that quote pairs off nicely with science fiction writer and occasional LSD user Philip K. Dick’s observation in a speech he gave…

  • Christian Zionism as a Parasitic Ideology, by Andrew Joyce

    The Unz Review - Feb 6th 2021 2:22pm EST

    With Trump out of office, now would be a good time to critically re-examine one of the most remarkable, and ultimately problematic, features of his time as President — the extravagant support he enjoyed from evangelical Christians and the resurgence of Christian Zionism. Back in November, I linked Trump’s popularity among Red State Christians to…

  • Israel Leading Scientist Admits: “the Vaccine May Not be as Effective as We Thought.”, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - Feb 6th 2021 1:36pm EST

    Introduction by GA: Israel struggles to understand its chaotic COVID-19 situation. The country voluntarily decided to mass vaccinate itself. Israel is clearly winning in the vaccination contest, yet the numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths aren’t encouraging to say the least. As for this morning, Israel’s R number is back at 1. The Times of…

  • The People’s Square Tonight at 9 PM ET: Author Josh Neal’s New Book, “American Extremist”, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 5th 2021 8:07pm EST

    Josh Neal, the author of newly released work American Extremist , will be joining us tonight for a chat. You can listen live here. MP3 version will be archived here.

  • Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Feb 5th 2021 12:00am EST

    When it was learned in 2016 that Russia may have hacked the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and passed the fruits on to WikiLeaks to aid candidate Donald Trump, mighty was the outrage of the American establishment. If Russia’s security services filched those emails, and a troll farm in Saint Petersburg sent tweets…

  • Trumpeting the Hardcore Libertarian Take On Jan. 6 Capitol Incident, by Ilana Mercer

    The Unz Review - Feb 4th 2021 8:37pm EST

    I’m not even sure one can still speak freely about theoretical matters. Nevertheless, against the background din of “insurrection” charges against MAGA America, I’ve tried to distill the hardcore libertarian take regarding the storming of the Capitol Building, on January 6, in a brief YouTube clip. It is very plainly this: Principled libertarians will distinguish…