• Iran Temporarily Frees 54,000 Prisoners As Covid-19 Devastates Overcrowded Jails

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 9:30am EST

    Iran Temporarily Frees 54,000 Prisoners As Covid-19 Devastates Overcrowded Jails In under two weeks Iran’s leaders have gone from denial, to a seeming attempt at cover-up, to in some cases getting sick themselves to now talking a major military and volunteer mobilized response. This as the official death toll as of Wednesday has risen to 92, including […]

  • Did Covid-19 Just Pop All the Global Financial Bubbles?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 9:11am EST

    Did Covid-19 Just Pop All the Global Financial Bubbles? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Once confidence and certainty are lost, the willingness to expand debt and leverage collapses. Even though the first-order effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are still impossible to predict, it’s already possible to ask: did the pandemic pop all […]

  • This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen: One Day After Fed Rate Cut, Repos Signal Record Liquidity Shortage

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 8:51am EST

    This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen: One Day After Fed Rate Cut, Repos Signal Record Liquidity Shortage Yesterday morning, when we discussed the sudden spike in liquidity shortage that resulted in both a (record) oversubscribed term repo and the first oversubscribed overnight repo since the start of the repo crisis last September that spawned QE4 and […]

  • Weekly Mortgage Refinances Surge 26% As Rates Tank

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 8:50am EST

    Weekly Mortgage Refinances Surge 26% As Rates Tank Just think about this. Sure, coronavirus may wind up ravaging our country and affecting many of our loved ones. Perhaps you will even die from it. But the silver lining is that you will die knowing you shaved 50 basis points worth of interest off of your mortgage […]

  • If You Want Blood, You Got It

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 8:30am EST

    If You Want Blood, You Got It Submitted by Michael Every of Rabobank “It’s criminal; there ought to be a law Criminal; there ought to be a whole lot more” Yesterday’s G7 meeting heard the great and the good say that they were prepared to use fiscal measures to fight the virus, where appropriate, and […]

  • ADP Employment Data Signals No Covid-19 Effects… Yet

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 8:24am EST

    ADP Employment Data Signals No Covid-19 Effects… Yet Following January’s unexpected explosion higher in employment, ADP job growth was expected to slow in February. The five-year high +291k print in January (dominated by Service economy job gains) was dramatically downwardly revised to just +209k (), which helped create a modest beat in February: +183k vs […]

  • First Case Of Coronavirus Detected At EU Headquarters In Brussels: Live Updates

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 7:14am EST

    First Case Of Coronavirus Detected At EU Headquarters In Brussels: Live Updates As we reported last night, Tuesday marked a major shift in the coronavirus outbreak: For the first time, more deaths were reported outside China than inside. And already on Wednesday, we’ve seen some unfortunate firsts: Iraq reported its first death after the virus […]

  • Italy’s New Affliction

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 5:00am EST

    Italy’s New Affliction Authored by Paola Subacchi via Project Syndicate, Northern Italy currently is the center of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe. So far, 17 Italians have died as a result of the new coronavirus, and 650 have been infected. Schools in the region have been shut, universities have suspended lessons, companies have asked their staff to […]

  • WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless’ Because ‘Dirty Banknotes Can Spread The Virus’

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 4:15am EST

    WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless’ Because ‘Dirty Banknotes Can Spread The Virus’ It looks like the Chinese started something… Following reports that Beijing had “quarantined” dirty cash, the WHO warned on Monday that the virus could survive on banknotes, potentially spreading Covid-19 within communities, and across the world. To reduce the risk of being […]

  • Turkish Human Trafficker Brags: “I’ve Filled Europe With Immigrants”

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 3:30am EST

    Turkish Human Trafficker Brags: “I’ve Filled Europe With Immigrants” Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, A video shows a man alleged to be a human trafficker bragging about how he has ‘filled Europe with immigrants’ and how he is making thousands of euros after Turkey opened its borders. The man said he had […]

  • Tesla Registrations Plunge In Two Crucial European Countries

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 2:45am EST

    Tesla Registrations Plunge In Two Crucial European Countries If Tesla was truly a story about actual economics – you know, things like demand and production – we might expect the fact that registrations are plunging to have an effect on the company’s stock price. But, as it goes, the company’s stock is and has been wholly disconnected […]

  • Will Idlib Be Putin’s Folly Or Erdogan’s Rubicon?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 2:00am EST

    Will Idlib Be Putin’s Folly Or Erdogan’s Rubicon? Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog, It’s been a dramatic few days in Syria. The Syrian Army pushed across Idlib Province to retake major strongholds of Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists who have controlled the region for years thanks to support from Turkey. This provoked a […]

  • The Myth Of Moderate Nuclear War

    ZeroHedge - Mar 4th 2020 12:05am EST

    The Myth Of Moderate Nuclear War Authored by Brian Cloughley via The Strategic Culture Foundation, There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of ‘low-yield’ and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon. In a way their argument is comparable to that […]

  • China’s Rare Earth Monopoly Is Diminishing

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 11:45pm EST

    China’s Rare Earth Monopoly Is Diminishing Some while ago, rare earth metals important in the production of microchips, electronics and electric motors were almost exclusively sourced in China. However, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, in recent years, several nations have picked up production again while new players entered the market, diversifying it at least to some […]

  • What Is An SDR And Will It Be The Next World Reserve Currency?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 11:25pm EST

    What Is An SDR And Will It Be The Next World Reserve Currency? Submitted by Jan Nieuwenhuijs for Voima Insight. There’s no way IMF’s Special Drawing Right, a poorly designed synthetic reserve asset, will replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. After several years of monetary madness—artificially lowering interest rates to the extent […]

  • Bernie-Supporting Denver Councilwoman Encourages Coronavirus Patients To Attend MAGA Rallies

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 11:05pm EST

    Bernie-Supporting Denver Councilwoman Encourages Coronavirus Patients To Attend MAGA Rallies A Denver councilwoman has come under fire for praising a now-deleted tweet from a user who said they would attend “every MAGA rally I can” if they are infected with the new coronavirus. Candi CdeBaca (D) tweeted “#solidarity Yaaaas!!” in support of the message: And […]

  • The Syria Deception

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 10:45pm EST

    The Syria Deception Submitted by the Swiss Propaganda Research organization Understanding the geopolitical and psychological war against Syria. What is the Syria war about? Contrary to the depiction in Western media, the Syria war is not a civil war. This is because the initiators, financiers and a large part of the anti-government fighters come from abroad. […]

  • Tesla Downgrades Hardware On “New” Model 3s In China, Then Delivers Them Anyway To Unsuspecting Customers

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 10:25pm EST

    Tesla Downgrades Hardware On “New” Model 3s In China, Then Delivers Them Anyway To Unsuspecting Customers It looks like Tesla may have finally found a way to use up all of that old, unused inventory that’s been sitting on the company’s balance sheet: make new cars with old parts, and blame the coronavirus. At least, […]

  • Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist And We May Soon Explore Them

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 10:05pm EST

    Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist And We May Soon Explore Them Authored by Aaron Kesel via TheMindUnleashed.com, Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds. The shocking comments were made on the Jeff Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast last year. Carroll […]

  • “No Child Should Feel Stigmatized”: California Bill Would Punish Retailers With Separate Boys And Girls Departments

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 9:45pm EST

    “No Child Should Feel Stigmatized”: California Bill Would Punish Retailers With Separate Boys And Girls Departments A bill introduced by a California Democratic lawmaker would punish stores that separate toys, clothing and other children’s items into separate boys and girls sections – forcing them to pay a $1000 fine, according to The Federalist Papers. “I […]

  • How James Madison Lay The Ground For American Paranoia

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 9:25pm EST

    How James Madison Lay The Ground For American Paranoia Authored by Daniel Lazare via The Strategic Culture Foundation, People have always wondered what makes America so paranoid. The historian Richard Hofstadter wrote about it in 1964 in a famous Harper’s essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” that he later expanded into a book. He […]

  • “Ground Zero For Trade” – Port Of Long Beach Warns Of Shipping Slump From China

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 9:05pm EST

    “Ground Zero For Trade” – Port Of Long Beach Warns Of Shipping Slump From China Investors are grossly underestimating the potential economic impact of Covid-19 as the first signs of China’s supply chain meltdown are now washing ashore on US West Coast ports.  The Port of Long Beach, the second-largest containerized port in the US, […]

  • China Composite PMI Crashes To Record Lows As Services Economy Implodes

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 8:57pm EST

    China Composite PMI Crashes To Record Lows As Services Economy Implodes Stagnating consumption amid the coronavirus epidemic has had a great impact on China’s service sector in February, as one would expect. February PMI data signalled the first reduction in business activity across China’s service sector on record due to restrictions implemented to contain the […]

  • School In Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen In Training” Stickers To 4-Year-Old

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 8:45pm EST

    School In Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen In Training” Stickers To 4-Year-Old Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, A school in Brooklyn reportedly handed out stickers to 4-year-old children during a ‘drag queen story time’ event that said “drag queen in training.” According to Twitter user @beyondreasdoubt, the stickers were handed out by […]

  • Japanese Official Says Olympics Can Be Postponed As Virus Fears Surge

    ZeroHedge - Mar 3rd 2020 8:25pm EST

    Japanese Official Says Olympics Can Be Postponed As Virus Fears Surge A week after Japan started canceling sport and cultural events amid the broadening of the Covid-19 outbreak,  Seiko Hashitomo, Japan’s Olympic minister, raised the very real prospect of postponing The Olympic Games. With deaths and cases soaring in Japan (now at almost 300 cases – […]