• DOJ Confirms Giuliani Providing Evidence In Ukraine Investigation

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 1:55pm EST

    DOJ Confirms Giuliani Providing Evidence In Ukraine Investigation US Attorney General William Barr acknowledged on Monday that President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has been providing the Department of Justice with information collected during a months-long investigation of Ukraine. The former New York mayor has been interviewing witnesses and gathering evidence to shed light on […]

  • George Carlin – The Prophet

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 1:35pm EST

    George Carlin – The Prophet Authored by Sven Henrich via NorthmanTrader.com, Oh how I miss George Carlin. Yes he was mainly known as a stand up comedian, but he was more than that, much more. He was a social critic, he challenged that status quo, he dared to go where society wasn’t prepared to go: […]

  • Is China Really Resuming Production? Here Is The Dismal Answer, And An “Alternative” Way To Track What’s Really Going On

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 1:15pm EST

    Is China Really Resuming Production? Here Is The Dismal Answer, And An “Alternative” Way To Track What’s Really Going On As we discussed earlier today, for traders following every twist and turn in the coronavirus saga, just one thing matters: “did China go back to work today or not” (the answer would also indicate whether […]

  • Platts: 6 Commodity Charts To Watch This Week

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 1:00pm EST

    Platts: 6 Commodity Charts To Watch This Week Via S&P Global Platts Insight blog, Global gas price convergence tops this week’s pick of energy and commodities charts to watch. Plus: US LNG exports, coronavirus impact on Asian crude oil and bunker fuel trade, emerging European power market dynamics, and global steel price trends. 1. Globalized […]

  • Germany Reports Outbreak Of “Highly Pathogenic” H5N8 Bird Flu Virus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 12:42pm EST

    Germany Reports Outbreak Of “Highly Pathogenic” H5N8 Bird Flu Virus Pig ebola decimating millions of pigs in China; Coronavirus affecting tens of thousands in China and around the globe, and now bird flu killing Germany’s chickens. Germany has reported an outbreak of the “highly pathogenic” H5N8 bird flu virus in a backyard in the southwestern […]

  • Sanders To Seek ‘Partial Recanvass’ Of Iowa Precincts – Yet IDP Says Bad Math Can’t Be Fixed

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 12:29pm EST

    Sanders To Seek ‘Partial Recanvass’ Of Iowa Precincts – Yet IDP Says Bad Math Can’t Be Fixed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will ask the Iowa Democratic Party to recanvass several precincts after journalists and social media users pointed out irregularities in the final delegate calculations, according to The Hill. It is unknown how many precincts […]

  • NYPD ‘Declaring War’ On ‘Anti-Cop’ Mayor De Blasio: Sergeants’ Union

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 11:36am EST

    NYPD ‘Declaring War’ On ‘Anti-Cop’ Mayor De Blasio: Sergeants’ Union The Sergeant’s Benevolent Association (SBA), which represents thousands of New York City police sergeants, said on Sunday that they will go to ‘war’ with ‘anti-cop’ Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) after several police officers were targeted in brazen attacks over the weekend, with one ending […]

  • Garbage-In, Garbage-Out – Uncertainty Goes Viral As Baltic Dry Crashes Near All-Time Low

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 11:19am EST

    Garbage-In, Garbage-Out – Uncertainty Goes Viral As Baltic Dry Crashes Near All-Time Low Authored by Peter Tchir via Academy Securities, Uncertainty Let’s revisit the chart from Friday’s T-Report where we examine stocks, bonds, and oil. Oil Didn’t Buy into the Bounce At the start of the week, stocks retraced all of their coronavirus losses, but […]

  • Amazon Moves To Depose Trump In Lawsuit Over $10 Billion ‘JEDI’ Contract

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:59am EST

    Amazon Moves To Depose Trump In Lawsuit Over $10 Billion ‘JEDI’ Contract For Amazon’s dominant cloud-computing platform AWS, winning a $10 billion contract to overhaul the IT systems of the American military seemed like a walk in the park. Their clear dominance in the field would make Amazon’s competitors’ for the contract into guaranteed also-rans. […]

  • Stocks Surge After FoxConn Receives Approval To Resume Production In Shenzhen

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:44am EST

    Stocks Surge After FoxConn Receives Approval To Resume Production In Shenzhen Following last night’s confusion whether the world’s largest electronics maker, Taiwan’s Foxconn, would resume operation at its Zhengzhou and Shenzhen plants, with Reuters stating the iPhone producer had been allowed to return to work to its Zhengzhou plant sending futures to overnight highs, even […]

  • DOJ Charges 4 Chinese Military Hackers In Equifax Breach

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:35am EST

    DOJ Charges 4 Chinese Military Hackers In Equifax Breach The Department of Justice has charged four Chinese military hackers with breaching the computer networks of the Equifax credit reporting agency – accessing the personal information of tens of millions of Americans. In addition, the four are accused of stealing Equifax trade secrets, according to the […]

  • This Is How China Is Rigging The Number Of Coronavirus Infections

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:25am EST

    This Is How China Is Rigging The Number Of Coronavirus Infections We knew something was off a few days ago when China’s National Health Commission reported that the number of people receiving medical attention over the Coronavirus unexpectedly peaked after rising at roughly 15,000-20,000 each day, and flatlined ever since, even posting three days of […]

  • Trader: “Admitting Not Having A Clue Is The Best Strategy”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:05am EST

    Trader: “Admitting Not Having A Clue Is The Best Strategy” Authored by Richard Breslow via Bloomberg, After some-start-of-session dramatics, markets have settled down to mostly quiet and mildly cautious price action. And this befits the situation. Traders are finally willing to accept that no one really has a clue in which way, and on what […]

  • Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany’s Political Establishment

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:45am EST

    Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany’s Political Establishment Following a series of reports in the German and broader European press claiming her imminent resignation, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer – better known as AKK – has confirmed that the rumors are indeed true. She will step down as the leader of Angela […]

  • Saxo Bank: Sanguine Approach To Virus Impact Is Misplaced

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:25am EST

    Saxo Bank: Sanguine Approach To Virus Impact Is Misplaced Submitted by Eleanor Creagh of Saxo Bank Summary: Despite the buy the dip mentality that returned to markets last week, Fridays risk off price action seems a more accurate reflection of the current state of affairs. Dip buyers likely jumped the gun last week as the […]

  • Key Events In The Very Busy Week Ahead

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:14am EST

    Key Events In The Very Busy Week Ahead While investor attention remains fixed on the latest coronavirus developments in China, the week after payrolls is often a bit light for macro events but as DB’s Jim Reid notes, the second Democratic primary in New Hampshire tomorrow will be an additional focus. Meanwhile, attention will also […]

  • For Markets Just One Thing Matters: Did China Go Back To Work Today Or Not?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:59am EST

    For Markets Just One Thing Matters: Did China Go Back To Work Today Or Not? Submitted by Michael Every of Rabobank “Hi-Ho!” Or “Uh-Hh! So, Monday morning. February 10. And rather than worrying about Valentine’s Day plans, most people are still focused on coronavirus. (With the exception of those in America who are talking about […]

  • Are Irish Eyes Smiling? Sinn Féin’s Sudden Surge In Support

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:36am EST

    Are Irish Eyes Smiling? Sinn Féin’s Sudden Surge In Support The Republic of Ireland experienced a political earthquake during its general election on Saturday with Sinn Féin topping the polls with 24.5 percent of the vote as of 12:00 pm on Monday. That’s ahead Fianna Fáil who have 22.18 percent and Fine Gael who have 20.86 percent. […]

  • Controlling The Narrative Is Not The Same As Controlling The Virus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:15am EST

    Controlling The Narrative Is Not The Same As Controlling The Virus Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Are these claims even remotely plausible for a highly contagious virus that spreads easily between humans while carriers show no symptoms? It’s clear that the narrative about the coronavirus is being carefully managed globally to minimize […]

  • Futures Hug The Flatline As Traders Try To Make Sense Of Latest Coronavirus Updates

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:55am EST

    Futures Hug The Flatline As Traders Try To Make Sense Of Latest Coronavirus Updates Global shares dropped on Monday as the weekend death toll from a coronavirus outbreak even according to Chinese official numbers exceeded the SARS epidemic of two decades ago, though Chinese shares rose as authorities lifted some work and travel curbs, helping […]

  • UK Warns Coronavirus Is “Imminent Threat” After Suspected “Super Spreader” Returns From Singapore

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:53am EST

    UK Warns Coronavirus Is “Imminent Threat” After Suspected “Super Spreader” Returns From Singapore Monday was supposed to mark the official ‘return to work’ for many companies around China. That hasn’t exactly panned out… China is going back to work. pic.twitter.com/90zv3ngJ0W — Russian Market (@russian_market) February 9, 2020 …though the image presented by state controlled media […]

  • Victoria’s Secret Sale To Sycamore Imminent; L Brands’ Shares Pop

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:15am EST

    Victoria’s Secret Sale To Sycamore Imminent; L Brands’ Shares Pop Shares of Victoria’s Secret parent company L Brands jumped 10% Monday on news private equity firm Sycamore Partners is close to a deal to purchase the women’s lingerie brand, reported CNBC.  News of the potential deal involving Sycamore was released in the overnight hours, with more […]

  • ‘Diamond Princess’ Reports 66 New Coronavirus Infections, Bringing Total Onboard To 136

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 6:07am EST

    ‘Diamond Princess’ Reports 66 New Coronavirus Infections, Bringing Total Onboard To 136 The nightmare cruise from hell just got even worse for the thousands of passengers still aboard. The Diamond Princess, the cruise ship that has been quarantined off the coast of Yokohama, Japan for roughly a week now, saw the total number of confirmed […]

  • Half Of Amsterdam Women Are Intimidated On The Street, Says Mayor

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 5:00am EST

    Half Of Amsterdam Women Are Intimidated On The Street, Says Mayor Via FreeWestMedia.com, The Amsterdam city leadership is greatly concerned about the safety of girls and women in Amsterdam. But the mayor does not want the real perpetrators to be blamed. According to Mayor Femke Halsema, girls and young women are being confronted with sexual […]

  • Gen Z Is Lonely

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 4:15am EST

    Gen Z Is Lonely Gen Z feels like the most isolated generation, according to a survey conducted by insurance provider Cinga. For the past two years they have measured loneliness through the U.S. Loneliness Index. In 2019, the insurance company polled more than 10,000 U.S. adults over the summer. 79 percent of Gen Z, or adults […]